Posts Tagged ‘filotto’


In a couple of days or so at most, this should be out on Amazon and at my E-Book Store.

It’s the first time I had all of my test readers enjoy the story and tell me they were looking forward to more, so I’m pleased.

    Oh Look…

    …so, yes, we “conspiracy theorists” that told you all and never changed our story concerning the fact that the Vaxx was a depopulationist, trans-humanist agenda GENETIC SERUM, were indeed always right, and the mass-murdering scum-bags that pushed them always knew it from the start.

    Now, while I DO feel sorry for those too ignorant, too busy and innocent, too fooled by the system to ever have looked into the Vaxx before taking it, or those that prayed and hoped for the best because they thought that risking whatever nefarious crap was in the serums was a better gamble than being unable to feed or house their families, who, ultimately could simply be accused of being partially in the above category and partially in the category of people who simply cannot do basic math, I feel absolutely not bad at all for the IDIOTS that hysterically screamed back that “yes they are vaccines too!” And flat out lied and said they had done the research and mRNA genetic serums are perfectly safe.

    No they are not. No they never have been for over 30 years, and you lied. Because you are stupid, and arrogant and incapable of actual reasoned thought.

    Some will say such people were afraid, or just the fact they are incapable of logical thought and truthfulness is a quality simply of their existence, and as a result we should “forgive” them.

    I entirely disagree. Firstly because there is nothing to forgive as far as I (and my immediate family) are concerned. Their arrogant stupidity has never had any effect on my life DIRECTLY. And because contrary to popular belief, I have always been magnanimous with personal slights and offences, I consider their existence no more personally damaging than say poisonous snakes, thorny bushes, fleas, mosquitos and so on. Yes, their arrogance, stupidity and small-minded cretinism can kill you, that is a fact, just like a mosquito can kill you, but I don’t spend my time worrying about it, or worrying about mosquitos. Not even the plague carrying, genetically modified ones Bill Gates has created and since released by the millions. I simply put up mosquito nets and do what I can to adapt. Bill Gates and the other perpetrators are another story. Those guys I pray for.

    I pray God punishes them in the most severe, painful, eternal way of all and I pray he doesn’t wait for them to drop dead later, but rather that he makes it happen ASAP.

    But getting back to the shouty, arrogant, stupid NPCs that railed against people like me, while I see nothing to forgive, I also see nothing that requires me to give a rat’s ass if you die choking on your own vomit while you go into cardiac arrest because of your own immense stupidity.

    I do feel absolute empathy for anyone these complete cretins may have forced the Vaxx on, such as their innocent children, and I hope God in His infinite Mercy takes good care of all those many souls the cretinous NPCs have doomed to an early grave.

    Frankly, people that incapable of thought, that incapable of simply being honest to a degree that is the bare minimum required to not kill yourself thanks to your arrogance, from a personal perspective, are not anyone I will miss in the slightest.

    Which in no way exonerates the mass-murders from what should be the just punishment, of swinging from a rope; at minimum.

    But this post is indeed to you, you stupid, bastards, that thought you were so smart. That thought your idiotic bleating and shouting like the bovine creatures you are was important, that you mattered. That you were smarter than anyone normal who could fucking read. Because that is really all it would have taken to see the obvious. You literally just had to go and look up what mRNA genetic serums did and how long they had been killing test animals for. Yes that stuff is all pretty much memory holed now, but it wasn’t in late 2019 and early 2020.

    The Scott Adams of this world, who now realised they fucked up, are STILL playing it off as, “Oh well, I was wrong but for all the right reasons, and you Anti-Vaxxers were just lucky!” even now, they have not evolved one iota. They are still the same, stupid, arrogant to death, morons. If the planet was rid of them entirely, the mass-murdering bastards that did this to the entire planet, and will continue to accelerate the same issues and create new scamdemics and new restrictions and so on, would not last a week before the death penalty would be reinstated around the world as a perfectly sane and legal thing for certain crimes and they would all be hung for their crimes. So, you just carry on being you. You carry on being “sure” and “right” and “on the right side of history” you feckless cretins. And good riddance once you’re gone.

    As for the rest of us?

    Get married and make lots and lots of babies and raise them well. It may be the last chance we have of repopulating this planet with people who can reason on the basis of objective reality instead of their emotions, so easily directed, dictated and controlled by evil mass-murdering, pedophile satanists, that our ancestors would be so ashamed we have allowed them to control as much as they do that they would have buried us alongside them.

      Sedeprivationism vs Sedevacantism an Explanation

      There seems to be either some confusion, or perhaps a new and fancier attack on the Church and it is the trying to drive a wedge between Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists, as if there was any real theological difference today in 2024.

      So, let me nip this in the bud, as much as any layman who can read and think logically at an elementary level at least, can easily do. And which, in fact, cannot be disproved by anyone.

      Keep in mind that I have read the entire Cassiciciacum theory in the original French too, so am not exactly jumping in here like some ignorant moron that hasn’t reviewed the facts, relevant Canon Law and so on. The point is that while I could write another 530 page book explaining everything in minute and fully weaponised autistic detail, it really is not required, because the core concepts are really quite simple and easy enough to understand and Canon Law is, as usual with Roman Law, exceedingly clear, humane and just.

      As I say, all that is required is a normal level of ability to read and cogitate and a basic but correct grasp of logic and objective reality, which, given the state of Clown World today, is hard enough, but one hopes the average reader here, given the semi-constant insta-bans for not following the rules has purified the gene pool enough that he or she is easily capable of grasping the concepts I will present and further able to review them on their own for further clarity of verification if they have any doubts.

      Let us begin then by first of all pointing out a couple of aspects of Catholicism that is quite misunderstood by the average anglo type:

      • Catholic charity requires that if there is doubt, one should try to (when possible) be charitable and allow for some mercy given the fact that all human beings are flawed and miserable sinners. However…
      • When logic dictates that there either is no doubt, or the doubt is minimal, then prudence requires you treat the suspect thing as suspect. In fact, in proper Catholic behaviour, the charitable act of being merciful does not invalidated the just act of pointing out the sin/flaw/error or downright evil of whatever is in doubt.
      • To Anglos this appears to them as a somewhat schizophrenic way of dealing with life, because while on one hand in a proper Catholic world, say, a pedophile would be burnt at the stake, the act of doing so is in the first place one of charity (giving the peso the opportunity to truly repent while he contemplates the fire burning him) and in the second place one of charity towards the victim and the other members of the community, protecting them from further harm and also educating them on the consequences of certain unacceptable acts. But even more confusing for them might be that the very parents of the child raped might pray for the soul of the pedo burning to death. Which does not in any way mean that the father of the child would not be the one applying the torch himself, nor that his prayers are in any way insincere.

      This apparent “schizophrenia” is not due to any flaw of logic or reason in the Catholic, but rather, generally speaking, of a stunted and child-like grasp of human affairs, including justice and charity in the Protestant milieu in which Anglos tend to be raised.

      Furthermore is the fact that Roman Law works in a far more just and fundamentally correct way than Anglo Laws, which is that Roman Law is principle based in general terms but with each case being judged on its own merits regardless of precedents in the law. A murder under Roman Law is not always the same kind of murder, and while Anglo Law pretends to also have some exculpatory levels of crime (manslaughter instead of murder one, say) in general terms, previous law dictates current law, which is, fundamentally, unjust. Since the very concept of a legal system is mostly absorbed by the zeitgeist of the environment we live in, most people perception of actual Justice is also fundamentally corrupted to some extent by their assuming (unconsciously for the most part) that Common Law, or the British, or American legal system is in any way representative of actual Justice. It is very far from it and while even Roman Law can obviously be used improperly by a judge, it is, in general terms, a far closer representation of Divine Law than any other system of Law ever created on planet Earth to date.

      Right then, with that long introduction aside, let us begin.

      The Basic Premise of Sedeprivationism

      First presented by Father Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers the theory of Sedeprivationism was in essence an extremely charitable proposition designed to allow anyone of the clergy that was either confused, too timid as a result of al lifetime of obedience to their superiors, or otherwise unclear on what a Hellish turn the Vatican II documents had created and how Roncalli (who personally set up the wheels of Vatican II in motion and also approved the first two documents before dying) and Montini (who published the next 14 documents of Vatican II, every one of which is replete with absolute heresy) were obvious heretics, to be able to take a position that allowed them to continue being actual clergy, non-heretics and yet also give an opportunity to the arch-heretic Montini to possibly repent and return to Christianity (impossible to do in my view since I believe he was an infiltrator and non-Catholic from the very first).

      Vatican II was the equivalent of a poisonous neutron bomb, that left the buildings intact but reduced almost all the then supposedly Catholic clergy to a bunch of infected zombies spreading heresy and the few survivors dazed and confused.

      Sedeprivationism, in simple terms, basically stated that although Montini had clearly produced 14 documents replete with heresy and as such could not be a valid Pope (as per Canon 188.4), he might have been validly elected, as theoretically might have been Roncalli. In Roncalli’s case the very idea he was validly elected has since been absolutely demolished since he was a practicing Freemason and his election was forced by blackmailing Giuseppe Siri (who HAD been voted Pope, twice!) by telling him that is he became Pope a lot of Bishops behind the Iron curtain would be killed by the Communists. A convenient lie that was in fact pushed by Roncalli himself, an absolute Freemason and hence communist friendly plant whose entire intent was the destruction of Catholicism, as has always been the case by those who promote and even start various secret societies like the Illuminati, the Carbonari, the Freemasons and indeed Communism itself. If you are curious, you might want to figure out what ethnicity Karl Marx was and who pushed his agenda.

      In any case, back then, when it was not yet clear which of the Cardinals that voted in the various false Popes might have also been heretics or not, since their position was not public and clear, as was Montini’s (and posthumously also Roncalli’s) des Lauriers’ theory allowed that it was possible (slim though that chance was) that both Roncalli and Montini had been technically, that is, materially, validly elected as Popes, but that given their behaviour, they clearly were not spiritually valid Popes, at least not until and if they repented.

      This was, in the sensibilities of the time, a rather polite way of saying:

      These two guys are thugs and murderers of souls, and if a bunch of you morons elected them as valid Popes, you should see it by now, repent and make it clear you don’t see them as actually valid Popes, given their thuggery and murder of souls. As for the thuggish murderers themselves, whether you are Jewish/Protestant?Gnostic/Satanist or simply secular apostate and imbeciles, if we assume you were materially validly elected and you make a 180 degree swift turn and repent and correct all your public heresy, well, God is merciful and we can pretend you are now a redeemed actual Pope by the Grace of God that promoted your absolute, sincere and true change of heart.

      As I said, it was the most rose-tinted glasses, optimistic, and charitable view anyone could conceive of to allow a tiny margin of possibility of self-correction to the cowards, infiltrators, Satanists, Freemasons, Communists, pedophiles and homosexuals that had been injected into the clergy for decades (see Bella Dodd’s book to understand how this was done to the tune of thousands of fake clergy whose sole intent in joining the seminaries and the Church was total subversion), as also the list I reprinted in RTCC of Mino Pecorelli clearly evidenced beyond any doubt the massive number of official Freemasons (complete with codenames) that were already in high offices at the time of the third fake Pope in a row, Lucani.

      Such a slim possibility filled with charity was indeed a viable possibility certainly up to at least 1965 when the last Vatican II documents were finally presented to the world, and given the slow movements of the Church on grave matters, one could reasonably extend that charity even to the 1970s, even the late 1970s, but by 1983, when the Satanists decided to come out with a “new” code of Canon Law, in order to try and invalidate the Code of Canon Law of 1917 which to date remains the most vetted document on Earth, having compiled and reviewed and checked and double checked every dogmatic document and position of the Church from the time of Jesus to 1917. And then having remained unchanged for the next 65 years except for a tiny modification to Canon 1099 part 2 done by the last valid Pope, Pius the XII himself. And when I say unchanged I mean unchanged despite an invitation to all Catholic clergy around the world to present any objection, question or argument against any canon. Tens of thousands of documents had been reviewed and checked to produce the Code of 1917 and tens of thousands more after it to make sure they had got everything right. There literally is no other document like it on Earth. And the “code” of 1983 is not even logically consistent within itself, as I have made clear before on this blog. So at this point it was absolutely clear that the Satanists now in the Vatican only aimed to continue the destruction of the Church and there was no repentance or halting it. I described this situation briefly in RTCC but since it is a 530 page book that refutes every single argument against sedevacantism ever produced to date, and no one has been able to counter it validly in any way, not everyone has read it. Hence this blog article to make the topic more accessible to all.

      Given what we now know about Roncalli, and the constant unrepentant promulgation of the heresies of Vatican II, and absolutely following the Magisterium of the Church in the form of the infallible Code of Canon Law produced by two valid Popes in conjunction with a team of valid and pious Cardinals led by Cardinal Gasparri, it is absolutely clear, that anyone that continues to hold to the Vatican II fake Church is simply not a Catholic. No “clergy” who does can be considered to be anything other than at best a heretic and more likely a knowing Satanist with pedophile friendly intent at a minimum. And as such, as per Catholic infallible dogma as produced by Pope Paul the IV in his ex cathedra pronouncement Cum-Ex Apostolate Officio, such heretics should be shunned, others warned against them and deprived of all natural human kindness. In Catholic thought they are worse than mere murderers, for they intend to cosign your soul to eternal Hell.

      As I said in my book RTCC at the end, the term Sedeprivationist today, should really only be used for two reasons:

      • Etymologically it is a more correct term, because strictly speaking, the chair (sede) of Peter is not actually empty (vacante) but rather it is filled by an impostor that is preventing (privation) the proper filling of it by a valid Bishop.
      • As a memory and remembrance of a great and courageous theologian and Bishop, Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers. keep in mind that because he was made Bishop in 1981 by Bishop Thuc he was later “excommunicated” from the fake “Catholic” Church of Satan by none other than Ratzi the Nazi in 1983, just when the “new” (fake and perverse) Code of Canon Law was produced.

      In all other respects, Sedevacantism is absolutely correct and no one can make any argument against it, theological, canonical, logical or of any other valid kind. Let us therefore now look at that.

      The Basic Premise of Sedevacantism

      The essence of Sedevacantism is literally childishly easy to understand

      1. If you are not catholic, you cannot be Catholic clergy.

      2. If you defect from the faith publicly and notoriously, you are not Catholic.

      That’s it. That is literally it. It really is not more complicated than that.

      The Satanists pretending to be Catholic (fake clergy) will try to tell you that no man has a right to judge the “pope” as being a heretic, which is a conflation of one true fact with a lie, as is their usual modus operandi.

      It is true that no man can pass judgement on the Pope. But there are two important points to note:

      ANYONE can judge a non-catholic, non-Pope as being a non-Catholic non-Pope. In fact it is dogmatic catholic law that ANYONE can call out a heretic.

      Secondly, it is not any man that decides if a pope is or is not a heretic, regardless of whether he had been voted in validly originally or not. It is, in fact, the INFALLIBLE Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which in its valid and infallible wisdom, produce the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which was approved by two Popes along with their Cardinals and therefore made infallible. And the Code of 1917 in Canton 188 part 4 reads as follows:

      Ob tacitam renuntiationem ab ipso iure admissam quaelibet officia vacant ipso facto et sine ulla declaratione, si clericus: 

      4º A fide catholica publice defecerit; 

      Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:

      4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic faith;

      See that? Without any declaration and upon the fact itself. it really burns them. And if you want a totally autistic view of the whole of canon 188.4 that atomises the ghosts of dead horses, well then, here you go.

      Right then, given canon 188.4 it is absolutely clear that anyone who does not specifically and actively condemn the fake Popes since 28th October 1958 and their heretic Vatican II documents, and changes to the UNCHANGEABLE Holy Mass (see Quo Premium also in RTCC), cannot be thought of as properly Catholic, and any “clergy” doing so are absolutely not valid clerics of Catholicism.

      So we now come to the distinctions between current day Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists. What are they?

      Having discussed this matter in some detail with a valid priest of the IMBC, the statement told to me was that this priest and thus most of the IMBC I would guess, simply take the charitable position that they, as individuals prefer not to pronounce the current heretics in the Vatican as being actual heretics, including, the (in my opinion) never-was-catholic Bergy the Oleous.

      That is a valid personal position that a clergyman can take. It is based on the fact that only God really knows the Foro Interno of a human being, that is, his true heart concerning anything at all.

      HOWEVER, and it is a big however, by ALL external indications (Foro Externo) the (at best) heretics in the Vatican (actual Satanists as far as I am concerned) ALL, without exception fulfill the precepts of Canon 188.4. And canon 188.4 refers to and does NOT invalidate in any way Cum-Ex-Apostolato Officio which was an ex-cathedra pronouncement of valid Pope Paul the IV, and which in any case, was even before this an obvious thing anyone of normal intelligence knew. In general, Papal ex-cathedra pronouncements are made only to further clarify an solidify a simple and obvious fact known to all but under attack by gnostics, Satanists and enemies of the Church. So, these fake Popes absolutely ARE to be treated as heretics in a practical sense. Which of course, all Sedeprivationist clergy does. They do not perform Una Cum (one with) masses (they do not use the names of fake popes in the Mass) and they do not promote or promulgate Vatican II and warn people against it, all as they should. The only practical difference is they do not outright call Bergoglio and such as actual heretics because, in a spirit of charity they hold the position that perhaps, by some miracle or mystery unknown to them, Bergoglio and such are all afflicted by some mind-worm, or whatever that makes them not actually responsible, somehow, for their heresies.

      Well. They are entitled to their personal view, of course, and for the record, I do not have a personal view as such on Bergolgio etc. I mean, if I had to bet my life on it I would bet they are actual Satanists, non-Catholics from the start and heretics only in the best of cases (because to be a heretic you have to first have been Ana actual Catholic at some point), but honestly, absent any enforced need to make a judgement, I don’t have an opinion. I simply follow Canon Law and Catholic dogma and since they walk like a heretic, quack like a heretic, smell like a heretic, act like a heretic, and do everything else under the sun as a heretic, I will treat them, as is my duty as a heretic.

      That’s it, and that’s all. In any case, the Sedeprivationists do that too with the only exception they don’t call them actual heretics due to their rather (in my opinion) unnecessary charity towards what I consider to be spiritual, intentional would-be mass-murderes of souls.

      So, in essence, in practical terms, there is no real difference between a Sedeprivationist and a Sedevacantist.

      One last note, if anyone says that if Bergoglio were to repent he would become valid Pope, this is, of course, absolute nonsense, since a heretic, even if he repents, by infallible and perennial dogmatic and divine Law, as pronounced infallibly in Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio, cannot ever again have ANY authority over anyone and must spend the rest of their days in constant penance in a monastery with, again, I repeat, no possibility to teach or have authority over anyone, ever again.

      So, in essence and practice we are all Sedevacantists today. Sedeprivationism was a kind idea that has, in the course of time, been demonstrated to have been mostly overly charitable wishful thinking.

      Nevertheless Father (and later Bishop) Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers was an outstanding theologian and Catholic clergyman. May God keep his soul in the eternal presence of His beatific vision as per His Will.

        It’s OUT!

        So Amazon, has finally started making NAZI MOON available.

        It may not be available in your country if you are not in the US or Canada yet, but it shoul dbe there within a day or two or so.

        Click on the image or, here is the link for the site: NAZI MOON.

        Even if you are not into SF, please help spread the word or consider it as a gift for those you know who are. The book is more than just Science Fiction, it is also a certain approach to social commentary, as SF has always been, and ultimately, it impacts the current zeitgeist, which, as I am sure anyone who reads here regularly knows, is currently deep into Clown World land.

        You can read more details, author notes, and a certain level of “spoilers” (not huge) and so on by clicking the icon on the left for Overlords of Mars.

        Keep in mind the story is set in 1999 and I had it in my head since the mid 1990s, so it is also a decent level of prediction, as I didn’t vary any of the concepts or plot lines I had in my head then to now. I did make one addition to the plot lines (there are many and interwoven ones). The germ of the idea came to me in 2013 and developed in the intervening 10 years and now is probably the main impetus for what I think will be the next instalment, which I promise will NOT take ten years this time.

        This book is currently only available in print from amazon and there is no ebook out for it, nor will there be for a time, due to various contractual obligations, so get it as is. My beta readers all enjoyed the whole series and perhaps even more importantly, it sparks conversations that are extremely interesting between and by people who would probably not have even dared touch the topics at hand.

        A reader left a comment that is relevant in this regard, and yes, yes, I am of course biased, as are all authors, but this is far from a lone example, and it is the real reason I ever decided to write any book at all.

        It is live on amazon now. Thank you for dedicating mass to those who supported the olive trees. And again, thank you for everything you do, especially your books. They have been life changing for me, so I am immensly curious of how your fiction will impact me. Godspeed to you and your family. God bless and I wish you a 1911 for Christmas.

        And the wish for my very own Colt 1911 for Christmas nearly brought a tear to my eye.

        I hope you all enjoy this giant 827 page trilogy in one volume, and that its scary cover makes all those who see it curious to explore the past, as well as the present, with an eye towards making a better future for us and especially for our children and theirs after them.

          If you get thrown out of 109 different clubs a total of over 1000 times, whose fault is it?

          You know who’s been attacked from the very first moment He came to Earth, and it hasn’t ever let up since, 2023 years ago?

          That’s right, the Christ.

          And you know who has come a very close second ever since?

          That’s right, the Catholic Church.

          And you know who the pre-eminent enemies of both Christ and the Church were?

          That’s right, the Pharisees.

          And do you know who and what the Pharisees are now?

          That’s right, they are what we call today, “The Jews.”

          The Original Hebrew texts of the Old Testament are essentially 400 years of stories of both determination of God and prophecy concerning Him.

          Isaiah essentially is one of the key texts that proves that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

          You may think all this is blitheringly obvious, and it is, but a lot of people who call themselves “Christian” are completely, abysmally, ignorantly unaware of these very fundamental, extremely basic truths about Christianity.

          It is important to know your history, not just in general, but also your personal family history. It matters. Which is why communists, freemasons, etcetera —that is, in essence, all the Satanists, in their legion of names— have always tried to destroy history. Hide the past, pervert and change it. According to them, everyone in the past of any note was a homosexual. From Alexander the Great to Achilles in the Illiad to Tesla, to Julius Caesar, and on and on and on. The Egyptians were black, and so were the Romans in England (I kid you not, supposedly “professional” historians have tried to claim this nonsense).

          So, for anyone even remotely cognisant of actual Christian history, the atavic hatred the Pharisees, that is, the Talmudic Jews, which includes all the Jews today that are even remotely Jewish in their self-identity, is no surprise. The jews have hated, and tried to destroy Christianity literally from the day Jesus was prophesied to arrive. And they have never stopped.

          In the more recent they have almost succeeded, for they have passed off the second-biggest scam in world history: They have made almost everyone believe that the current “Catholic Church”, headed by Bergoglio, and previously by Ratzinger, and so on, all the way back to Roncalli in 1958, is the actual Catholic Church.

          Anyone that can do logic to the level of a normal 10 year old and cares to take the time to investigate the matter, will know without any doubt that this deception, is only surpassed by the more recent one of getting possibly up to 5.5 billion people to take a deadly, poisonous, unnecessary and damaging genetic serum that literally changes your DNA as if it were a “life-saving vaccine”.

          But of course, the real Church continues to exist. Not because any mortal man says so or wishes it, but because our Lord and Saviour told us he would be with us right up until the End Times, and that the number of believing Christians at that time, will be vanishingly small, and in fact would have become zero if it were not for His last minute return.

          Of course, only Catholics are actually Christians, as the first thousand years of Christian history makes absolutely clear; and only Sedevacantists/Sedeprivationists are actually Catholic, so the number of actual Christians is relatively small, and proportionally could possibly be comparable to the first few hundred years of Catholicism. Perhaps around the year 400 AD when St. Dominic decided the world was so corrupt and totally devoid of good men that he retired to the Rocky Mountains and built a monastery, and in time, the entire Dominica order was born from the actions of one man. Estimates vary from between 100,000 at the low end to about 500,000 at the high end. The real figure of actual Sedeprivationists is probably about a quarter million, which is a mere 2 out of 10,000 people when compared to the 1.2 Billion supposed Catholics, which, are, however, only “catholic” Churchman’s, essentially a fooled and deceived, unknowing, very large branch of the 40,000-headed Hydra known as Protestantism.

          So this basic knowledge is now largely unknown to most people, though it is far from hidden, given you have access to the Internet.

          And it is for this reason that it is salutary to point out that Catholics, have pointed out the issue concerning the Jewish hatred of Catholics and their religious beliefs concerning the idea that they believe that non-Jews are merely cattle, here to serve them for literally centuries. That the life of a non-Jew can never be compared to, or ever considered anywhere near as worthy as that of a Jew. That they assume that they can and will become the rulers of the Earth and all the non-Jews will be their slaves. And that their Talmud permits them to rape 3 year olds with impunity.

          Here is a link to a text from Civiltà Cattolica, which is 27 pages of perfectly thought out and detailed analysis of the Jewish issue.

          It would be good for you to know the history of your people, especially if you consider yourself a Christian, however deeply in error that belief might be currently. After all, learning one’s errors and correcting them is what life is all about. Without doing that we would not even learn to walk or speak.

          I certainly believed I was right for some 35 years of my life, concerning what “Catholicism” was and what the “Catholic Church” was all about. Which is why, like any sane person, I rejected it in toto and consciously so from the age of 7.

          It was only by the literal Grace of God, which for hard-headed mules like me, usually comes in a rather unpleasant format, that I was able to recognise my spectacular error, and even then it was another 4 years before I finally decided to get properly Baptised as an actual Catholic.

          So. I truly hope you will at least begin a little investigation into what you have been taught by “historians” and “teachers” (who in turn where mostly fooled themselves) concerning Catholicism. You may want to start with two books actually written by non-Catholics (one did convert to Catholicism, but the other remains a Baptist) on the matter. Honest men come in all kinds, including men who are not Catholics. These two are such men.

          Rodney Stark, and Rod Bennett.

          Enjoy the search and the reading. The revelation of the Truth is always astonishing, surprising and refreshing, like waking up as a child and seeing the most magical of places just outside your window, as your parents travelled with you asleep through the night.

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