Archive for the ‘Face on Mars’ Category

12.12.23 – NAZI MOON is Out

It’s going to be out on December 12th, I am not sure when Amazon will allow pre-purchasing, but I think probably after the 6th as I have until then to do any corrections. So by the 9th I think it should be available for pre-release purchasing.

It will retail at $29.95 in the US, which sounds probably quite high, but… It’s a stonking brick of 828 pages (which is actually the maximum limit of a book size by Amazon), and is a collection of 3 books, complete with notes for each book, a map, technical details, and enough information about its setting to make it really, quite a project. Think of it as my version of The Lord of The Rings, though, of course, of a genre completely different and I can’t approach the master’s level of quality as a writer, but I assure you that the detail that went into developing this story is second to none. I may not have invented a new language, but I do believe this work has the capacity to at least shift any reader’s mind, at least a little, concerning the reality we live in, and what is actually possible, and probably really going on, too.

My style would be closer to a somewhat pornographic Edgar Rice Burroughs, in that it is high adventure stuff and quite cinematic, especially from book 2 on, but the strength of the story, in my humble opinion, is the plot, or rather, multiple plots and sub-plots throughout the story, some of which have story arcs that resolve only further down the line, so for those who like plot-driven stories and who enjoy trying to figure things out before they are explained by the story itself, this should be a pretty decent read, and something not often found in what has become “modern” SF.

In any case, I am terrible at marketing myself, so the above is just to give those interested an overall sense of things, not just hyperbole.

It’s in 9″ x 6″ format, so, comfortable despite its size.

Please order it as soon as you can, as it helps the algorithms if there is a high pre-release purchase.

The point of this book is multifold. And for those who care, here is a little on its nearly 30 year history in the making.


The three books that form part of Nazi Moon, are really the result of three dreams I had concerning Mars and the Moon. The dreams were so vivid and clear that I still recall them almost 30 years later. I have had a very strange relationship with dreams throughout my life as I have had premonitory dreams more than once, which were absolutely confirmed because I had shared them with my girlfriend at the time, so when they happened, I had objective confirmation I wasn’t just imagining things.

I also had a dream some 10 years before I met my present-day wife that, the day I met her, I recalled, and once again, I had an objective way to confirm this as she was showing me an apartment and in the dream I had, there had been a specific statue in the corner of the block’s gardens. I could not see that location from where we were and I also had never been to this particular block of apartments so, if that specific statue did turn out to be there, then… well… something! And indeed it was there.

I also had dreams where I have like part 1 of it and then, years later, I have part 2 of it and it flows just as if it was the continuation of the original dream even though years have passed in the waking world. I do not know what any of these things necessarily mean, I have my theories, but they are my best guesses. What I do know is that human beings absolutely have an element of precognition, because at least twice in my life it saved my life, and I had it other times in less life-and death situations, but, as I discuss in a lot more depth in my book Systema – The Russian Martial System (which I taught for years) the US military is training Special Ops people to develop this by testing it in absolutely scientific settings. The Russians are ahead on it, having it be part of their normal analogous training system. Something that the original Systema trainers did a bit at first, but tends to not be done now. Some of the “superhuman” powers of this nature are explained in my Systema book, and have been experienced by others who read it and experimented for themselves.

And Honorton and Ferrari demonstrated years ago (when science could still be reproduced reliably) that precognition is something that a statistically significant (though low) number of humans can do, and have as an ability. Details of this are included in the Systema book too, along with a computerised test that, using video, was the first of its kind in the world and for which I was a test subject, that proved Systema movements and strikes are the least predictable ones of all the ones tested.

ANYWAY… that long preamble was just to point out that I am not sure what the significance of each dream was, but each one pretty much was the launching point for each of the three books.

The cover of the original Overlords Of Mars first book (Inception) was a little similar to the one above, but later I changed it and I think the one usually presented is the one with the image of Mars (which has a story all on its own, as it’s an image rendered by a guy that uses actual telemetry data from NASA to get his images as accurate as possible and was featured in National Geographic, and he gave me permission to use it completely free of any royalties) and a pair of very blue female eyes. Those eyes were taken from a photograph my wife had sent me, though she was not my wife or even girlfriend at the time, and I used them because they were the closest ones to the kind of eyes I had dreamt about in the first dream that became the Overlords of Mars series.

The cover of the second book was done by a guy who now lives in LA and has done most of the special effects in pretty much every film you have seen in the lat 20 years. His team was the lead SFX guys in all the Iron Man films. We used to train Systema together in London and due to his move and work load we sort of lost touch, but I’ll be sending him a copy anyway, as he loved the story when he did the cover for me, again, just as a friend.

The first dream had been about encountering people of a more evolved sort and without giving any spoilers, readers will be able, I think, to figure out when that happens in book 1.

The second dream was of being on Mars, with the kind of equipment described in book 2, exploring, going into underground locations, and the sense of a female presence being there too, which, once again, I think will be recognisable in book 2 – Stasis.

The third dream was of something I do not describe in book three, specifically, but definitely represented the social set-up present there, and the technology that made it possible to be on the surface, as described in book 3 – Black Sun.

The first dream was had in the early to mid 1990s and the third one was had in 1996. And yes, I developed those dreams and the idea for the books, way back then. I had just finished and published The Face on Mars at the end of 1995, which I want to stress is completely NON-Fiction, and is the only book that has really explained what happened on Mars and how. The main concept has been plagiarised by Graham Hancock, which he admitted to me in person in late 1997, (and yes, I have a witness) but in any case, my theory of the reality of how Mars was destroyed has never been found to be flawed, and in fact, some of the things I wrote about as being possible back in 1995 have since been proven to be exactly as what I predicted, and as they should be, if my theory on the destruction of Mars being intelligent is correct, which I am still sure it is. I also updated the book in 2014, which has more information, relevant to the current fiction Omnibus Nazi Moon.

I met all the top people involved in studying Mars at the time, in conferences, speeches we gave, magazine articles I wrote, and even radio and TV interviews I did at the time. Mark Carlotto remains a long distance friend and I have made some videos on Kurgan TV to explain why the man’s work is really second to none concerning his science. He is a consummate scientist, a real one, that actually does proper science, regardless of any politics or anything else. And he too believes The Face is artificial, which was my own conclusion before the later images were produced. Since then, what NASA actually has been producing, image-wise is, to my mind, suspect in the extreme. For reasons that are obvious and explained very early in the fiction works.

Anyway, the point is that in order to write The Face on Mars, I had spent literally every waking minute researching everything from the most obscure astronomical information to details of the first (real or not) Alien abductions. And then I had a very weird experience, which, luckily, was also confirmed by pretty much the whole of South Africa, as a bunch of UFOs basically flew down the N1 main national highway that runs the length of the country, and entire police stations came out to see them, not just me and a friend with my video camera, and it was on the front page of newspapers and still in the news a few days later. It was what we would today call a UFO “Flap”. And luckily I wasn’t the only one to document it, at least partially, in my book. I didn’t explain the whole thing because it sounded crazy, but at least the verifiable parts I did put in the book. And I had a video of the whole event.

Shortly thereafter I was burgled and the only thing that was taken was those videos and the video camera, not cash, not the stills camera, nothing else, and the “break-in” was done professionally without leaving a trace of “breaking-and-entering”. My phone was also tapped, which was confirmed by the n.2 guy in the equivalent of the South African secret service at the time, although he said he had no idea who was doing it as it wasn’t the South African Government.

I had a lot of strange meetings with various people, from Admirals’ daughters that had apparently been drugged and messed with because they found out too much about what daddy was doing, to professional and well-known European astronomers that worked for ESA (European Space Agency) that told me privately they agreed with all my theories in the book, and they said I was absolutely correct, but they could not support me publicly or they would lose their job. I also met a lot of clearly disturbed people, but the meetings with the non-crazy people were really quite astonishing, because I could confirm who these people were and they were not random morons, nor where they looking for fame, fortune or anything else from me, other than just their being glad someone else had figured out some of the things that they knew and which they could not really discuss, either for fear of reprisals, or for fear of being thought of as a crazy person.

After I wrote The Face on Mars, I had already figured out that if antigravity technology was a thing (and it absolutely is) then, there were a bunch of logical consequences that made it obvious that:

  • The world we live in, is really, little more than a prison planet.
  • Aliens that also had the technology could/would have been in contact already, especially given what the destruction of Mars signified, since this Solar System MUST be known of already.
  • The kind of “war” that intelligent races that had extensive access to antigravity technology would tend to be sneaky, subterfugeous, and indirect, because if you start flinging rocks around with that technology, the casualties are on a civilisational, and even system-wide scale.

So, these strange situations that were happening to me and these people I met or would approach me, along with the clear psyops I was subjected to from time to time, (in a fairly light mode, it must be admitted) made perfect sense to me.

I had made it clear that I thought antigravity technology was absolutely planet-busting capable, and as such needed to be absolutely regulated, so, it’s not like I was threatening to release the blueprints of how to build your own little UFO, which in any case I would not know how to do. And over the years, I have held that position consistently. Which is why I assume I have mostly been left alone.

The reality is that even if only really good guys had access to antigravity technology (I wish!) it would still need to be regulated and controlled with a pretty ironclad set of rules that are absolutely enforced. One crazy bastard with an anti-gravity machine the size of your car can reduce our planet to a smouldering death-ball if not just another asteroid belt where Earth used to be. And there are a LOT of crazy bastards on top of the billions of idiots, so, even if I were put in charge of all the antigravity technology for the Sol system tomorrow, you bet I would put in place absolutely Draconian security systems to use the stuff. The only difference is that once I have that aspect completely nailed down, I would gradually release the information concerning the technology to the whole planet. And yes, that is absolutely fraught with danger, I know, which is why the information would need to be released gradually and anyone not following or trying to avoid the protocol would need to be hammered into the ground.

Over time, the procedures of security concerning the operation of antigravity machines would become a standard Modus Operandi for all humans and eventually, the Human race would evolve enough to be able to take its place in the Galactic scheme of things where the other intelligent races have already come to similar conclusions that, when everyone has a zap gun that can destroy entire stars and planets, no one had better use it that way, otherwise everyone else will see to it that you and your species disappear from the genetic code of this section of space.

So… I have been living with that reality in my head, pretty much fully-formed since age 26. And nothing in the intervening 28 years has done anything other than confirm this theory at every turn and in every aspect.

And the books have been in my head since then. Certainly these three.

Confederate Rising was a little novella I wrote for fun (see the notes in the section labelled Overlords of Mars on the left) as a kind of joke for a group of online friends, and it is set in the same Universe as these books, but in the far future, a few hundred years from the events of Nazi Moon.

Now that you know the underlying premise of the realm in which my stories take place, I sincerely hope you not only buy and read the book, but I really hope you spread it around and give it as a gift to friends and family, because, as some of you know, science fiction is more than just entertainment. It propagates certain ideas and realities through human consciousness, and thanks to principles of morphic resonance, when enough people have an idea in their heads as a possibility, it becomes a reality. Films like a 2001: Space Odyssey was filmed in 1968 and inspired by a short story from the almost self-confessed pedophile Arthur C. Clarke written in 1951. That film showcased technology that now we take for granted and have even surpassed in some cases.

Now, I am not a well-connected elite, being as I am absolutely not only, not a pedophile, but believing that they deserve the death penalty, so… I have to rely on you normal people to spread the word for me and change quite a bit of the false narratives that are flying around the entire globe as though they were absolute truths, when in fact, they are vicious lies designed to keep the best of us down.

And if you also just enjoy a good story for the entertainment purposes, that’s absolutely fine too, but your help in spreading the word would be very much appreciated.

Lastly, if any of you want signed copies, the only way I can do that is to order some books myself, sign them and post them, which is quite expensive and can take a LONG time, especially since US customs can hold books for up to 8 weeks in customs, for reasons best known to themselves. However, if any of you are interested and are willing to pay for the postage, please leave me a comment or send me an email and we will see about doing that for you.

    The WHEN of the coming collapse

    Vox posted a link to a simplicious post that is really excellent at explaining the coming crash and why and the variables. And his general view is very much in line with my own (remember I assumed within 5 years but possibly up to 10. Which I only realise now also brings us to 2033).

    However, I have been somewhat fascinated by Vox predicting 2033 since I first heard about it several years ago, nearly a decade ago I think, now.

    There are two routes as to why I am fascinated by it. One is the more mundane one, and one s a somewhat numinous one.

    The mundane one is that Vox comes to these conclusions on the basis of (I think) quite detailed analyses of various things. Don’t ask me what things, because he’s doing things economists do, and I assume it entails going deep under his castle’s dungeons, drawing entrails from his enemies, boiling the tears of the givers of science fiction awards, and other dark and disgusting things only economists can stomach doing. My own approach to these things is to get a hunch and then synergistically, come out with a WAG (Wild-Assed-Guess).

    Back in 1993-4, I was sure that the economy would collapse by the year 2000 at the latest based on my having touched with a tiny toe the waters that those creatures known as “traders” (in shares and stocks and options and baby parts, and cocaine) do within banks and other towers of misery.

    Then 2000 came and went and I thought a bit like I did when I was 4 years old and I had asked about how money works and the grown ups tried to explain it to me and I figured none of it made any sense. But I assumed I was too small and this stuff was too complicated for me to grasp, so I must be wrong about it being completely insane system that makes no sense.

    Of course, 4 year old me was right. It’s the rest of the world that is absolutely, completely, totally, fucking insane and illogical.

    So the same thing happened and it was 2008 before it all crashed, and then I realised my error. I was unaware of Professor Cipolla’s First Law.

    It had taken so long for the Ponzi scheme to crash because so many greedy, unprincipled, stupid and really stupid people ALL continued to buy into it and then double down. They are all playing 3 card monty with no third card and someone is stealing the bets, but they all keep at it because sometimes some of the stolen cash lands near them and they “win”.

    So 2008 came. And they covered it up by robbing blind half the planet. And then 2014 came and they patched it up again, and started the Ukraine stuff. Then 2019 came and they invented Covid and proper Ukraine war. Now Covid is done, draconian laws telling nationals to shut up about the rapefugees stabbing their children or else go to jail are being put in place and chemtrails are going overboard to try and fry all our brains with the new 5G antennae, but it’s still not enough. The USA has literally increased its debt by another trillion, or is it two, hell, I forget.

    So now there is the Gaza genocide, and all the media trying to make us feel sorry for the guys bombing civilians, hospitals and killing literally thousands of children. And that is definitely being dragged out, because the next step is to send all the Palestinians to Europe and the USA.

    But… unless hot war with Russia and China and/or Iran and Syria kicks off soon, and unless Russia and China are also part of some really nefarious Satanic game of chess, the West is going to get that economic collapse soon.

    And as I mentioned, by “soon” I expect in the next five years, but maybe a little “softer” for North America and Europe than it has historically been for 3rd world countries, or those that the West deemed needed to become 3rd world countries. So my estimate is about 2030 at the most but I am well aware I tend to be a pessimist, so 2033 certainly looks like a good date.

    Now for the numinous part. Back in 1994-5 when I was researching and writing The Face on Mars, I read a book called the Great Pyramid Decoded, Peter Lemesurier, which was quite fascinating. And in there, he came up with this idea that the great Pyramid could also be used to predict a sort of general timeline of the future. It was not an idea I valued very much, because the premises he used to get there were in my view, rather shaky, although the man did a lot of valid and interesting work aside from that. And in any case he was not some crazy freak, but a guy with an interesting take on some odd things, and people like that can sometimes figure things out the rest of us miss (I know because I am one such guy in my own way).

    Anyway, from memory, Lemesurier put it that a generic world collapse was going to happen in 2033. And that by around 2050 it was either finished or the real end times came, I forget which, and the book is either lost to one of my moved or one of my relatives, so I can’t check. But anyway, after the crash a time of good and perfection would come. I can’t recall if the 2050 part is when the bad stuff ends or the really bad stuff begins, before we then have a new golden age. You can see how the End Times narrative obviously keeps me awake at night. But anyway, though I didn’t think much of his methodology, I remembered this 2033 date as a “crash” date, and I find it fascinating that Vox came to it too. It’s quite specific, and Lemesurier had used some Biblical related “timeline” to come to his conclusions, and I may be wrong, but I think Vox once mentioned he had considered certain things from the Bible to… I forget… conclude something about economics, or the timing of something.

    So I wonder about it. And now you know, and probably wonder about it too.

      Coming Soon… Nazis

      Since my Overlords of Mars series was abruptly interrupted after book 2 some 10 years ago, I finally have got down to finishing book 3 (it’s basically done, I just need a few days or a week or so to edit it and clean up a few things, I thought it might be fun to put up on the blog a few of the more autistic parts of the universe I created with that series.

      So, over the next few days you should see aa dedicated link appear on the left sidebar, that will lead to more information that you probably want to know about the military structures on Mars, Luna and the insignia they wear and the size of the spaceships and on and on and on, as time permits.

      Some of you know that Umberto Eco walked a certain measured distance for his Name of the Rose, to see whether a dialogue he had in it would fit in the time it took to walk it. And some people are impressed by this.

      Personally I find it absolutely normal. And I guarantee you that however much stuff I manage to throw up on my dedicated and nested linked pages in due course, it will always be just a fraction of the notes and plot-lines, and people and things I have kept track of.

      So… the science fiction autists among you may yet rejoice soon. And the book will be out before Christmas too (unless I get abducted by Aliens).

      It will come out first in a huge Omnibus edition that contains all three books. The third book as a separate work will be out later and I am not sure if that will make it before the Christams deadline.

      Anyway… if you are into science fiction, esoteric technology (that exists), very effective martial arts (that exist) intrigue, Nazi conspiracies, and shady aliens, as well as the general impression that we live on a kind of prison planet, yet, are looking for hopeful and old-style storylines that inspire, amaze, surprise and get you emotionally involved, well… I have really only had good reviews so far, so you may want to think about saving up for the big one. The first book in the series is $2.99 for kindle, just so you get almost 200 pages to judge wether you want to read the next instalments or not.

      The second book is a lot more cinematic that the first, and the third one is a bit of a mix between the first and second book, as some concepts and plot lines needed advancing, but there remains a lot of action too.


        As a result of a post Vox did on the coming economic collapse, here, I asked a question about his opinion on the when it all might get really quite serious:

        His response was along my own lines of thought in general terms but pointed out something important:

        And that is, we have already crossed the threshold that for me, circa 1995 was the year 2000 or so. At the time, living in South Africa, and having dabbled in trading a tiny bit, and having seen the “soul” of that industry and the people in it, I had concluded that in 5 years tops, the whole house of cards must come tumbling down. I had not accounted for human greed and stupidity of course, so the crash happened 8 years beyond my outer limit expectation. The 2000/2001 rubicon of disbelief had been crossed in my mind because I could not see how the giant global Ponzi scheme could still function. Perhaps I was wrong about it all being a giant Ponzi scheme? Although I could not see how. And I did not really connect the whole 9/11 false flag perpetrated by Mossad agents who liked dancing at the time, with a further artificial propping up of the US dollar global economy (backed by the US military might, of course). It was a little strange that Trillions of dollars were being shipped to Iraq on literal pallets in cargo planes with no oversight, but you know… American things. I figured somehow they had managed to stave the mathematically unavoidable collapse off… sort of. And then 2008 hit and… they covered it up.

        Just took a giant pile of your money and bailed out the criminal fraudsters and con men that people call bankers, and made the whole problem go away. And most people still haven’t got a clue how or why the collapse happened. That is obvious, because if they DID understand it, if Joe average literally knew what the 2008 crash was about and how and who made it happen, every single bank on the planet would be torched to the ground, anyone working in the financial industry would be lyinched, as would everyone that works anywhere near anything related to tax collection. As would, of course, the nominal puppets controlled by the bankers that people think are their “elected” government.

        I mean, it’s fine for me. I realised this entire planet was total clown world fake at age 26 when I published The Face on Mars and had satisfied myself entirely with the fact that human history had nothing to do with what we are taught in school, is actually astonishing, and antigravity technology has been a thing since 1928 and definitely a very real thing used in flying craft since the end of WWII. So yeah. If you want to understand why everything is absolutely fake and gay, why I never voted in any election for anything except once a year ago, as just a small test to confirm my already foregone conclusions, then you can read that book.

        It’s also why I never waste time trying to read texts about economics or anything related to that other than as a glancing note of what lie they are trying to push, just so I get a sense of things in general terms. Because it’s all lies. It’s all, completely fake. You and I break our backs to make enough money to survive and the people who literally create money out of thin air have billions on demand and can fund whatever they want; which for the most part is gay, transexual, “democracy”, global warming, take-everything-from-you-and-you be-happy-technology, GMO everything, including GMO people now, death-inducing “medicine”, genetically altered death mosquitoes, control, surveillance, taxation, and regulation, to death, of everyone else that is not them.

        Vox on the other hand I believe majored in economics, and has even more incredibly, written books on the topics. What can I say, there is no accounting for taste in people’s absurdly insane hobbies that look like the mental equivalent of years of being told “there are five lights” to the rest of us.

        Perhaps his deeper study is what made him make a statement that is obvious in retrospect: We have already past the point of what anyone thought was possible. The entire covid scam proved there was in essence infinite fake money if you just played along with the lies. And while the money is fake it is not exactly infinite or free. The doubling cost of food and other things in the last year and a half or so is the mathematical inevitability of what will follow. And at this point, I was asked to expound on the topic.

        And I was asked by possibly a Chinese Spy, regarding my ideas of the economic collapse of the (mostly) West. While I do not welcome our Chinese overlords and hope for the eventual freedom of my people to rebuild the ancient and honourable Most Serene Republic of Venice, I also harbour them no ill will. After all, my ancestral countryman Marco was the first to open up the old Silk Road, and I am on official record, on TV too, from China, to say that my and my partner’s firm intended to reopen that route. Whether that will ever be achieved or not, given the current political realities, is arguable, but I for one would not have a problem with it; as long as China stays Chinese, and La Serenissima stays Venetian.

        So here is my take on the coming economic meltdown.

        Timeline: I would say within 5 years, but Argentina’s sudden capitulation to globohomo over the last few days might stretch that to say… 10 years? depending on who else the (((USA))) manages to force into subservient slaves. That said, some other factor (and there are many, many, many of them, many unknown to you and me) might make it all collapse tomorrow. Or at least do so for where you specifically live. Italy might become the next Greece or 1990 Argentina overnight. Or maybe France. The UK is more steadily sliding into full-blown mandatory homosexuality, so a more “gentle” economic ride there, but perhaps worse than anywhere else mind-wise.

        A Hard Crash: A Hard crash would be that your money in the bank turns to absolute vapour could dust overnight, 90% of people can’t afford food, never mind other things and you get… (drum roll please)… VENEZUELA!

        Thank you, thank you, you’re welcome. And depending on where you are in the world, your particular Venezuela may in fact include roaming military death squads, looting gangs, wild civil unrest put down brutally by the armed forces, a military coup with large (or apparent/manufactured) popular support, CIA/Israel funded “regime change”, uncontrolled immigration and skyrocketing violent crime of all kinds.

        This kind of crash tends to be limited more or less to certain specific countries or regions and would probably still be a relatively “soft” hard crash compared to one in say Africa, or even South America. Think of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people having their arms cut off by machetes like in Rwanda. Not as likely to happen in say Rome. Well, ok, maybe Milan, which is a bit further North and so not quite as African. Ok, fine, some mountain villages in the Veneto. But you get what I mean.

        Paradoxically, I think the UK with their unarmed police, and ban on guns and so on, are going to have a far more violent rude awakening than most continental European countries when such a potential fast/hard crash happens. Most of continental Europe outside of the large cities still has a sort of rural, grow my tomatoes in the garden mentality. And while it is nowhere near enough to stave off famine and so on, they are, overall, statistically, better placed to survive actual famines. Plus, in places like Italy, you have about 2 million registered and legal and law-abiding armed citizens, but about 8 million guns that are known to be around and unregistered and illegal. So, kicking doors in gestapo style of random citizens, in not quite as law-abiding places as the UK, is going to result in more dead jackboot wearers, meaning overall their operations would probably be more brutal but in less areas and in more concentrated and specific instances. The cowed Brits on the other hand, will walk to their metaphorical (or actual) cattle wagons in silent acquiescence. And their trains run on time, too.

        In some ways, a hard crash can be preferable. The puppets of government change rapidly sometimes in such cases, and there might even be the occasion of some partially principled military guy taking over by force and running things in a way that makes the earlier graft, theft, robbery and murder, look like a simple and mostly bloodless gas station stick-up.

        Remember kids, a benign dictatorship remains the best form of government. and Democracy is not the worst form of government only because a malign dictatorship beats it.

        The “soft” crash: This is what I think will actually happen for most of Europe, or at least, that is the “plan”. It can always go off the rails. I also think it applies to various parts of the US but I am not knowledgeable enough to be precise on where, but in essence democrat run large cities and those states that are governed by such creatures. So California as a visual certainty, but perhaps also places like Florida and Texas along with New York for most people. And possibly Washington D.C. unless you are one of the political class, but even then you’d be living behind barbed wire fences probably.

        So the soft crash is just an escalation of what’s already happening now. Higher cost of everything, no increase in wages or buying power. The average person is hardly making ends meet in terms of paying rent and feeding themselves and their families, while getting more and more forced into basically accepting all sorts of restrictions in order to not incur even further hardship. The ultimate end of it being your subservience to a Universal Basic Income, tied to your digital cash, with all that implies:

        • Total control of your finances
        • Total regulation of what you may or may not buy
        • The eventual reclamation of anything you own by the “state” meaning the bankers that run it
        • Inability to work in what has been the traditional manner until now (you can’t get the BUI if you do, or you are limited in what you MUST do to receive the BUI and so on)
        • Regulation and limitation of everything from travel, to what food you can purchase, to how often, to how many clothes you can buy, to whom you can or must or cannot or must not associate with in order to keep your UBI and so on.

        As people get more and more uncomfortable, the occasional flare-up here or there will happen and be BRUTALLY repressed.

        There is a way out and around all of this but historically it has not often happened. Perhaps, one hopes, it MIGHT, this time.

        I will post below a link to an archived post that proves categorically how this has ALREADY happened, but you don’t know it, of all places, in CANADA. Yes, I know, I know, but bear with me, and read the story at the link. And for those of you literally too lazy to click on the link and read it (please do, honestly it explains so much) the answer is to make friends in real life, use social media only to meet and organise those things you can’t to face to face and building community in your immediate, walking distance vicinity, then link up to other similar communities as you can, and establish networks of people that think like you.

        Here is the link about why something you are not aware of is presented as a LOSS while in reality it was a MASSIVE WIN.

        Short of people doing that, you will be squeezed, impoverished, regulated, fined, isolated and ultimately conquered. And worse, so will your children. the brainwashing will proceed full force with penalties for those who don’t comply. Anyone succeeding in creating alternate realities will be cancelled, silenced, not talked about and those who try to resist in any appreciable manner will be made a spectacle of and plastered all over the news.

        But what you must realise is that IT’S ALL FAKE.

        No government can force a million or two of their own people who are organised, willing to stand together and stand their ground. to do what the government without the use of overwhelming force. And by overwhelming force I don’t mean police charges with batons. That will eventually only get police stations burnt to the ground and cops killed. I mean flying fighter-bomber jets over them and carpet-bombing them. And even then, if that million or two is willing to fight, they will, in due course, win.

        You don’t believe me? here are a few examples just from recent years:

        Ukraine: Donetsk and Lugansk – Bombarded with artillery and fired upon by active military for 8 years until Russia intervened.

        Afghanistan: Kicked the ass of the entire US military with sheepherders willing to do whatever required to never stop fighting back.

        Vietnam: Ditto, but they were rice farmers and had some support from commies, weapon wise.

        In various other ways, Ethiopia / Sudan are hellholes, but are certainly NOT controlled by the US military that has played in those areas.

        If the stance is mostly peaceful as with the Truckers in Canada, or the Netherlands, the bloodied will be minimal, but as with all human problems, if push comes to shove, violence will eventually be the final arbiter of which side comes out on top. Because anyone who thinks that “elections” are in any way related to who controls your government, clearly also still believes in the tooth fairy leaving money under their pillow for teeth and Santa Claus coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve.

        And, you know, generally speaking, pedophiles, narcissists, egomaniacs, power-hungry, greedy, molluscs of the types that actively want to be politicians are not in the habit of just handing over the reigns of power and quietly going to the dungeon they belong in, or in many cases, the hangman’s noose. So what will eventually happen is that either, they manage to get everyone to climb aboard the cattle carts and go to the concentration camps hoping that they are not too bad, on the basis of a tiny minority telling them they have no option and having another tiny group of enforcers do their bidding, OR, eventually normies will get pissed off enough to pick up pitchforks and torches and will literally drag the politicians out of their ivory towers and make them into wet piñatas.

        Before it come to that however, a LOT of hardship will be tolerated by the vast majority, in fact they may well end up all going to the camps (or whatever the metaphorical alternative will be). Because the majority is ALWAYS sheep. But in such times, random leaders can from time to time pop up and change the course of history in very unexpected ways. And if they get any actual traction, they will also have massive popular followings.

        The issue with the traction is that social media and so on is absolutely controlled so not a real avenue. Hence why such people will do better in face-to-face community building. 100 men in real life with one purpose are worth much more than one million men online changing their profile picture.

        So that’s how I see it.

        Hence, The Kurganate.

          On Natural Rhythms and Money

          Bear with me. I don’t know how long this post will be, because I am trying to connect things that are absolutely important and true, but mostly completely invisible to most people, and that IQ gap thing makes it hard for me to know what is obvious to most people and what is not. So, at a high level let me identify the issue and also identify the solution. Then I will get into the details, time permitting.

          The Problems

          • Human beings are not living according to natural rythms
          • The Pedovores running this prison planet are intentionally disrupting any natural rhythm as much as possible. They do so in multiple and ever increasing ways and intensity:
            • Constant cycle of fear porn
            • Constant cycle of ubiquitously available actual sexual porn
            • Unnatural working rhythms
            • Unnatural family time orientation
            • Pollution of food and water sources
            • Electromagnetic pollution
            • Constant disposable lifestyle leading to disposable mindset
            • destruction of long attention spans by multitude of means
              • mobile phones
              • TV
              • Internet
              • Video above reading
              • audio above reading
              • lack of historically accurate knowledge
              • lack of history in general
              • pharmaceutical means
              • pervasive drug use
              • destruction of in-depth study of anything
              • preference for shallow emotional answers to deeper logical ones
              • txt spk instead of written words
              • induced dyslexia by “teaching” children to read “whole words” instead of one letter at a time (the result is a child that encounters a word he has not seen before does not know how to read it, guesses internally, and as such understands no context and gives up and/or can’t comprehend what he has read fully)
            • Intentionally harmful genetic engineered food
            • Chemtrails
            • Intentionally chemically altered water and water sources
            • Manipulation of female hormones by contraceptive pills
            • Manipulation of male hormones by female hormones in the water supply reducing testosterone
            • Medication of children due to “ADHD” when all they need is to run around in the forest for a good part of the day
            • Unhealthy work/live environment (everything from proximity to high tension cables to various sources of EM waves, microwaves, lack of sunlight and bad postural chairs
            • Sedentary lifestyle
            • Constant brainwashing/indoctrination by all mass media

          That is the list of the effects mostly. What is the result?

          Essentially a very unhealthy life that is a constant overpressure on our nervous system and thus on our very life, mind, emotions and hormonal balance. It literally affects everything. Our mood, our very health right down to killing us. our relationships, and our ability to foster good ones and maintain them, at every level. Increasingly, our life is looking more and more, every day like the scrambling for mere survival by a bunch of underfed, poisoned, diseased rats in a cage.

          How is it enforced?

          By the economic model under which the whole planet has been enslaved, for the most part.

          • The system of money, which almost all human beings today need to live in some form of comfort or other, is completely artificial, not linked to any intrinsic value related to the work, ability, or even natural resources a person has in the vast majority of cases (well over 99.999% of cases). The money is not even related to a finite resource like gold. Merely to artificial constructs most people don’t understand. The actual “money” ic created from nothing, related to nothing, by those who control the system. You have to work for it at the cost of your time and effort, the people who own and run the system have access to infinite quantities, which they can bestow at will, under some guise or other, to their willing subjects and enforcers of a certain way of forcing the rest of us to live under.

          A second way is by the limited and controlled release of technology only decades after it has been identified and bought, cordoned off, secreted, or murdered into control by the same powerful pedovores running things.

          • Did you know that pretty much all programming that is supposedly all “new” was available in the 1970s?
          • Or that antigravity technology was probably rediscovered in the late 1800s and certainly by the Germans during WWII and is still hidden from the rest of us?
          • Or that the ancient Greeks and Romans used radio to fool the masses with their pantheon of (demonic) Gods?
          • Or that Harold Aspden discovered properties of the electron and got them correct to several decimal places long before they were identified in the mainstream literature, as well as proved that Einstein came up with literally nothing new, by simply reading through the Royal Society’s Papers prior to 1910?
          • Or that a lot of this information was easily available on the interned in the mid 1990s, as I reported in my book The Face on Mars, that is now quite difficult to find?

          What is the solution?

          Paradoxically, the solution comes first and foremost by removing yourself from the system of control. You can have all the healthy food, and decent lifestyle you want, but if it is subject to the enforcement aspect, then it can (and will) all be taken away at a moment’s notice.

          So step number one has to be to get out from under the monetary system and step two to get out from under the technological system.

          Well, we can’t all become Amish!” Scream the mouth breathers.

          No. I am not suggesting you should. What I AM suggesting is that you need to find a way to become independently able to source clean water, decent food and enough electric energy to run what you need. A separate means of communication that is secure would be a laudable next goal.

          Well, you are talking science fiction for most of us!” Scream the mouth breathers. Drooling.

          No I am not. The vast majority of humanity lived this way for most of human history. Yes, human history was very brutal, but guess what, it is very brutal right now, and it isn’t gonna get better. AND, you have the advantage of being able to figure this stuff out while we/you still have access to all this high tech stuff.

          So… in order of chronological stability then, the process should most likely be:

          1. Purchase/own some land in a place that can grow you enough food and feed enough livestock to feed you and your family. Regardless of whether that is just you or a family of ten. “Oh but how…?” Each of us has to find his way. I wrote a series of posts on this very topic in more depth. Part 1 to 4 of that are available here.

          2. Find ways to be as off-grid energetically as you possibly can. My attempt at building a gasifier for this very purpose has so far met with failure, but I KNOW it is possible. I am just trying to rebuild a technology from scratch with only a few indicators. I know at least a few other have done it, so it’s possible. However, I am slowly becoming convinced that while possible, it is probably a very sub-standard solution for a variety of reasons, including the tolerances of our modern engines and the availability of wood that has sufficiently dried for long enough in the correct environment. That said, I am currently exploring other options even as I continue to try and fix the gasifier into a working unit.

          3. Find and create an alternative to money. To that end, I have constructed a small chart of equivalences for ammunition to 2023 dollar values. Keep in mind this value/rapport is forever fixed to 2023 values, but over time it will mutate. if ammunition suddenly becomes very scarce, or a certain type of it becomes very scarce, then that value will go up relative to other items.

          Calibre – HandgunUSD cheapest average cost (2023)
          .22 Long Rifle$0.10
          .25 ACP$0.40
          .32 ACP$0.45
          .380 ACP$0.33
          9mm Parabellum$0.25
          .38 Special$0.33
          .357 Magnum$0.52
          .40 Smith & Wesson$0.48
          .41 Magnum$2.00
          .44 Magnum $0.80
          .45 ACP$0.40
          .50 Action Express$2.00
          Calibre – Rifle
          .22 Long Rifle$0.10
          .223 Remington/5.56mm NATO$0.50
          7mm Remington Magnum$1.05
          .30-06 Springfield$1.05
          .308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO$1.05
          .300 Winchester Magnum$1.50
          .338 Lapua$6.75
          .375 Weatherby Magnum$4.10
          .460 Weatherby Magnum$10.00
          .50 BMG$3.75
          12 Gauge Shotgun
          Bird shot (2 to 10)$0.40
          Buckshot to Double 0$1.40
          ConversionNumber of roundsCalibre
          1 US dollar equals10.22 LR
          1 US dollar equals2.25 .32 or .45 ACP or .40 S&W or .357 Magnum or .223 Rem Mag or 5.56mm NATO or Shotgun shell (birdshot)
          1 US dollar equals1.44 Magnum or 7mm Remington or .30-06 Springfiled or .308 Winchester or 7.62mm NATO or Shotgun slug
          2 US dollars equal1.41 Magnum or .50 AE or .300 Winchester Magnum or 1 Shotgun shell of buckshot
          3 US dollars can also be 2.300 Win Mag or Buckshot
          4 US dollars equals1.375 Weatherby Magnum or .50 BMG
          7 dollars equal1.338 Lapua
          10 dollars equal1.460 Weatherby Magnum

          So, that could be an alternative currency presently. Though I suspect, if the zombie apocalypse happens ammunition will become far more valuable that what the above scale suggests today.

          You could do the same thing with eggs or apples, or whatever else. You could even revert back to using gold by weight. Although, of course, governments frown upon you walking around with backpacks of ammunition, or gold for that matter. makes you wonder why, isn’t it. The point is, that you need to be able to trade either time and effort or something materially tangible for goods and services. The government also frowns upon this because they can’t tax you if you do that, but it’s really hard to prevent. Although, that is what digital money is all about. And if you think you won’t get fooled into using it, guess again. You have an amazon account? a credit card? online banking? you use an ATM to get cash out? Well, you are already using digital cash. And it’s a small step to forcing you to use only that, without ever seeing physical cash. So. Start by getting used to using only hard cash as much as you can. And try and insist on being paid in the same. It’s not going to stop the tide, but it will help slow it down.

          Most people will leave this third point for last thinking it’s impractical, too hard to figure out or get anyone else to agree with. Well… are you starting to understand how it is the primary means of control?

          If, however, you are able to produce your own food and energy, it’s not that big a step to find an alternative way to trade for goods and services. So, while escaping the economic slavery is the most important part, doing so at a practical level for the average person will come only after they have secured shelter, food, water and energy.

          On Natural Rhythms

          If you achieve this trinity of sanity, AND you consciously make an effort to ignore all the constant psyops going on around you and instead intentionally and consciously build a haven of mental sobriety, sanity and joy in your home, you will begin to feel revitalised, happy and alive. In fact, the only sad aspect of your life will possibly be the small number of people able to live as you do and become part of your community.

          Now, I am nowhere near having secured all three points, however, I have the shelter and at least until really serious breakdowns take place, the water, even if it required purification, I could continue for a while. The food source is scant, and the next item I need to put some serious work into, and on the energy front, so far, I only have emergency items I can use for a limited time to keep things going for a few days. So, as I said, far from ideal, AND I still need to generate quite a LOT of the vile invented smoke-and-mirrors money to secure certain future-proofing of the house as well as means of producing food more efficiently and so on.

          All that said, I assure you my personal mental health has much improved even if my physical health has taken a bit of a toll, which is nothing more than my impatience and built-up stress combining to make me injure myself and not take better care of my body while I try to prepare as much as I can before some economic collapse makes everything even harder.

          You may be a lot further away, or like a guy I am aware of, have worked for nearly two decades obsessively at making money as a day trader and then dropped it all to buy a huge ranch with all the solar power and off grid and fencing and guns he wants, and with more extended land further out to farm more animals and so on. Few people have had that mindset from two decades ago, much less the mental strength to keep at it and the fortune and skill to make it actually work. If you are one of them, I salute you. I lived very much like a grasshopper, but I’m still one of those ornery tough ones with spikes all over their shell and while I may not be quite up to a fully stocked ant-hill, well… if the apocalypse comes, I may do even better than a lot of ants.

          But enough about you and me, let me get to those natural rhythms and why they matter.

          The difference between following natural rhythms and not doing so, is immense.

          I was fortunate enough to grow up in Africa for the most part, when it was still wild and had little in the way of laws or rules and rural Italy, which while in a civilised country, in the late 70s was still essentially free for children and most adults too. This created a foundational basis of reality I never forgot. it was apparent to me from an early age that the whole system of money, work, career, schooling was all just a giant deception. A system of making us little better than corralled sheep to fleece.

          Left to their own devices, honest men perform extremely well and create a civilisation the likes of which only Catholicism managed to usher in. Sadly, Demonic Protestantism hijacked vast areas of the globe and later infiltrated even the healthy parts, reducing almost all to ruin. We can therefore only speculate as to what kind of future would have been created with technology used by devout Catholics. I suspect it would have been the kind of glorious thing hinted at in the film Tomorrowland or what I imagine when I think about a world of airships, that carry Biplanes for exploration and leisure trips. Like the USS Akron.

          The USS Akron, the world’s first purpose-built flying aircraft carrier, could launch and retrieve three [later up to five] F9C Sparrowhawk fighters while in flight. Filled with non-flammable helium instead of hydrogen, the Akron was considered by the US Navy to be much safer than its German-built counterparts of the era. Unfortunately, nature had little respect for the opinion of the US Navy; in 1933, a powerful storm drove the Akron into the sea and claimed the lives of 73 out of her 76 crew. Among the dead was Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, one of the Navy’s strongest airship proponents.

          or even cooler USS Macon

          The USS Macon was especially interesting for being a kind of “flying aircraft carrier”. Namely, it could carry five Curtiss F9C fighter aircraft. These were one-man biplanes stored in a hangar within the body of the zeppelin.

          Sadly, the Macon too was lost at sea and that put an end to the concept, (because by then everyone had started to become a quitter!) although even bigger versions had been planned, that included top-side runways and whole squadrons of biplanes in their hangers.

          Imagine a world where the commercial interests of life are SUBJUGATE to the human spirit instead of the other way round.

          Imagine a world where the human mind, emotions, biorhythms, and needs lead the technology instead of the technology dictating to our minds, spirt and body how to be and act and live.

          Because that, in essence, is what happens. Do you really think there are not alternatives to electricity that are free and easier and safer to use than the ones we have spend decades and trillions of dollars to perfect? Tesla had already figured out wireless transmission of energy more than a 100 years ago. But you can’t put a meter on that.

          The antigravity technology rediscovered by Nazi Germany’s scientists is indeed dangerous, but put to positive use, it would absolutely render our planet a paradise, with everyone having enough energy, no pollution of billions of kilometres of concrete and asphalt required, no use of fossil fuels and pretty much clean energy forever for everyone. As well as access to the entire Galaxy, not just out solar system.

          But of course, you ar not allowed to know or develop or build these things.

          There are numerous stories of real world examples, of men from many nations, including Italy, who discovered, or re-discovered these technologies and as soon as they tried to implement them they either got bought out, threatened into silence or were assassinated.

          almost 50 years ago, a hydrogen car that worked efficiently and did not pollute was demonstrated. In the USA, well-functioning electric cars were produced and worked and then were suddenly recalled from every single owner that had one, including, if memory serves, Mel Gibson, and memory holed.

          The point is that if you get back to a working and living that avoids all the poisons and distractions of the modern world, the type of family life you can have for a start improves in quality by several orders of magnitude (assuming you are the right people for each other, if not, well… the point is that the truth will out!). Secondly, while you will always be busy, you will also begin to think properly again, and consider possibilities that you never had the time or inclination to consider before. And remember that pretty much every single invention that changed the world was created by an individual and almost never by giant corporations. Yes, it’s true the little guy invariably got screwed and forgotten, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In an honest society of honourable men, the inventor would be able to live well off his invention and people would respect his work.

          But such a society needs to be built from the ground up and as I mentioned above what you need to begin to create it, the next step is to build a community around you of like-minded people.

          What else you got to do for the remainder of your lifetime anyway?

          So go for it.

            All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
            Website maintained by mindseed design