A quick note to commenters

I have said this before on various platforms, so it should be common knowledge, but just in case you are not aware:

Commenting on my blog is absolutely moderated. If it’s the first time you comment your comment will be held in review until I get to it. This can be several days as I am busy.

Now, pay attention because this is the important part:Your comments have to be relevant to the post, intellectually honest and preferably (but not required at all) relatively polite, at least to the same extent you would say to me face to face.

There are several things that will not just get your comment not approved, it will relegate you forever to spam. I will never see a comment from you again and none of your comments will ever make it to the blog. There are many, many, many people already in this category. Why, you say? Simple: The last three years have demonstrated most people are abysmally stupid, unable to grasp basic concepts, do a minimum of research and are little better than brainwashed zombies. I have zero need to interact with such people. And I really don’t care at all for anything they have to say. None. Zero. Zilch. The interest I have in arguing with them would be exactly the same as I would have to argue with a tick, the blood-sucking parasites. In fact, it’s less. If I could communicate with a tick, the novelty factor alone might entertain me for a few minutes before I invariably kill the irritating little bloodsucker. The zombified morons that walk the Earth pretending to have some intellectual relevance, absolutely do not entertain me at all beyond occasionally using one of them for metaphorical target practice as an object lesson to others.

So, to help you navigate the fact that I will absolutely spam you for your first idiotic, irrelevant, sophistic comment, here is a short list of things that will absolutely get you insta-spammed, forever:

  • Intellectual dishonesty:
    • Pretending I said something other than what I said in order to attack the strawman.
    • General sophistry, pretending things like words have different meanings from what they have, or,
    • Intentionally “misunderstanding” something that has been clearly described and specified in the post so as to attack the strawman or create a “doubt” (that is still a strawman)
    • Ignoring the detailed specifics of the post or part of it in order to make your sophistic, deceitful, irrelevant, and moronic “point”
    • Outright lying
    • Straight up misrepresenting anything I said for the purpose of seeding strawmen, doubts, etc
  • Being a Freemason – There MAY be the occasional exception here, but as generally these types are absolute deceivers, they are unlikely to not fall foul of the above list. In any case, they are Satanists, so they will simply be spammed after they have been made a spectacle of.
  • Blasphemy – Regardless of whether against Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, Mary or possibly any of the valid Saints of Catholicism.
  • Religious Retardation – Absurd, long-debunked and easily verifiable nonsense that moronic Protestants, pretend Catholics, schismatic Eastern Churches guys, or general morons will say about Catholicism, the below is not an exhaustive list:
    • “Catholics worship Mary!” No we don’t, you are a retard. Look up venerate.
    • “Catholics killed people for wanting to read the Bible!” Flat out lies. Never happened.
    • “Catholics prevented people from reading their own Bibles!” More Protestant lies.
    • “Protestants put a Bible in Every home!” No, they did not. The printing press did. Protestants ensured the “Bible” placed in people’s hands was filled with error and intentional mistranslations to reduce the importance of Jesus, Mary and the nature of the Holy Spirit, missing several books and parts, and was generally a miss-mash of Pharisaical thought and the fat German who wanted to have sex with nuns, rape maids and said “Reason is the whore of the devil”.
    • “The KJV is the BEST version of the Bible!” No. It is not. It was commissioned by a flamingly gay King, who started the Freemasonic temples as we find them today, that is, Satanic temples of worship. The KJV is known as the Freemasonic Bible precisely because it is an absolute travesty of the original. It was “translated” by Pharisees for 700 years before it got into the hands of the Protestants and Luther ripped out several parts of the original. The Original Vulgate was and remains a much more faithful translation of the original Greek and Hebrew Texts since these were not edited by Pharisees for 700 years. The KJV has over 33,000 “mistranslation” including in the Ten Commandments. One example: the true commandment reads as DO NOT MURDER. The gay Satanic King’s Bible reads: DO NOT KILL. Quite a difference.
    • “Sedevacantists are just like Protestants!” No. We are not. We are Catholics and you are brainwashed idiots at best that are historically and logically absolutely incompetent and ignorant to a shocking degree. Not recognising a fake Pope as Pope is not the same as thinking Popes are illegitimate as a whole. Just for starters.
    • “Sedevacantists are just like us Eastern Orthodox, you reject the false authority of one Pope above all!” No, we are not. You are schismatics that are splintering, just like the Protestants, just slower. The Pope always had ultimate authority over the entire Church, the Filioque issue is retarded from your side, because is fairly clearly explained in the New Testament, if you ever bothered to read it, and most of your Churches are not apostolic because during Soviet times the Metropolitans were placed there by the KGB.
    • “I am an Anglican/Baptist/Anabaptist/Mormon/Seventh Day Adventist/Whatever, so I am not a Protestant, because….!” Yes. Yes you are. And no, I don’t care to explain your entire fake religion to you and its origins. You’re a Protestant and as such, at best, lost sheep heading to Hell, at worst, just some other type of gnostic or Freemasonic Deceiver. Go away.
  • Fake Catholics (Freemasons) Pretending they are Catholics – This includes the imps from Church Militant, the imps from Emo Jones, the imps from Milo the Freemason, the imps from the SSPX, the imps from the Knights of Columbus, the imps from The Knights of Malta, and any other structure that in any way recognises the Novus Ordo (forever here called the Novus Orco, for they are the real Orcs) as in any way valid.
  • But Vatican II was only a Pastoral… Don’t even try it, Freemason. Vatican II is replete with heresy and every one of those documents I have read and detailed at least SOME of the heresy therein in my book, Reclaiming the Catholic Church.
  • But Sedvacantism is not right because… Shut up, I answered EVERY single objection to Sedevacatism in detail in the same book, read it, publish your rebuttal in an intellectually honest manner or be silent.
  • Random Idiocy/Insults/Incoherent ramblings – This is not the place to try and work out your mental problems, life frustrations and so on.

So. Now that we have that all cleared up, you may understand why there are relatively few comments on my blog. Remember: while I enjoy honest intellectual exploration with honest people, I do not enjoy having to educate you, put up with your ignorance, your stupidity, your misinformed misconceptions, your maleducated opinions, your deceitful, sophistic, lying or much of anything else, and I will not. You can disagree with me viciously if you want, that’s fine, but… if you do so without paying attention to what I wrote, by making false or intellectually dishonest arguments or because you’re simply too stupid to understand the issues, well… you will not fare well here.

    14 Responses to “A quick note to commenters”

    1. […] those of you who can read without straining your index finger and drooling on yourselves know, commenting on my blog has to follow certain basic rules in order to not get the commenter launched into the eternal pit of despair known as the spam […]

    2. […] Let me know your thoughts in a comment below (assuming you haven’t yet been banned for not following the rules). […]

    3. […] have stated the rules for commenting quite clearly. I have explained the stupidity, ignorance, and complete lack of any logic of the […]

    4. […] of the number of readers or of the potential number of commenters. It’s just that those who don’t follow the rules get instaspammed. […]

    5. […] because I don’t take prisoners at the comments section, or maybe because people prefer to thank me more directly or specifically while remaining more […]

    6. […] Any Other Objections. Feel free to put them in a comment, but read the rules of commenting here first so as not to get spammed forever if you violate […]

    7. […] Just as I would rather die fighting to be left OUT of a 15 minute city, in the feral and untamed, wild and unpredictable “jungle” outside of it, so too, I have come to appreciate the humanity of my Catholic ancestors to a huge and fundamentally important degree. I hope you can benefit from these thoughts, and am very open to discussing these points with intellectually aware and honest interlocutors. So, feel free to let me know your views, while keeping in mind the rules. […]

    8. […] commenters that don’t bother to follow some really basic and simple, common sense. I even wrote a little post to make it clear that commenters need to follow a basic premise or two. There are no warnings on […]

    9. […] A more interesting stat is the comments which went from a total for the years 2018 (end of it only when the counter was added) to 2022 inclusive, of 298 comments to 544 comments in 2023 to date, and that is with my brutal perma-spamming with no warning anyone who doesn’t follow the rules. And said rules are not exactly prominently displayed. […]

    10. […] banned without any warning whatever (and permanently because I just spam you and never look back) read the rules for commenting here. Intellectual honesty is not optional. Neither is the dialectic form of argument. You can add […]

    11. […] is that due to my brutal policy of spamming without any warning whatsoever anyone that breaks any of the rules (which are not exactly prominently displayed) and/or who behaves in typical annoying gamma/troll […]

    12. […] is hard enough, but one hopes the average reader here, given the semi-constant insta-bans for not following the rules has purified the gene pool enough that he or she is easily capable of grasping the concepts I will […]

    13. […] This is necessary since we get spammed as well as an unusually high amount of people that really do not follow the rules and so get […]

    14. […] also never forget that commenting on here has certain rules that are enforced with a brutality akin to Judge Joe Dredd in the 2000 AD comic. You can disagree […]

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