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And what the Genocide in Gaza is really all about

Aside the psychotic hatred of Christianity and the general wish to exterminate Palestinians entirely, the Israelis are well known for, their usual greed also is in play. In case you did not know:

Concerning oil, it was confirmed in a 2019 UNC-TAD Report that occupied Palestinian territory lies above large reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, with The Levant Basin estimated to have 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil. This oil has a net value of $71 billion. 

Beyond oil, there are also gas fields beneath Gaza including the Gaza Marine which holds over 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This amount can not only power Palestine but could be used to advance the Palestinian economy if exported.

But, Palestinians have not been able to exert autonomy or control over their gas and oil reserves due to Israeli occupation, and instead, Israel exploits these resources for their gain. In fact, Israel has recently given 12 licences to six companies, including BP (UK), Eni (Italy) and Dana Petroleum (Korea), to allow them to explore natural gas off of the Mediterranean coast. 

Israel hopes Tel Aviv will become an energy hub to export gas to Europe. In this alone, we see why Western nations have put monetary gain and power above Palestinian sovereignty. 

It is clear that Israel’s colonisation of Palestine’s water and land is, again, for Israel’s economic advancement. Since 1967, Israel has appropriated over100,000 hectares of Palestinian land, which has given them the ability to build residential and tourist settlements as well as establish international businesses and agricultural systems. 

Businesses, agriculture and settlements are all dependent on water, which is why over 80% of water reserves in the West Bank are controlled by Israel. 

No surprises there for me, but I bet most didn’t know that left to its own devices Palestine could easily be self-sufficient.

More relevantly in a global context, Israel is clearly trying to position itself as the new supplier of energy to Europe after its puppet masters have orchestrated the ongoing creeping globalisation that finally forced Russia to defend itself. And the US’s (Israeli directed) special forces that blew up the gas pipelines, plus all the various sanctions their bureaucrat counterparts enacted too, ensured that Europe would be more receptive to Israel’s stolen goods.

But let’s all not forget that the poor Jews are the real victims here. Because of the holocaust. Obviously. And the other 1000-plus times they were ejected from some 110 countries. For absolutely no reason at all other than our irrational hatred of Jews that we obviously all have, also for no reason at all.

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