Is AI Demonic?

Short answer: Yes

Really? In every instance? Slightly longer answer: Yes

But you want the long answer, eh? Ok, fine.

AI is just a further mechanisation of the human condition.

I have blogged before how the so-called Protestant “work ethic” is really a dehumanising effect. The supposed “industrial revolution” was really the start of the mechanisation of humanity. The reducing of human beings to cogs in a wheel.

It is not a coincidence that the industrial revolution happened after the revolution against God commonly known as the Protestant rebellion. The Catholic position of work and life is and has always been that work is required to support your family. The central point is your family. Your wife, your children. Work is to improve their lot, which if you become a robotic worker bee that sees them hardly at all during the week is obviously not ideal.

I hear the perennially protesting Protestants make all sorts of claims about Catholic countries and people being unable to go to the Moon and so on, so let me disabuse the historically ignorant of absolutely idiotic notions that do not stand up to a second of scrutiny.

About 600 Catholic knights and 3000 civilians built not one but TWO fortified castles on Malta in six months, that held off 40,000 Muslims with cannons and sappers for months and ultimately drove them off.

The Protestants didn’t go to the Moon either, the Nazis did, and even then not in the way most boomers take for granted.

Pagan Romans build huge bridges hundreds of meters long and over ten meters wide in ten days. And the synergy that is created by human beings that have a common goal united by a higher belief is something to behold. Catholicism can and does and has united whole communities that way through generations. You only need to look at the works of art and incredible Churches Catholics built around the world, unmatched by any other culture or people in the history of Humanity. The only thing that Protestantism has succeeded in binding people together over is increasing sexual degeneracy (allowing divorce led to allowing cohabitation which led to contraception, which led to abortion, which led to degenerate sexual “relationships” which leads to disordered, minds, people and societies) the profit motive, the secularising and reducing to materialistic outcomes most of the human experience, greed and avarice.

Most of the world is now in a vicious circle of being a simple cog in a work system that benefits and increasingly small number of puppeteers.

The last 4 years of Covid scam, made people become used to being isolated. Made it even more difficult to simply start up a conversation with a stranger.

When I first visited London almost 40 years ago, I was struck by how cold and unfriendly people were. They would ignore you and walk past if you simply asked the time. Unheard of behaviour in Italy. On the tube everyone studiously ignored each other. On any bus or tram in Italy, total strangers have passing normal conversations without any fear or embarrassment.

A few hundred years ago, a Catholic father worked from his business which was part of his home and his children learnt his trade and many other things from him and his wife. In that process the traditions and culture of that family were passed on generation after generation as was any wealth produced by the family as a whole. Today, the “culture” of the average 20 year old is created by ubiquitous pornography, Hollywood and the other brain-rot created by Satan-worshippers.

There is a short video of a girl asking another young woman what he “body count is” and the reply is “about 22” and then she shows a list on her phone that she keeps of all the names of the boys she has had sex with. Rather than the high number of 22 there are easily over 100 names on it. The current “culture” infected by the “American” values being spread all over the planet by the people who control the mass media in both the (fake) news and entertainment (satanry) industry, is going global.

And AI is just another step further down towards Hell. Once 98% of books and film are created, imagined, produced and even “born” in initial conceptual form by AI, practically the whole planet will be reduced —-and used to—- the kind of meaningless verbiage, insipid storyline, nominal “facts” and baseline barely functional information overload that wikipedia has, or the average James Patterson ghost-written novel, or meaningless LGBT-Pedo apologetics that every single TV series on Netflix is.

The average person today cannot read three paragraphs of meaningful information and summarise them in his own words in a coherent fashion. If you actually can do that, you’re in the top 15% of humanity at best, if we are being incredibly generous, because the real figure is closer to 10% if not 5%.

I am already aware of supposedly highly competent lawyers (an oxymoron in most cases) using AI to draft their arguments/letters and so on. Now, given my general experience with lawyers, that might actually constitute a demonstrable improvement, nevertheless, between whatever AI can do in that respect and actual competence —-competence, mind you, not stellar performance, just mere competence—- there is a dark, intergalactic sized void of truly faceless bureaucratic-vomit-language with the same nutritional content of aspartame and the genetic serums pretending to be vaccines.

But beyond the quality or lack thereof, is the human cost. The enstupidation of the masses has been galloping along at breakneck speed for centuries, one need only look at the sculptures and paintings created by the artists of the supposed “dark ages” and Middle ages, and compare them to those of today, or realise the average person in the 1800s had a vocabulary that was about three times the one of the average English speaker today (and I mean native speaker, not pidgen version of it).

The pervasive use of AI will further compromise the ability of the average person to become anything other than a literally “useless eater” that will be confined to their VR sets and universal basic income, eating insects and masturbating to waifu pillows or, in the case of the upperly mobile classes, sex robots.

If you are a parent, your job is to teach your children how to do important things, like read and write and do mathematics by hand, as well as build a house, understand the basics of plumbing and electricity and the use of weapons, as well as mastering AI use as a TOOL. And one that is understood to be designed to enslave, corrupt and weaken you.

As those who have read my short book BELIEVE! know, I am an advocate of using the devil’s own weapons against him, which is dangerous work, lest you get ensnared in going down the easy path those skills will try to lead you down, but it is also necessary work.

So, regulate yourself accordingly. And whatever dehumanising technology you start using, counter it with some humanising skills worth twice as much in the quality of life department.

And that usually means interacting with other people, which is why I also wrote the RPG game.

To make you guys sit around with other humans and play together. Play. Because if you can learn something that way it is a LOT easier. If you can begin to make your work, whatever it is, happen as a form of play… well… then you will be starting to reclaim the ways of Catholic Humanity.

So, final word: Yes, AI is demonic. Learn to wield it only as you must to defeat its ultimate dehumanising intent.

    6 Responses to “Is AI Demonic?”

    1. C.T. says:

      It’s hard to find friends these days, if you have even the most minimal requirements. A young man of my acquaintance tells me that of the other boys attending the minor seminary with him, only one has read Lord of the Rings. A couple of boys tried but gave up after a chapter or two. The others, he says, are complete cretins. Hollywood, video games, and smartphones have sucked any semblance of intelligence right out of their skulls. I can’t wait to find out how AI disables what few brain cells are left.

      This is a sedevacantist seminary, by the way. I don’t know how many boys are converts vs. cradle sedes, or how many were home schooled vs. public school. It remains to be seen how many will drop out before the end.

      • G says:

        Where is this sede seminary?
        Because sede children we have seen are waaaaay above the norm.
        When my daughter was baptised, another couple had a brother and sister at our place too for mass and the little girl (6) could recite latin prayers and follow the whole mass without batting an eye and she could read and reason better than most adults. So could her brother though he was a few years older.

        • C.T. says:

          Perhaps I won’t mention the place by name, for they are good people doing their best to raise up a very fallen world, and they must work with what they’ve got. It is a minor seminary, and the boys are highschoolers. They have some time to improve.

          That family is above average. Not all sedes are brilliant theologians, or even good disciplinarians. I made the distinction between cradle and convert, home schooled and public schooled, because there are real differences. And not a few parents fail to realize the seriousness of the threat from Hollywood, video games, smartphones, college, and social media — and now AI. More than you might think are afraid of their children being weird and failing to fit in.

          My informant at the school, by the way, is a fourth generation sede, who has never owned a smartphone, had little to no access to the internet, only a very carefully curated selection of books, movies, music, and friends to choose from, and parents who are somewhat hardcore purists. He’s read the Silmarillion and the Appendices, and is pulling A’s in Latin and theology. But he hasn’t been tested much, and I can only pray that he will be strong when it comes.

          • Tarcisius says:

            I may be familiar with the minor seminary you are refering to. If it is located within the United States, then I am certain I know of it. I believe the rector takes something of a St. John Bosco type approach to how he runs the minor seminary and accepts applicants. If any boys choose to break the rules, there is a process for reprimanding and expulsion. There may be some boys that attend who fall short of ideal Catholic standards for young men, but 4 years is a long time at that age and those young men could potentially turn into excellent Catholic men with the proper guidance and examples, even if they don’t go on to the priesthood.

            There have been several priestly vocations that have come out of that minor seminary. Those particular young men would have likely not found their way to the priesthood if they hadn’t attended. One such priest was a young man from the Philippines who grew up in the Novus Ordo but through a hungering for tradition and the true Faith, found his way to this minor seminary. I believe he now serves the poeple of his home country as a true Catholic priest.

            • G says:

              Yes, if properly guided by a good priest, this is similar to martial arts dojo in the world of proper, traditional karate-do. A LOT of dojos, made you fill in applications swearing allegiance to various principles, to treat your body like a deadly weapon, blah, blah, blah. In our very traditional dojo they barely asked your name, nor even cared about getting paid regularly by the participants. The result was that only one of two things happened, after a time, either the person would leave, or, regardless of what their character was when they started, whether thug or saint, they would become better human beings with a natural code of ethics that was based in justice, honour and kindness, especially to those weaker than yourself.

    2. […] The ONLY purpose of AI is to further infantilise, mechanise, enstupidate, entrap, retard, brainwash, and push false narratives as the ONLY narratives in existence in EVERY sphere of human existence. As I blogged about in more detail here. […]

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