Archive for the ‘Believe’ Category

Why Protestantism is the Destruction of the West

Andrew Torba has written his regular newsletter, which you can see as a blog post here.

In it he laments the various issues that are ensuring the American population, along with the European one, are falling (and have been for a long time) below replacement value.

He does this by mentioning the issues, while apparently being totally oblivious of how any of these issues became issues in the first place, and what the root cause of all of them was and is.

It’s really quite astonishing. But I think it can be useful to look at this peculiar blindness of his as a starting point to show with a certain level of clarity and obviousness what the baseline issues are originating from, and how, specifically, in each case, this can be demonstrated to have massive evidence for the fact that, at root, all of these issues have the starting point of the Protestant rebellion against the Catholic Church.

Now, if you are a Protestant, irritating as you may find me and my perspectives, I sincerely hope you settle down, muster as much objective consideration for the rest of this post as you can, and consider it calmly and objectively. And if some of my rhetoric infuriates you, pay attention to that, and notice which bits do so the most (these are where your biggest logical hurdles and fallacies are going to be found), then let them go and try, for the sake of argument at least, to imagine they are true and correct anyway (they are, my rhetoric is so unpleasant for people because it invariably is laced with painful truth).

And then see if you can’t understand my points from a bird’s eye view, instead of taking it personally against you as a person, the people who taught you to be a Protestant that you care about, and so on.

Being as Torba is a Protestant himself, and being that Protestants, like solipsistic women, only backwards rationalise any reality in the past that factually makes them responsible for anything, instead of facing the facts squarely on, he seems to think this situation is totally divorced from anything to do with Protestantism. In fact he blindly points out the issues while completely oblivious to the reasons of why, how and when these things became issues.

It really is a kind of perspective of extreme selfishness or self-centeredness to the point of being oblivious of the destruction one leaves in one’s wake. Any damage done is just some magical thing that just happens on its own and is always fully justifiable in just such a way (by some magic) that means it is never, ever, ever, that person’s fault.

What a selfish, stupid, spoilt brat, or a woman (men too, but they generally are more consciously aware than women in this regard) would do on an individual level, Protestants do on a massive social level that covers the last five centuries.

So allow me now to quote Torba from his post and comment on each point in some detail. If you are able to divorce your personal feelings on each issue, and note the broad historical facts in each case, I think you will see that what I say about Protestantism is not just true, but that on some level, you have always known it, because the plastic, veneer feel of the disconnect between the entire Protestant mish-mash chaos non-structure of it, has never married properly to the deep sense of culture, tradition, history and ancestors that created and protected Christendom from the time of Jesus, to:

  • The formation of Benedictine monasteries,
  • The crusades, and the 200 years they held the Outremer while being attacked by both Muslims and the Eastern schismatics they came to the aid of (after they had already split themselves off from the One True Church),
  • The rebellion against God’s Church, under the guise of it being a Protestation against the corrupt men within it, which have always been there, but who never changed the truth of the Church,
  • The siege of Malta and the Catholic knights that defended it from the consequent destruction of Christendom as a whole if Malta had fallen,
  • The gradual, intentional and devastating infiltration of the Church by freemasons (illuminati, satanists, carbonari, etc their name is legion), communists, homosexuals and pedophiles, starting in earnest in the late 1770, alongside the planned and executed destruction of every European royal house; because since the time of Charlemagne, the nobility had been associated with being the protectors of the Church, that is, the physical and worldly protectors of the Church (the guys who fight, as all nobles who took part in the crusades did) and they had to be broken before the Church could be damaged meaningfully from within,
  • The noticing of this by various Popes, culminating in Pope Pious X who started the putting together of the code of canon law of 1917, an amazing document that reviewed tens of thousands of documents written over the last two millennia, in order to ensure there was no conflict, contradiction or logical fallacy among them all, so they could be summarised as the essence of Catholic dogma in one volume, which was completed and promulgated by Pope Benedict the XV in 1917 and stood the test of time from then, through to the death of the last valid Pope, Pious XII, and even beyond it, as the Satanists finally took the throne of Peter in 1958, and have held it since, yet the True Church remains, as does the impenetrable fortress of the Code of 1917, and the last remnant of faithful Bishops and Priests that retain Catholicism as their faith, and not the false, Satanic version of “Catholicism” espoused by the promulgators of Vatican II and its manifest heresies in the form of the deceitful Novus Ordo fake “Church”.

The simple fact is that on some level, every protestant senses that deep down, no matter how genuine their wish to be one with God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the entire history of their supposed religion is littered with disconnects and logical fallacies that simply cannot be reconciled. And deep down, they sense too, that one cannot simply be united with Christ by merely saying he is. There are rules. There always were from the start, and they do not change. But I have mentioned the historical perspective starting from the beginning, many times before, and few are willing to take that journey. So today, we will do something different. We will take Torba’s newsletter and dissect the issues he mentions and see how and where they came from in the first place.

You Need To Be Babymaxxing: A Call to Action for Christians A disturbing trend has been emerging over the past few decades: the birth rate of every US state, along with the birth rate in most western nations, has dipped below the replacement population level. This has sparked widespread concern and fear, as this demographic shift could have catastrophic consequences for the long-term survival of some of the world’s most prosperous and influential societies and people groups.

And what might have led to that catastrophic drop in birth rate, when third world Africans, Indians and others keep producing children despite conditions most Westerners can’t even imagine, much less are able to take on in their own lives? Let’s ponder it a bit, shall we?

The root causes of this demographic decline are complex and multifaceted, but there are a few key factors that stand out. First and foremost: the rise of secularism and individualism has led to a decreased emphasis on traditional family values and a growing number of people choosing not to have children. Our culture of atomized individualism in the West has transformed so many into self-centered and selfish monsters.

So… the increase of secularism, individualism and atomisation of society. Where, O WHERE might such an idea come from? Could it possibly have ANYTHING at all to do with going from a global religion that was prevalent throughout the entire West and even much of the East (though slightly perverted and erroneous there) to CHANGING that religion to be… what was it oh yeah…

  • Individualistic (every man interprets the Bible (changed from the original used for 1200 years) as he sees fit.
  • Schismatic at its very root. We now have over 40,000 versions of Protestantism, but even then each of these is really only a shadowy illusion of coherence, because in truth EVERY Protestant feels entitled to be his own Pope, Bishop and Priest and interpret the Bible, and Christianity as a whole, (including the ancient traditions he is usually abysmally ignorant of) as he sees fit, which is why Protestants will change Church like normal people change socks. They are not Churches at all, just lose coalitions where you pick and choose the bits that suit you. What do you think the effect of that is on society as a whole? Might be just a tad atomising? Just a smidge of secularisation creeping in? You think? How would that play out over 500 years?

Additionally, the increasing cost of living and the pressure to pursue higher education and career success have made it more difficult for many couples to afford to have large families. It’s tough, but not impossible, to have a large family when the economy is so rigged against you doing so. Making it happen requires a lot of self-sacrifice and a reevaluation of your priorities.

No lie there, but where does this incessant need to have a “career” and prioritising work come from? Well, let’s see, historically where can we trace this sudden absolute importance of WORK over LIFE? What’s that, I hear? The Industrial Revolution? Right. I agree. Which was taught to me in school as a young boy as this marvel of British Engineering and know-how and just an overall great thing for the advancement of humanity. Except… no one mentioned the social consequences. They all presented the creation of trains and railways and machinery as all positive technological advancements while completely ignoring whether:

  • They actually were positive overall for humanity, or
  • Regardless of that, what social conditions did the much vaunted “Protestant Work Ethic” actually entail in day-to-day activities and family dynamics?
  • What priorities do you think you need to have to come up with the Industrial Revolution in terms of valuing your family time and your work time? What effects on general human interactions do you think are going to be more prevalent? Would a general disconnect from other human beings being seen as other human beings you necessarily relate to, regardless of personal differences, purely on the basis of the reality in front of you that they too are human beings, be useful to foster a general perception of other people being seen more as potential cogs in the machinery of “society” than actual human beings? The deeper implication of this are manifold and absolutely fundamental. A perfect example of this, which is an extreme case, in order to highlight the difference, is that if a Protestant mind were to say, be forced into a war of strife against invading foreigners, he would execute it more or less in cold blood for the most part as a negative but necessary thing. A Catholic would execute it with quite a different frame of mind. Alongside the same practical need, the Catholic would further be driven in his righteous rage that such an event has become necessary as a result of the other side refusing to act like reasonable human beings. So their extermination is not just a necessity for practical purposes, but also a necessity from an educational and spiritual perspective. A Protestant cuts a tree down because it’s in the way. A Catholic evaluates if the tree is noxious, in which case he will dig it up from the roots and burn it, or merely in the way, in which case he will endeavour to dig it up from the roots and replant it somewhere appropriate. It is a MASSIVE psychological difference and affects every aspect of your attitude towards life and all its challenges.

Finally, the widespread availability of birth control and abortion has enabled people to easily prevent pregnancies and terminate them when they do occur, further exacerbating the problem. We are making great strides on banning abortion in many states across the nation, but decades of damage has already been done.

And where did that magical birth control come from? Oh wait, the pill was invented by a Jewish guy. Just a coincidence I am sure, regardless of the fact that Jews (Talmudic Pharisees) have hated the Catholic Church from the start and have tried to destroy it at every turn including their deep infiltration of it over centuries and the Protestantisation of it with Vatican II in which they were instrumental in forming.

But what about the adoption of it? Which kind of people adopted birth control in this form? Not Catholics. Even today, some 66 years after the throne of Peter was usurped by Satanists, the momentum of the real Catholicism that still exists (though crumbling rapidly in the Novus Ordo fake Church) makes it nigh on impossible for the fake Pope Bergoglio to say it’s ok to use. It was Protestants in their legion of denominations that began to accept socially the concept of divorce in the first place. An event that was forbidden by the Catholic Church and only permitted in the sense of an annulment, which has very specific rules to be granted.

But if divorce becomes acceptable, then the entire concept of marriage becomes a store-bought idea, no longer a sacrament for life. And once you accept marriage as a kind of diploma you can buy in a store, well, you should be able to switch diplomas at will if one loses its lustre. And since it might go wrong, it only makes sense to take it for a test run first. Which means sex before marriage. Which could end up with babies with a person you’re just taking out for a test ride! I mean they have a nice body, or maybe are rich, or whatever, so you want to see if you’re “compatible” in terms of orgasms per month, you know, like miles per gallon and so on. So of course you need some baby making prevention thing!

And then it’s a short step from treating sex as a test run for marriage to making it just for fun. I mean sex is really a LOT of fun. Like a lot, lot. Like it messes with you brain and body chemistry level of great fun. So why wouldn’t you want to get addicted to this natural rush that doesn’t even require drugs, and is better than all the rushes you get from a drug anyway, if you practice it enough to really get good at it? Well, of course sex would go from being a test ride for marriage to a sport. And once sex is for fun, the last thing you want is a baby with someone you can’r even have a decent conversation with, but oh my God are they awesome at the orgasms per mile, or whatever the measure was, right?

So, “naturally” the next thing that happens if a baby does come into the equation… and marriage is not a sacrament anymore as a dedication to bringing in new life (that is what marriage is for, making children, I know, it’s a shock, but seriously, look it up historically, sport-fucking doesn’t feature at all. Not even a little bit), well, what else are you gonna do, other than kill that baby, since it’s a nuisance. And so we have gone in a few short steps from allowing divorce –> sex before marriage –> sex for fun –> contraception –> baby killing.

And remind yourself, which secularisation of Christianity movement did that? You can’t blame Catholicism for it. Even the fake “Catholic” Church to date at least can’t advocate for contraception (they will in due course, no doubt, because Satanists are gonna Satanist).

While there is undoubtedly a lot of fear-mongering surrounding this issue, it is not without merit. If the current trend continues it could lead to a significant decline in the population of some of the world’s most prosperous and influential nations, which would have far-reaching consequences for global stability and economic growth.

Note that Torba’s first concern is global stability and economic growth. The ever present and Jewish –> Protestant belief in their true God, the almighty dollar. Profit, wealth. An amorphous “stability” of people and lands so far removed from us you will never see them even once in your life. There is a reason why America is called the great Satan by the Arab world, and while their religion is demonic too, they are not entirely wrong, which is what I tried to explain as gently as possible here.

More importantly it would also represent a tragic loss for the unique cultures, traditions, and values that have been cultivated by these societies over centuries.

Again, while he is not wrong, the point is not that any one specific culture or tradition is really all that relevant in the scheme of things, UNLESS, that tradition and culture also happens to be the best, surest, most tried and tested true and real approximation of how reality actually works as God intended. Then it’s kinda like… ALL IMPORTANT. So, despite your specific and particular distaste for Catholicism, which is based on nothing but lies about what it is, perpetrated down the centuries that you never bothered to look up yourself and the same sense of things passed on to you by your relatives and people you loved, who were just as ignorant of the truth (or more) as you are and they too believed the lies and inaccuracies, you should really make an effort to educate yourself on these things and figure them out by yourself.

Christians are called to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). We need to be babymaxxing. This commandment is not just a suggestion or a personal preference, but an essential part of our mission to spread the Gospel and disciple the nations. By having large families and raising our children to be faithful, God-fearing people we can ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our communities and the preservation of our shared values and traditions.

Sounds good? Sure. But it’s a plastic American commercial. “Buy this product, it looks good, it makes you look cool and it’s needed!”

Tell me Andrew, with SPECIFICITY:

  • Continued growth and prosperity for your communities. Exactly WHAT and HOW do you mean this? What do you think will happen if people have a lot of children with only a vague sense of community brought on by a generic, amorphous, non-specific, “belief in X” that has no set rules, no set tradition, no set reality.
  • What “community” are you referring to, PRECISELY. Are the Methodists gonna get along with the Mormons, and the Mormons with the Seventh Day Adventists, and they with the Amish, and they with the Anabaptists, and they with the Baptists, and they with the Lutherans, and they with the Calvinists, and they with the lesbian “bishops” of whatever “Church” that is, and they with the transgender “bishop” that was in the news of another faction and they with…(repeat for 40,000 iterations). Is that the “community” you refer to? Those people all gonna band together under the banner of “Christ” are they? I think not. I think the entire history of America, and all Protestant nations, has shown such people will band together only under the banner of the (previously) might dollar, or German mark, or Pound Stirling. And then only until it profits them. And any true believers in the mix will get stampeded in the overall melee. It’s hard enough to have a community when they actually ARE all Catholics, but it does work and it has for many centuries. It has never worked in any protestant country other than to create more government, more regulation, and a perpetual chase for profit.

Moreover, by focusing on our own households and prioritizing the growth of our families, we can counteract the destructive influence of our enemies, most of whom do not have children of their own. As their ideas and ideologies die with them, our faith and values will continue to thrive, passed down from generation to generation through the strong bonds of family and community.

What faith and values and traditions would those be? The ones that did not manage to survive other than as a thinly veiled veneer of false honesty, respectability and dignity to cover over the perpetual search for profit, worldly fame and fortune? The one that has not managed to keep trannies from claiming the “right” to get “married” in your protestant “Churches” and have “pregnant men” as part of the “accepted reality”?

And before you say “Oh but that doesn’t happen in MY denomination number 38,792!” Stop and think for 5 seconds, what the Hell you’re actually saying and how you are missing the ENTIRE point of what Christianity and being part of the ACTUAL “body of Christ” means and how and where your illogical, historical clown-world “religion”, came to be.

So, what can we do to address this crisis and fulfill our divine calling as Christians?

Well, you can start by actually becoming actual Christians, to begin with, which means the ONLY denomination of Christianity that has always been there from the start: Catholicism. And which today exists ONLY in Sedevacantist Catholicism, aka Catholicism, since the buildings, property, wealth and outer garments of Catholicism have all been usurped, infiltrated and corrupted by the Satanists pretending to be “Catholics” that now infest the Vatican and everyone remotely connected with Novus Ordo heresies.

Here are a few practical steps we can take:

Embrace the concept of “babymaxxing”: This means prioritizing the growth of our families and actively seeking to have as many children as possible. It may require making sacrifices and reevaluating our priorities, but the rewards will be immeasurable.

Support and encourage other Christian families in their efforts to have children: This can take many forms, from offering emotional support and guidance to providing material assistance, such as helping with childcare or contributing to the financial costs of raising a large family.

Advocate for policies that support large families: This can include lobbying for tax breaks and other financial incentives for families with multiple children, as well as pushing for educational and healthcare policies that make it easier for parents to raise large families.

Promote a culture of life: This means working to end the scourge of abortion and advocating for the sanctity of human life at all stages, from conception to natural death.

These are all good suggestions, but completely doomed to fail is they are not founded on a solid bedrock of being connected to truth and reality, and that means, a religion that is itself based in truth and reality. Anything that is a watered down version of the original, with literally tens of thousands of roads down false paths, simply cannot stand the test of time. It has never worked in ANY human endeavour, much less in the experience of mankind other than by the enforcing of it by brutal methods and force, be it Islam or communism. The ONLY philosophy that has thrived and done so entirely voluntarily, is Catholicism, which imposes force ONLY on its declared enemies, and even then, usually only after patiently trying to dissuade them from their evil paths of attack.

Educate and disciple our children: It is not enough to simply have many children; we must also ensure that they are raised in the fear and knowledge of the Lord, instilling in them the values and principles that will enable them to carry on our faith and traditions for generations to come.

Name me ONE Protestant denomination that has lasted unchanged and retained anything even resembling a constant tradition and heritage without multiple schisms for even just 100 years. It doesn’t exist. Not a single one. The Catholic Church has remained steadfast and its rules and dogma unchanged for almost precisely 2000 years.

The demographic crisis facing the world today is a serious and urgent challenge that demands our immediate attention and action. Christians have a unique responsibility to confront this issue head-on and work tirelessly to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our communities and the preservation of our shared values and traditions. By embracing the concept of “babymaxxing” and focusing on our own households, we can secure the future of our faith and our people and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Not really. Doing so within the context of a properly Catholic community (that is, sedevacantist) has a chance of succeeding because historically Catholicism has risen from the ashes many times, as it will continue to do, because it IS the real Christianity and Jesus promised up He will be us to the End. Pretending or play-acting that role in a fake “Christian” denomination will only last barely the duration of one human lifetime IF the parties in question happen to have a real personal affinity, that is obviously totally absent from any group of people beyond a couple of families that get on with each other. Catholic communities are not held together by the ephemeral characters of any of its constituents, but by a shared absolute belief in God that transcends petty personal and human failings, of which we are ALL riddled with.

Babymaxxing is not just a personal decision, but a collective responsibility that requires the support and encouragement of the entire Christian community. It may involve making sacrifices and reevaluating our priorities, but the rewards will be worth it.

No group that is not tied together by a bond of religious belief that goes far deeper than mere words and appearances will ever give anything even remotely resembling the kind of helping hand they will inevitably secure for their own family above others. Even among Catholic families this is still an issue, though one that is absolutely muted to a huge extent. I have absolute certainty that if I or any other of the Catholic families we know suddenly won a billion dollars at the lotto, or even just a few million, ALL the Catholic families near them would benefit too. I for one would literally buy houses and land in other people’s names to have them and their children as neighbours, but I am NOT the only one by far. Any one of the people in our Sedevacantist community would act the same, I am certain of it, and this was never the case in any other “community” I was ever a part of, be it people I trained for decades in martial arts with, people I worked as an armed security professional with, and literally risked my life alongside theirs, nor even childhood friends. The bond created by a true religion is of a quality and nature you simply have no experience of until you are in it. And it does not happen as a result of any of the 40,000 Protestant denominations. It might happens between a few families and even then will not last beyond the second generation, but it has been demonstrated to exist and work and remain in Catholic communities even some 100 years after the basic infiltration of the Church was already complete.

All of the chips are on the table with this issue. Those who take it seriously will inherit the future by default as their continued growth and reproduction will ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of their communities, cultures, and values. While the rest of the world struggles with declining birth rates and the threat of extinction-level events, Christians can take comfort in the knowledge that our faith and values will continue to thrive, passed down from generation to generation through the strong bonds of family and community.

No Andrew. The reality is that all groups that are not homogeneously coherent, that is, all the varied Protestant denominations, will gradually be chewed down by the wolves at their edges, and continue to degrade and become diluted generation after generation until they are assimilated by the globular mass that is the entire plan of those who have been putting it in place for literally millennia.

Get married. Babymax. Get to Church. We are going to win.

The advice is sound, but not just any pretend, clown-costumed, “Church” will do. Only the real one will make a difference, as it always has throughout history. And while ULTIMATE victory is assured, no one, not even Jesus knows that day or hour of when that will come, only God the Father. So, the concept of you seeing this victory in YOUR lifetime is iffy at best, so best to not worry about it and get busy building the impregnable, un-infiltratable, ready to throw out anyone not part of it, community that is the only one to have overcome everything from the Roman Empire to the Arian heresy, and who, in time, will also triumph over the present desolation of the real Church, were only Sedevacantists are left to carry the faith.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

    Heretics, Heretics Everywhere…

    …and not a brain to think.

    Yes, I have adapted my own adaptation of the famous poem about being lost at sea.

    Water, Water, Water everywhere, And not a drop to drink.

    At about age 15 or 16 I changed it to:

    Idiots, Idiots, Idiots everywhere, And not a brain to think.

    But one evolves in thinking, so, the slightly new version.

    It was brought on by reading Malcom Collins’, rather retarded take on a topic I have pondered at times here and there, and which is somewhat covered (not fully yet, but it will be) in my Nazi Moon book.

    That is, religion in an Interstellar society.

    The simple reality of it is that this idea is not in any way new. Aquinas touched on it as did I think at least one other doctor of the Church, though I forget which one. Dan Simmons, explored it probably in the most depth, though using the works of the arch-heretic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, which paradoxically, brought me closer to Christianity, probably given how far from it I was.

    The question is only apparently interesting though, because if you think about it for a few minutes, or even seconds, it hinges on an unspoken premise of doubt. A mind-worm of heresy and gnosticism that corrodes the truth while acting in darkness. Because ultimately either you know your religion is real and true and therefore the ultimate truth, or you doubt it. Now, for myself, I thoroughly understand that essential doubt, that questioning query, that unanswered “deep” question you think you have. I lived that way for about 43 years, despite the fact that by age 16 I had rejected atheism as untenable, and remained a Zen-Agnostic that simply could not believe in the resurrection with any real faith. While I did not discount it completely, I had absolutely no evidence in my life that anything comes back from the dead in a corporeal form. I was ready to accept continuation of life after death in some fashion, ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, whatever, were all at least possibilities, but rising from the properly dead, Lazarus of Jesus style, was something I gave a vanishingly small chance to be true to.

    So I understand the wish to try and find a system of life based on a philosophy rooted in truth, and thinking Christianity is wanting. And Catholicism also being very much far from what I would expect from the true religion, as it is presented to us with Bergoglio as Pope and his pedophiles and homosexual indulging in cocaine fuelled orgies while pretending to be bishops and priests right in the Vatican. It is only when I looked at Christianity from the start and discovered that Catholicism has nothing to do with the Satanists currently pretending to be Catholics that infest the Vatican, and realised that Vatican II was when the great usurpation had happened. Yet, after my road to Damascus moment, without which it is unlikely I would be a sedevacantist Catholic today, the doubt about Jesus resurrecting simply vanished. And strangely, I found myself reconnecting with a part of myself I was unaware remained. A kind of innocence I had maybe still at age 2 or so, that has been shredded shortly thereafter by living on this planet. But aside my personal sensations, the astonishing thing is that Catholicism , the real one, not the fake poisonous version spouted by the child-raping enthusiasts of the Vatican, not only modelled reality better than any other philosophy I had encountered, but it answered many of the long-unanswered questions I had. The problem of evil, how prayer actually works, the consequences of free will, and many, many, many more. It also is the best model for predicting how people in general will act and even how large trends may go.

    Malcom’s idea of cobbling together an “Abhramic religion” for a potentially interstellar society, is simply the thrashings of a man that has no real conviction, no real faith, and no real reasoning capacity. It is the grasping attempts of someone outside the cathedral pretending he can make his own version of it outside it that is “better”. In short, he is a heretic, or a gnostic. He may even be genuine in his attempts, but he is like a cargo-cultist thinking if he carves a shape that looks like an aeroplane out of a palm tree, that he will be able to fly in it. No, Malcom. you will not fly in it.

    All you need to do is read the first paragraph of his post to know he is not a great thinker.

    Most traditional religions in the world, while relatively more resistant to prosperity-induced fertility collapse, are still facing extinction (just with a slight delay). This buys these religions precious time to build better defenses and acquire more allies for the coming trials. Those that indolently decide to return to a structure and mindset that evolved within (and was optimized for) a pre-internet, pre-AI world, … heck pre industrial world—blinded by arrogance and Golden Age Thinking—deserve their fate. Only through cultural innovation does our species survive.

    Let us count the ways in which his thinking is flawed.

    Firstly, it is absolutely clear that if any religion is true, then that truth is absolute. If you assume a loving God, then that truth is also as complete as humanity can ever understand it. And will continue to be so to the end of time. Therefore, there is simply no need to “upgrade” anything concerning modernity. It is the very core of the infiltrators, heretics and especially gnostics, that you have to “adapt” or “improve” on the absolute truth. Most telling, Bergoglio recently changed the Ave Maria and also the Pater Noster. This Satanic protector of pedophiles, thinks he can improve on the very prayer that Jesus gave us, the Pater Noster.

    It is, of course an obvious tell that either you are an intentional deceiver, or, at best, you simply do not believe any religion is true.

    Secondly, he also does not believe in God, nor His Love, Mercy and (at least for Catholics) the promise of His always being with us and His return.

    If he did, he would not worry about his enemies so much, nor would he be trying to make alliances with random un-believers. Which is not to say that I wouldn’t stand shoulder to shoulder with a Muslim if it meant cutting down the Davos Satanists, but the best a Catholic and a Muslim can hope for is separate nations with high walls and a rigidly strict code of conduct for either side visiting the other. Most often, the historical relation between Muslims and Catholics is that Muslims will try to wipe Catholics out, until the Catholics begin to respond, then the Muslims tend to retreat, until the tide shifts again. And given Islam’s intent, it is unlikely that they will leave Catholic alone even in an ideal setting.

    The point is that if your God loves you, and your religion is true, as St. Bernard would say, what are you even worried about? Martyr of warrior that goes down in battle or that wins glory for God, if you are with God, what threat does death hold for you? Or hardship? It is all just temporary. And while some trials will absolutely test men to breaking point, if you truly believe, you will not lose your faith. the story of Job being the classic example.

    Thirdly, his contempt for his predecessors is self-evident and little does he realise that a true system that is given to us by a Loving God, cannot ever be incomplete, or “not up to date”. Truth doesn’t have a sell-by date, Malcom.

    As for his last sentence, it clearly demonstrates Malcom is a sub-par autist (which his mannerism makes quite clear, if you watch the video) that hasn’t even the capacity to observe the last hundred years or so of history and draw some conclusions concerning “cultural innovation” and the over 100 million lives murdered by it, not to mention however many millions will die as a result of the latest “cultural innovation” of “medicine” and how many children have been satanically mutilated on the “cultural innovation” of transgenderism, and on, and on, and on.

    If you wish to know what an Interstellar religion that would work would look like, you need look no further than proper Catholicism, which today is only found in Sedevacantism, and being true, necessarily rejects all other religions and pretences at “Christianity”, precisely because the truth is only one.

    Poul Anderson, wrote The High Crusade some 50 years ago, and yet it remains a fantastically entertaining and excellent book, which I think better describes a truly Interstellar religion than anything else I have come across, including Dan Simmons’ modernised pseudo-catholic version.

    Anderson’s work is great because it also reminds the reader that until Henry the VIII, England was Catholic, and if the residents of the United Kingdom had any true idea of what was taken from them, there might be another crusade tomorrow.

    In short then, Malcom, if man ever goes to the stars, the religion that will last out there with him is the only true one. And there is only One Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.

      Isn’t it curious…

      That in a supposedly secular world, I am free to hate nazis, people that make value judgements based on appearance, but not other people that make value judgments based on appearance. I am free to hate white racists but not black racists. I am free to say it’s ok to be black, but not free to say it’s ok to be white. I am somewhat free to hate almost anybody, for any reason, but never Jews for any reason at all. Or even for any facts, like the current genocide of Palestinians.

      But you see, the truth is that you are free to dislike and even actively hate whoever you want. I’m not particularly fond even of Italians, myself. I don’t like humans in general very much at all. The crime is in expressing any opinion on anything. Which is why AI is being ferociously introduced everywhere. AI will make a grey goo of everything and everyone. You will not be allowed to call me a Dago or a Spaniard a Spic or a black guy a Nigger, or a Chinese guy a Chink. No, no, no, that’s terrible! You will be killed for your own good with fake vaccines by supposedly educated and well-meaning doctors, but God (who doesn’t exist according to these “people”) forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce instead of Caytlin, his fake name chosen to pretend he’s a woman. In Germany they now will fine you for “deadnaming” a Tranny.

      It’s enough to make you think that even if the Nazis were really as bad as they have been portrayed in every film and every official history book since the end of World War II, living under Nazism might be preferable to living under TransgendericTranshumanistHomoglobalism as eschewed by our Satanic Pedophile “betters”.

      But the point of all this is that you have been brainwashed into believing far more dangerous nonsense. You have been taught to believe your vote makes a difference. that politicians make a difference. That the levers of power are somehow influenced by votes and popular wishes.

      While early man and pretty much everyone until about 200 years ago, has always known that the levers of power only change hands by one method and one method only. The same one that has resolved all human conflict and problems for good or evil in all instances: Massive amounts of violence.

      Yet you watch the goings on in Ukraine and still believe that the powers that be would not sent millions to their death simply for their own entertainment, never mind for a grasp at power and influence in the world.

      No one is voting the Satanic pedophiles out of power. That will literally never happen, and has never happened throughout human history.

      Digest this fact. Whatever pill you want to call this, it’s the one you really need to take above all.

      Might does not make right in the eyes of God, but we live here under the dominion of Satan. Which for a believer leaves only two choices. Martyr of Warrior. Your soul knows which kind you are.

      And for all you secularists…

      Good luck trusting $cienc-eh and the Cohen-sensus of it.

        On the most important aspect of life

        Recently I have been too busy with life to cover some of the things that really matter. And mixed in between my busy life I had several different examples of young(er) men either believing in the despair of modern times, or having bought the black pill on women, or relationships, or life in general, that I tried to answer to them briefly individually, but it brought home once more, why I write.

        And in this regard, although most people would never pair these two very different books this way, I think both Caveman Theory and BELIEVE! are possibly the most important I have put together. Caveman Theory is only available as a digital E-book because there is no way Amazon or the other big stores would carry it, as it exposes a bit too much truth for the various peddlers of lies, while BELIEVE! You can find as a paper book there too.

        In a way they are the opposite ends of the spectrum. BELIEVE! Was written from the perspective I wish I had encountered when the very concept of Christianity in general, never mind Catholicism in particular, seemed not just absurd and stupid, but even actively evil. There is no denying the Pedophiles and Satanic nonsense and protection of the Pedos that goes on in Bergoglio’s false Church, and Ratzinger’s before him, all the way back to 1958. They ARE evil. Not just as individual fake Popes and priests and Bishops, which the Church has always had, but in their entirety, as an organisation, the entirety of the Novus Ordo fake Catholic Church IS materially and demonstrably evil. And while a LOT of good people remain in it, through ignorance mostly, the same excuse cannot be held for their fake clerics. So of course one would think Catholicism is evil. And I did too. Because they fooled the whole world and what they practice now is the destruction of Catholicism. No one who does not remember Pious XII, who died on the 9th October 1958, has even ever seen or heard a Valid Pope. You’d have to be at least 80 today to have been ten when he died. Every “Pope” after him, every one of them since that day, has been an impostor. But that is a topic I cover in far more detail in Reclaiming The Catholic Church. In BELIEVE! I just cover the very basics in a way I never encountered when I was not Christian.

        When I was a man that believed primarily in the concept of having a word, that is a man who kept his word, and had the concepts of honour, truth and justice, but no sense of any god whatsoever, and trusted only in reality as I saw it, and my wit and reflexes to navigate life. I had therefore spent my life in martial arts and doing whatever interested me most. I had spent time with many different women and even got married and divorced twice and all the pain and trouble that goes with that, and I’d hand plenty of extreme experiences in every respect, including supernatural ones that would have made any normal person believe at least something rather deeply. But nothing had moved me from my engineer’s and real scientist’s perspective of requiring empirical and objective, factual proof. I had theories. I could explain any of the supernatural events with multiple possibilities and ignore any subjective internal preference or feeling.

        Being a little on the spectrum but high IQ does allow you to do that, objectively and fairly, which is why to the outside world they can sometimes assume I am some kind of sociopath, which is absolutely not the case, since it is not that I do not empathise or do not have feelings. I do, and they are usually stronger than most people’s because with a greater imagination also comes a greater ability to imagine the pain of others, but the advantage I have is a wiring of brain that means I cannot help but see the logic. The numbers. The cold reality behind it all. A little bit like Neo in the Matrix I suppose, while others get stuck in the emotions of the apparent situation, I have always been able to see the code flowing behind it. And then I can use that to get back into the apparent reality better armed and ready to take it on, which can make those more embedded in it assume I am some unfeeling alien. Capable and efficient beyond the norm, but unpredictable and at times apparently unfeeling to a degree that gives normal people a level of fear and discomfort they would rather avoid. And I, for my part, would rather avoid their frightened eyes and small minds too. I know they can’t help it and that it is me that is the “freak” from a statistical perspective, so their reaction is predictable and to be expected. But it is no less tiring for me.

        Had I come across someone that had written BELIEVE! As I have —that dealt face on with the reality I saw every day and didn’t dodge the questions I had— in short, that would have presented the arguments as I have, and as I saw them, from someone that had done and been in and had done to them, everything from violence to fear, to love, and lust, and betrayal, to both pain and pleasure unexpected and surprising, perhaps I would have gone on to study the truth about Christianity sooner, and maybe I would have saved myself decades of unknowing search.

        Well, in that respect, I think that little book BELIEVE! has succeeded. Many men and several women have now converted to Catholicism (the real one, Sedevacantist as we now need to specify in these times) in part at least because of that little book. And then have gone on to find their wife and marry her and now are awaiting the birth of their first child. These are all couples under thirty where the men range from being far from innocent, to generally originally fairly honest men if not necessarily pious.

        In that respect then, BELIEVE! is more a text written for those men who wild and unafraid though they are, still have that sense of truth inside them, that will keep them seeking. Like me I guess, if you never stop, eventually it is true that you will find it. But it may take you twenty years or more than it should.

        I wanted to help shorten that time. As far as I can tell —and honestly, to my great surprise— BELIEVE! Succeeded in that beyond my wildest dreams.

        But some men (including me as I used to be) are really not interested in reading how some fool found God, and a Catholic God at that?! What nonsense. What a scam. Why would I pay some tenner or more for it, never mind read the stupid thing? No. I knew better! And besides, there is pussy to chase and women to fuck! Training and fighting to be had, and missions to accomplish! Fuck that kneeling fag and his cross.

        Yeah. I been there too buddy-boy. So pick up your shield and run and charge. Go crashing into all the dragons and enemies, made of the illusion before us all. Fight hard now, mind. Don’t you slack off and be a weak-kneed bleeding faggot yourself now, you hear? No whining and self-pity when you get hurt and bleed like a bitch and are hurt and alone. No god before you, no god behind you, right? So get up. Stand. Fight hard you little bitch. Stop whining. So you go ahead and you do that. I guarantee, hard as you are, if you really do that without ever relenting, you will, in time, find the truth. And I can tell you three things about it now you might remember when you do:

        First, it will take you a long time and it will hurt. You will learn and see and live through many things most men never do. But it will hurt and hurt bad. And when it does, if you quit, if you finally lie down and just die, you lose. You don’t get to find out the truth. This is the reality for most such men. The vast majority. But if you do make it, you will look back and see how long and how much error and pain you suffered that was unnecessary, and much worse, how much of it you caused in your zeal. In your honest search. In your best way… how so very wrong you were.

        Second, you will know, even against your wish, against all your long-held beliefs, even if it were against the deep story of your ancestors you learned to love, against your best arguments and feelings, these two things: Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, the only King, and you owe him your eternal allegiance, and secondly, the Catholic Church is the only one that has always stated very clearly all of what that entails, and even the rules you don’t like have a logic and a reason and a divine sense to them, and following them can only result in good. There is a third little corollary to this, and it is that the Catholic Church is much reduced and only a few priests and bishops remain, they are called sedevacantists and hold to the eternal truth of their predecessors faithfully. The actual Vatican does not contain a single Catholic in it and is infested with Satanists and probably vast arrays of demons.

        Third: you’ll think me a bastard for not having been more insistent that you read BELIEVE! Or at least G.K. Chesterton. But like you, I only found Chesterton after I already had my road to Damascus event.

        Anyway, the fact remains many would not even look at BELIEVE! Almost on “principle” thinking I’m just another idiot/grifter/liar spouting Jesus nonsense.

        But some of those guys might be interested in what I certainly was all my life: women.

        Pretty, sexy women. Especially the ones willing and able to get naked with you and do all sorts of sexual stuff with you. And how to convince the ones not willing, to become more willing. Not in a bad way, not to just use them and get rid of them to hit some magic number of conquests. At least for me that was never a thing. I enjoyed women and I wanted our time together, brief or long, to be good and happy and fun for us both. Most women couldn’t keep up with me intellectually and very often physically too, so the long term stuff tended to become a kind of myth. A Shangri-La of legend, but I never became bitter or angry at women. I just treated them at the level they treated me, and moved on when they irritated me beyond a certain point, which in my case has always been a fairly low threshold, so… there was a lot of moving on. Originally, as a young man my intent was not to bang around as many women as possible. I just wanted one good one. Life just seemed to make that impossible for me. Or maybe me for them. So I just carried on. I wasn’t finding The One but hey, whatever, I was finding numbers two through to whatever, and enjoying the journey. But ideally, sure, I would have liked to find The One. And when I thought I had maybe found her a few times, it turned out to be a mirage. An illusion of my own mind, really. It was only AFTER, the road to Damascus event, only after that, that I realised how badly my own perspective in all this, women, sex, relationships, was lacking truth.

        Not because I was such a liar or deceiver to women in general or any of them in particular. In fact, as a general rule I was brutally honest with them, which meant I was called a bastard more than a few times. The lack of truth was in my not having understood, or perhaps it is better to say in having forgotten, what the truth of love is.

        We are all born with it originally (excepting maybe a few serious neurological malformations in the brain or soul).

        I remember as a two or three year old playing in the dirt with this little girl my age, I still remember her name, Susanna. And I have since forgotten many of the names and even faces, of the women I have been inside of. So much so that I took to writing their names down at one point, because I knew otherwise I would never recall anything about them. Maybe not even any of the intimate moments. But I still remember little Susanna. Playing with her and feeling so content for that brief moment in my grandmother’s garden. Expecting nothing of her or her of me, and just being at peace and serene with her presence there to keep me company as we played. Even as a child my life was far from settled, so maybe it’s that, though I doubt it as I never saw the moving and travelling and changing country and all the rest of it as bad. It was all just a giant adventure, and I liked exploring, always have. So I really believe, as I look back now, to one of the very few clear memories I have from that age, now more than half a century behind me, that the sensation stayed with me so clear and so long because it was maybe the first time I truly experienced the real sensation of peace, and calm and calm joy that comes from love, unimpeded by anything else. Innocent, as two or three year olds are.

        And that aspect, is not there anymore when you have fucked and fucked and fucked yourself into dozens of women and them into you, your heart and theirs battered and scarred by all the violent emotions of a life lived in the world and of the world, where the subtle truths of real meaning float alone only inside yourself, unable to connect with those of others except very briefly into a moment of brutal force you exert on each other to feel something. Where even the tender caresses are brutal and painful because ephemeral and not joined to each other’s hearts even when we might see them. You are there and I am here, there is no One.

        So now I saw that. And I saw how I had lived and believed, and not for being a bad guy or having any bad intent, but how even so, my vision was so wrong. So mistaken. Honest. Brave even; persevering for certain at least, but alone almost always, even if not lonely. And just… mistaken. And then I took up to trying to read the Bible. And I read Ephasians. And Corinthians. And then I saw.

        Then I remembered Susanna. And I knew.

        I was always fascinated by astronomy. I have always understood from a very young age the distance between the stars. I was about four and certainly no older than six when I first understood what a light year was. And how far galaxies are from one another. Well, in that moment, in my bedroom at night, alone, in London, in that apartment on the Thames, the second one, not the nicer first one, after reading Ephasians, I sat there and realised how far I was from the truth of love.

        That one person I had sought since I was sixteen, consciously, and then just as she became a blur of faces and bodies and orgasms.

        My way of being, who I was, was so far from a man that could experience that kind of love, the real one, the one we all want and seek deep down, that I felt the distance between galaxies was short and nearby. I felt as if I was at the outer reaches of the know Universe and moving in the wrong direction anyway, the inertia and momentum of the Big Bang, making it so, regardless of my desire or even intent.

        I knew then that at 43 or 44 years of age, either 10 or 11 years ago now, I forget the year but I suspect it was 2013, that I would never know that love I had unknowingly been looking for all my adult life. It simply was not possible for me. I was too far. Too far gone, too much seen and felt and experienced. There weren’t even any other humans out there, much less a woman that could or would love me that way or that I could love her that way, and she be able to experience it. It just was not a thing that could exist. I wasn’t bitter or angry or even very sad about it. A little lonely maybe, but not desperate or torn. Like an animal in a field. A dog alone somewhere with no owner and no pack. Like any animal alone. They feel a kind of something akin to mild sadness, the knowledge they are alone, but there is no sense of self-pity or tragedy. Just like getting wet in the rain. It just is.

        And so I knew.

        And I had seen and felt God by then, as much as any human being can without bursting into flames anyway, I guess. So I knew it was real and just how it was. And I carried on. I still had to work, and eat, and live, and yes, to fuck too. I carried on seeing women, but far less frequently and there were almost no one night stands any more. Not intentionally anyway. And I tried to put up with their nonsense calmly, because I could see now, who was I to judge them and their ways, after all? Me the voyager at the edge of the Universe. How much closer in their idiotic and irritating ways were they anyway compared to me, to a semblance of truth?

        And I could not feel too much, anyway. Which paradoxically meant I spent more time with those women who are most damaged and irreparable. Their own errors of perception and life making them also… voyagers. Not as far lost as me, for they at least were ignorant of their condition. They may have not been all that far from the truth of love as I was, but their blindness meant they could not see the distance anyway. Nor could I explain it to them or even open their eyes. I could, at most, stay near them as best I could, if I could. It was another kind of loneliness. One I felt more than being simply alone by myself. The one woman I ended up spending the most time with in that twilight zone of the senses I was in for some years, was so damaged and hurt and broken, that I think there is a genuine possibility that she was at least partially possessed. She certainly exhibited aspects of it anyway. And whatever it was, emotional instability, or partial demonic influence, despite it, on some level, I did connect with her. It was fractured and partial and unhealthy probably, but on some level I did care for her, or I tried to anyway. Then I had a year in Venice. She came to visit a couple of times, but mostly I was alone and working, and I knew Venice would heal me in the most painful way possible, because that city is so beautiful it hurts. And to be there alone, walk its calles late at night, be alone in that splendour in spring and summer, and the mystic fog of autumn and winter, Christmas and New year alone, and my birthday and the ones of friends and family all far from me… it purifies your heart with beauty and calm.

        And I started talking, messaging really, with a girl I had met almost a decade earlier. And just writing to each other on telegram. Sharing our lives and some things that happened in them. And so on.

        The story with that possibly possessed woman ended badly. As I knew it probably would. And my work with the people that had me transfer to Venice ended in a similar fashion when I exposed to the owner that his managers were taking kickbacks.

        In the films the guy who does that is the hero and wins, right? Well. I knew better, because I’d been in that position before, just not at the money I was getting paid this time. But money is just money. I like to have a clean shaven face mostly, and that requires looking in a mirror in the morning. I could have kept quiet and file false reports and would have had at least 100k stashed away which sure would be helpful now, and I don’t and I didn’t. So I kept my personal sense of honour (which I stress is only mine and may not even look remotely good to anyone else, but it is mine, and it works for me) and lost the money and the job. I moved back to London and then, that girl I had been talking to… well… we talked some more. In person. We went for dinner. We kissed. And then, one day, she just moved in. And yes, now we have 5 children between us, and yes I am no longer alone on the outer reaches of the Universe, but the whole impossible journey does not make any sense if you try to look at it with normal, human eyes. But that is where we all start from.

        So I wrote Caveman Theory, to take the journey in the other way. Not after a fall, that like with Saul, blinded him for four days and then showed him God and made him a zealot that wrote half the New Testament as Paul.

        That book I already wrote, and that’s BELIEVE!, and then I followed it with my attempt at doing a Thomas Aquinas, and laying out the case for the Catholic Church, and how to reclaim it in detail. And it is no wonder that both my books are both much smaller than the works produced by people they aspired to emulate (unconsciously until this very moment, and only in the dimmest sense, to form an analogy). I am no Paul, nor a Thomas Aquinas, but nevertheless those are the equivalent products insofar as my mind is able to emulate them.

        Caveman Theory is the journey of the man who lives in the world and is of it and cares not for religion or God. All he knows are his senses and his untamed heart. And women (or men, if you are a woman). And if you are still a little bit human inside, however deeply buried, then, the thing you want, on some level, is to find that One.

        And you may be blind. You may remain blind. But even so, in some way, even the wrong paths can lead to Rome. Honesty at least with yourself is a must, but perhaps, through your pursuit of love, in all the wrong places, through, lust, and emotion, and pain, heartache and sex, if you at least stay honest with yourself, and read the concepts in Caveman Theory, you will gently begin to see more and maybe your eyes will open when you see that ultimately, even with no God at all, with zero preaching on my side, just with the practical and the factual human truth before you, when it is stripped of all the lies, you will see a Truth that is larger than the mere whole. At least, that is my hope. And if not, well, then at least you’re still more likely to find a lasting relationship with the concepts in it than not.

        Good luck soldier, or madam, as the case may be.

        I hope my efforts are a help to you, it is, truly, the only reason I write anything, other than a small amount also for personal amusement (my last book In the Shadow of Monte Castello was mostly all just fun for me, but even then, a little of it was done for others too, even if less so than in any other book I have yet written so far).

        But regardless of whether you ever buy a single one of my books or not, I sincerely hope you find your true Way. Your path. And that means the right people to share it with. And as far as I can tell, God intended for us to not be alone, so that means also that you find the right wife or husband for you, and are able to recognise her or him when you meet them, and not waste time in between.

        God be with you in your search.

          Pharisees are NOT your friends

          Vox has posted a more detailed explanation of what I have been saying for nearly a decade now, and that is: Protestantism is corrupt from the baseline.

          The blog he links to is definitely not pro-Catholic, as he absolutely lies about what the Catholic Church DID, if not about what was done by the Pharisees who have been trying to destroy it from the start.

          As for the name of God, our Indo-European language tradition has an impressive and consistent history. In Sanskrit, the name was dyus; in Phoenician & ancient Briton it was dias; in Greek it was theos and zeus; in Latin it was deus.  The word YHWH never entered our Bible until nearly 1,000 AD when the Masoretic Text (MT) in Hebrew was completed and presented to the Roman Catholic church as the authentic original language and text of the Old Testament. The eastern half of Christendom at that time rejected the text as fraudulent and retained the Greek Septuagint of 285 BC, which they still use today.

                  The name, “Jesus,” is the proper English pronunciation for His true Greek name of IESU. The Aramaic pronunciation for IESU is “yahshua.” That Aramaic name is then translated into English as Joshua. It was a IESU who led the Israelites across the Jordan into Canaan, their promised land. And it will be IESU again who leads God’s people from this kingdom of World into the Kingdom of Heaven. To use the Aramaic pronunciation, namely “yahshua,” is a mistake. Jesus, his disciples, and everyone else spoke Greek. Some of the Cain races who were their neighbors retained their native language of Aramaic along with the common language of Greek. Certainly, Jesus and his friends knew some Aramaic (He even spoke a phrase of it from the cross, Eli, Eli, lamasabachthani, where “El was a generic name for God. But Greek was their first language because it had naturally evolved from the Phoenician language of their ancestors. Those who claim that Jesus’ first language was Aramaic are simply wrong. Greek is the language of our people.

          His lie, the implication that the Western Catholic Church is who believe the Masoretic texts and came up with YHWH, is typical of that kind of retardation that is absolutely required and prevalent for anyone to be Protestant. Namely, a total cognitive dissonance with any remotely logical aspect of reality. To wit:

          The Catholic Church LITERALLY PUT THE BIBLE TOGETHER! And NOT from the Masoretic texts, which appeared only about seven centuries later! That is precisely what I have been saying on this blog for several years now. The Masoretic texts are the ones the Pharisees, or Talmudic Jews if you prefer to use the modern-day name for them, created, edited and perverted for seven centuries, before that sex pervert and literal hater of reason and logic, Martin Luther used them to still further cripple the original by also removing several books from it to make it fit his heretic nonsense fake religion: Protestantism. Only for it to be FURTHER perverted by the flaming Homosexual King James and his Freemasonic Bible the KJV which has over 33,000 transaction errors in it.

          And no, the Catholic Church never “forgot” what the originals were. Not only did the Catholics, (yes with Popes, already) actually put the Bible together, they translated it into Latin. HELLOOOOOO…?

          St. Jerome anyone?

          The Vulgate is a Latin version of the Holy Bible, and largely the result of the labors of St Jerome (Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus), who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 A.D. to make a revision of the old Latin translations. By the 13th century this revision had come to be called the versio vulgata, that is, the “commonly used translation”, and ultimately it became the definitive and officially promulgated Latin version of the Holy Bible in the Catholic Church. 

          Saint Jerome had been commissioned by Pope Damasus to revise the Old Latin text of the four Gospels from the best Greek texts, and by the time of Damasus’ death in 384 A.D. he had thoroughly completed this task, together with a more cursory revision from the Greek Septuagint of the Old Latin text of the Psalms. 

          After the death of the Pope, St. Jerome who had been the Pope’s secretary, settled in Bethlehem, where he produced a new version of the Psalms, translated from the Hexaplar revision of the Septuagint. But from 390 to 405 A.D., St. Jerome translated anew all 39 books in the Hebrew Bible, including a further, third, version of the Psalms, which survives in a very few Vulgate manuscripts. This new translation of the Psalms was labelled by him as “iuxta Hebraeos” (i.e. “close to the Hebrews”, “immediately following the Hebrews”), but it was not ultimately used in the Vulgate. The translations of the other 38 books were used, however, and so the Vulgate is usually credited to have been the first translation of the Old Testament into Latin directly from the Hebrew Tanakh, rather than the Greek Septuagint.

          And here is the preface he wrote addressed to POPE Damasus I. Yes, POPE, because The Catholic Church has ALWAYS HAD POPES, and everyone knew the Pope was the Head of the Chruch on Earth until, you know, Satan came along and first with a schism of the East, then, almost 500 years later, with the pervert with a penchant for having sex with nuns and raping maids, came along and fooled a lot of people even further.

          St. Jerome’s Preface to the Vulgate Version of the New Testament

          Addressed to Pope Damasus, A.D. 383.

          You urge me to revise the old Latin version, and, as it were, to sit in judgment on the copies of the Scriptures which are now scattered throughout the whole world; and, inasmuch as they differ from one another, you would have me decide which of them agree with the Greek original. The labour is one of love, but at the same time both perilous and presumptuous; for in judging others I must be content to be judged by all; and how can I dare to change the language of the world in its hoary old age, and carry it back to the early days of its infancy? Is there a man, learned or unlearned, who will not, when he takes the volume into his hands, and perceives that what he reads does not suit his settled tastes, break out immediately into violent language, and call me a forger and a profane person for having the audacity to add anything to the ancient books, or to make any changes or corrections therein? Now there are two consoling reflections which enable me to bear the odium—in the first place, the command is given by you who are the supreme bishop; and secondly, even on the showing of those who revile us, readings at variance with the early copies cannot be right. For if we are to pin our faith to the Latin texts, it is for our opponents to tell us which; for there are almost as many forms of texts as there are copies. If, on the other hand, we are to glean the truth from a comparison of many, why not go back to the original Greek and correct the mistakes introduced by inaccurate translators, and the blundering alterations of confident but ignorant critics, and, further, all that has been inserted or changed by copyists more asleep than awake? 

          I am not discussing the Old Testament, which was turned into Greek by the Seventy elders, and has reached us by a descent of three steps. I do not ask what Aquila and Symmachus think, or why Theodotion takes a middle course between the ancients and the moderns. I am willing to let that be the true translation which had apostolic approval. I am now speaking of the New Testament. This was undoubtedly composed in Greek, with the exception of the work of Matthew the Apostle, who was the first to commit to writing the Gospel of Christ, and who published his work in Judæa in Hebrew characters. We must confess that as we have it in our language it is marked by discrepancies, and now that the stream is distributed into different channels we must go back to the fountainhead. I pass over those manuscripts which are associated with the names of Lucian and Hesychius, and the authority of which is perversely maintained by a handful of disputatious persons. It is obvious that these writers could not amend anything in the Old Testament after the labours of the Seventy; and it was useless to correct the New, for versions of Scripture which already exist in the languages of many nations show that their additions are false. I therefore promise in this short Preface the four Gospels only, which are to be taken in the following order, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, as they have been revised by a comparison of the Greek manuscripts. Only early ones have been used. But to avoid any great divergences from the Latin which we are accustomed to read, I have used my pen with some restraint, and while I have corrected only such passages as seemed to convey a different meaning, I have allowed the rest to remain as they are.

          So, yeah… the Catholic Church is NOT the one that was fooled into using the version of the “Bible” that was edited and messed with by people who literally HATE Christ and want him to be in Hell boiling in a lake of excrement. Nope. That was the Protestants. Via Martin Luther and Henry the VIII and then gay King James who commissioned the even further corrupted KJV and set up the freemasons Temples as the current houses of Sodom and Gomorrah that have always been: literal Temples to people who at the highest vertices all literally worship who…? yup, Satan. Coincidentally the same Satan that the most highly “respected” Rabbis admit is in fact, the real god of the Jews. A lot of those videos have been memory-holed now, because the genocide currently ongoing in Gaze is making a LOT of people start to take notice of how Jews really see non-Jews. Like, you know, calling us cattle, and saying it very clearly in their Talmud that any non-Jew who strikes a Jew should be put to death and that it is not a crime to rape little children, or kill or rob or defraud non-Jews. Don’t take my word for nay of it. Go get yourself a copy of the Talmud properly translated (really hard to do but they can be found) or, you know, just ask a really high up Rabbi.

          Here is a little research you can start on with a couple of archive sites.

          Archive 1: A general primer. Not the best references.

          Archive 2: Famous Rabbi talks about what Gentiles are for in the Jerusalem Post. the article has since been disappeared, but was archived before it could be memory holed. Alternative copy if the first one disappears.

          Archive 3: This is a whole archived book, and page 62 is relevant concerning the talmud, the whole book is fairly interesting but not as dense with references as I would like. Nevertheless, various Rabbis are quoted throughout the text.

          Screenshots of the Talmud:

          Henry Makov archive: No doubt this man will be vilified to the end of his days, but one needs to ask: Is what he writes about Zionism a lie? And if not… then why vilify him?

          Larry Romanov on the richest man in the world.

          But I digress. Why? Well because all the New Age, Woo-Woo, theosophy, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Carbonari, ALL have roots in and are often led by, Actually Jewish leaders. Just check who the leader of the Church of Satan is.

          And look at the largest cases of mass-murder and genocide on the planet and who pushed the ideologies that led to those massacres. Look up who invented Communism, what the Russian revolution and how many perished and at the hands of whom.

          The whole point here, my Protestant friend and ignoramus, is simply this: Do you really trust that these people, who absolutely HATE Christ with a passion of a thousand burning suns, to not edit the texts that tell us he is the true Messiah? And who called them a generation of vipers, and chased them out of the temple by whipping them in the face?

          For 700 years.

          And then they made you swallow gallons of that other made up word and cool aid: Judeo-Christianity. There has NEVER been any such thing.

          The word didn’t even exist until around the time a Jewish guy invented contraception for women, which led to what? Oh, right, casual sex, which led to no-fault divorce, which led to abortion, which the French, who always massacred Catholics as commanded and directed by the freemasons that literally created America by financing the revolution and then the “Enlightenment” with its massacres of Catholics, have now enshrined into law. Yes, the French have now passed a law that murdering babies is a human right.

          So yeah, is it really that hard to understand they pretty much brainwashed the Protties into believing some made up name is the secret, super-special, name of God that you should never spell out? It’s nonsense, it’s always been nonsense, just like KJV “Bible” which is literally known as the freemasonic Bible, is nonsense. No one who actually knows the very basic reality of the Bible and how it came about, and the basic history of Christianity for the first thousand years can POSSIBLY be so retarded as to become or choose to believe, to be a Protestant. It’s nonsense. Like really low-level, obvious nonsense. A child can see it. The only way you can be a Protestant is if:

          1. You are born into it and brainwashed into it from birth. Same goes for Islam really.
          2. You totally reject logic and reason, as you “Protestant Pope” Martin Luther made very clear you should, stating that “reason is the whore of the Devil.”
          3. You literally refuse to investigate the matter honestly on your own. I’m not asking you to believe me over the lies told to you by the people who loved you growing up, who in turn were lied to and so on all the way back to that deceiver Martin and his heresy. Nope. But I am saying if you consider yourself a Christian, then by God man, stop being such a lazy, ignorant, unschooled asshole. Pick a book or ten, go read up what was going on in the year 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 AD. Go see how and BY WHOM the Bible was put together. Go on. Stop believing some cretin who calls himself a “Pastor”. What are you? Illiterate? Or just sickeningly lazy? Pick up a damn book or ten. I’m not even going to tell you which books. I have done so before all over this blog, but hey, ignore me, go find out for yourself.

          This is also the reason why so many have been deceived by the Novus Ordo fake Church, created at the behest of who…? yup…Jews again, and Protestants. The Novus Ordo is no more Catholic than Joel Osteen. And probably considerably less so than the savages on Sentinel Island. The only Catholics left are Sedevacantists. And yes, uncomfortable as it may be for you, the truth is only Catholics are Christians.

          So, yeah… who knew that YHWH is a nonsense word? That the rapture is also nonsense, that Martin was a deceiver and that the only law of Protestantism is literally Satanic (Interpreth as thou will)? Catholics. That’s who.

          But hey, don’t take my word for it. Continue stuffing your face with plastic American cheese, believing “reverend” Gimmebucks and his wife Tammy are true leaders of Christ and not just grifters in skin suits and fake tits.

          It doesn’t really matter to me all that much, I know it should, because your soul is in danger, but eh… we all have our flaws. I AM Catholic, but not a very good one, and although now over a hundred people that read BELIEVE! have returned to proper Catholicism, and several of them have been married since, and now have babies on the way, I really don’t have the energy to try and convince Protestants of much of anything. So you go on now. Go listen to Billy-Bobby-Jean the snake handler or Miriam shriekfest the female “Bishop” that is an LGBT ally in your “church”, at the crossroads of Protestantism and Satanry, on the corner of Inferno.

          After all, Heaven is supposed to be perfect. Which means really stupid people probably aren’t going to exist there. At least not the stupid, arrogant lazy ones anyway. They are headed for warmer climates. So your not being there when (if?) I eventually make my way out of Purgatory, is really for the best, after all.

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