Posts Tagged ‘relationships’

The Male Quest for Woman

And the Incidendal Drawing and Quartering of Rollo Tommasi.

Adam has recently posted a couple of somewhat interesting articles that consider the prospect of sex before marriage, fornication, and the PUA mindset in general.

The key message I personally see as most relevant in the first one is the partial quote that derives from the reading of Goldwin Smith (a 19th Century historian) by the author of the piece Adam links to, JM Smith, which he however presents only in part, and I think deserves a fuller version of it:

He [Goldwin Smith] was appalled by the prospect of women’s suffrage, correctly foreseeing that it would make democratic politics even more emotional, and that Anglo Saxon men would be to soft, silly and spineless to stop it.  He explained this as the dolorous result of gynæmania, a “disease” of the Anglo Saxon male that was characterized by a morbidly excessive craving for the good opinion of women.   The word gynæmania was first coined as a scientific name for satyriasis, or a morbidly excessive craving for carnal knowledge of women, but Smith saw that slavery to sex was becoming slavery to the female sex.

The emphasis on Anglo-Saxon is mine, and I maintain it remains the key point of the article, as it was indeed in the post by JM Smith, and indeed Golden Smith’s original work, even if Adam did not seem to focus on it particularly. So keep this point about the Anglos in mind for later, we shall return to it.

The second article can be summed up as a strong and unequivocal advice —almost an order, really— to men, to not indulge in sex before marriage; and he takes a post by Rollo Tommasi as his jumping off point. Tommasi is somewhat “revered” in PUA circles as being one of the grandfathers of the PUA movement. Personally, though I have weird hobbies, and looking at PUAs and their thirst for raping incels’ wallets was one of many such entertainments, I have never found Tommasi to be especially insightful of much of anything. And the article Adam links to is definitely of the stupidly degenerate category, although my take on things is considerably different from Adam’s in many respects.

Rollo’s post is a car-crash of bullshit and lies and simply illogical nonsense and deserves a point by point take-down even just on its own (non-existent) supposed merits. And… because… you know how I said I have weird hobbies? And typing doesn’t hurt me, I’m going to do just that right here below, between the fancy page breaks. If you don’t care (which is absolutely fine), or if you can’t hold a key point in your mind for more than 3 minutes, or are particularly pious and find vulgarity distatesful, then avert your eyes and skip the Rollo Tommasi take-down below, and scroll to the second fancy page break.

The key points by the way, so far are:

  • Anglos are weird about caring about what women think of them, and,
  • Rollo is full of shit. The detailed takedown below is for those not experienced/logical/clear-headed enough to see why Rollo is full of shit, and I am here to help! [insert sociopath smile here].

Rollo in fog-fart grey background your friendly host in standard text.

Rollo, do you think “Body Count” matters?

Absolutely. And the higher, the better. I need a girl who’s DTF (down to fuck) from the jump. For guys after 50, all that pretentious bullshit about long-term commitment should melt away to sexual expediency. It’s not about experience or some contrived want for a virgin bride. It all comes down to guys who fuck and guys who don’t. If we’re talking from the perspective of evolutionary effectiveness, women (and men) with higher body counts are effectively proven commodities in a sexual economy.

The sexually unfulfilled and deprived Rollo tells us several things right in the first paragraph:

  • He is over 50 and not married or settled down, still chasing the ever elusive “high” of some sex with a random “hottie” (but at over 50 I am fairly sure he’ll take whatever bone is thrown at him).
  • He in fact has given up on being “pair-bonded” as the PUAs call it, to one woman. He tries to cover it up with absolutely false bravado and machismo, but it is painfully obvious he is in pain from this. Whether his pain is always conscious or not is not clear yet, self-deception in people like Rollo is over 9,000 and also eleventy.

  • UPDATE: I stand corrected! He’s been married since he was 28, which means I was completely correct about his being a fraud with regard to his “experience” with bedding women, it’s literally all made up theory. And since I did not “correct” any of the subsequent points after this point, you can verify immediately that I really did not know anything about this guy besides read maybe 10 lines of his stuff over the last decade and concluding he was irrelevant, and secondly, that my dissection of his nonsense post is spot on, despite this.

  • He talks absolute nonsense with regard to “evolutionary effectiveness” because banging as many random women as possible, or, for a woman, even worse, as many guys as possible, throughout human history was only a recipe for absolute disaster and death, and the end of your genetic line. Staying together, regardless of the difficulties, and ensuring the survival of your plentiful children was the only successful strategy, and it still is. The obvious idiocy of his thinly veiled self-justification/rationalisation is clear to anyone with a functioning neurone or two.

“Oh, oh! but you say he is sexually unfulfilled and deprived, when he clearly has (or had) sex with a lot of women, you’re just bitter!”

No, young Padawan, pay attention now:

Firstly: PUAs LIE. And Lie spectacularly about their “body count” trust me on this, I looked into the subspecies of “male” that labels themselves as PUAs in some depth. Feel free to use the Search Me button on the right there. (heh… in light of my not bothering to research Rollo at all and then it turns out he was married the whole time he pretended to be a “player” this is kind of hilarious.)

Secondly: Let’s in any case ass-u-me Rollo does indeed still have regular sex with random hotties every week. Even if that were the case, considering by his own supposed “reality” he has been doing that for 30 years or so, you have to wonder… what can he possibly still be chasing? As regular readers of this blog will know, I am no stranger to the female form myself, and went through a lot of women in a short period of time after I gave up essentially on long-term relationships. And after a few years of it, I tell you, I was essentially bored of it. And no, I am not a guy with low T or lack of energy or any difficulty in securing a regular flow of pretty, usually above average intelligence, women to my bed. I assure you, my pointing this out comes from having lived that way and not any kind of misplaced envy, lack of understanding, or inexperience at the “thrill” of a new woman under me. The fact is that only a man that has yet to fill the hole in his soul can continue to behave this way, in the erroneous belief that if he just beds enough women, somehow, at some point, he will feel fulfilled. Don’t get me wrong, there is some truth to the fact that if you become able to essentially pick up women for sex almost at will, it does give you a certain… I am not even sure what to call it, but I guess… level of general life confidence would be it. But in reality it has little to do with how many women you take to bed and more with your attitude when with a woman. There are men that have this sense of confidence innate to them and only marry and stay with one woman for their entire lives, and there are men that may go through some women to realise they have it already. It’s a little like martial arts. There are guys who never take a class but in a certain circumstance will not hesitate to fight back, and there are guys who need to go training for a while to feel strong in their sense of justice, or whatever. The reality is that a man who forever chases sex with an ever growing number of women, is simply a malformed man. He is not, I assure you a self-actualised man, to borrow a Maslowian term. He is like the perennial teenager, still trying to be “cool” at 70. Or if you prefer, he’s like the Boomers, who keep insisting 80 is the new 40, or whatever. And that is no way for a grown man to be.

Third: Remember that point about the Anglos being far more desperate in general for female approval than say, well, your average dago, spic, South American, Greek… oh look… it’s a divide between Protestant and Catholic or Orthodox religions… again. Things that make you go hmmmm, eh?

Are you starting to understand what I mean by deprived and unfulfilled yet? (It seems clear he wishes he was a “player” which he clearly is not, and never was so…)

Guys who don’t fuck spend lifetimes consoling themselves with moral high-ground narratives to explain why they don’t fuck. At least 80% of guys don’t fuck, so there’s a lot of narrative inbreeding and self-congratulatory bullshit passed around among them. This bullshit has been de rigueur for millennia, but in the social media age, it’s an obvious cope. We’re just more aware of it now.

Of course, the best narratives are the ones that make guys who don’t fuck feel good about not fucking while simultaneously making guys who do fuck feel bad about fucking. This disqualification tactic is one of the many forms of bloodless intrasexual competition tactics that 80%er men have consoled themselves with since the Middle Ages. If you can make your intrasexual rival feel guilty about fucking – because God hates fucking for any reason besides making babies – then you have a tactical advantage in the sexual economy. It works even better if you can gaslight a superior sexual rival to believe he (or she) is going to Hell if he pursues his biological imperative to his fullest potential.

Good God. Talk about gaslighting. If you take him at his word, Rollo is saying that fucking, just that, fucking, not procreating, not making children, just fucking, as many women as possible, is what makes life worthwhile. I have met men like this. Several PUAs are like this, and let me tell you, they are absolutely pathetic. They are a kind of Gollum about pussy in general. My Preciousssss they say, obsessed, salivating, masturbating furiously, whether alone or inside someone else, and that is all that their lives revolve around.

He also further blurts out obvious absolute lies, imputing 80% of men in the Middle Ages did this thing: which was about telling you that way to live (that he thinks is the epitome of existence) is a shallow, discivilisational, unfulfilling, unhealthy way to exist, and not live at all, and they did it to prevent other men from having sex with lots of women. This is complete nonsense, since most men in the middle ages got married, did not have lots of partners, and raised children with their wives, and in the Catholic world at least (which was the ONLY Christianity), most marriages lasted literally until death parted them.

According to him, the entire structure of the Catholic Church was set up so the celibate priests could get all the poonani. It’s ridiculous on its face, ahistorical, and frankly smacks of Gollum-like backward rationalisation that would make a crack whore trying to justify her habit blush with shame.

Generally, lesser men cannot openly challenge greater men (men who fuck) in physical prowess. So, more intelligent men who don’t fuck contrived forms of social gaslighting to improve their chances of reproducing. Smarter lesser men have always devised workarounds to solve their reproductive problems. It’s actually one of the strengths of our species. Nothing sparks innovation quite like a man solving his proximate need for sex and his ultimate need to reproduce. And nothing has been more expedient a tactic than convincing a greater man that he ought to disqualify himself from the sexual economy.

According to Rollo, the Gammas have been “successful” throughout the ages at getting Alpha men to not reproduce. Oh, no, sorry, to fuck, for the sake of fucking alone; reproduction be damned. Once again, anyone who has actually been successful with women over a period of some years, can tell you this is absolute bullshit, and it makes me suspect Rollo, like so many PUAs after him, is likely also full of shit about his supposed sexual prowess with women. It doesn’t matter what the Gammas do. Alphas and Sigmas (that are that way inclined, some Sigmas are not) will be with women sexually even if you imposed the death penalty for doing so. And they would still find ways to get away with it. Gammas have never been very successful at anything really, except being annoying, redundant, and getting women to avoid them like radioactive plague. And notice also that for Rollo the sole qualifier of what makes a man “great” is how high his body count is. Truly it is so pathetically ridiculous that it makes me laugh at both the stupidity of it, and Rollo’s own intrinsic amoeba-like existence. And while he wants very much to paint my view of this as some sort of “envy”, there really is absolutely zero of any such intent or reality in my perspective. It is genuinely the somewhat ironic mild amusement one gets from watching a complete fuckwit trying to be clever and spectacularly showing his ass to the world for the fuckwit he really is.

The problem is, guys who fuck are usually too preoccupied with the logistics of fucking to be bothered by the self-loathing moralism of guys who don’t fuck. At least, that’s how it’s been in a post-Sexual Revolution sexual economy. If it ain’t broke, fixing it isn’t even an afterthought. When you watched the now infamous AMOGing scene in The Wolf Of Wall Street where Leonardo Di Caprio swoops Margot Robbie from a trust fund yuppie, you’re really watching the intrasexual combat between a guy who fucks and a guy who doesn’t. It’s how human males lock horns over sexual access in rutting season. The only thing a guy who doesn’t fuck has in his arsenal is his cunning and nerve.

The emphasis is added by me to point out yet again another logical fallacy. The men who are successful with women do not preoccupy themselves with the logistics of fucking at all, beyond possibly getting their maid, sister, or slutty FWB, to change their semen-stained bedsheets from the night before, because they have a new girl coming over. Literally every man I have known that was… well… a “guy who fucks” like Rollo wants to put it, gave his interactions with women less consideration than he did his enjoyment of a film with a good friend, or his sport of choice, or reading a book he was into. The fact Rollo does not know this, again, makes me suspect he is not quite the lady-killer he presents himself as.

This is why body count only matters to guys who don’t fuck. Their moral crisis isn’t about their inability to find a virgin bride. Guys who don’t fuck couldn’t give two shits about whether a woman’s ability to pair bond with him is impaired by her body count. All they really want is the kind of sex women give to guys who do fuck but never need the ‘value added’ benefits he had to qualify for to get her to fuck him. You see, the gaslighting goes both ways – outwardly towards a sexual rival and inwardly to convince himself that his purpose is righteous. Moralizing over body count is as much about the guy wagging his finger at women as it is about their indiscriminate fucking. There’s actually nothing indiscriminate about it, but sour grapes and making your necessity a virtue are necessary to make Strategic Pluralism an unfalsifiable sexual strategy.

There is a hint of truth to this paragraph, but it is presented as the only absolute, which, as usual, is nonsense. Most men in general actually do care about body-count for any woman they would consider as a long term partner, and at times even for ones they would consider only for a temporary fling. The fact Rollo does not know this, is a clear indication that he is still at the teenager level of sexual immaturity.

Strategic Pluralism Theory

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value in the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring (guys who fuck).

In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities (guys who don’t fuck), is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From a woman’s perspective, the ideal is to attract a partner who confers both long-term investment benefits and genetic benefits (true hypergamy). Not all women, however, will be able to attract long-term investing mates who also display heritable fitness cues (guys who fuck). Consequently, women face trade-offs in choosing mates because they may be forced to choose between males displaying fitness indicators or those who will assist in offspring care and be good long-term mates (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000). 

The most straightforward prediction that follows is that women seeking short-term mates when the man’s only contribution to offspring is genetic should prefer muscularity more than women seeking long-term mates.

from Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests of the Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

Guys who fuck are usually typified by physique. Usually. 

All that theory says is what has been known since the dawn of time. Women want the fittest and most successful male to breed with, and those types of men have unlimited options so tend to make use of them. Also, water is wet.

Much as I despise Destiny, the guy DOES fuck. Maybe not like Justin WallerJason Momoa, or Mike Sartain, but he certainly ruts like a feral animal compared to Ben Shapiro. Guys who fuck don’t sit around comparing dick sizes or bask in the glow of the imaginings of the third-party validation they get from filling a void in their souls/egos by fucking. These are tropes that guys who don’t fuck tell themselves to explain why guys who do fuck are fucking the women they’ll eventually fuck because those women ran out of options. The concept of fucking for some ephemeral form of validation is part of that gaslighting I mentioned above. 

Here we see a rather convoluted bit of chaff-firing, self-delusion and gaslighting in order to justify and rationalise both to himself and the world, his ultimately meaningless way of existing.

He says guys who have his (supposed) lifestyle do not worry about their image which can be “true” to the extent that some men do not care how their womanising makes them look to other men (or in some cases to women too) or society in general, but they tend to be the exceptions, most Alpha types do care about the way they are perceived, and in any case, they all care at least about what women, or at least any given woman in particular, at a point in time, thinks of them, if only to get them in bed. It is also generally true that men who are successful with women do not tend to over-analyse themselves (unless they are PUAs) but the fact remains there is a deeply unfulfilled part of them, whether they realise it or not consciously, that has quite a lot to do with needing to feel loved, and paradoxically, their womanising tends to almost ensure they are ostracised from that very sensation they crave (consciously or not).

But ultimately he ends with yet another nihilist absolute. According to him, such men (as he presents himself to supposedly be) fuck for… just the orgasm I guess. They don’t do it for any self-validation, they don’t do it for love, they don’t do it for procreation, they don’t do it for long term companionship… right Rollo, nice of you to finally admit (if passively aggressively like a whiny bitch) that all people like you do, is really masturbate themselves to death, and it really makes little difference if you do it alone or with a human you empathise with about the same as you do with your no-doubt well-used fleshlight.

It’s intended to get your genetic superior to disqualify himself by contemplating his filling the void of existence with meaningless sex. Meaning plays another big role in the game of guys who don’t fuck. “Meaning” is a container word. It’s a term you can subjectively fill with anything you like. Even fucking if you’re clever about it. Meaning is intentionally ambiguous, and that’s what makes it so effective in being unfalsifiable. As a rule, gaslighting depends on unfalsifiable concepts, but meaning is one of the capstones. Any time you listen to some child on the Fresh & Fit podcast prattle on about how she’s living her truth, you’re listening to a variation of the meaningfulness horseshit.

And here Rollo doubles down on the idea that his life has no meaning. None whatsoever. All there is, is the fuck, for the sake of the fuck, the ultimately masturbationary orgasm for the sake of the orgasm itself, not any other reason. Not self-validation, not self-improvement, not marriage, not reproduction, nope, nope, nope, just the ever omnipresent “fuck”.

Do you see why I compared him, and people like him, to Gollum?

Guys who don’t fuck, like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, are actually the ones who need validation. Because soul-void fulfillment means confronting the reality that they’ll never enjoy the uninhibited feral lust their wives reserved for the men in their past who fucked. Men who never had to prove their value-added bona fides to fuck the women who would become their wives. Men who don’t fuck live lives of ceaselessly qualifying for a desire they know their wives were capable of with other men but can’t seem to provoke themselves. This is why validation is a thing for guys who don’t fuck – and women who need a Jungian term to explain why guys who do fuck won’t fuck them.

And now he takes the doubled down absolute idiocy to truly stupefying levels. According to him, the men who “fuck” are the be-all and end-all of life, the utter epitome of manly manness. Yes, there is some truth to the self-soothing half-truths and lies men and women tell themselves for not being as successful in the sexual marketplace, but what Rollo tries desperately to shove under the carpet with his tracer-firing barrage at what he considers “inferior” men is the question: What, exactly, are the men who “fuck” better for, or at, in life? And the ONLY thing Rollo keeps coming up with is the purpose of “the fuck” itself. Which is, of course, either ridiculous or nihilistic and pathetic to a suicidal degree. And we know more than one PUA has gone the suicide route too. (And as it happens, Rollo himself turns out to be one of the guys who “does not fuck”, in his own terminology, which according to him, makes him the same as Ben Shapiro. Well… I got nothing, the man is entirely a fraud whichever way you look at it.)

Guys who don’t fuck are the dutiful, loyal, supportive, and nameless husband who Rosehad children and grandchildren with, yet pined for Jack (a guy who fucks) and dropped a priceless diamond to the bottom of the sea in the final moments of her life at the end of Titanic. Hypergamy doesn’t care about the moral crises and ethical concerns of guys who don’t fuck. Validation and body count are just two heads of a conjoined twin. They haven’t gotten the memo that their 20th-century moralism-as-strategy is meaningless in a 21st-century sexual marketplace. 

Ah yes. Using Titanic as the masterpiece of philosophy that it clearly was, and making the vapid, stupid, callous, utterly self-absorbed narcissist Rose, the “heroine” of the piece, because she throws away a fortune she could have given to her progeny, in quintessential, wicked, super-boomer format, is indeed, a bold strategy, Rollo! Not a good one, valid or sensible one, but certainly “bold”. As in the same kind of “bold” that would stick his dick in a bar-cutting industrial machinery to “prove his manliness”.

Body count only matters to nameless husbands who don’t fuck. It doesn’t matter to anywoman because they would rather fuck a lot of Jacks on a sinking ship than be bothered by the purity (paternity) concerns of guys who don’t fuck. Guys who fuck don’t care about body count because they know women hate guys who don’t fuck, and those guys care about body count.

Again, it is quite obvious that Rollo protesteth too much here, as he has throughout the entire vapid, ageing PUA post.

Rollo is the male equivalent of a post-wall woman who has ridden the cock-carousel so long she is now left on the shelf. And Rollo is the post-wall “bad-boy” (assuming he ever really actually was one at all) who is left with spent cigarettes, a ruggerised fleshlight, wrinkles, and increasingly creeping despair, at the beginning of the end of a life wasted on ephemera.

FINAL UPDATE: As I said right from the start, PUAs lie, and as it happens Rollo lied about pretty much everything concerning his supposed “ability” concerning women, and he advises men to do the exact opposite of what he himself has done, which is to stay married to one woman for 26 years. If he had been the ladykiller he presented himself as, the above vivisection would be absolutely correct, and as it happens, remains so, regarding the fictional would-be Rollo. And since he is an absolute fraud that advises others to go down a path he knows nothing about and leads to nothing good long term, one can hardly imagine anything he has to say is relevant or worthwhile. Even by his own (retarded) “measuring stick” Rollo himself is the exact guy who “does not fuck” that he so denigrates in his post. And yet he also advises against being married. So… what exactly is Rollo, what does he actually have to say that is relevant, or true, or valid?

Right, now after that vivisection, let us return to the original points, which are that:

  • Anglos are weird about caring about what women think of them, and,
  • Rollo is full of shit.

And seeing what that says about men who chase after women for sex and so on in general terms and in spiritual terms.

First of all, I think the point about Anglos being afflicted by gynæmania is a real thing. The English speaking world of the Anglos is indeed, culturally, regardless of whether British (though these are the epicentre of it) Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, or even the more Anglecised parts of America, tends to be irrelevant, as a people, they tend to be grossly united by the Protestant Zeitgeist and a kind of fear/intimidation/shyness of women in general.

Certainly none of the Catholic countries suffer from this to anywhere near the extent the English people do. And it has been this way for centuries. The writings of Italian travellers to England recounts the same view of things that we Southern European tend to have even today of the English men and the English women.

I believe in part it is due to the nefarious influence of Protestantism, as it is an invariably mechanising of humanity and the minute you do that, the first errors will be with your understanding/handling/appreciation of women, because human females are in a way the very embodiment of the chaos of humanity at its best and its worst, and any reduction at binarium pensierum (binary thinking) will invariably produce vast errors in your model of reality with respect to women. And as such they will become only more mystifying, unpredictable and dangerous for you. The other part is due to the fact that as a rule, the Anglos tend to be a logical and shy people, neither of which quality lends itself particularly well to being easy-going in relation to women, who as a rule are not logical and only pretend to be shy in the company of men, if at all.

For such men, the eventual “ability” to bed a lot of women does in fact begin to become a form of validation for them. It remains essentially a false one, but one they believe in and buy into as much as the people they try to convince around them.

These are the men that despite having slept with a hundred or even a few hundred women or more, remain nevertheless prey to their own desire for women and susceptible to how they are perceived by the women they are attracted to. They invariably appear as what the Zoomers call “cringe” to men who have the self-assuredness internally that these Anglo types seek perennially, and hardly ever find. I have known men that only had two women as sexual partners, the first was their wife and the second also their wife, after the first one died, and yet these men would have zero problem genuinely attracting almost any woman they set their eyes on, and they would do so free of the anxiety and self-doubt that plagues the supposed ladies men with hundreds of notches on their belts.

For me, discovering I was able to get women to have sex with me successfully, was not self-actualising in any way. It was more like discovering I had a natural aptitude for fencing, or skiing. A kind of pleasant surprise about something I never really gave much thought to one way or the other. And a good part of why I was successful has very much to do with the fact that that is pretty much how I treated it, not because I wanted to pose as such a person, but because I am such a person. And I cannot with certainty say what makes a man that way or not. I think at least some of it is genetic, but life experiences probably formed in childhood also has something to do with it.

And if I had to give it my best guess, I would say it is probably mostly due to whether your relationship with your parents, and primarily your father, was honest and direct and loving or not. The English sense of “logical detachment” I think is ultimately damaging to children, which is why the entire Anglosphere is a fucking mess of feral youfs with no sense, no honour, no dignity, or discipline to speak of, and increasingly illiterate at that.

The more instinctual and visceral love of an Italian father, who may well kick your ass, literally, for some small or even wrong reason, but who would unquestioningly jump into a harvesting combine to save you, is a far healthier way to be raised than the cold logic of the Anglo-Saxons. And instills in you a profound sense of self-assuredness that I think nothing else does. And that sense comes through to women like a lighthouse in the dark, whether they are aware of it or not consciously (mostly not).

I hope this explains the reason why some men, regardless of how many women they have slept with, ultimately remain on some level… uncertain. Doubtful. Unfinished. And women can in fact sense that.

Now, let us get to the concept of fornication in general and so on, which in fairness, was the topic that Adam was trying to cover, and to which, my extremely long preamble above is merely introduction to give you my context.

On Fornication

First of all, let me state unambiguously that yes, in an ideal world, the way that the Catholic Church says we should behave, both as men and women is indeed, the best and ideal way. No question. I unreseveredly agree.

That said, being as I am Catholic, and being as I lived like a heathen for at least 43 years of my time on Earth, and given that I made no attempt to resist temptations of the flesh in that time, I think I can say with some authority that:

  • We live on a world that is decidedly fallen and very far from ideal.
  • Every one of us is utterly flawed in many ways even after we see and realise and accept the truth of Catholicism.
  • Men who have yet even to see the truth of Catholicism cannot, in all likelihood, even begin to see why what are known as the sins of the flesh are even bad, never mind actual mortal sins.

So, if unmitigated fornication is the equivalent of a blind and deaf man walking towards a cliff-face, how can I possibly begin to even make him aware of this truth? The temptations of the flesh after all are not a fairy tale. They are very much real, and they certainly never felt bad or sinful to me when I indulged deeply in them, nor, do I expect they feel that way to the average 20-something or even 30-something year old male that is “finally getting some!”

And while Adam and people like him, including Catholic Priests and Bishops are absolutely correct that it is a damaging thing, it’s not as if I had not heard that sort of preaching when I was indulging deeply in fornication and then some.

And my reaction to it all was usually, something like, Eh, poor bastard isn’t getting any and he either doesn’t know what he’s missing, or maybe would like, much as the feminists, everyone to be as miserable as him.

And I expect any young man that has got this far (if any have) in this long post, is probably thinking the same thing, and they also do not have a counter-example as a reference frame. Not one they have lived certainly, because that counter example you only get once you are married, and fully committed to one woman, and she is to you too.

It sort of feels like a lie. Oh, don’t you have any fun now, boy, you just wait and just take the ONE sweet, and only that one, for the rest of your life, and trust us, it’s better this way. With all the bullshit you have ingested by age 20, and your at least seeing some of it (if you are not completely retarded) one can hardly be blamed for thinking this too is a massive lie.

And because I am Catholic, and because I have also the example of my own life, and the awesomeness of a real priest that Baptised, Confirmed and presided over my Marriage, and had the benefit of his wisdom and kindness, I also understand that fallen as we are, erroneous as we are, mistaken as we are, we are not necessarily evil or shunning God. We are just wrong. Badly, desperately, tragically, sadly, wrong, but mostly just wrong, not intentionally evil. And we are sad, weak, feel unloved and uncared for by anyone and we try, like drowning rats, to scrabble some sense of worth and love and kindness, wherever there is any illusion we might find some. And so we make mistakes.

And most of you reading this who are unmarried will be in the midst of those mistakes, and I am not here to chastise you, or rain thunder and fire and brimstone and judgement from God on your weighted and desperate heads. Far from it.

I was one of you. I walked your path deeper and longer in the swamp of godless life than most. So, young man, if you will, after this very long set of words, take a seat near my camp-fire and let me tell you a story and may it help you navigate your own swamp, and may it be shallow and brief.

So you are fornicating. So you may even like a girl you are with and be boyfriend and girlfriend, and you may even be thinking how it would be nice if it will last. Or maybe you’re so infatuated with the sensations of sex that a new girl every week or every day or two, or whatever, is intoxicating and draining all your thoughts and actions, wallet and testicles. Whatever the case may be, listen to this and think it over:

What do you want for your life? What do you want to think about your life when you are 99 years old and on your rocking chair and you can see the grim reaper finally walking towards you? And you’re fine with it and smile at him even, recognising that this supposedly terrible and fearful boogeyman is nothing more than a tired and misunderstood boatman, taking you across the veil (or the river Styx if you prefer).

Do you think you will be pleased reminiscing over your 287 sexual conquests, aided by your printed out spreadsheet in large letter format, because your eyes are no longer what they used to be? Playing out the sex tapes on the projector of your study to remember better what you did or felt or what they did? Or who they even were? Do you think that will warm your heart as you face the final journey?

Or your sporting achievements?

Or your financial ones, absent children and grandchildren to leave it to?

Tell me, young man, what do you think will make you able to face the final boatman with serenity and peace?

I’ll tell you what it is for me now and what I hope it will be for me at 105, but I say only 105 because I started late, otherwise 99 would be perfectly acceptable to me too. And yes, I know I’d be lucky to get there.

It is the idea of my children grown up and married and with children of their own, and doing well, and if God grants me the energy and the fortune to do so, the idea of leaving them as much as I possibly can, to make their lives and those of their children good ones.

It is the idea of watching my grandchildren and possibly even my great-grandchildren (hence 105!) running around nearby, screaming and making noise and playing joyfully and laughing full belly-laughs and thinking my sons and daughters and their wives and husbands are good women and men who will be with them to the end of their days and help them raise the next lot of joyous Crusaders for God, Truth and Justice, as my family line has done since the literal original First Crusade.

Now you may have a different religion from me (because you’re still young and stupid, heh, heh, heh) but I don’t think it changes the equation. I don’t think it changes it at all.

And here is what else I think. I think if what I just told you is NOT what inspires you, is abhorrent to you in some way, then I hope very much it’s only because, as I said, you’re young, and really fucking stupid, and you have bought in to a lot of Boomer-era lies, And I sincerely hope you grow out of your mental retardation.

And if not, if that is who you really are, then fuck you. I hope you die young and rid the world of another noxious creature that only spoils the Earth and everything on it. And I’m not talking about climate change, you fuckwit.

Now, if you get the impression that I am a kind of bastard for an old man, I would say, fuck you at the “old man” I can probably still kick your ass at 54 if you are in your twenties, depending on some factors, but that aside, yeah, I am not the most pleasant human being. I don’t like humans much because mostly they are weak, and because they are weak they lie. And they lie a lot. They lie to themselves first and then to everyone else around them. And the lies cause the harm. They cause ALL the harm. Which is as the god of this world wants it. Because this Earth is under the dominion of Satan. And no, young man, I don’t give a shit if you think “The Devil” is a superstition. He is more real than the heart-attack all the poor imbeciles that took the genetic serum are probably facing in the not too distant future.

Oh, and this is just a side note, but listen up: The Earth is NOT Flat!

And if you think it is you are a stupid bastard and I really don’t care what happens to you and with a level of stupidity that high it is definitely a better thing if you do not pass on those retarded genes at all.

Back to my story, now.

So, if you agree with me so far, then you also must realise that you get that kind of old-age satisfaction only if you make children and raise them well. And this means finding and marrying a woman that will also want to be with you until one or both of you die and raise children together. No matter what difficulties you will both face. No matter if you are so fucking stupid one day to fuck your secretary, or hire a prostitute, or become a heavy drinker, or make a bad business decision and lose your shirt. And conversely, no matter if she is so fucking stupid to spread her legs for the sexy postman, or her co-worker, or the neighbour, or she becomes a heavy drinker, or more worried about what the neighbours think of you and her than looking after her husband and children, or she splashes out on stupid shit and drives you to the brink of bankruptcy.

So is it easy to find such a woman? No.

Is it easy to stay married to such a woman, delightful as she might be? No.

Will you come across things in life that will hurt you in ways you never imagined, and that would seem to make leaving her a better option? Yes.

More than once? In all likelihood, yes.

And will she come across such things? Yes, without shadow of a doubt, and probably even more often than you.

And if you are thinking right now, Well Old Man, this is a really rosy picture you’re painting for me, what the fuck do you want me to do, and is the light at then of the tunnel also an oncoming train?

I say this to you:

Firstly fuck you twice for the Old Man again, you wet behind the ears know-nothing. Secondly, it’s not rosy. It’s just how it is, so you know what you’re facing. Forewarned is forearmed as they say. What I want you to do is immaterial. It’s what you want to do, or not do, that matters. Realise whether you pick something, or pick nothing, you’re still picking something. So choose, and choose consciously, because at least then you got no one to blame but yourself.

Oh, and yeah, in the end, the light at the end of the tunnel is always an oncoming train. Sometimes it’s got a boatman riding up front. Smile and run at it, because fuck the train. Live like a man and die like one too if need be.

So now you might be thinking, Ok Old Man, so how do I find such a woman?

And I say to you, firstly, fuck you three times for the Old man. Secondly, unless you have uncommon good luck, unless God for some reason decides to send you an Angel in disguise as a human woman, most likely, you cannot find such a woman walking the Earth today.

Young man stares blankly at me.

You have to build her.

Young man says: What?

You have to build her, boy. You find one that is as close as you can find to a finished product, and I sincerely advise you to find one that is in your category of looks. If you are a 7 don’t try and stay with a 9. You’ll be so worried about keeping her that you will fuck up a myriad things and she will end up fucking your “best friend”, the neighbour, your boss, her boss, and if you did marry her, she will take the kids and your house too when she inevitably divorces you.

Take your time in your courtship. Learn who she is and pay attention to what she does and how she acts in various situations and feel free to almost totally ignore whatever she says she is like. You can really only go badly wrong if you believe her when she describes all her good qualities. Pay her words no mind. Observe her actions instead.

If you feel you have enough to work with (at least 51% good is a minimum) then begin to go about leading by example. Do NOT request of her efforts or sacrifices you are not willing to exceed. And yes, some things are not comparable on a like for like basis, because she is a woman and you are a man, you can no more give birth or breastfeed your child than she can write the alphabet in the snow when urinating, and don’t think the one is equivalent in value to the other, but realise that as a general rule, women can provide three things to a man:

  • Enthusiastic sex
  • Loving, admiring, agreeable, respectful companionship
  • The easing of his life (cooking, cleaning, raising children)

And a man generally provides three things for a woman:

  • Financial betterment (home, comfort, security)
  • Protection (from everything ranging from a violent intruder to changing a tire, to reassuring her about her anxieties and worries)
  • Loving, protective, respectful, appreciative companionship

So do your part and gently show her the way, so she feels better about herself, as women invariably do when they begin to act in accordance with their God-given, biological imperatives, that have been subverted by lies for the last hundred plus years or so.

That’s about it, boy.

And if you are still wondering where this puts you in the fornication scale, well, to not put too fine a point on it, according to the Church, until you marry and commit, your fornication is going to send you to Hell. So I would hurry up and get to finding that woman as quick, yet also as careful, as you can. And try not to get hit by a bus until you get married to her and repent and foreswear your heathen and fornicating ways, you miserable sinner.

And if you have any brains at all, about now, young man, you might be having a little smile at the apparently hypocritical, arrogant, bastard, old man in front of you.

And fuck you four times for the Old Man.

    On the Role of Women

    As mentioned en passant on a previous post on the infiltrators, a lot of so-called “red-pilled” or MRA (Men’s Rights Activists), or PUA or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way [incels for short]), or general inches and embittered “men”, make the mistake of assuming I am “one of them” or at least “nominally” on their side.

    And ALL the embittered, acidic feminists, as well as the generally brainwashed females of planet Earth assume I am just a misogynist, EEEEBIL (yes with a B, because they are retards after all) woman-hater, patriarchal, oppressor of women everywhere.

    And of course, before we delve into this topic at all, let us say a prayer of thanks to the Saintly Professor Cipolla and his first Law of Human Stupidity:

    1. Always and inevitably, each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in the world

    That there are stupid people in the world is well known. But Cipolla was convinced that we underestimated their number and influence in our lives and in society. He stated that “any numerical estimate would prove to be an underestimate”.

    It’s enough thinking, for example, of those people we classified as intelligent but who suddenly begin to behave in a foolish and obtuse manner. Or it’s enough going out to the street to see how many people insist on hindering us, for no apparent reason other than stupidity.

    Ave professor, Ave.

    Armed with his fundamental concept, let us then proceed to discuss in a little more detail my actual take on women.

    Very simply put, it is simply Catholic. As we give respect and reverence to Holy Mary, mother of our Lord and Saviour, without any shame or discomfort as experienced by Protestants, who seem to think to do so is somehow “worship” or “unmanly”, so Mary reflects the natural positive aspects of womanhood in general.

    The demonic secularisation of Christianity, also known primarily as Protestantism, has caused incalculable damage to humanity over the last 500 years, culminating (and not yet at the apex) in today’s absolutely insane ideology of madness, where even something as absolutely obvious as the sex of a man or woman is “questioned” by the freaks trying to groom children into their disgusting sexual deviancy.

    Since time immemorial, however, every sane and normal human being, yes, even the stupid ones, was perfectly aware that men and women are different on every level. Not just physiologically, but also and inevitably psychologically, because after all, form does follow function and mentality follows both form and function. Their different bodies mean also different ways of being, thinking and experiencing reality. The physical structures of a woman’s brain are also physically different from those of a man, and obviously, this too influences their thinking process.

    In broad terms (and it bores me to death to have to explain BASIC statistics to retards, so do catch up if you don’t understand what that three word sentence means) we can say that women:

    • Are less Logical
    • Are more prone to being emotional
    • Respond more to Rhetoric than Dialectic
    • Have shifting hormonal patterns that greatly influence their moods
    • Are more nurturing and less combative
    • Tend to nag and complain instead of resolving issues (because it irritates the men into doing whatever it is… eventually)
    • Tend to want to be “listened to” more than “fixing” the issue
    • Are more verbal than men
    • Are absolutely more solipsistic than men
    • Have a completely different concept of things like Honour, Courage, Friendship, Loyalty, and so on than men do

    These are simply observable facts. It really doesn’t matter if you agree or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not. the Universe, (and me) really don’t care if you can’t grasp the basic reality placed in front of your nose.

    But does the above mean I see women as “useless” or less worthy of men, or that they are somehow inferior?

    The ultimate answer is simply: No.

    Are women less able than men? Sure, in a BUNCH of things. Pretty much anything requiring physical strength, iron-clad logic (especially under duress) or non-solipsistic abstract thought, they are at a massive disadvantage.


    And it’s an important but, a feminine woman makes life worth living for a man. Her loving tenderness, her animalistic instinct (acted on in the positive) will produce a sensation of care, love and attention to detail that a man simply would not even think of, but is absolutely able to appreciate and enjoy. The devotion of a woman in love with a man can be insane to the point of self-immolation in a way that goes beyond the rational and conscious self-sacrifice that a man may (and should for the right woman) have towards his woman. They are able to suffer day-to-day grinds that are as detrimental to a man as attempting to be a coal miner would be to a woman. A perfect example I recall that explain this is the one of a Southern Belle recounting the time her husband went to do a shopping trip in a supermarket for the first time. And consider these two had been married a long time and have grandchildren. She said when her husband came home with the shopping, he dropped the bags off then immediately went to his wife and thanked her profusely and hugged and her and told her how much he appreciates and loves her for doing all the shopping for all the years they were together. I laughed when she told the story, and she was of good humour telling it. And it absolutely represents the natural instincts of a man and a woman. A woman actually (probably? Almost?) enjoys going shopping. Especially if not rushed and able to buy what she wants without worrying too much about budgeting (but, conversely, they are also good at budgeting if they are provided parameters). While a man is just as likely to prefer being in a trench in a bloody war than traipse at funeral speed through endless shelves of despair and soul-crushing routine.

    Her caring and listening to every little issue her little children tell her about is a necessary and important part of their feeling loved and cared for. Of course, a father too should never ignore his children, but let’s say that my enthusiasm for their showing me their scribbles “art” wanes somewhat at the 14th example. On the other hand, when it will be time to teach them to drive, or handle a firearm, or discuss the Illiad, or the principles of astronomy, or how a star works, and so on, they will find it difficult to have a more enthusiastic teacher than their father. And this balance, this being present in both the day-to-day minutiae, as well as the life-defining aspects, balanced between both father and mother is pivotal in having healthy childhood. It is indispensable. And yes, it is true that statistically, single mothers turn out far worse prospects for their children than single fathers, because an objective understanding of the Universe is gained primarily from the father, and not having a good grasp of that invariably leads you to bad choices in life. But the absence of motherly love can also result in an austere, somewhat desertic, self-evaluation that is not healthy, especially if that man or woman in turn goes on to become a parent.

    Just like I do not think less of a man that has no warrior instinct, because he has the soul of a painter, of maybe of a farmer, I do not think less of women for their different skills and abilities. I cannot give birth to a child, nor would I ever want to, and I am infinitely grateful that women can and do this.

    In short, when it comes to dealing with the world, it is just, proper and normal that the man leads in this. And leads absolutely in extreme situations. The reason is obvious: A man (if he is worthy of the name) is more objective, is more logical, is instinctively designed to put his family first and himself last in situations of extreme danger or even death. And in general, being non-solipsistic is better able to plan ahead and for the future of his family, children and wife, without being as easily swayed by temporary set-backs, difficulty or hardship.

    And it is also just and proper that, generally speaking, if a woman wants a specific set of plates or layout of a room, (as long as certain basic practicalities are not ignored) or detail of their home life to be just so, that she should feel free to have it her way. The exception, of course, is any specifically male space the man has in the house, and/or, the in any way messing with his tools/weapons/workshop/study/books.

    Similarly, a child is far more appreciative of the general attentiveness his mother gives to things like the clothes they wear, the school lunches she prepares for them, and so on. While a man’s general attitude is more akin to: Is it snowing? Here is a huge weatherproof jacket, boots and gloves and a hat. So what if it’s bright yellow, the boots are pink and the hat green with a pom-pom? Packed lunch? What, you can’t catch something and cook it over an open flame? What do they even teach you at kindergarten anyway?

    The balance between a man and a woman is delicate, but not so delicate as you may think. It is increasingly difficult in the modern era mostly because of the degrees of lies that women have had inculcated in their heads (it’s easier to fool a woman with nonsense aimed at her solipsistic nature inspiring a victim complex, since it uses her own biological weaknesses against her). And of course, men have been lied to as well, using the same “chink in their armour” of “well, just man up”, which in a way is true, however, actually manning up, would probably look more like an armed rebellion that hangs all politicians from the nearest lampposts, rather than a peaceful demonstration about men’s rights that achieves precisely nothing. Instead they try and convince men to just shut up and take whatever new emasculating, humiliation ritual they come up with while convincing women that they are poor, oppressed victims of sexist men.

    It’s all lie. Men’s natural instinct is to protect and take care of women’s primary needs. And women’s natural instinct is to nurture, feed and take care of her man’s secondary needs of comfort, peace and tenderness.

    A very feminine woman and a very masculine man will feel a natural attraction to one another, but if you think the modern world is in any way conducive to their finding peaceful bliss right off the bat, you’re dreaming. The path to that has to be consciously chosen by both. Held to firmly by the man and eventually understood and appreciated by the woman too. In fact, the natural dynamic between the manly man and the womanly woman, was always a spark-filled dynamic since ancient times. The stories could as easily result in tragedy as in heroic bliss. Perhaps more often tragic in fact, if the ancient poems and legends are to be believed. Even so, the risk, for those men willing to take it, always seems worthwhile to them, it’s just that in modern times, the “crazy” of the feminine woman has risen exponentially and has far more paths to lead down nefarious ends. Which means the man must have all the more resolve, calm and steadiness in all things. A man’s strength lies in his willingness and ability to simply walk away if a when a woman is unwilling to listen to reason. Not as a ploy, not in anger, not as some kind of “game” theory. But simply, as just the truth of life. Hard as it may be; painful as it may be; if and when you have determined what is the ultimate truth of a situation, you are best served by taking the objective course of action that follows from it. Because in the end, that is the path you will be most able to live with in your own dark moments. The Ancients Greeks at Delphi said:

    “Man, know thyself.” And they were right. I would add, “And act accordingly.”

    In the end, if a man is simply coherent, consistent and true to himself, I guarantee a woman that fits with him exists in the world, and his chances of getting with her and eventually finding a lasting happiness with her are far better than if he simply tries to modify himself to try to fit with what he perceives is “expected” of him.

    Fuck what the “world” wants. Let the world worry about how to fit to truth, justice and beauty instead, while you hold to those things and navigate life by them.

    Remember, as Catholicism clearly states, we live in the world, but do not be of it. As a man, it is your duty to live, aspire to, and inspire in others, the virtues of life. Truth, Justice, Honour, Courage, Beauty.

    Hold that line, friend.

    Hold that line as surely and as absolutely as your Spartan ancestors held theirs, at Thermopylae. And let your stance reflect, and reverberate, and shape history, and inspire men for thousands of years to come, no matter what the specific fate of your individual life might be.

      The Disordered Woman

      Over the last few days (and years and years) I have posted various things highlighting several of the very disordered aspects of modern society. I have specifically focussed in various ways on relationships between men and women, and how these are affected by so much of the surrounding nonsense.

      I have often pointed out the Satanic nature of feminism (literally, it has purely Satanic roots at all levels, no matter how seductive the initial presentation is), which, of course, upsets feminists, and may rub many women the wrong way even if they are not avowed feminists.

      The measure of discomfort a woman feels on reading that feminism is a net evil in the world is directly proportional to her lack of understanding of what it means to be a woman in reality, nature and as God intended.

      And if that last sentence makes you even more upset, well, it’s unlikely you will have the mental fortitude to read the rest of this post, or ever learn anything useful about correcting the ills of the world, starting with yourself, as we all must.

      In fairness to women, and as I have pretty much always stated, the fault of their disordered attitudes to life, lies in great part with men. That said, however, unless women want to be thought of, treated as, and in fact be, the human equivalent of cattle without any agency whatsoever, they need to take at least some responsibility. Incidentally, I advise they do. A vast majority of men would be perfectly happy to assume women have no more agency than ruminants, but I don’t think that’s the way forward.

      So, then, according to me, and a lot of thoughtful men, what is it that women are getting so wrong and should make an effort to improve?

      Settle down and let me mansplain it to you. Feel free to imagine me manspreading with a cowboy hat on and a redneck accent if it helps. Hell, if it helps go ahead and really fire up your imaginations and try and imagine me with a mullet and a cigarette. Whatever works ladies, whatever works!

      The pivotal error most women have been trained to do, is to stop being women. To stop being feminine, and girly, and pretty, and pleasant, and polite, and dignified, and well-dressed. Yes, in effect I am saying that the pivotal error is that they are failing to act, be and enjoy being, like a prim and proper lady straight out of a 1950’s fiction about what the future would have been like.

      Allow me to present to you some imagery that may help inspire you a little to at least understand what I mean. Try and grasp the sense of what the woman in these images feels like and how she feels about herself and her place in the world. Imagine it as something eminently positive even if you have been hypnotised to believe the opposite. Imagine their smiles, whether in drawings or photographs are genuine and happy, not posed or faked. Genuinely try to grasp the sense of this, and, if you like, imagine too, what the men in their lives are and should be like for them to genuinely be that happy and content and internally free.

      And in case you think those images are too “dated” for your sense of modern style, then allow me to further help you “update” them in modernistic fashion as envisioned back then too.

      You see, you can transpose the imagery, you can change the setting, you can manipulate the exterior and the style, but it is the inner sense of things which is the key.

      What no man wants is this:

      Or God-forbid, this:

      In fact, almost all men, certainly all sane, well-balanced, normal ones, being confronted with this in their home,

      Will gladly and regularly put up with this:

      which, by the way, is pretty normal and natural for a woman to have and be like. And occasionally, when we deserve it, and as we are humans, we all do at times, even this:

      ESPECIALLY, if it is presented in this very feminine fashion, which is indirectly and sweetly, VERY direct.

      Now, to the squeals of the beached whales complaining, my ears are deaf, but to those perspicacious females that noted the question above as to what the man in their life should look like and act like for them to be happy to be as mentioned above, again, perhaps some inspirational imagery is in order.

      And again, the images above reflecting men, are not supposed to “inspire” a bunch of metrosexuals to take on the airs of such imagery as boxers, mountaineers, soldiers, and random adventurers so as to impress women. The whole point of such men is that they do what they do because they want to. The impressing or not of others is inconsequential to them.

      And while the entrenched feminist will continue to squeal like a poked pig that such patriarchal oppression is endemic of rape-culture and toxic masculinity and blah, blah, blah, who cares… it will be essentially because deep down in their core, like the hole at the centre of the Gamma male’s soul, entrenched feminists have a similar eternal void of self, and deep, deep down know they will never be able to snag, keep and be loved truly by such a man. So, just like the gamma male, they rage. And their rage tries to burn down all men, all pretty, feminine women and all nuclear families.

      But every woman who has not yet succumbed to totalitarian feminism, deep down, knows she would love to be with such a stereotypical manly man. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. And truly, actual manly men, are happy to treat their wives as their princesses as long as they in turn treat them as their kings. It is a mutual admiration society founded in genuine care for the other above our own concerns.

      That is not to say the manly man will not screw up from time to time. Or that the feminine woman will not. Humans ALL screw up. But that is not reason enough to give up on them. God didn’t. Jesus let himself be scoured, spat upon and nailed to a cross while wholly innocent in order not to give up on us. So… be kind to each other.

      And as we are only human, and not like Jesus, it is perfectly acceptable to completely avoid feminists, not engage with them, not have sex with them, and most certainly not marry or have children with them. And it is equally perfectly acceptable for women to similarly avoid “male” metrosexual “feminist-allies”, and their spineless, manipulative, weak, PUA ways.

      What no woman wants, in keeping with the imagery above for what men do not want, is the gamma male:

      Ultimately, cliched as it is, the natural order of things is probably most expressed by Tarzan and Jane.

      And the 1981 version of the film with Bo Derek as Jane remains one of the better versions. If memory serves, the point where Tarzan meets Jane and sniffs her is very well done. I think it was the 1981 film version, but it’s possible it may have been the 1999 version with Christopher Lambert as Tarzan.

      The man being a quasi savage is fine. Dealing with the world, especially if one understands the reality of things, often resembles something not unlike a fight with wild animals (with apologies to all wild animals who do not deserve to be compared to the parasitic classes of human bureaucrats that infest our lives today), but it is the very femininity of his woman that softens his ways with her, and it is his caring and protective masculine efforts that give her that peaceful sense of security that no matter how crazy the world gets, he will take care of her.

      Today’s world has made the acting as a man almost illegal. And the acting as a woman something to be disparaged and ridiculed. The effect is most noticeable on women, as they are far more social animals than men are. But the results are destructive and create profound unhappiness in women above all. Quoting various scientific studies is near useless given that overall so-called peer reviewed studies are fake and irreproducible by over 50% of cases, however, you can find some with actual methodology that is explained (if not verified).

      Here is an interesting graph that measures overall self-reported happiness (of both men and women) against perceived freedom. From this site.

      The interesting thing to note, if you search a bit and try to get a general sense of all these studies, is that general happiness took a dive for everybody starting around 1990, although the trend had been downward already. What happened in 1990? Well, political correctness really started up quite prominently and feminism began its ascendance on steroids.

      The world has made it quite difficult for a man to single handedly go and work and provide for a numerous family of a wife and several children.

      And equally difficult for a woman to be a home-maker and housewife without being criticised by her (less happy) “peers” for being a spineless doormat, subjugated to the always evil and perverted desires of her male oppressor (aka husband).

      The answer needs to be in a certain evolutionary step women need to take and it needs to be a step they understand and choose for themselves.

      Just like men had to learn to somewhat curb their temperament. Because challenging a rude waiter, or a slow one, to a death duel with your sixgun or samurai sword apparently is “rude”. And then they went completely overboard correcting in the other direction and outright banning the challenge to a duel as being all “illegal” and “murder-y”, go figure.

      Well, anyway, women need to now make the evolutionary step that realises that the opinions of other women, especially, but other people, in general, are pointless to worry about or lose sleep over. My post on who your critics most often are, is as valid for women as it is for men. Perhaps even more so (with respect to the who).

      If it is rare for an efficient and capable man to be your avowed critic (unless you in fact are, mostly an oxygen thief) when it comes to women, even if they are efficient and capable, they are generally worse than men at gaslighting each other as well as critiquing you unfairly or wholly based on their own failings (usually not to your face though). So in that respect at least, the advice given in that post, is valid for women too.

      Biologically, it is objectively harder for a woman to be objective than a man. That is just a fact of nature, and trying to deny it is pointless and counter-productive. Because hormones are real and a thing. Nevertheless, assuming that because of it rationality and good logic are therefore impossible, is a lie. Just as men had to evolve to not let their own hormonally driven instincts direct their actions, so now women need to learn the same lesson.

      And remember, always, always, always:

      Women are not the enemy. Men are not the enemy. The lies and the liars who speak them are the enemy. And you should give them no quarter and no mercy. Expose them, reject them, and have nothing to do with them.

      Safeguard the roles nature intended for us and learn them anew if you must (as most of us have to), supporting each other as you do so and learn together. There is no human unit, group, or community, more important, more necessary, more valid, than the nuclear family composed of one man, one woman and their children. All the rest is shadows and lies and meaningless details in the face of that truth.

      So come together and know: You have been lied to. Rediscover. Rebuild. Learn. Marry, for life, make children, and reject the world’s lies and fake “rewards”.

      Is it easy? No. Of course not. Your own family, especially if you had boomer parents, is probably riddled with divorce, lack of funds, and dysfunctionality at a core level. That’s the reality. So YOU be the start.

      You’re like a rootless couple of shipwrecks on a hostile alien planet. You need to first of all get together, realise you need to make your partnership, your marriage, be the core of everything. Without that, you will not survive. Then do all the things that need doing so your children will be able to start off their lives in a tradition that is worthwhile, healthy and gives them the chance to create a solid footing for their own children.

      Make that future bright and real, no matter what difficulties you need to face.

      Vintage illustration of a futuristic American family on vacation, with the father driving his wife and two kids in a flying saucer instead of a car, 1950s. (Illustration by GraphicaArtis/Getty Images)

      And ignore the human wreckage and misshapen mutants that try and tell you you’re wrong, a racist, some kind of supremacist this or that, a hater, an evil, evil, EEEEBIL (yes with a B) toxic male or spineless female.

      They, after all, are evolutionary dead ends. The blind frogs that can’t swim that nature experiments with by the thousands just to have them die off in a genetic cul-de-sac.

      Forge ahead and take a picture of the freaks, so you can leave a warning in your photo-album for your grandkids.

        The Theory of Boxes

        A viewer of the interview I did with Tony has prodded me to go on and do a write up on the theory of boxes, with regards to (primarily) romantic relationships, although the model works for pretty much any relationships. But it is most applicable/helpful with respect to romantic relationships.

        The interview covered this information, as well as many other topics to do with the brain, the mind, neurology, reality and our ability to perceive it as well as connect with both other humans (including precognition and telepathy) as well as higher divinity (God), and all, as much as possible, rooted in verifiable fact.

        But anyway, here is the theory of boxes.


        1. Souls are eternal and are represented by circles in the diagrams below. You can also think of them as floating lights of different and unique frequency and colour.

        2. Each soul is unique and is all that is left after we die. And each soul is also always the same size and “importance” to all other souls, as seen from the perspective of the eyes of God. Different souls may well be closer or further away from God, as a result of their choices, but they all have the same starting potential to achieve nearness or distance from Him.

        3. The boxes represent aspects of our worldly personality that affect and influence our overall persona we present to the world.

        4. Unlike souls, boxes are temporary, can and do change, can be deleted or added to, usually mostly incidentally as we progress through life, for most people, but we can absolutely change and influence them to a very great degree.

        5. The more boxes we have, the less able is the true core “personality” or essence, of our soul, to shine through, and instead, the amalgamation of our boxes produces, for the most part, the persona we present to the world.

        6. Souls are thought to all be initially good (excepting things like demonic possession, or perhaps souls that are naturally evil exists, etc etc, but this hypothesis is to point out the overwhelming majority of cases, not the odd, one off exception, so such points are beyond the scope of this explanation).

        7. Boxes, then, essentially are either neutral, or probably a negative, as the pure goodness of a soul cannot generally be improved upon by a worldly, temporary, state of being. That said, however, the boxes can and do indirectly help the soul evolve or devolve. The more boxes one gets rid of, the more he learns the futility of boxes in general and his soul increases in ability to shine through and affect the material world too. Similarly, the more boxes one accumulates around his soul, the more affected by the material world he becomes, with the consequence that his spiritual and emotional life continue to shrink, making his internal life far more miserable than the external trappings of “success” may indicate.

        8. interaction with other human beings is a mixture of the interaction of their soul to the other person’s soul and boxes and vice versa, as well as interaction between their boxes with the other person’s boxes and soul, and vice versa, so we can have a relatively complicated interaction even just between two people, since it entails:

        • Soul A to Soul B
        • Soul A to Boxes B
        • Boxes A to Soul B
        • Boxes A to Boxes B

        And the strengths and conflicts of these interactions generally all happen at once and at varying intensities depending on circumstance, context, and so on.

        9. If the reincarnation hypothesis is considered (optional) a person that dies sheds all his boxes for a time, possibly remains a “naked” soul and makes choices regarding his next life/lessons and then possibly reincarnates into a new body with new boxes that generally may be quite different from the original ones of the previous life, but also may have some resonance to them. The reincarnation hypothesis is not required for this model to be effective, nor is it acceptable to Catholics, it is mentioned merely because this remains a useful model regardless of your personal belief system concerning reincarnation.

        Let’s now look at some basic diagrams to explain various types of people, as they may be described by these interactions.

        If you think of the boxes as being partially transparent, then it becomes easy to see, how a person with few boxes, is able to let the radiance of his souls shine through more easily and essentially let that be his persona much more, with all the concomitant benefits of allowing the core part of ourselves that is forged in goodness and love, shine through and affect the world around us.

        Some people get along well, and can do so indefinitely, by simply having their boxes line up nicely. This will generally work for people who are really quite shallow in nature and don’t expect too much from life, nor want too much from life. Their spiritual and emotional evolution can be considered “stagnant”, and while it may “work” for some people, including being in a lasting marriage of 60 years, it is, in my view, pretty much a waiting for death. Some souls probably choose or are comfortable with this and that’s fine, we are all different, but my particular soul is not built to exist in that type of long term relationship. This kind of relationship is often quite prevalent in the work-place where employee and company owner get along for the sake of the business and mutual advantage.

        Sometimes, of course such relationships do break down, when one or both of the people involved have a sudden shift in one or more of their external boxes that connects well with their partner’s. The sudden falling away or change of the external “contact surface” can be traumatic or simply like a fading cloud of vapour, something that dissipates. At this point, the people involved may realise the person they have been with is really quite different from what they had become comfortable with. This can be because the new box surfaces are too different to fit, or the souls are too different to fit with each other, or a combination.

        And sometimes, with the boxes falling away the souls do recognise each other and the relationship can change dramatically, from lover to friends, or long-lost lovers to dissolved and paid for karma (reincarnation hypothesis), or, to from pleasant friends with benefits to new-found and deeply intimate lovers. The possibilities, as always are many and determined by too many factors to identify in detail, but here you can see how those things could go in a number of different ways.

        This is usually a marriage that ends in tragedy or bliss.

        If, as is my thesis, the purposes of souls is to evolve and come closer to God (which remains true, regardless of if you ascribe to reincarnation or not) then, the removal of boxes is generally a “good thing”. Then, this type of relationship can, absolutely be the most ultimately rewarding to be in. But first let me explain a very important point regarding that “good thing” of getting rid of boxes.

        I say that, “good thing” in inverted commas, because in my experience, the removal of boxes can be quite a painful and traumatic experience. Especially when that removal is caused by either circumstance or divine intervention after you have ignored certain signs very stubbornly. The closer to your soul the box being removed is, the more painful the process, since from a worldly human perspective, you may well feel as if your world is completely crumbling down and your very identity and who you are is being destroyed or killed. It can feel as if you are going insane, and in fact, it can make you go insane if you are fragile (usually as a result of other boxes you still have).

        So, these kind of relationships are theoretically ideal, and can be so in a variety of ways. For example:

        • The soul recognition may be required just to knock off some difficult boxes from each other, and that is the extent of it. I certainly had this experience with a lovely human being, where we both knew pretty much from the start that we would not be along term thing, but that for then and there, we absolutely needed each other to change our own paradigms. And indeed we did. When that experience had been reached, we left as friends, and later drifted to our own lives, which are really on very different paths.
        • The soul recognition is required to keep you together even as you blast each other’s boxes off each other. This can be a process that takes years of strife and torture as you rage against each other’s “violation” of your identity and force you to change in the name of a love that you don’t always feel, but that does exist as an invisible undercurrent between you. It is this type of relationship that can be the most difficult and that I want to give a few more details on.

        The “soul marriage” is a difficult one, and for most people, can be quite the rollercoaster ride. In many instances, perhaps most, the modern world is designed (intentionally) to make this sort of marriage crash and burn. We are too comfortable, too pampered, too easily distracted, too easily pleased with alternatives (illusory though they are), too asleep while we plod on, to deal well with difficulty, sacrifice, and effort.

        Where we are meant to be humble we are taught to be proud and stick to our guns.

        Where we are meant to listen and be flexible, we have been taught to hold the line and “win”.

        Where we are to be kind and loving and forgiving, we are taught to be strict, and authoritarian and punishing, in order to be “respected” or to make or sense of “self-worth” not be “invalidated”.

        Where we should jump in with faith and love, we are taught to avoid risk (even when the risk is a good one and worth it). And in any case, we are specifically taught to be incapable of analysing risk from a human perspective instead of a “practical” (worldly, and therefore materialistic, and ultimately demonic) perspective.

        Where we are to fulfil our natural roles as men and women we are taught men can be women, that men are toxic, that masculinity is evil, violent and wrong, that females should always be believed and that we are all equal but not. Straight white men are demonised, brutal savages are glorified and forgiven, and goading someone online now, in the Uk gets you 15 months in prison while someone sexually assaulting a minor gets 18 months in prison.

        The truth about literally every aspect of what is true, right and just, is completely perverted, in our schools, our supposed establishments of law and order, and every facet of life.

        But souls don’t deal in TV commercial and fake news and woke narratives. Souls deal in eternal truths and love. And True Love encompasses Justice and Justice encompasses rules and flexible as we should be, some lines are not to be crossed and consequences should and must follow if they are.

        We are now normalising the rape of children, when in fact we should be reinstating the death penalty for such activities.

        The mass media is constantly pushing a narrative that, to all intents and purposes is utterly demonic.

        And here you are, connecting with another soul and the purpose of that being that as that attraction pulls you closer, your mismatching boxes get splintered, and cracked and destroyed, and you experience pain. And suffering. And drama.

        But… if you could just be calm and objective, as you feel your heart being ripped from your chest with a blunt piece of rock like the Aztecs used, you would see, that in that very tragedy, lie the seeds of light. The exposition of your true nature.

        Accepting it can be sometimes almost impossible, but much of this lies with us. If we can just stop thinking we are SO right, and our way is the best way, and instead abandon our pain to God, and realise He knows best and He does look after those who Love Him, it helps you calm down, and then you can begin to see the benefits.

        But it takes two strong souls to walk this path to the point where you have knocked off enough boxes that you then recognise each other’s souls consciously, at which point, your marriage can truly become bliss.

        Until the soul to soul attraction is unconscious, you will continue to suffer. When it becomes conscious, then, a whole new world opens up.

        The tragedy is that in today’s world, most people simply do not have the staying power to get to the conscious recognition point.

        In some case other boxes dim the light and a person feels so overwhelmed they give up even if they have removed several boxes. Perhaps the change is too much too fast and it causes too much pain that distracts from all the positive possibilities.

        Perhaps, both so upset and hurt at the other’s box destruction activity they become unable to see or feel the souls (their own or the other person’s) because their remaining boxes cringe in fear at the idea that they are next, and become more opaque.

        Worse of all, when one person becomes conscious of it but the other does not and removes themselves from the equation. These lives can go on to recover somewhat, and even be “worthwhile”, but remain a mere shadow of what could have been.

        Keep in mind too that while this model is good and works well, most human beings are masterful at self-deception and most will want to see them reflected in the “difficult but heroic” marriage of souls. When in fact, these relationships are generally not the norm or the main. Nor, necessarily, should you wish it to be the one for you.

        Whatever lessons we all need to learn, they are all different, and remember that no soul is more or less valuable than another soul. Our boxes make us more or less valuable in the world in multiple ways for the word “valuable”, but not so souls in the eyes of God.

        Fooling ourselves in terms of what relationship we are in or at which stage, is very easily done, and in fact, it may be fair to say that everyone is fooled to some degree, at least some of the time.

        There does come a point, however, if you have knocked off enough of your own boxes, including choosing to do so, instead of waiting to have the experience thrust upon you by uncaring reality or a loving God (or both), you can get a pretty real sense of where you are and which relationship you are in.

        I certainly have had enough relations, some of which also had the -ship attached, that I think, I have become more able to see them as they are.

        I certainly have been the one that was fitting perfectly on the surface, only to discover that once that surface changed, the underlying waters were barracuda filled. With some piranhas and blood chum thrown in too.

        I also have been in a soul to soul one that, once enough boxes got removed, revealed itself to be based on a deep and lasting friendship, not a romantic life together. And probably many other versions and iterations too.

        Mostly they have been soul ones that we both knew were just to get us a bit “cleaner” of various boxes and generally once that was done we parted ways in good terms. A few were oddities that may well remain mysterious.

        It usually takes a long time and not a few traumatic life experiences before you can recognise a real soul to soul relationship that is not just based on a passing friendship or the mere removal of boxes, but rather a life-long commitment. And for it to work, the likelihood is that you should probably have few boxes to begin with when you enter into it. Those who do so while still having a lot of boxes, are in for a very rough ride, which can last a long time, and is usually worse at the start of the “troubles” than later down the line.

        So, perseverance, humility, patience, and always, connection to God, are your friends, and the way to the light. While fear, distraction, blame, and taking the “ways of the world” or the Hollywood produced narratives as examples of how life should be, are the lies and path to Hell.

        I hope my model of the boxes helps you in your quest for true love, peace and contentment.

        God Bless every one of you, and may he have mercy on every one of us, miserable weak, fearful, cowardly, irresponsible, selfish little worms that we always are. And may he deliver us from the lies of the world.

          So you want relationship advice, young man…

          As I said, y’all gone and picked a weird agony uncle, but whatever… so here goes.


          • This is mostly aimed at the same 18-24 year old Zyklons I wrote about earlier, but may apply to some millennials and some of the advice even to others. I know most of them are essentially illiterate, but maybe a father, uncle, or older brother that can read will find this post and pass it on to them. Or transcribe it to audio, whatever.
          • It is mostly meant for European descent males. Whether in Europe, North America, Russia, or wherever else they may be.
          • It is mostly meant for Purebloods, who I recommend very strongly breed only with other purebloods. Muties should stick to muties. I have explained why previously, but basically, this is the safest way to ensure that if there is to be a Pureblood continuation, it makes it, and if there are to be some mutants that naturally evolve to survive as a stable future line, that they do so too. It is the way of Gamma World. Deal with it.
          • Your feelings don’t matter to reality, or to me. The sooner you learn that and learn to deal with reality, the sooner you can begin to learn to have your feelings in the privacy of your own home with those who love you and whom you love. And yet learn to be disciplined enough to not let your feelings rule your actions or your reactions. And if you do not yet have a loving home, then guess what; that’s what I’m trying to do here, teach you how to make one of your own.


          Look that word “axioms” up. Seriously. I’ll tell you, but do it anyway. These are fundamental realities that are absolutely true. Your accepting them as such or not is irrelevant to me, but will make a big difference to how you live your life and if you end up happy or miserable and if you ever get to 99 years old and a decent rocking chair to reflect on your past.

          • Winning is achieved by having a long marriage that produces multiple children who inherit from you all you can manage to create and accumulate for them before you die.
          • The Catholic dogma of no divorce, and marriage being primarily for the production, raising, and education of healthy, strong children is the most correct and objectively successful model throughout the entire history of humanity. Adopt it, regardless of your belief in Catholicism or not.
          • Research what r/K selection models are. Be a K. Raise your children to be K. Avoid r. Teach your children to avoid r.
          • Men and women are not equal, never have been, never will be, and never should be. Statistically, historically, and objectively, those relationships that work best are where the man lovingly leads, and the woman lovingly follows, with mutual respect and due care for their roles. Again, the Catholic model for this is objectively the best, most successful and head and shoulders above every other model humanity has come up with. It produces the most joyous, successful, and happy families, and societies.
          • When I say Catholic I mean, of course, actually Catholic, which today means Sedevacantist, and ONLY Sedevacantist. Do not ass-u-me that Bergoglio, the Vatican or ANYONE that in ANY WAY tolerates ANYTHING related to the Novus Ordo or Vatican II is a Catholic. They are not. If “clergy” they are knowing impostors working for Satanic ends. If laypeople at BEST they are lazy, deceived, ignorants. If you don’t know what a Sedevacantist is, pick up BELIEVE! And read it. It only takes about 2 hours and costs $10. And don’t worry, it won’t bore you with much theology, it’s been described as being written by a “Theologian-Berserker”. You’ll laugh.
          • Your generation has been lied to at a deeper, more fundamental level than possibly any generation before you. The deprogramming will be tough and may cause pain. Do it anyway. Yes, waking up from the Matrix sucks, but reality beats fake all the time. Always. All the history you have been taught is a lie. All the things you have been taught to tolerate are lies and you should not tolerate them at all. The future economic landscape for you is best described as post-apocalyptic. That said, there can be some opportunities in such a landscape if you deal with reality and are flexible. They will most likely not look like “traditional” jobs. Maybe you’ll make your fortune selling heirloom seeds of actual plants. I don’t know, you’ll need to figure it out, things move fast and my focus is elsewhere at the moment. Be aware of the lies you have been told. Peel them back like an onion.
          • NEVER, trust: Politicians, Lawyers, Policemen, Doctors. Do some good ones exist? Sure. Very few and far between, but guess what, they don’t mind you checking their stories out. Because anyone in any of those professions who is not corrupt to the bone, knows without a doubt that most in those professions are.

          Alright then, now we got that out the way, let’s start:

          The Basics

          1. Read the other posts I already linked to above and use the Search Me link on the right to look for similar terms and posts.

          2. The objective is to win. You do that by getting to 99 on your rocking chair having avoided jail, gold-digging whores, divorce, death, loneliness and all the shit that clown world will throw at you, and having an army of grandchildren and possibly great-grandchildren, all aware of clown world, armed to the teeth against it in every conceivable way, and happy, and joyous, and themselves going on to conquer more of our God’s green Earth out from under the pedophile, deviant scum that has robbed us of it.

          3. You’re bound to fuck up along the way. It happens. Dust yourself off, get up, and carry on. I know what I’m talking about. I bought into some of the lies, everyone does, because we are born on this Earth, which is under the dominion of the Prince of Lies, and it had its impact on me.

          Just as a short and very incomplete highlights list:

          • I didn’t even want kids (the world is too ugly!)
          • I didn’t believe in marriage until my 30s and then only as a secular kind of thing (the true spark was still buried deep).
          • With no thought as to how to select a wife except my passions, I picked badly. So: divorced.
          • Then I went through a lot of women as if they were disposable, which is wrong, aside from the fact a lot of them acted very much as if they were disposable.
          • I selected the next wife on secular principles rather than faith based ones and chose spectacularly badly.
          • I only realised having children was a good thing in my 40s.
          • And I went on to have a child with the second wife. The child is the only good thing that came of that, as her true nature revealed itself quite quickly after marriage and exponentially so after my daughter was born.
          • Second divorce. With rather more traumatic and long term consequences, I have partially described elsewhere. As a result I essentially lost access to my daughter for 8 years and for five of those it was pretty permanently. It’s fine now, my daughter lives with me and is an awesome young girl, but we both went through hellish times.
          • It took literally a road to Damascus moment to prove to me that God not only exists but cares about every single one of us personally. Smarter or calmer men have achieved that knowledge by the simple and correct use of reason, even if perhaps with a lower IQ, their steady and reasonable thinking led them to be proper Catholics. Tony has written a few short books that in part describe his journey. This one was particularly enjoyable to read. He was 26 or so when he wrote it. It’s true that at his age I had written The Face on Mars (since updated) but at 26 I was basically spending my time punching people and being punched, having a gun on me at all times, because I worked in what is euphemistically called the “security” sector, and my philosophy of life was mostly limited to contemplating how to best apply Go Rin No Sho and Hagakure to life on this gay Earth I found myself on. The cyberpunk version of a samurai seemed to be the only reasonable way.
          • Even then I only got baptised 4 years after I knew God was real. Because I didn’t particularly care about my immortal soul and my curiosity and lack of concern for myself led me to still work in a “commercial investigator” rather than a “people investigator” for a time.
          • I never saved in my life, as I didn’t particularly care too much about anything like a legacy, as I had not even thought about children until my 40s
          • In this time before baptism, while I did save for the first time in my life, I only did so sporadically, because although I had a daughter, I didn’t know if I would ever see her again before she would be an adult.
          • And I still consorted with women that were beyond wrong for me, and I knew it, but I did so anyway because, I was curious, unconcerned with any damage it could cause me personally, and in part also because I had some compassion. Misplaced though it was. I tried to not judge anyone in particular as being beyond redemption, thinking how wrong I had been about life; my absent knowledge of God for so long. You can wander down some pretty nasty paths that way.
          • Against all odds, I did marry again, properly and in Church for the first time, and we did indeed begin the process of a proper family with children. At the threshold of age 50. And I now have 3 children with my wife, all under age 4. Is it good? YES. But would it have been better if both me and her had our heads screwed on right and had started say 10 or 15 years earlier? Yes. It was impossible for us, and would not have worked any other way than it did, but ideally, yes. Because let me tell you, the energy levels are not the same even if by most standards I am well beyond the average level of fitness. Especially if you have no pension, a farm to try to get up and running, and still need to earn enough to feed everyone because the savings are gone into getting the farm.
          • I don’t have a pension and my “plan” sounds insane to most, as I aim to create a sedevacantist community where I live that can hold its own against whatever Clown World decides to come up with next.

          So the point is, when you do fuck up, just dust yourself off and get up again. And keep getting up. No one learnt how to walk without falling over hundreds or thousands of times. So just get up again. And don’t listen too much to the ideas others have about what you should or should not do. Especially ignore the critics that have done nothing of their own lives.

          4. Keep away from the big mistakes. The main one is drugs. They don’t lead to anything good ever in the long run. The escape they provide is the biggest lie of all and it only leads you to a place from which there is no escape. They invariably cause damage that is mostly unrepairable, and what damage can be overcome, is not easy to do. They rob you of a real life and they provide nothing that a natural high can’t give you. The artificial, extreme high drugs give you comes with an inverse tax on your body. There is no free lunch and no free high. The depressive stage that comes after the high lasts a lot longer than any high you get and over time becomes a pattern of your psychology.

          5. Stay out of jail. Usually that means to mostly not do stuff that can land you in it. But if you did end up there, life is not over yet. Survive, get out and determine yourself to never go back.

          6. Learn to control your feelings and your passions. And if some do rule you, try to overcome them over the years.

          7. Since the aim is to win, which means to get to age 99, on your rocking chair, surrounded by grandchildren, possibly great-grand children and knowing you left your own children enough of an inheritance that they can later build on and pass on to their own children. That means you need to find a wife if you are a man, or a husband if you are a woman, anything else is a lie and ends nowhere good, and make children with them. Live a long life together, as happy and pleasant as you can make it, while raising strong, positive, capable children that will make for excellent adults who will in turn go on to have successful marriages and families. Since that is the aim, where and how you find your wife or husband is not as important as how you treat and act with them. Most women will follow the man they think they are in love with. Few women will actually know that they are really in love with a specific man. Most women will believe themselves to be deeply in love with any man that gives them three consecutive orgasms each time they have sex, every day in a row for a week. Most men, are usually better able to discern when they are actually in love with a woman, but they too can be confused by plentiful and imaginative sex. The thing is that in a relationship that is based on secular principles the sex is extremely pivotal, and the relationship will not last long if the sex is bad or lacking for at least one of the two. But sex takes on a different quality when the focus is family and children and a shared religious faith. It is still an important part of a relationship, to be sure, and one that is in every way superior to the merely secular aspect of it, but it is not the central pivot of it. And even for those of us that may be more demanding in that department, it is relatively easy for a wife or husband that is indeed family oriented, to satisfy their partner as long as they have a modicum of imagination and functioning libido. Since the focus is the overall harmony of the household, the act of procreation is in any case not a chore, for either the husband or wife, but rather, part of the creating of harmony between them that literally creates their family.

          8. Keep the above in mind when you consider the ubiquitous amounts of pornography, fake romance narratives you are constantly fed in films and TV shows, random hook-up culture, and jaded, black-pilled attitudes. (((They))) want you degenerate, lonely, disconnected, depressed and despairing of any hope of finding anyone to have a good life with. That is what they want. Beat them. Beat the odds. Win.

          9. Save by buying land you can build on, in a good location, or property. Add to it as you can in your 20s and 30s and 40s. If I had done that I would be retired and able to spend even more time writing, playing with my children or doing whatever I want, instead of busting my ass every day (at least I am still doing it more or less on things I choose rather than are chosen for me). Build tangible assets and raise your children to manage and grow your assets so that they can leave more of it to their own children. And teach them to defend it from predation and warn them of the parasites of society.

          10. Be reasonable and charitable with the weak and those who deserve it, but be ready to drop it all at a second’s notice and become merciless and implacable with the evil ones. We are in the current shit-show planet we are because weak men allowed it to get here. Don’t be one of them. I try to be a reasonable and charitable person most of the time, but woe betide anyone who tries to harm someone I love or acts in certain unjust and unacceptable ways in my presence.

          That’s all for now. If you have specific questions leave a comment or ping me an email. Comments are preferred as the lessons from them may help others who read them.

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