So, Who’s a Christian, Andrew?

Andrew Torba, owner and CEO of Gab, commenting on the recent Steven Crowder/Ben Shapiro/Candace Owen controlled opposition thing that anyone reading here should be familiar with by now, recently wrote a long post about how leaders of any kind should be Christians for anyone to essentially pay any attention to them.

I quote the most (only) relevant snippet below, but you can read the whole thing here.

We Need to Support Christian Leaders At Christian Media Companies. Period.

Last summer, I said that to be a leader or influencer on the right, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be a Christian. I said in no uncertain terms that people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have no place in any serious right-wing movement and resistance to the Regime unless they become Christians. I got a lot of flack for this from the media and many people on the right, but I stand by it, and now you see why.

This Daily Wire situation with Crowder is a great example. Christians don’t act the way Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing act. They don’t refer to themselves as “god-kings.” They don’t write soul-buying exploitative contracts. They don’t refer to employees as “wage slaves.” They don’t force people to throw their friends under the bus. These people don’t act like Christians because they aren’t Christians, and the Christians who do work for them and have made a deal with the Devil–people like Matt Walsh–should be ashamed of themselves. 

So, consider this blog post a kind of open letter to Andrew Torba, and pretty much every other Churchian of every denomination.

Before I begin, allow me to say that while Gab is not perfect, and neither is Torba, no one is, and while Gab might not be perfect, it certainly is a place that allows a level of freedom of expression that I haven’t found elsewhere since the early 90s and the days of Alt dot forums when the Internet was new.

Torba bans porn but lets pretty much any other view to be expressed. So all due credit must go to him for having created Gab. Some accuse him of being just another gatekeeper of sorts, or a sell out, but if so, I’d have to say in terms of a gatekeeper he would have to be the very last line of trying to allow a pressure valve that I don’t see as positive for the powers that be, because once you see the truth of certain lies, even if Gab where to disappear tomorrow, you can never unsee them. And Gab allows these truths to be presented.

But this post is not ultimately about Gab or even about Andrew Torba, I wish him great success in growing Gab, I am “picking on him” because he does have a voice and a loudspeaker and nominally is doing good work, so, when he makes a nonsensical statement that has no foundation, I notice and am going to point out the gaping and obvious flaws in his reasoning.

Axiom 1

There is ONE truth and it is identical for everyone, whether you know it or not, whether you see it or not, whether you even have the capacity or possibility to see it or not. If you do not understand and believe this, then there is really nothing further we need discuss. And if you are one of those “everyone has their own truth” retards, then run. Run away from here as fast as you can.

Axiom 2

God is real, exist and is indeed, Love. Yes he is also perfect justice, mercy, etc. etc, but in shorthand, Love defines Him best.

Axiom 3

God gave us free will, so we are free to disobey His will of what is best for us. However, if we are truly interested in the truth we will seek for it. And seek for it very deeply and truly, because literally nothing else is as important. And we are told, and reason and logic too indicate without a doubt, that if we do seek, indeed not only we should, but we must find this truth. Why? Well because if God is Good (Love) and the truth is one, then God will make it so if you care to, you can find that truth.

Axiom 4

A loving God that makes it so you can find that ultimate truth if only you honestly seek for it, would not leave such a truth to be in doubt, open to personal interpretation, available to only a few select individuals, and so on. In short, He would, naturally and logically, set things up so that:

A) The truth should be self-evident if one but cares to observe things honestly and openly.

B) Given we are made in His image, it is logical to think that the divine spark must exist within every one of us at least as a potential for us to connect with it and therefore want to seek the truth as well as be able to recognise it when we do.

C) Despite the utterly flawed human nature of human beings, that truth remains infallible, incorruptible and visible to any who seek it, regardless of circumstance. Which is not to say it might not be easier for some to see than others, but the possibility exists for all. But the point here is that the infallibility of the One truth relating to God and His will must be infallible, for it is the very foundation of the entirety of creation. It cannot therefore be flawed, or open to individual human interpretation other than as error.

So, in conclusion of the above axioms, in some supernatural, God-protected way, this truth must be all of these things:

1) Discoverable

2) Infallible

3) Protected from error despite humans

That’s at a minimum.

We would also, naturally and logically, assume that such truth, if followed, would lead to the best possible life and situations for those people who do act according to it.

Now, of all the world religions, only Christianity fulfils all of these requirements.

And we are even specifically told in our Holy Book, that:

1) the truth is self evident all around us

2) if we but seek, we shall find it

3) it is infallible and immutable

4) God will be with us in this truth right up to the end

We are also told a few other things that are pretty relevant:

A) most people will not follow this truth which is on a hard and narrow path, but will instead follow the wide road to Hell.

B) at the end only a tiny remnant of believers will hold out. The rest will all be fooled or stop believing.

Now, given all of the above, it is absolutely clear that only Catholicism can properly be seen to be Christianity. It fulfils all of the minimum requirements outlined above and indeed has the fruits to demonstrate beyond a doubt that those people who followed Catholic principles created the best art, the best architecture, overcame vice and human flaws better than any other civilisation, invented the (real) scientific method as well as most modern hard sciences, civilised mass-murdering savages around the globe, created the best environment for the nuclear family ever devised by humanity, and produced the greatest thinkers with a humane nature in the largest number ever, of any other religion.

These are simply the facts.

You might not like them, but it is the truth, objectively speaking.

Certainly, we cannot assume anyone pushing or agreeing with the LGBT agenda, or trannie children (or adults for that matter) or abortion, or divorce, or contraception has the interests of human beings at heart. And yet Protestantism was how these ideas became “acceptable” for “christians” to have.

Of course, any objective observer would immediately point out that “catholicism” is replete with pederasts, homosexuals and perverse satanists of the worst kind.

And they would be right. Because Bergoglio, the Vatican and so on are NOT Catholic. They are the skinsuit of Catholicism being worn by the assassins, impostors, frauds and all-round freemasonic satanists that have subverted it and taken it over.

You see, the Catholic Church was under constant attack from the start, and it certainly had bad men and bad priests and bad bishops and bad Popes in it. Yet… despite this, it also created and compiled and grew the INFALLIBLE magisterium of the Church.

What is that you say?

It is the actual rules of Christianity. The rules which any good Christian should and will follow.

Well, where are these rules you say? The Bible?

Well, not quite. Yes the Bible has the Truth in it. But the Bible alone is not enough. If it were, the Bible itself would have been put together by Jesus Himself. And not by a conclave of bishops some 300 years after Jesus ascended to Heaven before a crowd of hundreds. It took tradition, and even oral as well as written history, to compile the Bible. And those wise bishops, who had been trained by the Apostles and then by those they trained and so on, decided on what was to be in the Bible and what was not to be in it.


And their spiritual descendants, through legitimate apostolic succession, passed down and refined the self-evident yet deep truths found in the Bible as well as tradition.

Over 2000 years these added up to many, many, many documents, and is what priests and Bishops, in part, where trained to know and refer to when instructing the lay people.

But from about the mid 1700s or so, a new assault on the Church began in earnest. A patient, insidious evil, and by the late 1800s these Jewish inspired Satanists had made serious inroads and infiltrations into the Church. Therefore, Pope Pious X, at the turn of the century, ordered that all of these thousands of documents be reviewed and their essence compiled into one, homogeneous, monolithic document of all the infallible dogma of the Catholic Church. He set up a commission of Bishops and Cardinals to do this, headed by Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, who, with his team, examined tens of thousands of documents in order to create the Code of Canon Law of 1917.

Pope Pious X died before it was finished, but his successor, Pope Benedict the XV (not to be confused with Ratzinger, the antipope that recently died) completed it.

After publication there was another period lasting until the death of the last valid Pope in the current era, Pope Pious XII in 1958, during which any cleric or academic could question or ask about this code, in case there was any contradiction between a rule previously stated, from centuries earlier sometimes, and more recent papal encyclicals, and so on.

So from 1917 to 1958 the Code of Canon Law was scrutinised, and in the whole of that time precisely ONE change was made to part 2 of code 1099. A very minor change, and that by Pope Pious XII himself.

In short, this document, which encompasses the entirety of Catholic rules and dogma, both divine (and therefore eternal) as well as ecclesiastical (and therefore mutable under certain situations) is the most vetted document on Earth and represents the infallible magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Now, according to that document, every “Pope” after Pious XII has disqualified themselves from being Catholic. And hence being valid clergy. Because they publicly promoted heresy. That is, ideas, concepts and behaviours that go directly counter to Catholic infallible truth.

Anyone who does this is automatically no longer part of the Catholic Church and as such is not able to act in any way on its behalf. This simple, obvious rule, which is clear even to a child, is encompassed in Code 188 part 4. Which is a summary of the Papal encyclical of Pope Paul IV, Cum ex Apostolato Officio, and essentially says that anyone who publicly defects from the faith by word, action or deed, loses any office they may have had in the Church. No ifs, ands or buts. No recourse, no, appeal, no pronouncement by anyone required. Because ultimately it is obvious.

Otherwise one would be in the absurd position (which many satanic fake “priests” try to push, absurdly!) where a priest that sacrifices babies on the altar during mass would have to still be “respected” as valid clergy until some “official” pronouncement is made by his fellow fake clerics. Clearly nonsense.

Just as if you try to play basketball using a golf club, you are thrown off the court, so the same here. Act as a heretic publicly and notoriously, or promote heresy publicly and notoriously, and you’re immediately a heretic. No one needs say anything officially. It’s obvious to anyone who actually IS Catholic that you are not.

Now, since 15 of the 16 documents of Vatican 2 have direct and obvious heresy in them, and are documents intended for the entire world, you can’t become more public a heretic than by promoting their content, which all fake Novus Ordo “clergy” do and have done for over 60 years. Meaning they are not Catholics and not valid clergy. In fact, they are not even validly ordained, so they are not clergy of any kind, except maybe as some kind of priest of Moloch or Beelzebub or some other other demon.

The only people who still follow the real Catholic rules of the Church, as present in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, are Sedevacantist Catholics.

And since there is only ONE truth, they are not just the only Catholics, but the only Christians.

The statement that the Catholic Church has always said —in its abbreviated form: outside of the Catholic Church, there is no salvation— is simply common sense.

If 2+2=4, anyone who says otherwise clearly is outside of the Truth.

Protestants don’t have any set of rules written down as to how you can even tell if someone is a Christian or not. And if one sect does, there are at least another 40,000 sects disagreeing with that version (yes it’s a real number, not hyperbole.)

Their standard for being a “christian” is literally to recognised Jesus is King.

Well, even demons know that.

If that’s the sum total of your “rules” then it’s obvious that literally even demons can be, and invariably will be, part of your club.

The truth is often jarring. Sometimes even painful.

And the last three years should make you aware of that; but the truth is always preferable to a lie.

So… if even considering actual Catholicism upsets you, then I suggest you take a good long hard look at it. I did. I didn’t start out Catholic. In fact I assumed Catholicism was one of the worst fake religions out there.

And that’s because what I thought was Catholicism was the fake Church that has usurped the Vatican since 28th October 1958.

But when I studied things, I realised that this was not Catholicism at all.

I wasn’t lazy about it you see.

I actually DID seek. And I did so relentlessly. The only thing I could not falsify, was Catholicism. The real one.

The one that led men to Jerusalem in 1095.

The one the knights of Malta had in 1565.

The one that the authors of the Catechism of Trent had.

What I did manage to falsify was Protestantism in all its forms, which was childishly simple, Eastern “Orthodoxy” which was a lot closer to the truth than Protestantism, but still far off, and of course, almost all of my preconceived ideas and “deep thoughts”.

What I could not find fault with was the Code of Canon Law of 1917. That is: Catholicism.

So I got baptised by a real priest (all Novus Ordo “clergy” are impostors) and became a real Catholic, which are known as sedvacantists today.

We have a very clear set of rules that have produced the best fruits humanity has seen in 2000 years. They are written down. Anyone who cares to can find them and read them.

And it is childishly simple to spot impostors and gatekeepers once you know the truth.

The Milos, and the Emo Jones, and the Taylor Marshalls, and Gary Vorises, and Bergoglios, and Ratzingers, and Woitjlas, and Roncallis, and Montinis, and “Father” Rippergers, and on, and on, and on, and all their retinues of demonic imps, are obvious fake “Catholics” trying very hard and often succeeding to lead especially young men down a neutered and castrated road of submission to evil.

And the Joel Osteens, and other fake “Christians”, like Candace Owen, and Steven Crowder, and so on, and never mind the literal enemies of Christ like the Ben Shapiros and the Jordan Petersons of the world, are actually comical in their attempts at subversion.

But it is not them I write this for.

It is for you. The Andrew Torbas of the world.

Who, if I take at face value, profess to be Christians, but have no objective standards for neither proving nor convincing anyone you actually are.

And regardless of your possibly earnest belief that you are, you have no tried and tested historical results of a positive nature you can point to. In fact, quite the opposite. It was Protestantism that allowed contraception, then divorce, then abortion, the LGBT-Pedo and on and on and on. The slow secularisation of Christianity began with Protestantism. In fact, even the fake, demonic Bergoglian “Catholic” Church, thanks to the momentum of real Catholicism, despite having subverted even the Papacy over 60 years ago, still can’t fully approve of even divorce, never mind contraception or abortion.

It might hurt you, your pride, the memory of people you loved, who taught you lies in good faith, thinking they were doing good instead, but facing the truth means facing these things.

Catholicism is not a religion for spoilt children. It is a religion for people able to face reality and deal with it accordingly.

And if you think Catholicism is all about accepting rapefugees, turning the other cheek, and funding Soros’ open society, think again.

Read the Crusades by Harold Lamb or the Great Siege by Ernle Bradford. Catholicism is more likely to be about firing the heads of your enemies out of cannons as a response to their attempted invasion of your lands than being some cucked version of boomer inspired “love generation”.


To sum up, and just in case Andrew ever bothers to actually read this:

Who is an actual Christian, Andrew?

And how do you tell?

Because by my measure, you’re not one yet. Regardless of what you might erroneously believe.

Those of you who may want to delve deeper into this and save yourselves some time are invited to click on the top left on “books I wrote” and pick up Believe! If you can only muster a couple of hours of reading, or Reclaiming the Catholic Church if you can read a whole 530 pages worth of details replete with impeccable references.

If Andrew ever replies I’ll be sure to link to his response or publish it here.

    7 Responses to “So, Who’s a Christian, Andrew?”

    1. Santiago Mendoza says:

      Let’s say everything that you’re saying is true– why does Pope Francis look so cool in his robes and hats then?

      • G says:

        He appears cool to you, because as a satanist and enemy of God and truth, you find your master beautiful, of course. Well. Until the end comes, then you will see, but it will be too late. Enjoy the ride, demon-spawn.

    2. Monkeyb00y says:

      I appreciate posts like this because it is something everyone needs to read. I love the backstory of the Catholic church and when the change occurred.
      I will be seeking, researching and praying for myself, my family, and my community.
      I know the places around me that call themselves churches are all converged and disgusting.
      I pray that we find our way. And for the US, sooner than later.

    3. Jerome Herrington III says:

      Are Sedevanticist Catholics the same as Vatican II Catholics?

      All Protestants are not the same as all Catholics are not.

      So statements that Protestantism is too blame for the acceptance of LGBT are not accurate. In America the SCOTUS is to blame and its all Catholuc and Jewish. Never was a Prot on this court my entire lifetime until supposedly now, with that black whore claiming some obscure African supposedly Protestant church.

      The Protestants who embraced LGBT first were those closest to the Catholic church, liturgical, who were strangely effected by Vatican II reforms, specifically who used the Roman lectionary and downgraded to the Vatican II Revised Common Lectionary. For instance, Episcopalians.

      Protestanta who do not use lectionaries or have written down liturgy resisted even up until covid and only started falling around that time, if at all becauae some are still strong,

      There are traditionalist holdout Protestant groups kind of like Sedevanticism althoughthe issue that divides them from the larger denomination they came from is not a pope. It may still have to do with worship, i.e. groups that reject moves by the larger denomination to bring in women preachers or instrumental music or sappy contemporary praise nonsense that sexualizes Jesus.

    4. […] have blogged about Mr. Turbo-lence […]

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