Archive for the ‘StCZA – Q.O.R.G.’ Category

An update on WWIII

As regulars here will know, WWIII fatigue is a thing and the remedy is to simply do the things I keep mentioning on this blog, as well as the linked to post above.

Nevertheless it’s always good to know what is about to happen around you, so an occasional review of the situation is worth doing.

Cocaine Clown and Ukraine are done. It doesn’t matter how much laundering money or cocaine mountains the West sends to Ukraine, Russia has absolutely depleted Ukraine of every armament and even more importantly of fighting men. some 500k escaped the country before the war, and about 100k are reportedly AWOL. So the front line is basically going to be a ghost town soon and the weapons the West is sending are getting trashed by the Russians who are years ahead with electronic warfare tech.

We are fast approaching a point where Russia taking its time and letting the USA and Europe self-rain their very economies and military hardware will have reached peak efficiency. If NATO is allowed to survive in some fashion, then they will eventually re-arm and come at Russia again. The extremely patient way in which Russia (and China) are prosecuting their war efforts is strategically extremely sound. Their hope must be that with impending, or even actual economic collapse, the parasites running the USA and by extension NATO, will have all their control structures begin to disintegrate. Taking Italy or Greece, or Spain as examples, as the people become further pissed off and more violent immigrants are important, eventually, something will give. Riots, breakdown of civil society and the formation of separatist movements, in short, what the Americans have tried to produce from Egypt to Kazakhstan and are currently trying in Moldavia, Romania and other places, will begin to happen in reverse, but probably without any or much of a push from foreign powers. People are really starting to have enough now. And when that dam breaks, it is very likely that “Yankee go home” will become a slogan again throughout Europe.

Historically Italy has never had an issue with Russia. But Italy has some 150 Yankee military bases on our territory and our political class are all appendages of Biden’s impending colostomy bag. But daily assaults on women and a few on minor girls too are starting to get the people riled up. As are the continually rising food prices. Unfortunately, there is still a rather latent fear in the people, mostly driven by the women of this country who have nevertheless been a little more resistant to the generic feminism fostered on the Anglos, but in this case, while many Anglo women are starting to realise that feminism has absolutely wrecked women’s lives far more than any possible patriarchy ever did, the eye-ties women are still stuck on something agin to second-wave feminism. The shift to third wave rabid and fourth wave utterly insane feminism/transgender/globohomo -ism is a step too far though and one can begin to see the confusion in their eyes. Some double-down while rejecting the more insane aspects. Others begin to realise that if they want out of the nightmare they need a man with his own set of balls and prepared to fight for his family, and when they look around and see the mostly emasculated fields of metrosexuals they helped create, they begin to despair.

I was talking to a colleague a few days ago, and he told me how in his work, all the reliable people are over 50. GenX are the only ones that are still capable of producing excellent work on time and in budget, and who will go the extra mile late at night when needed. I find that some of the Anglo boomers are actually very reliable for their age and can be counted on, but I tend to agree that overall the millennials have always been mostly useless, and the zoomers are the hope, but I am not sure on their numbers yet. Some are full blown zealots that make one proud and I certainly have met several of those and they are loyal and helpful as well as reliable, so my hope is with them. The lazy or weaker ones I think mostly just lack a teacher. It brings back the memory of a post I wrote several years ago to a friend, who has since passed away (God rest your soul Ian), who lamented the lack of leaders. I explained then that it was not that GenX wasn’t capable. It was that we are a small cohort of survivors who are still not in power in any meaningful way. Zoomers who are willing to listen to GenXers who still have a fire burning inside, can gain a lot from such interactions. And given the emails I get, perhaps I should put together a short book in the spirit of St. Bernard, a kind of small guidebook to navigating globohomo as a man in the wastelands.

A survival guide of sorts for our times. I did a humorous version of this with the RPG, but a more serious work might be in order. Let me know what you think of it.

But I digress. The fact is if Russia does not secure its position, the parasites running the USA (and by extension NATO) will eventually attack again. Europe needs a Pax Russiana. And this cannot happen while Europe is littered with American military bases. So the economy of Europe and the USA needs to collapse first. the chaos that ensues will allow for a very small period during which a certain level of independence can be achieved by various European nations or even forming of new ones. I for one have not yet given up on the idea of having a proper resurgence of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

Russia invading Europe militarily is not viable, reasonable or tenable, so that will not happen, but the puppet-masters of the USA and NATO know that if they do not drag Russia into a perennial war, they are doomed.

So what to do? I think they will try their damnedest to have European boots on the ground in Ukraine. But I don’t think the actual soldiers will go for it. And this begins to threaten things like military coups. Not really, because the higher ups in the military are all well-selected for arse-licking and boot kissing, but all it takes is a popular captain or colonel and things can change rapidly. Also, at least in Italy, the chances of one Italian soldier shooting on another Italian soldier are close to nil in the greater scheme of things.

So, if you are in Europe, prepare for very harsh economic realities, and concomitant rise in crime of all kinds. If you survive this period, which can last several years, your nation state may have changed considerably.

Any politician that wants to survive will have to make a calculated risk on where and when to “flip” and the first order of business will have to be to stop and indeed reverse immigration of illegals with absolute enforcement and not mere words. Whoever does that will have the popular vote even if they wanted to hang him from a lamppost a week earlier.

The difficulty of that will be to survive the economic backlash. But the reality is that if a politician did that and asked for it, he would get economic help from Russia, China and Iran, almost immediately I think. The main issue with such a move is timing, and being able to survive the personal media onslaught, which would be relentless and possibly also the kind of “accident” that happens to inconvenient people. That said, I believe there are ways that an astute survivor could go about this. primarily by canvassing quietly among the armed forces as to who is willing to support him, because as we have seen by now, words mean nothing when compared to force.

So, we are definitely about to enter interesting times even if we don’t have another bio-engineered pandemic, activation of all the injected zombies by 5G capable lamp-posts and possible fake alien invasions.

Stock up on foodstuff and ammunition boys and girls, it’s going to be a wild ride.

    It’s already here

    Vox wrote an interesting report on warhammer 40,000 and why it survived so long against leftist invasion. The original post he links to specifies that writing an RPG based in hardcore truths is resistant to woke agendas.

    Well, this is precisely why I have made my RPG as it is.

    Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse (SCZA) is written so as to be both humorous and entertaining yet useful as a learning tool too.

    You can get it as a full colour hardcopy from Amazon, or as a PDF from my E-store.

    And don’t take my word for it. Here is an Amazon review:

    Andy Gryc

    2.0 out of 5 stars

    Verified Purchase

    Fun idea, but ultimately not much usable

    Reviewed in Canada on March 24, 2022

    The “Inside pages” preview gives you a sense that this is a zombie apocalypse game in a world where all the conspiracy theories are real. Fun sounding premise, right? I thought so, so bought the book, but it wasn’t what I hoped for. For anyone else who’s considering buying this, let me explain my issues with it so you can see if it’s worth it or not for you. The book is in two major pieces – the story of the world, and the role playing system. The first part wasn’t really what I expected, and maybe that’s my fault. Here are my issues with the book. 1) By taking most conspiracy theories as factually true, the world it creates has a definite white nationalist tone. It’s all done tongue-in-cheek, but nevertheless, you have an anti-equality, anti-Semitic, transphobic, bigoted world-view that runs throughout. That’s not the kind of campaign I want to run. I play with women and visible minorities, but I wouldn’t want my campaign to be like this even if it was all white men – it just feels a bit gross to my modern sensibilities. Perhaps it’s my bad that I didn’t expect that outcome from the premise, since that seems to be the logical conclusion of most modern conspiracies. It’s a game that’s supposed to be dark, and I understand that – I just don’t want to breathe life into it. 2) The game also veers into pretty distinct religiosity. Again, I know it’s entertainment, but there’s an awful lot of the story dedicated to the Christians, a particular strain of Catholicism that is the “true” religion, good fighting evil, God and Satan, bishops, popes, priests, etc. This is more than just a normal character class or a faction, it seems like it’s the backbone of the new world order. Meh. Just won’t be that interesting to me or my players. 3) I could be wrong on this, but I don’t believe the zombies are intended to be literally zombies. If they are, it’s pretty darn subtle and easy to overlook. While there are a couple bits of colour text that say the “zombies” might even be commanded eat to flesh, it’s really more about how all the vaccinated are under mind control from the evil overlords. In other words, the “sheeple”. Instead of getting World War Z, it feels a bit more like a dysfunctional version of The Office. Again – unique perspective, but not what I was truly after. This is the factor that’s probably the biggest disappointment. 4) Finally, the game system. I give the author kudos for inventing a system that’s simple, uses standard dice, makes the players fragile, and is built on a bell curve. Those are all great attributes, although for me personally that’s only a 50% win. I think the game system is just a bit too simple – specifically character creation. Basically 2 stats and some optional skills. Don’t get me wrong – I hate Pathfinder and feel 5e is burdened with books and books of rules. But I think Chaosium’s Basic Role Playing has it just right. Just enough complexity for the GM and Player to manage easily at the table as well as giving lots of room to grow the character. Also, on the d6 thing – I’m just not a huge fan of d6 only systems. My crew has “invested” in tons of dice, so limiting them to one set only seems almost a bit cruel. Half the fun of an RPG is owning all the platonic solids. In summary, like most anything you’ll get for a real game, it’s a sourcebook. Every GM has their own personal tastes, and some will be able to use more that’s here than others. What I’ll personally be able to salvage from it in terms of good, usable, and playable ideas is less than a single page. I recognize the work that’s gone into it, and I’m not trying to be critical about the result – it just doesn’t match what I need. If you are expecting something more like a playable version of Max Brooks “Zombie Survival Guide” like I was, keep searching. But if you’re more open to taking today’s world and dialling up the dysfunction and conspiracies up to 11, it might be just for you.

    All the other reviews are 5 stars, but I am not sure that Andy Gryc’s review is having the effect he intended. I know several people purchased the game as a result of it.

    And there is of course a starter set Module for it (E-store PDF)

    And for those already willing to experiment with the game system, the game could be easily adapted to play out some of the events found in the recent novella In the Shadows of Monte Castello.

    The point is that with much of my fiction writing the baselines are rooted in very solid reality.

    The whole Overlords of Mars trilogy as found in one volume (Nazi Moon) is soundly based on The Face on Mars written in 1995 and Systema written in 2011 and the thread of Reclaiming the Catholic Church shadows most things I do today.

    So while the route and the road may be flexible, ultimately, if your entertainment is any good, it should reflect recognisable realities, regardless of how fantastic the setting might be.

    And real virtues, such as courage, moral fortitude, reason, Justice and so on, are ultimately timeless, no matter how much the woke want to pretend otherwise.

      Oh Look…

      …so, yes, we “conspiracy theorists” that told you all and never changed our story concerning the fact that the Vaxx was a depopulationist, trans-humanist agenda GENETIC SERUM, were indeed always right, and the mass-murdering scum-bags that pushed them always knew it from the start.

      Now, while I DO feel sorry for those too ignorant, too busy and innocent, too fooled by the system to ever have looked into the Vaxx before taking it, or those that prayed and hoped for the best because they thought that risking whatever nefarious crap was in the serums was a better gamble than being unable to feed or house their families, who, ultimately could simply be accused of being partially in the above category and partially in the category of people who simply cannot do basic math, I feel absolutely not bad at all for the IDIOTS that hysterically screamed back that “yes they are vaccines too!” And flat out lied and said they had done the research and mRNA genetic serums are perfectly safe.

      No they are not. No they never have been for over 30 years, and you lied. Because you are stupid, and arrogant and incapable of actual reasoned thought.

      Some will say such people were afraid, or just the fact they are incapable of logical thought and truthfulness is a quality simply of their existence, and as a result we should “forgive” them.

      I entirely disagree. Firstly because there is nothing to forgive as far as I (and my immediate family) are concerned. Their arrogant stupidity has never had any effect on my life DIRECTLY. And because contrary to popular belief, I have always been magnanimous with personal slights and offences, I consider their existence no more personally damaging than say poisonous snakes, thorny bushes, fleas, mosquitos and so on. Yes, their arrogance, stupidity and small-minded cretinism can kill you, that is a fact, just like a mosquito can kill you, but I don’t spend my time worrying about it, or worrying about mosquitos. Not even the plague carrying, genetically modified ones Bill Gates has created and since released by the millions. I simply put up mosquito nets and do what I can to adapt. Bill Gates and the other perpetrators are another story. Those guys I pray for.

      I pray God punishes them in the most severe, painful, eternal way of all and I pray he doesn’t wait for them to drop dead later, but rather that he makes it happen ASAP.

      But getting back to the shouty, arrogant, stupid NPCs that railed against people like me, while I see nothing to forgive, I also see nothing that requires me to give a rat’s ass if you die choking on your own vomit while you go into cardiac arrest because of your own immense stupidity.

      I do feel absolute empathy for anyone these complete cretins may have forced the Vaxx on, such as their innocent children, and I hope God in His infinite Mercy takes good care of all those many souls the cretinous NPCs have doomed to an early grave.

      Frankly, people that incapable of thought, that incapable of simply being honest to a degree that is the bare minimum required to not kill yourself thanks to your arrogance, from a personal perspective, are not anyone I will miss in the slightest.

      Which in no way exonerates the mass-murders from what should be the just punishment, of swinging from a rope; at minimum.

      But this post is indeed to you, you stupid, bastards, that thought you were so smart. That thought your idiotic bleating and shouting like the bovine creatures you are was important, that you mattered. That you were smarter than anyone normal who could fucking read. Because that is really all it would have taken to see the obvious. You literally just had to go and look up what mRNA genetic serums did and how long they had been killing test animals for. Yes that stuff is all pretty much memory holed now, but it wasn’t in late 2019 and early 2020.

      The Scott Adams of this world, who now realised they fucked up, are STILL playing it off as, “Oh well, I was wrong but for all the right reasons, and you Anti-Vaxxers were just lucky!” even now, they have not evolved one iota. They are still the same, stupid, arrogant to death, morons. If the planet was rid of them entirely, the mass-murdering bastards that did this to the entire planet, and will continue to accelerate the same issues and create new scamdemics and new restrictions and so on, would not last a week before the death penalty would be reinstated around the world as a perfectly sane and legal thing for certain crimes and they would all be hung for their crimes. So, you just carry on being you. You carry on being “sure” and “right” and “on the right side of history” you feckless cretins. And good riddance once you’re gone.

      As for the rest of us?

      Get married and make lots and lots of babies and raise them well. It may be the last chance we have of repopulating this planet with people who can reason on the basis of objective reality instead of their emotions, so easily directed, dictated and controlled by evil mass-murdering, pedophile satanists, that our ancestors would be so ashamed we have allowed them to control as much as they do that they would have buried us alongside them.

        It’s All About the Science, Honest

        Yeah, man! Because people like Rowling are just artists, and people who write for New Scientist are just, like Scientists, you know?

        And what’s going on in Haiti, now led by a Cannibal military leader who wears a Freemasonic symbol as a prominently displayed necklace, is obviously just perfectly normal scientific research for the betterment of mankind.

        It’s obviously done on an island to retain proper scientific controlled conditions. Clearly.

        And anyone that thinks there is a massive influx of demonic and satanic influences becoming thoroughly exposed since the planned covid scamdemic is just a paranoid religious bigot.



        Hey, you, the guy who looks like you might want to become a religious bigot, here, you like that? How ‘bout this? Maybe a little of this too, you know, to keep the little lady happy too?

        No, you’re more like real science guy eh? Okay then, I got some of this, which explains pretty much everything, or maybe this, to fight off depression, ya know?

        Look, I got plenty of stuff, you just gotta tell me what you like.

          Roleplaying the Apocalypse

          I’m thinking of writing a second module for my RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse.

          (Available as a full colour PDF you can print here,

          Or as a full colour hardcopy book you can get from Amazon here).

          The first module is also available at the E-store and Amazon, but I would like to make sure it is, firstly wanted, and secondly relevant, so I am conducting a small poll as below, the first answer assumes you don’t care about the RPG game and/or about any modules for it. If that is the case I still would appreciating you taking the half-second it takes to indicate your lack of interest by clicking on that option.

          The other options assume you either have or will have the game and are interested in the module too but prefer one of the identified scenarios.

          The first ten people to leave an actual comment that want me to do so can also give their name and I will include them as either potential pre-made players characters or as relevant NPCs in the game. If you add some detail about yourself I’ll try to include it. By giving your name and leaving a comment you give explicit permission (but not a requirement I am obliged to fulfil) for me to use it in the module.

          The module will get done only if there is sufficient interest, so please let me know.

          Which Type of Scenario for STCZA would you prefer?

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