Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Sex Robots with AI: Feminists most impacted.

You may be too young to remember the absurd Feminist war cry that came out in either the 1980s or 1990s, I forget, that said:

“Women need men, like fish need a bicycle.”

And yet, here we are today…

It looks like it’s women that need men more than men may need women.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have always ignored anyone with even a hint of feminism in their make-up with studious and amused indifference, except to entertain myself by at times simply saying something that would instantly turn their heads into IEDs as well as also make it obvious to everyone present they were bitter, insane, harpies that no one wanted to have sex with, and that was the primary cause of their “feminism” (mental instability) to begin with.

If you doubt me, just go look at images of the “luminaries” of radical feminism. Start with Andrea Dworkin. Before you do, make sure you have an empty stomach. The dry heaves will stop after about an hour.

But the point is that men, left to their own devices, will find or create a solution to almost any problem. Again, I am certainly not advocating for sex robots, far from it, but the reality is that a LOT of potentially perfectly suitable males that in the past would have got married and had children and had a happy and meaningful life, will in fact go down this hellish route, and they will do so in larger numbers than you expect, because the hard reality is that while men have, over the last couple of hundred years, overcome extremely large aspects of what one might call their “primitive” biological wiring, to become more tolerant and tractable, women, if anything, have only increased their solipsism, and intractability in general.

The future belongs to those women who embrace their femininity while doing the necessary violence upon their own base instincts to begin to act logically, honourably (a concept that is at best nebulous for the females of the species) and reliably, to a degree that makes men take notice.

Women who embody such qualities and look reasonably attractive will literally have the pick of quality men, who, rare though they may be, are usually always in more plentiful supply than the aforementioned type of woman.

I have been observing this trend since about age 16 and the last almost 40 years have done nothing to dissuade me from the idea that I am correct about this required next step in human evolution. The only question is whether women will catch up before we go extinct.

As I said, the future belongs to evolved, feminine women; or possibly, albeit briefly, to sex robots with agreeable AIs.

    What Women Want vs What Women Get

    I have posted a couple of videos by this guy and I have watched a few more. So far, he’s got a pretty high percentage of videos watched (maybe 6-7 or so) vs videos I personally generally agree with in regards to relationships, and this video covers a lot of ground and I think gets it mostly right. I have summarised his percentages in a simple table below for ease of “first glance” summarising all he says in one image.

    As he says, there are only 5 possible end games for a woman. I have summarised his percentages but any notes in italics are my own additional notes.

    A – She is a High value woman, keeps her high value and gets the High Value man she wants

    B – She is a High Value Woman, but lowers her Value in Order to get the High Value Man she wants

    C – She is (or more likely by far, perceives herself to be) a high value woman, she does NOT lower her (usually self-perceived/deluded) high value, fails to get the high value man she wants, and settles for a lower value man.

    D – She lowers her value, still fails to secure the man she wants and settles for a lower value man.

    E – She fails to secure a man, even if willing to settle for a lower value man. This can be because she is really low value herself, (ugly, crippled, damaged from trauma to the point she avoids men altogether, etc) or because she is deluded about her value and has delusional expectations compared to her actual value, whatever that is in reality.

    Now, the interesting thing is that as per the above chart, only 1% of women could be assumed to be in what they consider a happy relationship.

    Another 6% of them also should be happy, but they may at times feel they deserve a little more time/attention/from their spectacular husband.

    The rest, can be said to be at various degrees of disappointment. The smart ones, will understand that facing reality head on and making the most of it is the smart play. If we were optimistic and aid about half of the women in C and D did this, that would still leave about 30% of women that will in all likelihood eventually file for divorce. In my estimation nowhere near half of the women in C and D will make the smart play, so divorce rates will approach more like 40 to 50%

    And then there is roughly one on four women that never pairs up.

    He also mentions that 80% of women who end up childless do so UNINTENTIONALLY, and only 10% of those are the result of medical issues.

    Furthermore, the ones then up being left on the shelf, are skewed more towards the high value women that did not secure a husband earlier, and are now less physically attractive, closer to the age at which being childless is normal, and probably are heavily invested in their work or career, so it is not advantageous for a man to commit to her fully.

    In short, these are the cold hard numbers, and while exceptions exist, they are even rarer than the 1%of “power-couples” that supposedly exist on the planet.

    Personally, I never settled on the things that mattered to me, and although it’s far from scientific, if I use this calculator, the chances of finding a woman that fit my criteria when I first met my now wife were in the region of 0.4%. Interestingly enough, my own calculations at the time, before this online calculator existed, placed the chances of me meeting the ideal woman at quite a bit lower than that, because I also had a minimum IQ requirement, that while not hard-fixed, still needed to meet a certain level of intellectual ability that is really quite rare among women.

    And that figure did not really change in those things that mattered to me about her, but by the time we did get together, slightly over a decade after we first met, I had relaxed on one point, if it was for a woman that fit the other criteria that mattered to me, and using the same calculator the value had changed to roughly 0.8%, which means it doubled, but was still below 1%.

    From her perspective I think she is somewhat atypical because although they counted, the things that most women probably place high on the list were not as important to her, so on the female delusion calculator, she was probably looking for someone that externally was probably relatively “easy” to find when compared to most female delusions, and she was probably at the 2% or even 4% mark in terms of the externals she wanted, however, she is a rather complicated woman, and even if I dare say so myself, I think the internal qualities that she looked for, coupled with the ones she would swear blind at the time she did not want or need, but in fact both wanted and needed, probably means the number of men she would actually end up staying with permanently is, honestly, less than 0.1%. Frankly I doubt if it’s 0.01%, but we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Add to this the fact that we both had a considerable amount of baggage, both practical as well as historical, and the chances of things working out well for us, by all indications that apparently make a difference, was kind of like some of those absurdly unlikely propositions in the stupidest and most unrealistic action adventure films. You know, the sniper shot that hit exactly the right button from 5k away in a high wind, at night.

    In short, Luke blowing up the Death Star is quite literally much, much, much, easier than my wife and I having worked out, given the train-loads of “red flags” that conventional wisdom would allocate to each one of us separately and then a few more train loads if considered together.

    And yet… here we are. And this is why I always say that our relationship has often reminded me of the ending of the Mel Gibson film Payback.

    From my perspective, I did get the woman I wanted, but… probably at least a decade later than would have been ideal. From her perspective, she would probably make unkind but funny comments about how she doesn’t know how to use morse code to signal a need for a special ops team to extract her, but if she doesn’t turn up late at my death bed, (no chance if she has to get herself to a hospital in time. If I am dying at home, perhaps she might make it, assuming she doesn’t get distracted by making the tea just right, a shiny reflection in the window, or ordering a gadget that just came out for rescuing shrikes from bullfrogs) and assuming I last another 50 years or so to give her “perspective” she would probably confess, to my ears only, that she got the man she wanted too. If I croak first though, she would spend the rest of her days regretting not shouting it from the rooftops. She’s English. They are weird that way.

    The point is that anyone that would plan their chances at blissful marriage based on our parameters is at best retarded, and quite possibly clinically insane. And I really am not joking. So, although, yes, the heart wants what it wants, I STRONGLY recommend teaching your heart to be quite a bit more reasonable and practical. Especially if you are a woman, because while for the decade or so between 20 and 30 you very often can take your pick of men if you are moderately intelligent and good looking, if you do not curb your delusions of what you “deserve” in the next decade, between 30 and 40, you will find yourself being used and discarded with increasing frequency, and have a more than 1 in 4 chance of ending up alone and childless. And probably another 1 in 4 chance of being with child/ren but perennially “single”, if you consider serial relationships as not being permanent, because… well, they aren’t, are they.

    Do not be fooled by the illusions. Films, TV, the Internet. Do the cold, emotionless, hard numbers, ladies. That middle aged guy who doesn’t look like Brad Pitt and is not a millionaire, but is kind and handy around the house and actually loves you? It may make a lot of sense to love him right back and make it good. After all, to a great big level, love is a choice.

    So choose wisely.

      Catholics and Sex

      As regular readers of this blog know, I am not exactly the spiritual guy to go to for correct advice on the Catholic perspective on sex.

      I don’t actually have any issue with the Catholic position on sex, I believe it is indeed the best way for a married couple to relate to each other.

      Thanks to Adam for this video, which he posted at his blog a little while back, and which I present here below:

      It is definitely one of the better discussions I have seen on the topic, even though it is clear both are Novus Orco believers, so, I do take everything they say with a pinch of salt. It may be of interest to readers here that I give the video high marks, because my position on sex in Catholicism has at times been seen as wrong, or perhaps leading people to sin, or something along those lines, so, if you had a rather debauched sex life, as I did for most of my life, it might interest you to see the interview, since I found it very well done for the most part.

      Given my first 40 plus years of sexual experiences prior to becoming a Catholic I think it’s fair to say that it wasn’t going to be an easy transition. And there are some aspects of the theology behind it that I find difficult to reconcile with logic from a spiritual perspective. Nor is sex the only area I have this with, just because I am Catholic does not mean I don’t think about these things. For example, my perspective on Confession is that at a practical level it makes you into a better person, so it is a definitely good thing overall, and there is no reason not to do it or not to have it, but the idea that God would not be aware of my sin, or conversely, send to Hell despite my genuine repentance and atonement to the best of my ability if I did not manage to go to confession before I drop dead, is, to me, at the very least extremely unlikely, and honestly, I think erroneous. Nevertheless, if everyone said “oh that’s not how it works” pretty soon you’d get… well… Protestantism; because humans without rules are for the most part, no better than cattle or sheep without a Shepard to keep them in line.

      Similarly, I have no problem with the Church’s teaching on sex, which in a nutshell (forgive the somewhat “scandalous” pun) is as follows:

      • No contraception, ever, of any kind, except for NFP (Natural Family Planning) which in the related video starts around 1 hour 30 minutes or so and is well explained.
      • No homosexuality.
      • No refusal of sex from either spouse other than for serious reason, like illness, the potential duty to NOT have any more children, for whatever reason, and so on. The concept here is not that you are the other person’s sex slave, but rather that marriage itself is the gifting of yourself to the other person bodily and your body is literally now their property and vice versa. That, along with the reason of producing children, is literally a fundamental aspect of marriage. This of course is seen as evil, rape-adjacent, sexual slavery from all the degenerate feminists, but it is spelt out very clear in Corinthians 7: “The husband should meet his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should do the same for her husband. The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Don’t refuse to meet each other’s needs unless you both agree for a short period of time to devote yourselves to prayer. Then come back together again so that Satan might not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” The level at which a man or woman understands this passage, in my experience, is pretty much indicative of their level of spiritual understanding of sex and intimacy in marriage.

      Modernised women have now been “taught” for almost 100 years, that using their bodies to withhold sex from their husbands is “obviously” their “right” and the reality of it is that it has been “weaponised” to essentially cow men into a kind of sex-starved submission.

      Even in my pre-Catholic days, I found that there was broadly speaking (and I will generalise a lot here) two types of women:

      Those who instinctually understood that using sex as a bargaining tool in a relationship (other than perhaps as a joke in some role-play) was a despicable way to act, and never indulged in it.

      Then there were the others, who, as my brother once crudely put it, thought their pussy had the key to an actual spaceship in it (he knew I cared nothing for gold if I could just get access to a small hyperspace capable starship!) and limiting access to it in order to get what they wanted (regardless if it was some specific (and usually unnatural) behaviour from me, or more crudely, material things) was how they operated. This second type of woman tried that tactic with me precisely once. Because the minute they tried it, the relationship was instantly and permanently over. Their shock at this reaction, which was delivered calmly and with absolute finality, was always somewhat amusing. And I can’t recall an instance where they did not then (sometimes immediately) try to reverse the situation, but there was never any coming back from it. A woman that behaved that way was in a space mentally that I wanted nothing to do with, and I strongly advise all men to take a similar approach in this regard. It’s nothing to do with “needing” sex so desperately, or being “angry” at the lack of it, and so on. It is to do with the very foundational issue of how she sees sex, intimacy and indeed marriage as a whole and in context.

      Frankly, I find an actual prostitute that says it will cost X amount for a set time to be with her sexually, to be less offensive to the entire concept of intimacy than a woman that uses sex as a tool to “control” or manipulate a man. And similarly, I find any man that submits to such behaviour to be unworthy of being called a man.

      There was also another type of woman, and these were those that unfortunately had been sexually abused, and given the numbers, it is inevitable that I came across everything from incest to gang-rape. One positive aspect of it was that as far as I know, every woman I was with that had that happen, felt comfortable enough with me to share it, and a second positive aspect is that, again, in I think almost all cases, the resulting physicality between us, helped them resolve many issues.

      There was also, a notable example or two of women that had been sexually abused (rather extremely, really) who, while not at all shy or withholding sexually, at least with me, did have certain difficulties, and occasional really strange behaviours, and I am not referring to various kinks, which can be understandable, but I mean sudden bouts of sadness, depression and so on. These were more difficult aspect to improve rapidly, but in any case, open and honest communication always improved things for them, and did so even in their subsequent relationships, which they did let me know about in most cases.

      Now, setting aside the cases where sexual abuse was present, and given our secularised approach to sex in today’s day and age, it is interesting to note that the women that were most balanced sexually, instinctively never treated sex as a bargaining chip.

      It is a quite fascinating topic really, and one that older women (grandma aged ones) with successful families that are happy and well-balanced will (if you have their confidence) unashamedly tell you that their husbands were never turned away from their bodies. Conversely, a lot of supposedly “Catholic” women, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries, will be prudish and miserly with their bodies even from their husbands.

      The women have been taught this is their God-given right as a “strong independent woman”, their “dignity” as a human being and not being a sex object and so on. Totally inverting the reality of the issue.

      It is precisely because sex has become transactional and objectified in the extreme, that most people have absolutely no idea of what an actually properly intimate sexual act can feel like, or even is, that they assume and “teach” that as with any disposable property, you have to “work” to get it. An analogy might be making your four year old “work” before he can get access to eating food for his dinner. It is an absurd inversion of the concept of a sexual relationship, as much as making your little child work for his food would be an inversion of a parent’s duty.

      So even mentioning this aspect of essentially unrestricted access to your spouse’s body, gets you labelled as some kind of sexual slave-trader, probable human trafficker, or whatever.

      The reality is, of course, as usual, quite different. Although in the modern day, the pleasure of truly gifting your body to another has, for the most part, in many women, been reduced to a pleasure in being especially submissive during the sex act, the reality is that a true and natural submission to your spouse (husband or wife as they may be) is of incomparably finer and deeper beauty than a mere sex act, however “accomplished” that might be.

      It is a difficult concept to transmit to another human being that has not experienced both the degraded version (which almost everyone today that is asexually active knows only too well) and the correct one, but the difference is obvious and unforgettable once experienced.

      The unfortunate (and intentional) barriers to understanding these things have been hammered into all of us with such persistence and over all of our lives, that regaining a properly ordered sexuality is going to be quite the task, and will require conscious effort. But I assure you it is worth it.

      I hope the video helps clarify many things for a lot of people.

        On Raising Girls

        Thanks to TrevorGoodchild on Gab, I was made aware of this long but very good post on the female perspective of the modern radioactive wasteland that is the current era in terms of social interactions.

        One of the most insightful passages was this:

        Feeling alienated from your body, disliking the male attention your body invites, secretly feeling a kind of thrill when your beauty benefits you, enjoying the power you hold over men: these are feelings girls commonly experience as they transition to womanhood.

        In a healthy society, young girls eventually come to terms with these complex and somewhat contradictory feelings. This is not the case today. Today, young women are rewarded most for acting on their most pathological impulses. Platforms such as Instagram and OnlyFans incentivize some young women to profit from the male gaze to the detriment of their future well-being. On the other hand, for young women who feel alienated by their sexual desirability (or lack thereof), there exist a plethora of alternative online communities like FTM or pro-eating disorder spaces that offer young women refuge from the male gaze, while offering them emotional support and subcultural status.

        What is not at all encouraged is coming to terms with the complex feelings womanhood induces within young girls, coming to terms with that mix of terror and thrill. This process is entirely disrupted by modern social norms. Why? Because sexual norms today skirt around one obvious, horrifying fact: women like being sex objects. That eighteen year old on OnlyFans? She’s not motivated by entrepreneurial drive, economic desperation, patriarchal socialization, or any such external factor we may want to point to. No, she simply likes the idea of being a hot commodity, of being so sexy that men would pay to see her. She likes being a whore. Acknowledging women’s innate desire to be sexualized, to be objectified, is sacrilegious; it is a truth conveniently avoided by both feminists and traditionalists alike. Instead, they posit that women’s behaviour is entirely downstream of that of men’s, that if men didn’t desire women so much, that if they stopped watching porn, stopped “objectifying women,” stopped having sex outside of marriage, that all sexual degeneracy would disappear. And so, male sexuality is criminalized, and female sexuality is conveniently ignored. And while this set of social norms preserves a rosy, hapless image of women, it harms young girls through its complete lack of social regulation of feminine sexual impulses. If you do not restrict female sexual impulses, what you get is a race to the bottom, with young girls intensely competing with each other for sexual attention. A lack of common sense limitations leads to a rise in things like unnecessary plastic surgeries, the proliferation of photoshop, hypersexual online personas. The digital landscape is flooded with images of inhumanly beautiful women. Intense sexual competition has adverse effects on other young girls by either encouraging them to adopt such behaviours, or by alienating them from womanhood entirely.

        Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it’s all a male fantasy: that you’re strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren’t catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you’re unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur”

        .—Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride

        Ultimately, what growing up means for girls, is coming to terms with the male gaze. The male gaze, contrary to the popular feminist conception of it, is not a product of patriarchal society. Rather, the voyeur in your own head is a native facet of feminine psychology. The voyeur in your head is awareness of your desirability, the power it holds, the danger it can bring; this awareness is crucial for women to have as they navigate the world around them.

        And the most insightful sentence in that extract was this:

        She likes being a whore.

        That one sentence, in the context it was written, is, as the writer correctly identifies, the biggest taboo of the modern world. That admission can never be made in public without the person saying it being essentially cancelled as some kind of woman-hating, (internalised if you are female like the writer, of course) patriarchal pig/slave (depending on if you’re a man/woman) and so on.

        Now, those men among us who had a past that involved being intimate with a rather high number of women, in a secularised context absent pretty much all religion of any kind, will know that pretty much every woman has that impulse somewhere in her make up. I’m sure there are exceptions, but they are generally not what one would refer to as “normal” women. Some may be the result of rape, sexual abuse, and so on. Some may be neuro-atypical and so on, as always, nothing is always all the same, there are always exceptions, but by and large, the average woman, has in her a “I want to feel like a whore” button. Some are more aware of it than others, of course, and some are unaware of it until a man flicks that button a few times expertly, but as I say, in most cases it’s there. It is, in essence, a normal biological aspect of femaleness, just like it is a biological aspect of maleness to like feeling like a conquering hero (or anti-hero, whatever, the conquering and winning part is what makes us feel alive).

        Did you see that Sci-Fi film with Arnie called Total Recall (it’s badly based on a PKD story) but anyway when they are presenting him with a fictional fantasy holiday and they ask him what romantic partner he would like for his fantasy induced “holiday” and they say “be honest” he gives up and indeed says: “Slutty”.

        Using the word all/every in the same context as above, i.e. a generalisation, it is simply a fact that every man wants a whore in bed and a lady outside of their bedroom (well, ok, home in general, maybe public toilets, secluded spots in parks, back of cars… you know what I mean!).

        The ideal woman for most men is a complete slut in bed, open to all the sexual excitement and fantasies he might have, but… loyal most of all and forever to just him.

        And the ideal man for pretty much every woman, is a man that is manly enough to make her want to behave like a complete whore in bed. But who has eyes only for her.

        The ideal relationship for both sexes is one where the other partner inspires almost unbridled sexuality and sensuality for you, while at the same time confining it within the limits of your relationship.

        Yes, I am aware that there are large (and growing) areas of the population where wife-swapping, cuckolding, orgies, multiple sex partners and other fetishes actually take place, but those relationships where those aspects of sex become a regular reality instead of remain limited to a private fantasy, invariably end in tears and tragedy. There are no successful “polyamorous” relationships or long term “throuples”. Every one of those perversions of the natural order of one man and one woman is not conducive to the maximum happiness for both. Some might be artificially sustainable, such as the practice of having multiple wives. Historically there are instances where powerful men or certain societies permitted men to have multiple wives, and such societies still exist and one could say “function” after a fashion, but the reality is that neither the man nor the women in those situation had reached their maximum potential for true, deep, lasting serenity, and that is for a very simple reason:

        Maximum serenity is achieved when you have real, deep, intimate connection to another human being and that can only be achieved at its deepest and most pervasive level in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman.

        Oh, you might touch aspects of it in certain fetishised moments of a relationship that is not classical of that kind. Certainly I have experienced in my pre-catholic days a certain level of sexual gratification/understanding with some women, that even though was at times simply limited to that singular or infrequent encounter due to the temporary nature of the “relationship” achieved a certain level of “understanding” or feeling of mutual acceptance without any judgement or however you want to label it, that it does achieve a sense of closeness, an aspect, if you will, of “love” or at least a facet of it. But one might make the same statement of perhaps a pair of serial killers finding a moment of “spark” as they hunch over their latest victim to cannibalise it. Yes, yes, you might have felt something that you might think is “deep” and insofar as your experience of life might go (you know as a serial killer, or serial slut (of either sex)) it may well have been the “highlight” to date of your connection with another human being, and because sex is so powerful, if you just had your third and most mind-blowing orgasm in a row while trussed up in some S&M position in your full gimp outfit and a livecam to your only fans only “enhancing” the thrill for you, you might think you have reached the pinnacle of human intimacy. But you have not. You may have touched bottom on a deep dive into some fetishism, specific degenerate thing or even wide-spread generic degeneracy, but true, deep, pervasive intimacy, you have not reached sir, or madam. And trust me, I speak from a rather extensive degenerate past and experience on the matter.

        The level of human intimacy that truly calms and fills you with a genuine and pervasive experience of love, is only generated between one man and one woman. Instinctively we all know that from birth. As the ancient Greeks and others knew, there are various forms of love, and we can define different relationships on the basis of it, but the one that covers all of them the most is simply the one that is of a man and woman who choose a life together to make children and raise them. Anything else is a shadow at best if not a cruel parody that brings only misery (gay “marriages” and the accompanying child trafficking that results from gay “adoptions”).

        Your relationship with a woman you are particularly compatible with sexually might feel fulfilling, and indeed such relationships usually last quite long if there is at least a baseline of other factors to support it, but amazing sex on its own will not do it, yet, in the modern era, the focus is on that first and foremost.

        If you have daughters and are raising them and you are unaware of these facts, or worse, you try to ignore them pretending they are not realities, your daughters are headed for the rocks in the metaphoric navigation of life.

        Acknowledging a girls’ natural inclinations due to her biological sex is required, as is required your duty as father to teach her how to avoid the pitfalls of her own biology. Just as you do with a boy you would raise. But as a man, raising a boy is easier, because firstly, we are simpler, secondly we are men, so we know what it’s like to be one, and thirdly, boys are generally responsive to plain logic and direct line of thinking. The pitfalls for both boys and girls are mostly handled by the same skill: The ability to regulate your own emotions. Difficult as it is for all human beings, the skill is generally a lot easier to achieve for boys. and once again, the reasons are mainly biological.

        Female brain structure is physically different in some important aspects from male brain structure. Their hormones affect them and their thinking, mood, mind and brain to degrees that men can only imagine, but rarely experience outside of perhaps drug induced stupors.

        Helping a young girl navigate not only the outside world, but her own biology and emotion-inducing hormones, is a far more delicate and complicated matter.

        You do need to be aware of her biology and not demonise aspects of her that are natural things, but you also need to teach her to regulate these things in a way that leads to healthy and positive outcomes for her and steers her away from negative outcomes. And you also need to appreciate that for a girl or woman, the ability to control her emotions in a positive fashion tends to be far more restrictive. Historically every functioning society has known this, placing heavy and strict restrictions on female sexuality. And of course the feminists will tell you it was all to oppress women and so on, but the reality is that (as the article mentioned also points out clearly) women, left to their own devices tend to make horrifically bad decisions and civilisations tend to collapse in short order when this is the case.

        An innocuous example might suffice.

        In teaching self-discipline to my children, the approach with the boy, who is only 4, is very much simpler and direct. He’s been told eating too much sweets or say chocolate, or whatever is not good for him and we want the best for him and as a result he simply asks if he can have this or that and when he is told no, at most he asks why. Provided a clear explanation he accepts the decision most times. His little sister seeing him do this is more disposed to following suit… I say more disposed… not how much more… It’s a tiny amount. She will argue and try to pull a fast one a lot more than he does. My eldest daughter on the other hand is a complete choc-aholic. I was the same and even in my thirties and later I could eat three full chocolate slabs and think nothing of it. When I was swimming competitively as a teenager and living alone in the UK I survived on cheese and chocolate and random meals I microwaved. I was never fat, because I always moved and I have lucky genetics. She is very similar in this regard, but when I explained it is not healthy and she should not devour whatever chocolate is in the house (something she did like a thief in the night several times) and I finally put my foot down hard, far more on the sneaky way she had done it than the thing itself, the next time we went shopping and it was just me and her and I said should we get some chocolate, she said no. Surprised I asked how come. Her explanation was enlightening:

        “Because I can’t really control myself if I know we have it in the house. So if it’s not there, at least I can’t go and eat it.”

        The boy would simply be ok with not touching it until he’s told it’s ok to do so, or limit himself to one or two pieces a day or week or whatever we decided, but the girl realised her own will-power or discipline was not enough and so took steps to safeguard against her own known weakness.

        That subtle but extremely important difference plays out throughout most of a woman’s life.

        And returning to sex, because it is such a powerful force, if a girls’ (also natural) defences against being bedded are bypassed by some slight of hand/emotional manipulation/general social pressure, and then repeatedly so, her ability to bond deeply with another human being becomes scarred over by each encounter, making it progressively harder to make it a possibility.

        Being aware of these things as a father is of paramount importance, and I am astonished at the level of absolute incompetence we see today in the parenting skills in general but especially of how pathetic so many men are at being fathers for their daughters.

        I see comments from apparently fathers that ask things like: “What can I do? I mean the sex stuff is everywhere and my daughters dress like whores, but it can’t be helped, and where will they find a good man?”

        Well buddy, short a miracle, they won’t because they never had one in the first place where they should have: Their home! You weakling, metrosexual, pathetic excuse for a father.

        Seriously, the more I look at Clown World with a bird’s eye view, the more I realise that I was absolutely right ten years ago, some 3 years before I even got baptised, when I said that two things would be pivotal: Christianity (which I have since come to view as being limited to actual Catholicism i.e. 1958 Sedevacantism) and city states, because once the SHTF it will be communities that stick together that will resit and survive whatever evil wind comes their way.

        I hope more and more people will see these truths soon, and that is happening, even if I know the numbers will never approach what my blue-sky tinted heart would wish.

        But you never know; God does act in mysterious ways; and he does have a powerful sense of humour, after all: He made me a hardcore Believer.

        This last piece from the article is another important point (emphasis added):

        Why are young women today so deranged? Because no one is honest with them and they cannot be honest with themselves. Parents lie to you, teachers lie to you, friends lie to you, everyone lies to you. If anyone dares tell you the truth, they are ostracized.

        There is the ultimate betrayal. Parents who lie to their children about reality. Life. Basic stuff. And many do so because they are so retarded and brainwashed themselves they honestly don’t know any better.

        But many do it because of the fear of running against the grain. Of indeed, being ostracised.

        Luckily for my daughters, I never gave a flying fornication at a rodent’s anus what pretty much the entire rest of humanity thought of me or if I was well-liked or feared or infamous. As a result, no matter how counter-narrative the truth may be, there is never any worry that they will not be told how two plus two is always, without any exception, forever and ever, four.

          What do men Really Want?

          I am first of all reminded of this funny meme which is of some woman on twitter/X saying:

          It’s true, men only want one thing, and it’s disgusting!

          and the reply below it by some Chad:

          So, wash it.

          While the response is funny, the reality is a little bit different, and that reality is why I don’t rate PUAs as anything good in general, losers almost to a man, and missing the point of life and teaching others to miss it too.

          Vox recently had a post about how the lure of the forbidden, or the hedonist, or worldly pleasures of life, are very real and only a Churchian type that has no knowledge of life can comfortably and arrogantly counsel things like, no, no, never any sex before marriage, or whatever the mortal sin is, as if simply stating that were protection enough from the temptations of the world.

          And I tend to agree. The way I put it before is that while the ideal is indeed ideal, and it absolutely worked in the past, in the current post-apocalyptic moral landscape of radiation pools, death-plague, and zombies, the old chaste ways might indeed still work, and perhaps they do and are really best regardless. Perhaps, in some hidden Shangri-La I never came across yet. However, my personal experience has been that given the hellish landscape, you need to be able to navigate a little hell before you can climb out of the pit, and so far, three marriages by people under 30, all three couples now expecting, and all directly or indirectly as a result of becoming sedevacantists and navigating various scenarios before landing a properly converted and Catholic wife (in all three cases very pretty women too, it needs to be said) convince me that my ways and advice have at least some merit in producing the seeded for results of what men (and women) really want. In short, while my methods (such as they are) might not have the imprimatur of Church Bishops, or anything remotely approved by anyone Catholic, they do seem to produce positive results.

          To my mind, when at war, the rules are partially decided by the enemy, and if the enemy in this case perverts everything good into a parody of itself, my approach is to take all his perversion and convert it to a parody of itself and thus back to the good.

          So, the slutty trampy girl with a good heart, who gives herself to anyone in a heartbeat in the delusion of seeking love, while not the ideal first choice, in the extreme of the examples I am making, might just be the one that turns around with the allure of a properly respectful marriage where you have a LOT of sex, to make a LOT of children, and have them fill your home and hearts. They tempt the nominally Catholic schoolgirls with ever more degenerate behaviour, well, how about we tempt the degenerate girls to wear strictly longer dresses, wear a veil in church and become awesome housewives and mothers? Let’s see who wins that fight, shall we?

          In that vein then, let me tell you what every man in today’s fallen world really wants:

          They want a woman that is sexy, beautiful, sensual, sexual, kind, nurturing and loving and loyal to them, that shares the views on marriage, children and family.

          99% of men, if given the choice between being a fuckboi with endless pussy on demand from all corners of the world, but never a family, or one woman for the rest of their life that is sexy and sensual, able and willing, a good wife and mother and loyal and kind and nurturing to him and their children, that also challenges him with her views and humour and thoughts, would choose the good wife.

          Those men who would not are mostly:

          • Boomers. Yes. Still today.
          • Immature, having tasted the fruits of easy fornication, and been intoxicated by them, they are like an alcoholic, mistaking the over-indulgence of drinking with the pleasure of having a drink with friends and good food while never losing yourself in drink.
          • Perverted or damaged by sexual trauma early in life, twisted life experiences and so on.
          • Neurologically (physiologically) defective from birth.

          It is true that a normal man, absent sex, and wanting it, unless he has made a conscious decision to be an ascetic monk, a priest or whatever, can begin to go slightly insane from his unsatisfied lust (women go even more insane and faster when they are sexually ignored and neglected by men, by the way). And the overwhelming availability of pornography is also likely to spark unwholesome expectations from a woman or women in general.

          PUAs prey on such men. “Teaching” them all sorts of nonsense in terms of relations between men and women, based on flawed and only partial truths or at times completely baseless assumptions, and all in the quest to: Get married? Have children? Have a functional, happy life? No. All in the quest to simply get laid. Because in their tragically useless and shrivelled lives, the mere achievement of having sex with some women, pretty, good looking or “high status” as they may be, with the definite intent of also impressing your friends with your “ability” to bed such women IS the Holy Grail of happiness. Well, it isn’t. And PUAs intrinsically, whether directly or indirectly are essentially selling the message that it is. The “learnt” attitudes are extremely ruinous for the prospects of an actually happy and meaningful life. It’s not even that the prize doesn’t exist. It can exist. It’s just that the prize itself is a cheap plastic imitation of the actual prize in life.

          I truly believe that it is far less damaging for an incel to hire a professional to get over his curiosity/lust/physical needs, a few times, and get over that desperation, so as to rebalance his brain and begin to take the necessary steps to seek and find the relationship he really would prefer, which is almost always, the good wife.

          Look at the supposed “masters of seduction” that were PUAs a decade or more ago, where are they, what have they done, how are their lives?

          Jail, suicide, broken families, married to a potato with a kid, and still pretending to be “masters of seduction” and so on. Mystery has at least one child with some woman he is not married to (she apparently is quite pretty and not a potato, by the way, I don’t know, I don’t care) and is still pretending to be the aging wise man of “getting women”. Which I think in modern parlance of the younger generation, elicits only a heightened sense of red-alert levels of “cringe”. It’s sad and pathetic.

          But to return to the original point, do not think I am unaware of the allure of the carnal pleasures. I didn’t start out that way, that is as a manwhore risking drowning by pussy juice, but I always have had a good imagination, and perhaps Italians really are more naturally sexual, and then when the relationships I had tried my best to be good for failed, I eventually concluded that I simply was not built, or able to, have them, so I simply indulged my preferences and avoided any tensions by simply walking away from any encounter that in any way started to have the hint of red flags, or issues, or whatever. The minute it wasn’t fun anymore I’d simply say “Sayonara” and “Next!”.

          So I am well aware of the lures and traps and temptations. Mostly because I indulged every single one of them, pretty much. And somehow, despite this, because of how I am built internally, I managed to survive. Not a light navigation through Hell, but rather an extended tour of it with side passages into the lowest pits, you know, just to get the full measure of the place, and then, by Grace, (some) prayer, and truly just God’s Mercy, found myself in a position where the right woman (for me, that is, she could be thought of as having all the red flags one might think of for a “normal” man) was gradually, then suddenly, there. And for every red flag she had of her own, I probably matched it with one or several of my own.

          And certainly it has not been all roses and daisies floating on a cloud made of unicorn-rainbow farts and harp music, but… as only two scarred and battle-hardened veterans of worldly life can do, once they have tried every pleasure, survived every outrage to their minds, bodies and hearts, and knowing yet, still, despite it all, that love counts, that truth matters above all, that justice is a thing, we helped each other heal and feel loved. Not always kindly, not always easily. But in between, underneath it all, always knowing, in our own separate and different ways: She is the One. He is the One.

          I absolutely do NOT recommend my path to anyone. Please be smarter and faster and kinder and easier and more intelligent, wise and loving than I have been. And seek someone suitable for you that is already well on her way to it, or maybe already there. If anything, I am but an example of how, even when you are lied to from the start, and you believe it, and are hurt and damaged and broken, time and again, by life, by people who are supposed to have been on your side, by your own heart not letting you give up even when you should, and you just keep getting up, eventually, even the devil gives up; and God finds you. As long as you too, are seeking and not just whining about your lot in life.

          So, if you have travelled on the dark side, and been poisoned, take heart. No it is not easy. No, you will not suddenly find a virgin nymphomaniac nurse that loves cooking and cleaning your one bedroom rented apartment in the wrong side of town. And yes, you will have to get off your own ass and work, and scrabble, and train, and get your spine to be erect, and stand, and take it, and deliver it. To learn justice and honour and truth and discipline and not lose heart or mind even when life seems hell-bent on breaking you. It is. The enemy is. And are you going to let it? I don’t know about you, but, true to my namesake given to me by online friends, a thing I always thought even before I saw the film as a teenager:

          It’s better to burn out than fade away.

          So. Get yourself and your own sense of self squared away. Think on it. Make up your mind. Which kind of man are you?

          Are you brave? Are you a liar? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you stand back up when life kicks you in the balls and knees you in the face? Or do you cry out for an ambulance and the police? Do you complain about things that you don’t like or do you change them?

          Who are you? And who do you want to become? Because they are never the same thing as long as you are alive on this Earth. And if you reach the place you wanted to be a year or ten years ago, you will also have learnt new things you want to learn and become more or less of. So keep walking, Keep climbing. And pick a woman that understands that while she will be loved (and make sure you do), and she will be protected and provided for, to the best of your ability at any given time, and that she will be respected (and make sure you understand what that means for you AND for her), that life is hard and you are both only human. You will screw up. So will she.

          And you will both need to keep choosing each other through and past all of it. And that is the only way to be that matters, and the only way that real, lasting happiness can be achieved by both men and women, and she has to give of her femaleness and womanly ways just as much as you have to give of your male and manly ways. And combine and co-create a family and navigate the idiocy of the world, the corruption of it, the twisting of it, together, like good sailors on a small, but strong boat can navigate even the biggest storms.

          That, is what men want. And, whether they admit it or not, like it or not, say it or not, it’s what women want too. Take it from me, because I am a man, and unlike women, who will tell you a bunch of things they think they want but mostly don’t actually want, I’m telling you what the good ones want. And the ones that don’t want it, don’t matter.

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