Archive for May 2023

The Blinding Truth

One of the foremost reasons that convinced me Christianity was true was the nature of evil.

I have had a life that has been blessed really. While much of it would be seen by many people today as a traumatic war zone for a good part of it, and while I have seen evil, dealt with it firsthand more than a little, it is as if I was somehow sheltered by a divine shield from its slings and arrows and worse, the real horror it can present as in someone’s life. Which is not to say I was unscathed, but that compared to what I know can happen, I have suffered very, very, very little. It would be like a soldier that was in the battle of the Bulge going home after the war with a minor flesh wound.

Part of what I noticed was the patterns, the real presence behind the evil, and how it was and is intelligent, directed, patient in terms of human lifetimes, though still in essence a psychopath unable to control his urges at heart. In short, the shadowy fingerprint of the enemy becomes very visible once you begin to see it.

And no, I am not saying all evil acts have a demon behind them, at least, certainly, not directly. In fact, most are die to purely corrupted and corruptible human nature.

But once you see the clues to the Eternal Psychopath, then, suddenly, that phrase that the greatest trick the devil managed was to make people think he doesn’t exist takes on a whole new level of meaning and understanding.

And the more aware you become of how reality actually works, the more able you are to predict certain things because you have a far superior baseline set of operating data to begin from, well… then that other concept becomes also very prominent and meaningful, and that is, that the Devil is the Prince of Lies, and this, our material Universe and certainly the Earth we inhabit, is all, and falls under, his dominion.

We literally live in a world of lies. The truth is so rarely seen in its full power and depth that for most it simply isn’t there. Nor is this a new realisation. This statement was from three centuries ago, and it may as well have been written today.

And I am not just talking about the covid scamdemic or the murder-juice or the mass media. I am taking about everything. The very idea of school, that subjecting your children to hours a day of “school” by strangers is best for them; and better than you educating them at home while they learn at your feet from the day they start to walk, for example. Or that going into an office to make money for someone else for a pay that keeps you in unneeded luxuries. Or, most absurd of all, that you need some permission and to pay a cost for being allowed things like owning your own farm animals. And soon that you will not be allowed to plant the crops you want from the source you want. And on and on and on. Or the very concept of income tax not being literally theft.

And I know at least some of the people reading this will think “Well, you can’t have that… you need some oversight.”

No. I do not. Maybe you do, but I really don’t.

Have you ever considered that the entire so-called “justice system” is a for-profit business?

Imagine that suddenly there was no crime. What would all the cops and lawyers and judges and social workers and bail bondsmen and bounty hunters and community policing officers do?

And it has always been this way.

Do you think it was just for a guy who stole some bread to feed his family to get drawn and quartered for it in merry old protestant England a few centuries ago?

Or do you think it’s just for a serial child rapist to not be drowned in a bog?

Justice from the so-called justice system is the exception that slipped through the cracks, not the objective.

Do you think if your laptop had on it what Hunter Biden’s has on it you would be walking around free?

Or if you had as many people suicided as Hillary and Bill Clinton allegedly have?

It is lies. It is all lies. And the more you see it the more you see still.

At first you may get angry. And if you are not an actual Catholic, or worse, if you’re an atheist, but have a conscience, a sense of honour of some sort, then your anger will be a rage. A rage so powerful and hot that most humans cannot keep it burning too long without consuming themselves.

And even if you are a proper, actual, Sedevacantist Catholic that really believes, at the very least, you will have the zeal of the Princes from the first crusade of 1095, or the Knights of Malta in 1565.

And the beauty of that sort of zeal is that once you settle into it, it is not an all consuming rage, even if you have been like me, and letting that fire dwell in you on some level for decades, if you have somehow not let it corrode your heart. The Catholic zeal gives you a new kind of patience. The relentless and unending drive to take on the seemingly impossible with a calm steadiness you have never experienced before on such an endless timeline; and what’s more, holding steady and balanced no matter the storms and outrages and injustices.

And then, you begin to see God’s light. And before it the evil melts and scurries away, like shadow and roaches before sunlight. And slowly, unseen by most of the world, your perspective, and the world, begins to shift. And with seemingly nothing in the material world showing evidence of it, you begin to have the certainty, the physical reality and presence first with you and after materialising in the world in front of your eyes, of the fruits of your efforts towards God.

And a sense of Gratitude and overwhelmingly undeserved love for you from God.

It is unlike anything else you have ever experienced in your existence to date.

And no man can remain unchanged by it.

Then too, you realise why it is called the Church Militant, and what glory and power and grace, there is in being even the lowliest of foot soldiers in His Loving Grace.

My earnest wish, for you, reader, whoever you may be, is that you too experience this sensation, this Truth and His Light and Love.

I truly do.

And I hope to meet you on the Way. The path of His Will that will cause the changes that need to happen and that will happen, to create a world where our children and their children’s children will be free from the lies and servants by choice to our Lord and King, only.

May God show you the Way.

    Suicide Stats

    I am not sure that this infographic is accurate as I have not done any of the research myself, bit it correlates, in broad terms, with my personal experience of the countries I have lived in or visited overt the last 20 years or so in Europe.

    Male Suicide Rates

    Female Suicide Rates

    You will note that Italy has in both cases a much lower figure than most of the rest of Europe, and certainly less than the Northern Europeans.

    This is despite the fact that the Italian economy is quite terrible when compared to say the one of the UK. Or perhaps I should rephrase. A middle management position in UK is likely to command two to three times the salary of an equivalent position in Italy, and sometimes more than that. So what I mean is that the wealthy are wealthy everywhere, but the middle to small guys are crushed and working harder for less than in the North.

    And yet… the South are less suicidal.

    A lot of British people I know blame it on the weather. I mean, can you see it?

    “DAMNIT! It’s drizzling again, that’s it!” Proceeds to suicide himself by hanging himself from a doorknob while practicing autoerotic asphyxiation for the last time.

    Yeah, it never seemed realistic to me either. But Italy does have a lot more joie de vivre, despite all the massive problems it has. The reason for that is that at every level in Italy, the culture of faceless and nameless drone has not yet permeated. So, while you can and often do, get the lazy bureaucrat or official somehow blocking your path, he also gets many Italians daily calling him a lazy asshole or a variation thereof. In short, despite the near total collapse of society, when I compare it to the mod 1970s, the fact remains that culturally the Italians still think of themselves (and others) as individuals, not cogs in a machine.

    I attribute that to the cultural norm here being the shadow of Catholicism, which considers the human being as valuable and unique, as opposed to that of Protestantism, which tends to mechanise the individual for the supposed benefit of ”society”, and atomise the family, with rigid impositions of roles somewhat arbitrarily, or, paradoxically, the almost absolute absence of them, and this, on ideological grounds, not practical experience and considerations.

    The dynamics of female-male relations at all levels are also considerably different in Protestant lands when compared to Catholic ones, and experience tends to suggest that the females of the species, do tend to prefer the Southern experience to the Northern one; no matter how strenuously they might deny it before losing their clothing.

    They are just observations I have noted long ago and nothing has really changed my mind after a couple of decades in each (relative) Northern and Southern countries.

      Clown World will be more Paranoia than Gamma World

      Only GenXers that played pen and paper RPGs will get this, so it probably requires a little explanation.

      But first, an important point @TrevorGoodchild made on Gab, which is that high IQ types of genX in highschool and so on did play multiple RPGs as well as do sports and a bunch of other things because the school as well as life in general was not quite stimulating enough, so we invented working alternative realities to keep our brain engaged. He pointed out that JRR Tolkien didn’t invent a whole language in order to write a book. He did it because, in essence, he was bored.

      Gamma World had:

      • Purebloods (aka pure strain humans) and we have those.
      • Mutants, and we have those too now, thanks to the genetic serum murder juice, except in Gamma World at least most of the times they have some super-powers. While in this version they only get defects and most likely an early death.
      • Mutated animals, and again, we have those for similar reasons to the mutated humans

      But Gamma World has almost unlimited freedom. You walk around with whatever weapons you want, exploring the mutated wasteland. And we definitely do not have that in this reality.

      Paranoia also had mutants, and occasionally the mutation could be useful, but more often than not it was a reason to be executed by the schizophrenic computer that ran the whole underground complex your unfortunate genetically modified clones found themselves in.

      It also had various factions, communists, transhumanists, def leperd fans, and others, all vying for power and trying to eliminate every other faction. Layered over that was the nominal career of the player character which… you guessed it, was trying to out-do and survive all the others player characters. The game was so deadly that each character had six clones, as these died in spectacular fashion and often were executed by order of the all-powerful computer.

      The premise of the game was that due to some catastrophic war, humans had gone underground into Alpha Complex where competing high level programmers all shoved their versions of utopia into the mainframe running things in the large underground Alpha Complex. This rendered the Computer essentially schizophrenic and paranoid, with ugly consequences for anyone that came into contact with it, which was daily due to the fact that the computer ran most of the complex. Reproduction was done exclusively by cloning and if a character started to develop normal feelings as a result of being off the hormone filled soylent green they were fed, it was a capital offence.

      Well, we are not quite underground yet, but the totalitarian control under a schizophrenic “elite” who think they know best and to whom we are all subject to varying degrees is certainly coming at us fast. As is the war on anything and everything natural.

      Remember that one of the WEF mottos is Nothing from Nature. Which means artificial food and transhumanism all the way.

      Paranoia was a pretty funny game if played right with the right group. Hilariously so at times… as one of the players controlling a set of clones, and even more so as the referee since his job was to kill the bastards. No, really, that was an actual guideline for the referee towards the player characters: FUD and death.

      That is, keep the player characters Fearful Uncertain and Doubtful and then, it literally said this: kill the bastards.

      But… imagine if you now had to experience life as one of the player characters instead of the players controlling them. Well, that’s where life is heading if we don’t change it.

      And personally I have no intention to become the pawn in some high-level programmer’s narrative. I’d rather navigate the radioactive wastelands of Gamma World with mutated wolves hunting me down. How about you?

        What to teach the young

        It is difficult to know, in uncertain times, what our children will face, but certain stable realities have always served not just my family, but until recently, every Italian, or slav, or generally South European nation. The Anglos are way behind on point number one on the list but are starting to realise the truth behind it at an intellectual level, if not yet embedded in the DNA level.

        • Never trust the government
        • Never trust authority in general
        • The individual above the system
        • Family before strangers
        • Honour before all (vast concept)
        • Your children before everyone else
        • Be loyal to those who deserve it
        • Know how to defend yourself
        • Look out for your loved ones always
        • If you are betrayed, walk away
        • Unjust laws are unjust
        • Justice before law
        • Some crimes deserve the death penalty
        • If the system is corrupt try to change it were you can and avoid it where you can’t
        • Government is corrupt
        • Verify what you’re told in school, in any context
        • Newspapers and news programs lie. Yes always. Even when they are reporting mere facts, they have an agenda. Yes always
        • Avoid politicians, lawyers and cops unless absolutely necessary
        • Above all: know yourself
        • Control your emotions

        Those are the minimal basics, as for the details, I try to instil in them basic principles of overcoming obstacles rather than giving up before them, and finding alternative and multiple solutions to problems.

        I’m not revealing any super-secret formula here, just essential basics, but if the last three years are any indication, there are plenty of people out there that need them.

          The Charlton of Despair Continues on

          Bruce Charlton continues to spread his gnostic nihilism. After concluding that the only self-motivated people are psychopaths, he adds this fully gnostic (and thus utterly false) “point”:

          This includes self-identified – and indeed sincere – Christians; who lack the insight that that their own zealous and burning motivational state is using Christianity as a mere vehicle for the self-aggrandizement – a self-reinforcing process upon-which they depend like an addictive drug; a drug required in increasing doses in order to retain the (here and now, this-worldly) motivational state that they absolutely need – and without-which they would rapidly collapse into oblivion-seeking despair.

          One can only believe such nonsense if one doesn’t actually really believe in Christianity at all. Ann Barnhardt has mentioned before how the vast majority of Novus Orco “Catholics” whether fake clergy or fake Catholics, regardless of whether they do so knowingly or not, don’t actually believe “any of that bullshit”. That “bullshit” being anything from transubstantiation to the sacrament of marriage.

          Because Bruce is not actually a Christian, just like most so-called “christians” are not actually Christian either, the very idea of an actual Christian simply being Christian, is unconceivable to him.

          Because you see, an actual Christian, unlike Bruce and all the other Churchians, does believe in all that “bullshit”. All of it. Which means he cannot be anything other than a complete, total zealot. As he should be. As he must be. As the Catholic Crusaders of 1095 were. As the knights of Malta of 1565 were. As all those priests martyred in South America who chose to be shot instead of break the sacramental seal of confession, or who chose to place themselves before a firing squad in the place of a civilian marked for execution that they knew.

          Can a man that is an actual Christian, instead of some vague Churchian be anything other than a total zealot? I don’t think so. No more than an actual mathematician can agree that two and two is five.

          And what does an actual Christian do? Does he rally other Christians because of personal ego? For personal gain? For status? Pride? Glory?

          I don’t think so. It’s certainly not my way.

          In an ideal world I could be left to write my books and ideas in peace, and make enough from those activities to have others work my fields and draw a salary as well as part of the harvest from them. I could spend a lot more time teaching my children a lot of the things and skills I know and be perfectly happy in total anonymity.

          But I am not being left alone. And what’s worse, my children, and yours will be left even less alone. So, I will act and do all that needs doing to reverse that tide.

          Starting with creating a proper Sedevacantist community of total Christians; i.e. actual Catholics. And build that community to be self-sufficient and large enough to determine local politics. And if I have any say, national ones too. Then global. Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing that? No. Not at all. It’s kind of harrowing and grim to consider it. But if it is what needs doing then, you bet I will. And I don’t care what nullities like Bruce Charlton think of it at all, nor does it concern me if people like him or that listen to his nonsense go their grave assuming I am an egomaniac. I don’t care for their assumptions and judgements at all. The only thing I care about are results.

          So, either join me and my zealots, knowing it is not a democracy and never will be, create your own group of zealots, or get out of the way. The only other option is be our direct enemy; and no, we don’t care how many masks you put on, how many crimes of being an impostor you commit. We see you. Because as actual Christians, none of your lies, errors and deceptions are opaque to us. We see you, devil-spawn. We see you.

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