Archive for the ‘Actual Science’ Category

There are only two types of people

Those who love the Truth and pursue it regardless of where it leads or if it agrees with their preconceived ideas or not, and the ones who lie.

    Is Reality Offensive?

    It’s a serious question.

    Are you offended by objective facts?

    Indisputable reality?

    The weather?

    The sun rising in the East?

    The Earth being a round giant ball that floats in space?

    Because if and when the answer is yes, then, you really need to take on board one more, indisputable fact: You are an idiot.

    Ponder this, if you can, until you realise two things:

    1. Stop being an idiot, and

    2. Realise how many people around you actually ARE idiots.

    Here is a little fact that might upset some people. Use as required.


      Vox has made a post about the fact that American “Cheese” is basically either blocks of plastic (yes, it is, and you can literally set American cheese on fire like a sort of candle) or possibly something worse, that is created by Pfizer, and that other American food is filled with stuff that is literally labelled as GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) that literally no one has bothered to delve into.

      Coincidentally, I have now bought a pretty huge chicken enclosure, and if I manage to set it up without killing myself or making a mess of it, the next project will be a greenhouse to grow some food that is not regularly sprayed on by the chemtrails they are releasing all over the planet now.

      Finding a way to power all the electronics reliably may take a little longer, but that will be the next effort. and it’s all slow going because yes, I still need a tractor. And until I rob a bank or find hidden Nazi gold, that’s not happening for the moment.

      One bit of good news is that soon I will be attempting a first small shipment of olive oil to the USA. Those that know of this plan from a month or three back, I will try to get back in touch with you IF I find your emails, and offer the very first few batches to you since you have been kind enough to try and support me even when I wasn’t not able to send the oil over as easily as I had originally thought.

      With any luck this will be a new small avenue of income that I hope turns into a veritable flood once people realise the benefits of real unfiltered, Olive oil, which in my case, is literally, no hyperbole, the best olive oil in the world. It literally has won the global prize for the last 2 years in a row.

      So… take heart my American friends, don’t eat the “cheese” and start planning to stock up on my completely natural, zero pesticides, cold pressed, unfiltered, unblended, pure, extra virgin, olive oil. Which, as it happens, is the very best thing you can ever find to reduce inflammation and generally just improve your health, even if you are a guy that spends 2 million dollars a year to try and live forever, like Bryan Johnson, who in fact, proved the point beyond any doubt.

        Oh Look…

        …so, yes, we “conspiracy theorists” that told you all and never changed our story concerning the fact that the Vaxx was a depopulationist, trans-humanist agenda GENETIC SERUM, were indeed always right, and the mass-murdering scum-bags that pushed them always knew it from the start.

        Now, while I DO feel sorry for those too ignorant, too busy and innocent, too fooled by the system to ever have looked into the Vaxx before taking it, or those that prayed and hoped for the best because they thought that risking whatever nefarious crap was in the serums was a better gamble than being unable to feed or house their families, who, ultimately could simply be accused of being partially in the above category and partially in the category of people who simply cannot do basic math, I feel absolutely not bad at all for the IDIOTS that hysterically screamed back that “yes they are vaccines too!” And flat out lied and said they had done the research and mRNA genetic serums are perfectly safe.

        No they are not. No they never have been for over 30 years, and you lied. Because you are stupid, and arrogant and incapable of actual reasoned thought.

        Some will say such people were afraid, or just the fact they are incapable of logical thought and truthfulness is a quality simply of their existence, and as a result we should “forgive” them.

        I entirely disagree. Firstly because there is nothing to forgive as far as I (and my immediate family) are concerned. Their arrogant stupidity has never had any effect on my life DIRECTLY. And because contrary to popular belief, I have always been magnanimous with personal slights and offences, I consider their existence no more personally damaging than say poisonous snakes, thorny bushes, fleas, mosquitos and so on. Yes, their arrogance, stupidity and small-minded cretinism can kill you, that is a fact, just like a mosquito can kill you, but I don’t spend my time worrying about it, or worrying about mosquitos. Not even the plague carrying, genetically modified ones Bill Gates has created and since released by the millions. I simply put up mosquito nets and do what I can to adapt. Bill Gates and the other perpetrators are another story. Those guys I pray for.

        I pray God punishes them in the most severe, painful, eternal way of all and I pray he doesn’t wait for them to drop dead later, but rather that he makes it happen ASAP.

        But getting back to the shouty, arrogant, stupid NPCs that railed against people like me, while I see nothing to forgive, I also see nothing that requires me to give a rat’s ass if you die choking on your own vomit while you go into cardiac arrest because of your own immense stupidity.

        I do feel absolute empathy for anyone these complete cretins may have forced the Vaxx on, such as their innocent children, and I hope God in His infinite Mercy takes good care of all those many souls the cretinous NPCs have doomed to an early grave.

        Frankly, people that incapable of thought, that incapable of simply being honest to a degree that is the bare minimum required to not kill yourself thanks to your arrogance, from a personal perspective, are not anyone I will miss in the slightest.

        Which in no way exonerates the mass-murders from what should be the just punishment, of swinging from a rope; at minimum.

        But this post is indeed to you, you stupid, bastards, that thought you were so smart. That thought your idiotic bleating and shouting like the bovine creatures you are was important, that you mattered. That you were smarter than anyone normal who could fucking read. Because that is really all it would have taken to see the obvious. You literally just had to go and look up what mRNA genetic serums did and how long they had been killing test animals for. Yes that stuff is all pretty much memory holed now, but it wasn’t in late 2019 and early 2020.

        The Scott Adams of this world, who now realised they fucked up, are STILL playing it off as, “Oh well, I was wrong but for all the right reasons, and you Anti-Vaxxers were just lucky!” even now, they have not evolved one iota. They are still the same, stupid, arrogant to death, morons. If the planet was rid of them entirely, the mass-murdering bastards that did this to the entire planet, and will continue to accelerate the same issues and create new scamdemics and new restrictions and so on, would not last a week before the death penalty would be reinstated around the world as a perfectly sane and legal thing for certain crimes and they would all be hung for their crimes. So, you just carry on being you. You carry on being “sure” and “right” and “on the right side of history” you feckless cretins. And good riddance once you’re gone.

        As for the rest of us?

        Get married and make lots and lots of babies and raise them well. It may be the last chance we have of repopulating this planet with people who can reason on the basis of objective reality instead of their emotions, so easily directed, dictated and controlled by evil mass-murdering, pedophile satanists, that our ancestors would be so ashamed we have allowed them to control as much as they do that they would have buried us alongside them.

          This is why they want you to eat bugs

          Eating meat has been shown to have a positive effect on life expectancy in 175 different populations today, and yes, it still holds after you also take into accounts income, obesity, and a bunch of other stuff.

          If you read the above you will also see that eating carbs, i.e. being a Vegan, has a negative correlation with life expectancy.

          None of this is rocket science, I observed the effects of this as a teenager, by simply noting that while neither my dad or mother are especially tall people, my brother and I just by eating meat every day got to 6′ and 6’2″ and then I started to pay attention to the other kids we were friends with in school and the aunties, must unhealthy, weak and sickly ones were the vegans. Closely followed by the vegetarians. From a purely personal perspective I have seen absolutely zero evidence that this is not exactly how it always plays out. It really is.

          There have since been more credible studies done, for those who bother to read such things in some depth for fun, that absolutely prove vegetarianism and veganism are invariably unhealthy when compared to omnivore or even mostly carnivorous diets.

          And for all the morons out there saying gorillas are really strong and eat only vegetables:

          1. No, they don’t, and
          2. You’re not a gorilla, stupid.

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