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An addendum to the (frenetic) Vox theology debate

On his recent post, here, Vox made the following comment:

If, at this point, you still don’t believe in evil, real spiritual evil that acts in the material world as described in the Bible, you are consciously averting your eyes.

It is that perspective that probably brings Vox and I closest in terms of any theological differences we might have.

And it is such a central part of I think both our perspectives that as far as that goes, we might as well be in the same spiritual foxhole.

And as anyone who has actually been in a foxhole, in a war, or something analogous to it (which means real people, in the real world, trying to really kill you, not getting your Starbucks latte too hot to drink and getting “PTSD” from it), in such situations, if the other guy is willing and able, despite “the fear and alarm” as my favourite song says (Brothers in Arms – Dire Straits) to stand with you and does not, in fact, desert you, you really don’t care about pretty much anything else. He could be a Talmudic, gay Jew who hates dagos. But after that, you are like brothers.

Obviously Vox and I never shared a foxhole, but metaphorically speaking, I believe we are absolutely on the same page with regard to the enemy, and all the shadings of exactly which part of the enemy he is shooting at compared to me, or what kind of weapon he is using, and my views of it, and vice versa, all pale into comparison with the simple fact that he is one of the more effective fighters around.

He sees the enemy clearly, and, perhaps more importantly, from my perspective, he causes damage to the enemy.

Shortly after I had my road to Damascus moment, for quite a time I just sat and waited and watched, because I knew then, that I knew nothing of this new world I had now seen. This reality that is invisible to our crude sense, but that is really the foundation and the real reality on which absolutely everything else is based, had new rules. Rules I did not know. The physics of this more fundamental reality were different. What was not even considered here was most important there and vice versa. And I had no skill, no talent, no knowledge there. And all my ability and efficiency in the world, the world of things and physical reality, counted for very little if at all, and often was more of a hindrance than a benefit.

I had only one thing; the way of a hunter. Or a warrior. They really are pretty much the same thing, which is different from a fighter. A fighter fights. A hunter can fight, but when he knows he is outclassed he waits. And watches. And learns. So I did that, for a long while. I still do it. I always did it. It just varies in amount from time to time, but back then, it was total.

It’s all I had. No other skill or talent at all, other than the ability to wait and observe.

And in that observing, the thing that became very obvious very quickly, was what I came to call the fingerprints, the clues, the signs, of the eternal psychopath.

It was like waking from a kind of slumber and realising that all the bad things happening that you thought were coincidences or accidents or just how the world is, all have a common set of clues, of “coincidences”, of indelible, undeniable, spiritual fingerprints and blood trails. And they all, always, lead back to him. And his name is Legion.


PS: I fully expect Vox to confirm/deny or otherwise react to this point almost instantly, certainly within the next fifteen years, at most, after his possible reply to the previous post on theological matters within the next ten.

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