Archive for the ‘Russia and GAE’ Category

A little mistranslation…

The English subtitles are not really translating what Russian Parliament Deputy Speaker Tolstoy is actually saying, in the unequivocal statements he makes officially and in French.

Every time you see the statement “we don’t care” in the English translation, he’s actually saying in French “we don’t give a fuck”.

And yes, he specifically states repeatedly that they don’t give a fuck about Macron, his red lines, his opinions or what he says, and that they will kill every single French mercenary that goes to Ukraine and have already killed 147 of the 367 they sent so far and will finish the job with the remainder or any new arrivals too.

Precisely as I stated on this very blog just over a year ago, Russia is doing exactly what I predicted, which was entirely obvious would be the case to anyone that understood what I wrote here even before that, on the 10th October 2022, and had been saying from the start of the SMO, which is simply this:

All your bluster and bullshit count for precisely nothing, when the other guy punches you in the mouth and is perfectly ready to do so.

Americans have been brainwashed by their masters from birth and already suffer badly from this hyperbolic idea they are the best and blah, blah, blah, but their Jewish masters are clinically psychotic like the narcissists they are on this point, and will only shut up after they are actually punched in the mouth. And even then, as soon as the puncher is out of range they will start up again incessantly. The only real solution with people like that is to keep punching them in the mouth. Which can get tiresome, which is why throughout human history, such things invariably end up at the usual final solution.

Because some people just will not learn.

    Le Gay Macaroon Theatre

    To anyone even remotely sane, the antics of “mama’s” boy Emmy Macaroon, who in reality is also a Macaroon-gobbler who gobbles proudly on “mommy’s” macaroon, are a study in fantasist delusions taken to the level of deep, incurable, insanity.

    But look at it from his perspective, as I have posted on him before (just use the Search Me link on the right and type in Macaroon), Emmy is a very special boy. Groomed and swooned by his Tranny Teacher “mommy” at age 15 when “she” was 40, he could not help becoming addicted to Macaroon gobbling, his natural predisposition, and deep-seated need for maternal love and paternal discipline blended by a razor-sharp nest of trauma, homosexuality, egomania, and previously unsuspected new levels of raw narcissism, how could he not become who he is?

    A little boy, playing a role on the stage, always fantasising he’s one of the big boys! And “mommy” always telling him how proud “she” is of her little macaroon, and how “she” shows him how to gobble proudly. “Her” petite Napoleon! Charging ahead into “mommy” with his little macaroon sabre to make also daddy-“mommy” so proud, he/“she” squeals in delight!

    Look how much he believes it all! He’s the Petit Emperor who doesn’t NEED any clothes! He just magics them up in his imagination, like he does everything else: love, truth, dignity, power, manliness, character, presence… it’s all such a jolie jeu! Oh la-la.

    It’s all tres real! No touched up stuff, just touched up people!

    And next week, le petite macaroon will penetrate le monster Putin! Oh how the evil Russian swine will squeal! And “mommy” will love him even more and be so proud! It’s all real! It’s all happening! And the crowds will love him, and everyone will clap.


    The russkies at IntelRepublic make it clear the photoshop abilities of the French have been noted and respond accordingly.

    PS: In case Sigma Game wanted to do a deep dive on what happens when a Gamma comes to power. Or HOW that might happen. And the ratio of gayness to “success”, in Tranny-Clown-Workd (See also O’Bummer) or other such variables.

    PSS: If I die it was not suicide, but possibly something even more shameful: murder by gay, French (but I repeat myself) special ops.

      It’s not stupidity

      Following on from the point of my previous post about how people are literally unable to see the pattern of the enemy playing both sides of the same coin, is the other problem, of thinking evil bastard are just incompetent fools.

      Even Vox, on this post, he says:

      The behavior of European leaders like Macron, Merkel, and Boris Johnson does often strike one as significantly out-of-touch with basic reality. When they talk about “defeating Russia” or “sanctioning China”, it makes one seriously wonder if they are even capable of basic math, let alone capable of understanding that the balance of power is no longer in their favor.

      But it’s not stupidity that drives these people. It is a personal self-interest that makes your average clinical narcissist psychopath look like St. Francis of Assisi.

      People like Macron are not sabre-rattling against Russia because they are dumb.

      They do so because they are thoroughly corrupt to the very end of their souls.

      Be it that they are involved in sexual things so disgusting and socially taboo that they would be lynched in the public square if the average person was even capable of imaging what they really get up to, or be it their insatiable greed for both fame, power and wealth, or as is usually the case a combination of both, the sad truth is that the average person, or even the well-read and intelligent person, really has absolutely not even an inkling of an idea of just how ferocious these demon-spawned creatures in human skin-suits are.

      Your brain, dear reader, is like that of the average “investigator” in a Chthulu Mythos “adventure”. And if you were to find out the truth of these “people” that the WEF has placed strategically around the globe, Hollywood execs have placed in entertainment, and “others” have placed in the chairs of Presidents, Prime Ministers and “Popes”, you would start leaking sanity points from both your ears at a dizzying rate.

      It is an uncommon mind that can learn of the things these people do and not take sanity points of damage that risk making their life unlivable.

      The only historical type of man that I am aware of that could have been Catholic Knights, who were usually noblemen that had been trained both for war as well as to be Charitable Catholic men from the time they could walk and speak.

      It is not a pleasant path, but it is a necessary one.

      Never, ever, ascribe to stupidity what can be explained by raw, unadulterated, total, selfish, evil.

      Learn this lesson.

      Quickly and deeply. There isn’t much time left for you and your progeny to do so.

        Russia Explains Math to the Gay Macaroon

        Aside the fact that apparently the news all over France is that Macaroon’s “wife” may in fact be a man, and that there is zero record of “her” before the age of 30, Putin has made it clear that if Macaroon wants to play with the big boys, the kind of butt-ramming that Russia will deliver is far more than he’s used to taking, either at home from his “wife” or abroad from his “friends”.

        Here are a few details of the Sarmat (SATAN) missile Putin referred to, the RS-28 is an ICBM that contains 10 nuclear warheads which split off shortly before impact, cascading in “umbrella” format, that would devastate an area of approximately 650,000 square kilometres. The entire area of France is 643,802 square kilometres, so, a single Sarmat RS-28 can literally wipe out the whole of France.

        The Sarmat RS-28 flies at a speed of between 21,000 and 25,000 km/h, which means once launched it can reach Berlin in 1 minute and 46 seconds, and New York in 18 minutes. France would at most be 4 minutes.

        That would be the area affected. Now, anyone rational would know that:

        1. Russia has not bluffed once the entire time, therefore, especially since they are NOT the aggressor, and have never been it since the Cold War,
        2. If NATO actively starts to try to attack Russia the Russians will have zero problem going nuclear.

        As I said, anyone normal would understand and simply STFU now.

        But… when you are as deep into the gay life of the WEF, and the Rothschilds, and the Puppeteers, you become SO gay, that this kind of thing might just be irresistible to you, consequences to your sphincter be damned.

          Strategic Masterminds

          If you’re worried about the leadership skills of the butt-puppets pretending to be in charge of Europe as presidents, prime ministers, court jesters etcetera, do not fear! We in Western Europe and slightly Eastern Europe, and Southern Europe are in the hands of the most fearsome leaders with the best strategic acumen since Sun-Tzu!

          LITHUANIA STRIPS BALLERINA OF CITIZENSHIP ‘CAUSE OF RUSSIA SUPPORT – Lithuanian Prez Nauseous Nauseda (right) decides his most important job and use of his time as Prez is to go after ballet dancer Ilze Liepa (pictured) and deprive her of citizenship.

          Lil warmongering Baltic state claims Liepa’s statements about the conflict in Ukraine and Putin discredited the state – even though fascist state need no help achieving that.

          Liepa, a Russian, received Lithuanian citizenship in 2000 having danced for more than ten years with a Lithuanian partner.

          I have already made my choice and am staying with Russia – Liepa’s first response upon hearing news.

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