Archive for December 2022

How you know you’ve achieved mastery in your marriage

You know what they say, third time lucky!

My current and final wife, you know, the third one, but actually the first one married in Church as a Catholic, which means she can’t divorce me!

I mean murder is on the table for us Catholics, but until I wake up with a carving knife buried in my chest, you know I’m on to the ultimate marriage mastery streak here.

You know what my wife wanted as a gift this year? A set of proper iron pans.

That’s right gentlemen. Buy my upcoming book on relationships to find out how!

Working title: Caveman Theory.

    Merry Christmas

      Your Pain is a Selfish Indulgence. A Christmas Thought.

      This is not gonna make me any friends, especially in the female realm, but luckily, I have never cared about my popularity, nor, more often, my infamy.

      First a few premises.

      1. If you are Biblically inclined, this concept is most clearly expressed in the story of Lot, or rather of his wife, which is not named in the Bible.

      2. This concept I will be explaining will be more readily understood by:

      A) people who can do logic.

      B) people who know at the core of their being that there is an afterlife.

      3. It affects women more than men (hence why it is Lot’s wife that turns to a pillar of salt.)

      In short, effeminate men, unbelievers, the rhetoric driven zombies, women, small children, and domestic animals, are unlikely to even understand, never mind agree.

      There are also a couple of important points to keep on mind:

      1. This is NOT theory. It is as dialectical as engineering. If you build crappy foundations, ignore tolerances and safety margins, your building or bridge will collapse. The point of this post is a simple objective fact, demonstrable and observable by anyone who cares to do so dispassionately and objectively. How you feel about it is completely irrelevant. It is literally no different if you got upset at the fact that 2+2 equals 4.

      2. On a personal level, I am not just whistling dixie, or expressing some nice, neat theory I might have come up with or read somewhere as an exercise in intellectual aesthetics. I have lived this point personally and in a very real way and can attest, precisely because of it, to the accuracy of what is explained below.

      3. The below applies somewhat less to people who are on their own, have no dependants or close family living with them and so on, however, note I said somewhat less. Not that it doesn’t apply, or that the theory is different for them, or that there are any different rules for them. I am merely saying that for the single/isolated person, their sin of selfishness is somewhat attenuated because the effects of it are more limited in scope. That is, they affect primarily the person themselves and not so many others around them.

      On these notes then, we are ready to understand how and when your pain is simply and mostly a totally selfish indulgence.

      One last point: I will be using an extreme example so as to make the point clearer and more obvious, but in essence, this is simply a matter of degree of emotional intensity. The rules of math are the same, regardless of the size of the numbers you are dealing with, and that’s the same here.

      Here is the example then.

      Let’s assume that you have a family with six small(ish) children, and the unthinkable tragedy happens that one of them dies.

      It is a horrific though, one no parent wants to indulge even for a moment, but that is precisely why I am using it. Few things could be worse in life than such an event.

      Now, it is absolutely normal that there is a period of shock, of rage, mourning and so on. And of course much of this depends on the exact circumstances too. But let us suppose it was simply an unavoidable accident with literally no one to blame.

      How should such a parent, afflicted by such a tragedy conduct themselves going forward?

      Let’s look at the options:

      1. Irretrievably and permanently damaged and morose, depressed, unable to really enjoy anything anymore due to the shadowy ghost of their dead child being permanently in their mental and emotional orbit.

      2. Pretend that you are not affected as much as possible externally, but really living pretty much as 1 above internally.

      3. Mourn, then simply get on with your life, focussing on the good and your existing children and spouse and genuinely “get over it”. Be able to be happy and joyful and pleasant for your remaining children and spouse to interact with you.

      Clearly, anyone sane, will say the best option is number 3. And rightly so, because this causes the maximum good to the most people.

      But here come the screaming banshees and faggots “how could you… how dare you… no parent can… any mother would… any father would…” blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, and whine.

      Why? Because UPPERMOST in those railing against me is NOT what is best for everyone else. These people are emotionally, selfishly, attached to their need to feel bad. And fuck who else that hurts. Their own personal need to feel pain, guilt, shame, sadness, despair and whatever other long list of negative emotions, is more important to them than stopping, calculating what is best, and then acting accordingly.

      It’s bad enough if these people are doing that primarily on an internal, self-absorbed, self-referential level. But, of course, some drama queens actually also consider the outside world and their pathological need to be seen to be suffering.

      And, make no mistake, society expects and wants you to feel miserable and bad forever and ever.

      Because it’s all show. For the monkeys I find myself surrounded by on this planet, the most important thing for them, more often than not, is very much how they think everyone else thinks of them. In reality very few of them think anything at all, because they are always simply worrying about what everyone thinks of them too! And even when they criticise someone else, it is —almost invariably— simply because they think it will put them in a better light with everyone else.

      But even if we leave aside these common, garden variety, monkey-narcissuses, and we look only at those who genuinely don’t care about the outside world very much but nevertheless wallow in their own misery and self-pity, even if it were only in the privacy of their own life as a single person, what are they doing?

      What are they doing to themselves and to everyone that comes into contact with them?

      In short, they are putting out there, a mild form of toxic poison laced with fear and despair.

      Now, it is, of course, also possible to have the very real and opposite narcissist. Someone that psychotically, genuinely doesn’t care if a couple of their children drop dead. Such creatures exist too, though I hope they are rare (and even a few of them is a few too many). But we are not talking about them. We’re talking about the average person.

      After a relatively short time of mourning, the ONLY answer that makes sense is to GENUINELY wake up as happy as possible and continue to GENUINELY go through your day with a sense of the divine, the graceful, the grateful and the joyful within you.

      You can’t fake it, though you might feel it’s forced for a time, and it may be. But in time, it is your absolute duty, if you are any kind of half-decent husband, or wife, or parent, to make it real.

      Do you really think your own personal wound is less if you do this?

      Do you really think you “forget” a child of yours?

      I assure you, you don’t forget, and your pain is not less. But your experience of it, and more importantly the experience of all those around you that you might care about and especially that care about you, can be extremely different and a lot better than the alternative.

      “I can’t control what I feel!” Shout all the women in chorus. Stridently. Loudly. Whiningly.

      Yes. Yes you can. Because if you absolutely knew you were going to be tortured to death by being chopped into little pieces over the next month, and so would all your remaining loved ones, guess what: you would change your mood there and then if the threat was absolutely real.

      Yes, in a few pathological cases even then, they might not, and would condemn both themselves AND their loved ones to a horrific and drawn out death. And I ask you: are such people sane? Are they good? Or are they either brain damaged unfortunates, or, far more likely, absolutely so attached to wanting to feel what they think is most appropriate that they would let the world burn rather than admit that they, and their emotions, are not the center of the universe?

      As my grandfather used to say:

      Maths is not an opinion.

      So: to all you sad people that had sad and tragic things happen to you. Let it go. Get up. Don’t worry, you’ll die soon enough. You’ll have your time before God to answer for all your sins and errors. Don’t worry, your life, at some point, absolutely will end.

      So let it be; let it be then.

      And get off your lazy, selfish ass, now, and LIVE.

      “Oh but it’s so hard…”

      Yes. It is. Which is precisely why I said lazy and selfish. Not just selfish.

      To round off the Biblical tale:

      Do you KNOW why Lot’s life turned to a pillar of salt? Because looking back to the past, or the unavoidable, and focussing on that instead of the road directly in front of you, can only end in an infinite amount of tears. And when the liquid of tears evaporates, all that is left, is a pillar of salt.

      So don’t be Lot’s wife.

      Get up. Smile. Look at the sunrise, and the sunset, and the other small children, and friends, and your wife, your husband, your loved ones, and be grateful, and feel joy. Serenity, peace. Even as it flows over the open cut in the depths of your heart.

      Because anything less is a cowardly sin born of sloth, pride and ego.

      And should any judge you or gossip against you, because of you doing the correct thing, know then, they are not people worth bothering with. At all.

      Have a loving and lovely Christmas, and remember what it is about and Who did what for you, without feeling sorry for Himself.

      And how.

      Thank you Lord, for all you have done and given to us and all you continue to do and give to us, and for your mercy on us, though we are all, miserable sinners.

        How to calm your nerves

        You might think this is nonsense, the ramblings of a zealot, or just plain stupid. But what have you got to lose? Other than your anxiety I mean?

        Try it.

        Say it out loud if you can, repeat it in your head if you can’t. Keep repeating the words below again and again and again. If you do it while walking, that’s even better.

        Áve María, grátia pléna,
        Dóminus técum.
        Benedícta tu in muliéribus,
        et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus
        Sáncta María, Máter Déi,
        óra pro nóbis peccatóribus,
        nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae.


        No, you don’t need to know the meaning of the words.

        No, you don’t need to know it in English.

        Just say it. Again, and again and again.

        And see how it calms you down.

          Belief in Jesus

          This is going to be pure dialectic logic, so I am going to guess it will appeal to about three Russian hackers and some Chinese bots trying to sell fake viagra. Nevertheless, as the genetic serum has shown, the most important observations are often ignored by the bovine masses; such is life on the planet under the dominion of the father of lies.

          1. Regardless of whether you believe in Christianity or not, it is undeniable that the civilisation built by those who did, surpasses any other civilisation in terms of justice for all, beauty, safety, technological advancement that is primarily beneficial instead of disruptive, protection of women and children and so on.

          2. Of course that time is now behind us and we are living in the collapsed and collapsing skeleton of what had been built by those who DID believe in Jesus Christ.

          3. Logically, we can attribute the advancement from brutal paganism to civilised Christianity overwhelmingly to Catholicism. Ahistorical ignorants, genetically unviable atheists, brainwashed Protestants or Muslims aside, this is an objective, observable fact. While there may have been pockets of relative stability, none of them were self-sustaining over two millennia, or expanding. Examples could be the Tibetan Buddhists, who survived by isolating themselves from the world and becoming pacifists after having killed off all competitors in their part of the world. To a certain extent the same could be said of the Japanese. These were viable civilisations as long as they remained insulated from the rest of the world. Clearly an unsustainable long-term situation. The so-called Eastern “Orthodox” fared better as long as they remained in the fold of Catholicism, but after their schism became insular, defeated by muslims repeatedly, and perennially traitorous to their Catholic saviours. Later of course they lost all apostolic legitimacy when under various political rulers they had their metropolitans appointed by the various stasi equivalents in their countries. The point remains that from the secret converts in Japan —where catholic missionaries were being crucified and boiled alive in oil— to the civilising of the mass-murdering cannibals of the Americas, it was Catholics spreading the gospel, civilising the world and making thing better for everyone on the largest scale ever seen in the entire history of humanity.

          4. Did these Catholics follow a set of rules? Yes they did. It was a complicated set and the rules were spread out over almost two millennia, but priests were dedicated to learn this code and instruct their parishioners in it. And they did so mostly well. Were there corrupt, unethical priests present in their midst? Of course. Always has been the case. Because humans, but the point is that despite this, the actual rules of the Church —if actually followed— created, invariably, the best civilisation that humanity has ever seen. The people teaching the rules (priests) and sometimes even the ultimate authority of the interpretation of these rules (Popes) could and at times were, indeed unethical, deviant, even degenerate, however, miraculously, supernaturally, even the corrupt Popes, which were nevertheless valid Popes, did not alter the rules. Those who did or tried to were relegated to the infamy of being antipopes and of over 250 popes or so more than 40 were declared antipopes (this is before the current era of antipopes, unbroken since 1958). This objective, observable fact too is frankly, as stated, and as recognised by the Church herself, a miracle. No other human institution has survived anywhere near as long, so something must be taking place here. And, for Catholics, of course, it is: Jesus told us He would be with the Church until End Times, which means His Church would be, must be, can only be, infallible. Despite corrupt priests. Despite fake “Popes”. Despite attacks of all kinds from gnostics, atheists, impostors, satanists, freemasons, heretics, pagans, avaricious emperors and kings, murderous and traitorous schismatics, infiltrating communists, pedophiles and homosexuals, and all other enemies, the rules of the Church remain pristine, infallible. And if followed, these rules lead to communities of happy, safe, balanced, strong, human beings, happy wives, married to happy husbands, each content in their role as respected and cherished home-maker and respected and cherished protector and provider.

          5. Given the four premises above, it follows therefore, that even if you do NOT believe in Jesus Christ, if you were a logical thinking person, aware of history and aware of said rules, you would still apply them and follow them. Not some personal deviation from them, since EVERY attempt —and indeed every “success”— in doing so has led to invariable degradation of society and all that goes with it. So not your interpretation of them, but the rules themselves.

          So what are these rules? In 1904 Pope Pious X, realising that the infiltration into the Church was already well advanced, commissioned the Code of Canon Law, which encompassed all the rules from all the Papal encyclicals, doctors of the Church, Biblical commentaries and so on.

          More than 14,000 documents were examined to ensure that there was no contradictions between the documents and that the rules embodied in the final code would all logically interlace seamlessly with each other. Pope Pious X died before this work was completed, but Pope Benedict the XV completed it and in 1917 it was promulgated. After this, commentary from clergy and academics was encouraged and reviewed by a board of cardinals that would ensure to reply and check that no discrepancy or contradiction or misinterpretation of the rules would sneak in. In this process some 26,000 further documents were examined and as a result the total changes made to the Code of canon law of 1917 from 1917 to 1958 was precisely one. A minor change to code 1099 part 2. Made by Pope Pious XII himself, the last valid Pope from 1958 to the present day.

          The point here is that the Code of Canon Law of 1917 is the most vetted document ever created and has stood the test of time unaltered. Which makes sense since it is the distillation of 2000 years of Church doctrine as interpreted and codified by the INFALLIBLE magisterium of the Church. And it is infallible NOT because of any human beings, but because Jesus presides over it.

          Some Logical Conclusions

          Therefore we can arrive at some sound logical conclusions:

          1. The best system for humans ever devised on Earth is Catholicism. The evidence for this is overwhelming throughout history, be it in law, justice, art, beauty, science or really any other human endeavour.

          2. The rules for this system are all codified and tested over two millennia.

          3. The best civilisation ever created was done by Catholics who believed in Jesus Christ to the point that they would chose death over denouncing Him.

          4. The Catholic Church was gradually infiltrated and perverted for some 200 years and more, culminating —after the intentional destruction of all European Royal Houses at the behest of mostly Jewish/Freemasonic plots— in the installing into the Papacy, actual freemasons and Satanists and thus converting or exposing all the “clergy” that went along with Vatican II for the satanists, freemasons, heretics, pedophiles and homosexual that they are.

          5. Regardless of the fact that what used to be the Catholic Church is now a hive of impostors, satanists and child rapists, the rules still apply and are still the best system ever devised, because it is devised by God and not man. Furthermore, there ARE still actual valid priests and Bishops as well as laymen and women living by these rules, they are sedevacantists, the only real Catholics left. Any objective analysis of the facts will conclude this too, and I have laid out all the possible objections in my book, Reclaiming the Catholic Church.

          6. Finally, all the Churchians, whatever their denomination of heresy, have never even approached a small fraction of the fruits of what Catholicism has created. And they can bleat and whine and rant as much as they want, but this too is an undeniable, observable fact. In fact Protestantism’s only “fruits” have been the secularisation of Christianity, the splintering into 40,000 factions of heretics, and worst of all the introduction of contraception, divorce, and finally abortion. That is what happens when you secularise Catholicism.

          Final Conclusions

          Whether you like it or not, the best humanity has had to offer was created by men who followed the rules of the Catholic Church and who believed in Jesus Christ to the point they would die rather than deny that Christ is King.

          Which leaves a simple question or two:

          1. If you are not one of those men, who are you?

          2. If you do not follow those rules, whatever you are, your progeny, if you will even have one, will be smaller and in any case amount to nothing much and certainly will not create anything lasting and durable in the centuries.

          3. Why then, other than pride, would you not take the time to study that Canon Law and take part in becoming a proper Catholic, with all that follows? Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Mass, Confession, Marriage, Last Rites, and for those so inclined, Holy Orders. Not to mention large families, because contraception is evil and defies the very purpose of marriage. Large families of unvaxxed, self-sufficient communities of sedevacantists. They are beginning to form in embryonic efforts dotted around the globe. Start one too. Or find one and join it. Find a wife or a husband, get married, go to mass, make children. Stock up on food and weapons too and train in their use. Eventually these communities will reshape the borders, landscape and politics of those areas that resist the coming evil of the next years and decades. And eventually, we will overcome the satanists and their puppets, and civilise the world again.

          Remember: pride is the capital sin.

          Stop being proud, follow reason, history and truth.

          Being a “Jesus follower” isn’t gonna do it. Human beings need rules, and you have been provided with a set that is infallible and has stood the test of time, despite all human failings. Get it. Use it. Learn. Win.

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