Archive for the ‘Freemasons’ Category

For all the retards

Saying Putin acts out of the blue…

Pay attention. He has been saying this politely for over 10 years. Listen.

Because the only ones that want that war are your non-elected “democratic” butt-puppets of the people who actually rule America and through that, all the Western hemisphere and every European government.

It is literally time for Euros to remove from any power, people who simply do as they are told by their masters instead of safeguard their people and their nation’s national interests.

    Important – Please share

    I have been aware of this since 2019 or so and have pointed out disparate parts of it in various posts, but please take a look at this short video, it has a LOT of references so you can check for yourself it’s not woo-woo tin-foil hat stuff. And just so you know, I was aware of the possibility of this since the late 1990s, as one French doctor had discussed it briefly on TV before being completely memory-holed.

    Please use the share button at the bottom of this blog post (you may need to click on the post itself to make sure the button appears at the bottom, it is not yet showing automatically if you are just on the main homepage and scrolling through the posts).

    It is important people become aware of this before the next “pandemic” is manufactured, which by all indicators will take place in the not too distant future.

    There are also a few indicators in the video of how the Vaxxed may begin to try to minimise/heal from these effects, and I will post on this specifically in more detail the near future.

    And yes, I hope it gets picked up by WesternRifle Shooters Association, because they have a much bigger reach than I do. So if Concerned American takes it up, you have my thanks.

      You are here…

      For those who have read some history, this will be amusingly accurate, except I think it is probably worse in some respects.

      While most people will assume the parallel is strongest regarding Yugoslavia or Weimar Germany, personally, I think the closest one is with the Roman Empire.

      The political collapse and degeneracy are widespread throughout the West, across wide geographic but also original cultural differences, and there isn’t really so much of a belligerent opposition, mostly just a general disorganised malcontentment by the original natives, alongside a large influx of more barbaric foreigners.

      Unless the farmer civil disturbances actually heat up to the point where they physically remove the puppets we tend to call “elected government” (the elections are irrelevant frauds and they only “govern” in the direction and insofar as they are told to by their pedovore masters) I can’t see that there is any actual effective opposition to the continuing degeneration of the original culture and people of European descent.

      In fact certain countries are already lost to all intents and purposes. Adam Piggott too realised that his original homeland of Australia is now done for. It may rattle on for a bit, like a fish out of water or a gut and lung shot cripple, but it will be a Chinese/Indian province and whatever Europeans may remain in 50 years will be oddities, at best similar to red Indians on reservations in the USA, but since politically that will not be viable, they won’t even have the reservations.

      England is similarly doomed but perhaps even more so from a cultural perspective than a purely ethnic one. This recent legal ruling makes the point better than anything I could write:

      Did this guy start a riot? Stab children? Run people over in a van? Incite anyone to violence? Nope. All he did is literally say that it’s ok to be white and not feel guilty about it.

      The equivalent of saying that water is wet and it’s ok to use an umbrella when it rains.

      In fact, I am fairly sure that if someone read this post and got a loudspeaker and then started to say that water is wet and it’s ok to use an umbrella when it rains they too, would be arrested for a hate crime, as long as they were white. Conversely if anyone brown shouted that it’s ok to be black and not to feel guilty about it, I am certain nothing would happen to them.

      The UK has reached levels of absolute insanity that begin to approach the pockets of absolute Satanic festering rot that are present in a shotgun pattern across America, but more worrying because in the UK they are a literal national trend. The average British person (white ones, that is) self-censors to a degree that I think is only higher in places like North Korea and urban China.

      I’m fairly certain that if you live in UK and point out the objective fact that homosexuality is an unnatural and sexually deviant behaviour that has no good end result, never has had one and never can, precisely because it is an unnatural and sexually deviant behaviour, you can probably be jailed for it. And making such a statement is really no different than saying two plus two is four. In fact it’s objectively less controversial. Tribes of humans have managed to survive and exist for at least centuries and probably even millennia without the concept of basic math, but no group of humans ever has, or ever can, survive more than 40 years or so if they keep ejaculating in each other’s butts or mashing their vaginas together, because as soon as the last woman in that group has reached menopause, there is no reproduction ever going to happen again among them.

      These are not opinions, they are absolutely undeniable facts, yet they are now being criminalised in a total inversion of reality. And this is done with negative consequences only to white people. No one would dream of telling a group of muslim parents that their toddlers are now going to be taught about homosexual relationships and need to attend tranny story hour. And if they tried it, the muslim parents are likely to riot and possibly burn the school down. And rightly so if they did, but it is absolutely clear that the punishment for pushing back, however mildly, is reserved for the original caucasian natives of that unfortunate Isle.

      Most people subjected to this are bewildered about “how did we get here!?” And the shift has been so gradual and very much a “top down” affair, imposed by the ruling class, and has been done with such intentional and specific malice, by a people that have a historical hatred for white people and Catholicism in particular, that the average, normal person, not only is completely unaware of any of the absolutely astonishing and verifiable details of this vast and multi-generational actual conspiracy, but, even when it is pointed out to them, it is disbelieved with certainty. The usual reaction is that anyone who points out the facts is either a bit “nuts” or some kind of “neo-nazi” or a “conspiracy theorist” (ie nuts) or just at least very, very rude and “unsafe” for noticing certain uncomfortable facts! You know the type, the kind of people that know Uncle Bob is raping all the children he can get his hands on during the Christmas festivities, but who would be shocked, shoked! At anyone actually pointing out and suggesting Uncle Bob needs to be jailed, if not taken out back and buried in a shallow grave.

      You can continue to act just like Aunt Gertrude there, who thinks it’s a terrible faux-pas to mention Uncle Bob’s child-raping proclivities, and pretend, against all rational hope, that Uncle Bob suddenly stops raping children and building his underground sex dungeon/tunnels, or… you can take notice of it.

      Now, of course, you may become aware of elements of the actual, real, underlying, well masqueraded for centuries, conspiracy theory, but facing it head on is indeed quite difficult. Not for lack of evidence, although a LOT of the evidence is intentionally memory-holed, destroyed, lied about to a degree that is astonishing, but because we have ALL been brainwashed for so long (since birth certainly for anyone living today even if they are 99 years old) about certain propagandistic “facts” that are in truth, absolute lies made up of whole cloth.

      It is indeed difficult to rip off the multiple veils that eventually lead to the final veil, however, once you have achieved that, everything about what is going on today, literally EVERYTHING, suddenly makes perfect sense. You can even begin to predict exactly what the next move will be, what the next unthinkable insanity might be that they come up with.

      Now, before you worry about “what can *I* do about it anyway?” start with doing the following:

      1. Put your hand inside your trousers and underwear, check that you actually still have a pair of testicles attached to your body there. Maybe even give them a little hard squeeze to feel a bit of pain, just to make sure they are real and yours and not aplastic facsimile glued on by incessant metrosexual propaganda. Once you are satisfied you actually still do have a pair of testicles attached proceed to step 2 below. You will not be able to do step 2 without testicles. Ladies, wait your turn, I have advice for you too, but in war, be it physical or mental or emotional, men go first.
      2. Face the facts. Do NOT worry about solutions right now. You can’t have solutions if you first don’t even know the details of the problem. All you can do until you don’t understand the real root of it is attempt to “fix” things by slapping on plasters to broken bones, medicating viral infections with anti-bacterial slaves and using wrenches on things that need stitching. In short, you will only make things worse and more difficult for the next guy to come along and fix. Realise what the actual root of the problem is. You may want to begin by reading this article at first of all. Yes it’s long. Yes your brain addled few firing neurones have the attention span of a fruit-fly on cocaine, yes your mobile phone is flashing and that’s “more important” and the porn of the day more “enticing” and… and… and… kick yourself in aforementioned testicles and wake the fuck up and read the damn article anyway.
      3. Go down the rabbit hole. It will take you some time. You will not believe the degree to which you have been duped. Take your time. Look into it. Don’t try and confirm your bias, whatever it is. Read the perceived enemy’s perspectives too, whoever the “enemy” is in your mind. Then observe reality as it is. Yes you cannot do this if you can’t do basic math and basic logic and understand that the universe HAS an objective reality on literally EVERYTHING, whether you like it or not, whether you see it or not, whether you even CAN see it or not. And if you wonder how can anyone say the Universe HAS an objective reality when you can’t always be sure what it is, well, my friend, you clearly have no grasp of how logic really works at the higher levels of inference. It is as certain as two and two making four. The ONLY “confusion” in my analogy is that sometimes, it is two plus two, and sometimes it is two times two, so people get confused and argue about the detail, which is irrelevant, because the answer is still, and will forever be, four. I hope this little anecdote and analogy helps you begin the journey towards proper philosophy, which encompasses logic, which encompasses math, and so on. I truly do. Few things are more positive to grasp in life and your doing so inevitably leads to realising there is a loving God.

      Once you have done the above work sufficiently to understand the root cause and the people directly responsible for the current state of affairs, but collectively as well as individually, you will be able to notice the reality of this world much easier. here is a tiny example that should be obvious even if you are still asleep in your wokeness:

      Now begins the active part of your response.

      First: Make other people aware of the reality we face. Do this face to face, in actual meatspace. You will meet resistance, which is fine. Take a page from my own mottos, one of which is:

      Leave all retards behind

      There is not the time, inclination or even necessarily the wish to save everyone. Remember that even God leaves those who do not honestly choose the truth behind. Yes, some will be life-long friends. yes, some will be family. You may begin to appreciate the words of Jesus when he said: “Let the dead bury the dead.”

      Second: Organise. Even MORE importantly to do face to face. And no, I am not advocating for you to become a guerrilla camp of would be armed insurgents trying to overthrow the government. At this stage, all you need to do is build communities of people that are cognisant of the facts mentioned above, that will support each other and work together to build communities that are absolutely future-proofed against the Satanic insanity on every front. Ultimately this means a community that is viable even independent of the fiat money currently in use throughout the world. And please note that anyone who even began to suggest a monetary system that did away with fiat money and was based on say the gold standard, was literally killed by the USA deep state by military action. So… you know, be careful. Just start by growing your own food and being as completely independent of anything attached to the government of where you live, including the generation of electricity and dependence on fiat money. Make alliances with people that understand this and who raise their children the same way.

      Third: Infiltrate. Use the enemy’s own tactics against them. Not only do they work, but we have the massive advantage of having truth on our side. No matter how many mental self-jerking sessions people will entertain, the absolute undeniability of reality eventually comes through.

      • Homosexuality is unnatural and the product of either a birth defect, sexual abuse, or unsavoury fetishistic practices that over time rewire the brain. There is no need to “hate” homosexuals, we all have our afflictions, but promoting that unnatural, sexually deviant lifestyle that has undeniable detrimental effects on everything from general health, life expectancy, drug use, depression and suicide rates, is absolutely to be curb stomped wherever it raises its ugly head, and especially at any time that it is pushed on children, especially when you look at the correlation between homosexuality and child sexual abuse.
      • Feminism has been detrimental to women’s happiness, throughout the world and resulted in nothing positive at all. The net effect of feminism has been mentioned by some to be Hypergamy, that is, the tendency of modern women to bed-hop in the ever vanishingly small chance that they land the big alpha whale, when in truth the big Alpha-whale has absolutely zero incentive to be with any one woman because he can go to his grave banging and even reproducing with as large a stable of supermodel looking women that will perform any sexual kink he may have in bed willingly. The final result being that we instead end up with a bureaugamy where women divorce their husbands and destroy their families in preference of state sponsored single mother “help”. And everyone involved is worse off and becomes more susceptible to buying into all the other lies.
      • Transgenderism is a mental illness and “transitioning” children is the worst kind of child abuse and should be punishable by death in a court of law.
      • Fiat money is debt based and absolutely NOT required for a functioning society. There are alternative monetary systems that are NOT based in debt that work far more efficiently and effectively and actually promote human freedom instead of debt slavery.
      • Usury is evil and unnecessary.
      • Communism and it various atheistic incarnations ALWAYS results in the mass murder and starvation of millions of people. Always. No exceptions. Seriously, not ever a single exception. Which in turns means that…
      • Augusto Pinochet was a heroic man who did what was best for his nation and people. Difficult as it may be for you to initially appreciate this fact (it certainly was for me) because of the CONSTANT propaganda pushed by the usual suspects who run the world media, it remains a fact that had communism entrenched itself in Chile, the death toll of Chileans would have been order of magnitude more than the few thousands that were killed under Pinochet’s military rule. Were at least a few innocents murdered under Pinochet? I have no idea, but the law of probabilities suggests at least a few cases almost certainly took place. Is that tragic? Undoubtedly. Would the numbers of innocents murdered under a Communist Chile have been many, many, many TIMES larger? Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt. And given those two realities, one can only conclude that Pinochet did what was necessary under a very difficult situation. Considering the death toll ALL-TOLL under his regime was of a few thousand people only, (figures range from between 3,000 and 6,000 “disappeared”) with about a further 30,000 displaced (people who ran away from Chile), it is absolutely clear he took the far, far, far, lesser of two evils. And if you need a comparison, try to look at what happened in Venezuela more recently as a result of Communism there taking hold.

      And so on and so forth. Some of these things you will be unaware of, others you will resist to within an inch of your life, but eventually, reality, impacts you hard enough that you either end up in a hell of your own making or you become aware of it and adjust appropriately. The more difficult aspects to understand invariably come later for most of us, but are absolute life-long game changers once you do realise them, the ultimate one, of course, is that Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka just real Catholicism from the start) is the ultimately most accurate model of how reality actually works.

      Bu infiltrate I mean begin to take positions that have influence. It does not matter if it’s the local bridge club, the school’s PTA board or local government. Infiltrate and begin to implement small changes as you go and absolutely use all the nepotism you can muster to elevate others of your kind that think and see things as you do, for the most part.

      And play both sides of the same coin like the Freemasons do. Attend the pride events and photograph the degeneracy. then go to the board meetings and splash the images on the giant projector screen and ask all present if they want their toddler exposed to that stuff. And if anyone objects mention that you HAVE been in pride march. Have they? And if they have, do they approve of THAT? Point to giant image of the most degrease crap you will find at ALL “pride” marches. We actually know gay people who advocate AGAINST gay propaganda. They exist. As do many gay people who reverted back to heterosexuality and try and tell people about it but are routinely shunned, silenced and even physically assaulted and threatened. Find them and use them (carefully, transparently, and humanely of course).

      The truth has the benefit of being immortal once it is uncovered. You will never be fooled again by atheism, secularism, feminism, communism, LGBT agenda, false politician “promises” and so on once you see through them. All you need is to see through them ONCE and they can never fool you again. And once you become aware of the primary movers and shakers, then ALL their schemes becomes almost childishly obvious.

      Fourth: Accept you will ALWAYS be a minority, and realise this is not just as it should be, but is a good thing. If you study history, you will realise that absolutely every single turning point of the human story was perpetrated by a minority. In fact, the clan that literally rules the world and has done so for at least a century but has always been there since the dawn of man, is and always has been a minority. The people that rule the world and that literally rule over your life, are a minority. They may have their own internal conflicts, but overall they are a coherent conspiracy that hate you and want you dead and enslaved. So you are a minority. Great. It means you can actually change the world. Realise this. Study history and particularly the history of YOUR people, YOUR religion, YOUR ancestors.

      Fifth: Make children and raise them well. Is it hard? Sure. Is it worth it? Without a shadow of a doubt. Realise that the boomer instilled ideology that “one should not bring more innocents into a world of pain and suffering” is just another successful psyops of the usual suspects. they believe in walls, stopping immigration and making lots of children. They just don’t want YOU to believe in it.

      Sixth: Nepotism is good. Use it. I plan to only help and have to do with, as much as humanly possible, other Sedevacantist Catholics. I don’t care if you are vehemently Protestant (eventually the truth will hit you in the head anyway, one way or the other) and you reject my perspective, the point is if you have one (perspective of your own), live it and promote it. The truth will out. Catholicism has risen from the ashes many, many, many times throughout the last two thousand years. No other religion has done that, but hey, you do you. If you think the absolute farce that is mormonism or lesbian “bishop” led Protestant version 79,482 is the one true path, go for it. Time will tell who was closer to the ultimate truth, and I’m fine with that. Just stop being a milquetoast and act.

      Seventh: Realise the future is going to be hard. Accept it and prepare accordingly. Macron literally has his capital city surrounded and blockaded by angry farmers in their many thousands and people support them in the millions. And there was a time when such a situation would have resulted in the voluntary resignation of the ruling puppet that is granny-loving Macron. But we are well past that. Germany similarly has Berlin surrounded and blockaded. In Brussels, the farmers are spraying manure on the central headquarters of the EU. And yet nothing changes. the political butt-puppets placed in their positions with lies, subterfuge, fraud, and Satanism, every one of them a literal acolyte of the World Economic Forum, whose overt agenda is to microchip you into a state of perennial slavery and ultimate death while they traffic and rape your children by promoting ever-lower age of consent and deviant sexual practices from birth on, are not going to voluntarily step down. At some point here will be physical confrontations. Whether this is some as yet not completely brainwashed general going full Pinochet style (unlikely as those people were targeted and promoted first on the basis of their cow-towing to the homoglobo agenda) or whether the tyrants will eventually engage in using jackbooted Antifa to come door to door to inject you with very “safe and effective” sterilising, DNA altering, death serums, remains to be seen, but at some point, there will be war. At the moment this is currently playing out as a bunch of third-world savages raping and pillaging with impunity and the “legal system” punishing the victims and giving a free hand to the perpetrators, and so far it certainly seems to be working as intended by the usual suspects. The pervasive use of ever increasing digital and surveillance technology to punish the victims of crime that even try to fight back, has had an untold chilling effect on any kind of justified response, although in the UK there has been a massive response to the autovelox stuff and “blade runners” have been cutting down cameras meant to enforce an ever-expanding fiscal assault by the government, which is now run, both at the national as well as local level by actual foreigners from a different culture entirely to that of the British people that originate in the United Kingdom.

      How all this play out and exactly how things will go is almost impossible to predict, what is certain is that bad times will come and be far worse than presently before any hint of good times will come. But this is no reason to stop making children or despairing, quite the opposite.

      A note for our American friends – Your country too is doomed, but it is large enough hat there should be pockets and perhaps even whole states or even group of states that can preserve a level of autonomy and restoration of an Euro-centric cultural basis. America as the contiguous United States is, like Australia, or New Zealand, in its final death-throes, so accept that, but the final outcome is not as bleak, although the road to sunrise is probably harder than almost anywhere else on the planet with the possible exception of areas in Europe like Ukraine and so on (which certainly have the potential for expanding into ever larger areas of conflict). This is further made worse by the statistical reality that the average American (unbelieving as ALL Americans reading this will be about it) is in fact “softer” than the average European when it comes to defending their culture, way of life and so on. The current farmer’s revolt is a case in point, as it dwarves even the Canadian trucker’s revolt and has no indication it will stop anytime soon, despite the total news blackout. We also have only a fraction of the illegal immigrants you have proportionally and people are increasingly about to get militant against it. So, I am sorry for you, it is not the point to say “we Euros are cooler”, I really don’t care about that, my aim here is simply to warn you and hopefully have you better prepared for the future that is inevitably ahead of us all. If I was in America and forced to remain there, I would be scouting the country for the deepest, most redneck-like, intolerant of foreigners and strangers (of which I would immediately be considered one) yet environmentally healthy, far from military bases or “civilisation” as possible. And I would do my damnest to ingratiate myself with the locals and respect their customs even as I share my private range with them and ask for advice on growing my potatoes and raising my chickens, giving away spare eggs liberally to promote goodwill from my dentistry-avoiding neighbours.

      So, that is where you, and I, and everyone in the Western World, is. Regardless of where they live.

      I hope you take note, and I hope you and yours make it, and that we may share a beer on the other side of it, around a nice fire, which hopefully will be in a good fireplace in a sturdy home, with our respective many children running around and playing happily.

      God bless you stranger, and may we one day become friends.

        Withhold your Charity, Pilgrim

        This post by Vox on AI and its “uses” sparked in me, for the millionth time, what I call my Arnaud Amalric* state of mind. Not in that I think it’s fine to wipe out innocents, but rather that a LOT of people that are given a “pass” as potentially “ignorant” and/or “innocent” are in fact, absolutely knowing deceiver and Satanic pushers of destruction, and should be treated as such.

        The ONLY purpose of AI is to further infantilise, mechanise, enstupidate, entrap, retard, brainwash, and push false narratives as the ONLY narratives in existence in EVERY sphere of human existence. As I blogged about in more detail here.

        That’s it. That is its entire purpose and raison d’être. Any marginally useful aspect of it that might result is a side-effect. Salad dressing to the poisonous salad.

        And even supposed absolute “bigots” like Vox (i.e. discerning individuals that actually understand these things and note the truth of them) are, in my view, ever too gracious, charitable and kind to absolutely demonic scum that needs to be, at minimum, incarcerated, placed in proper mental institutions where a certain level of care for them is yes provided, but mostly to protect civilised and healthy human beings from their criminal insanity, or, tried in a properly just court of law and, given the levels of their crimes, hung by the neck until dead.

        The “oh well, maybe…” approach to everything from the usual WEF political puppets and their masters, the supposed “right-wing populists” that inevitably sell out their own nations to the globohomos, the genocidal Jews in charge of and executing the mass-murder of innocent civilians and children, the filthy child-predators, frauds, and satanists pretending to be “catholic” clergy, the people behind ALL the covid vaccines, mandates, rules, etc. right down to that elementary school teacher trying to tell the children in their class that all religions and all cultures are equal and meritorious of the same “respect”, the feminists, gays, and pedophiles pushing the LGBT agenda, especially on children, and on, and on, and on, needs to absolutely stop.

        People simply need to grow a spine and call out any and all demonic-infested and inspired people, policies and rules for what they are.

        And to be clear, people like Vox are absolutely not hesitant to do that, the man can’t be accused of being shy with his condemnations, but from the Kurgan perspective, if we were standing next to each other, watching a field of pedophiles being burnt at the stake, I would be toasting the event alongside him, clinking glasses of refined Champagne or Prosecco which he has certainly got better taste than me on, but I would also be the guy politely saying something like: “Theo… I notice we still have plenty of wood off in that corner of the field and we have so many journalists, politicians and well, you know, I hesitate to say, but occasionally, also rude waiters…”

        My point is simply that even the best of us, to me, seem far too forgiving or charitable of people who REALLY don’t deserve it. And I’m not really talking about the rude waiters.

        These “people” absolutely, consciously, intentionally, and schemingly, use your own sense of justice, fair-play, charity, mercy and forgiveness against you. Do not let them. Ever.

        Being far too “charitable” (meaning weak and cowardly for most people, in truth) is how we got to the homoglobo Hellscape where we are today.


        Curb your charity; and put a better edge on that sword, man. Do you not see and hear the sounds of war all around us?


        Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” is a phrase reportedly spoken by the commander of the Albigensian Crusade, prior to the massacre at Béziers on 22 July 1209. A direct translation of the Medieval Latin phrase is “Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own“. Papal legate and Cistercian abbot Arnaud Amalric was the military commander of the Crusade in its initial phase and leader of this first major military action of the Crusade, the assault on Béziers, and was reported by Caesarius of Heisterbach to have uttered the order.

        Less formal English translations have given rise to variants such as “Kill them all; let God sort them out.

          Child-Rape Assembly Line

          If you want to know whether the tunnels currently being discovered in New York have been known about for a while, as have some practices of that particular religion, I suggest you read this article from several years back.

          Don’t have lunch before you read it. But do read it. These behaviours have been hidden and are continuing to be, for far too long, and no one normal should tolerate ANYONE that does stuff like this.

          Swift and decisive justice needs to be dispensed and if those in charge of doing so are unwilling to do so then they need to be immediately removed from their positions and prosecuted as accomplices.

          On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”

          Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face—fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”

          Now… if you came upon such a scene, what would be your natural reaction, and would they be able to cover it up if you dragged that old pedophile out by the beard kicking and screaming into the street? And why would you NOT do that?

          It gets worse.

          Ultra-Orthodox Jews who speak out about these abuses are ruined and condemned to exile by their own community. Dr. Amy Neustein, a nonfundamentalist Orthodox Jewish sociologist and editor of Tempest in the Temple: Jewish Communities and Child Sex Scandals, told me the story of a series of Hasidic mothers in Brooklyn she got to know who complained that their children were being preyed on by their husbands.

          In these cases, the accused men “very quickly and effectively engage the rabbis, the Orthodox politicians, and powerful Orthodox rabbis who donate handsomely to political clubs.” The goal, she told me, is “to excise the mother from the child’s life.” Rabbinical courts cast the mothers aside, and the effects are permanent. The mother is “amputated.” One woman befriended by Dr. Neustein, a music student at a college outside New York, lost contact with all six of her children, including an infant she was breastfeeding at the time of their separation.

          Now tell me that the justice system and the legal system is not “fixed” to enable these things happening?

          And if you think this is the worst of it, you really are naïve.

          There is a reason too that the current “Catholic Church” which not Catholic, nor a Church of anything other than Satan, has also been embroiled in child-rape for decades. And that is because since 1958, and then the creation of Vatican II the Catholic Church has been taken over by people who represented the wishes of mainly Jewish powerful people, Protestant “advisors” and even a couple of Eastern “Orthodox” observers. I covered this in some detail in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, which explains very simply and clearly why the only actual Catholicism left is that of the Sedevacantists, and what a Cohen-cidence, Sedevacantism is the only Catholicism that gets attacked by pretty much everyone, especially the Bergoglian Pedophile infested Satanic fake “Catholic” Church.

          If you need a primer on who and how the Vatican II final blow came about (after decades of work placing infiltrators within the Church had already resulted in many of them being highly placed), then read this article concerning the Jewish Architects of Vatican II.

          A small extract:

          Charles de Provenchères, had made Isaac’s role perfectly clear some few years earlier. “It is a sign of the times,” the Archbishop said, ” that a layman, and a Jewish layman at that, has become the originator of a Council decree.”

          Read the whole thing if you are interested in the truth about the History of the Church.

          It really is high time that everyone realised that the old adage of the English, that good fences make good neighbours is the most sensible, and most likely to reduce rivers of blood being shed in the not too distant future.

          The tribe running the American government like their personal lap dog, and the British one to a large extent (and for a long time), and currently committing genocide on a scale not seen since the Bolshevik revolution, Pol Pot, and World War II, really have a religion that is not at all compatible with Christianity.

          It is simply a fact that people of different ethnicities, cultures, and religions are simply not compatible and trying to force them to be so can only result in war.

          All Jews can return to Israel, and they should do so and perform their religion as they see fit there, and not anywhere else. Ditto Muslims to Muslim countries and Catholics to Catholic countries and these religions should not mix, as they do not, in fact, anywhere except in countries that are nominally European or European originating. You can’t open a Catholic Church in Saudi Arabia, and that is fine. And you should not be able to open a Mosque or a Synagogue in Italy. People of different religions need to remain in their place, and if and when they decide to travel through a country not of their religion, they should be permitted to do so only as guests and with he understanding that their behaviour while visiting has to respect local customs and laws.

          Religion has been responsible for under 7% of ALL wars ever had by mankind and over half of that 7% was the result of Islam, however, many more wars were the result of financial manipulation due to things like usury, fiat money and the financial practices most prominent and used by overwhelmingly Jewish families and interests. Usury was banned by Catholicism originally as it is in Islamic countries. And it should be banned again in those countries, while no one should limit the Jews from continuing to perform it, among themselves, in their own country and as per their own religion and customs.

          It really is the best way to ensure peace and avoid the kind of violence that currently Israel is involved in while trying to exterminate the Palestinians.

          Let the Palestinians and the Israeli build a nice thick wall between them and let no Palestinian live in Israel and no Israeli live in Palestine. There is no reason for them to interact at all with each other. Which of course, has not been the case, since Israel has been steadily reducing the original Palestine to almost nothing, and the ultimate aim is to extinguish them altogether, as Net-a-Yahoo himself has essentially stated quite clearly.

          If you want peace, see to it your nation becomes a nation of your people again, that any immigration is stopped and the number of foreigners living inside your country is reduced to a minuscule percentage with good reason to be there and with absolute and demonstrable intent to integrate in full.

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