An honest politician

About as rare as Dodo teeth, but at least this lady, German EU parliamentarian Christine Anderson, is one.

Her unambiguous and direct statements are an absolute no-no in government or public life, which is why I think she is actually a legitimately honest politician.

    2 Responses to “An honest politician”

    1. Jason says:

      Her mouth is very asymmetric: the left side is high, the right side is lower and longer. That degree of facial asymmetry, especially in someone not elderly, is usually caused by vaccine damage. (Forrest Maready wrote a whole book, “Crooked”, about the biological details of this, which I read all the way through and enjoyed a lot. The toxin-induced facial asymmetry is related to a natural asymmetry in the lymphatic system’s drainage in our heads.)

      I wonder how a straight talker like her made it into the EU parliament.

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