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A working theory

The recent post by Vox on the gamma male who tries to pass himself off as a relationship expert, who has a YT channel with some few hundred thousand subscribers and is composed entirely of animated characters, so the gamma in question doesn’t have to actually face the camera where his natural ineptness would be immediately apparent, has me considering a utopic theory of how Western civilisation could be saved.

This is the featured “dating expert” just so you have a reference base:

The utopic point is easy to grasp.

Ie every woman simply stops breeding with anyone even remotely like this and if every man stops breeding with any kind of feminists we might make it.

Of course they will continue to reproduce with each other but if the actual men and the actual women decide to simply shun these cosmic jokes at expense of humanity, their parallel “civilisation will not last beyond the second generation, while ours might produce the kind of civilisation that will go to the stars.

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