Posts Tagged ‘relationships’

Why PUAs suck. And always have sucked.

Bear with me a minute, (or 30, this is long. Impossibly so for most millennials) because in order to really drive this point home, it is necessary to understand the origins of the problem, which are far-removed enough from the rotting fruit that most never even have a clue about it.

Have you ever read any G.K. Chesterton? If you have, you’ll be familiar with his style of presenting some preposterous thing in one phrase, and then, go on in a few paragraphs to prove his point in an undeniable fashion. The man was absolutely brilliant at it and I often say that had I come across his writings in my twenties instead of after I was already a Catholic, I may have become one a lot sooner.

Now, I am no Chesterton, not by a very, very long shot, as anyone that has read my Believe! will be able to attest, nevertheless, that little book has resulted in over a hundred people converting to proper Catholicism (Sedevacantism), so, while I am but a butcher to Chesterton’s refined sushi preparations, I must serve a purpose too.

And the title of this post is going to be a bit of a “preposterous” or at least “well, you’re totally wrong” proposition for a lot of the people that might stumble across this.

Especially the zombie army of complete fuckwits like Andrew Tate. So. As I said: bear with me a minute. And no, this will not be some long, drawn out, moralistic diatribe with Bible verses scattered throughout. This is going to be as close to engineering as human social “science” gets. And as anyone who knows what engineering is will know, engineering is the only science that really matters or makes a difference in worldly matters. And much like a gun, it can be used in a destructive or mechanistic way, or guided by a higher intent of purpose and produce spiritually and humanly uplifting effects.

So let us begin.

The aim of every PUA (Pick-Up Artist — in case you have just come out of a cave in Afghanistan after hiding for 20 years) is essentially, at least initially, to be able to have sex with (in theory) as many beautiful women as possible. In reality, in many cases, those who try to learn from supposed PUAs, would be very happy to just get any sex at all. And in a few cases, the prospective “student” merely wants to be able to meet a girl he likes and be able to get her in bed and fall in love and live happily ever after.

Right. So let’s deal with the usual objections first.

1. Is it true that having sex with lots of women makes you a better man.

In order to know, we’d first have to define “better” so let’s do that by the usual and most common factors those interested in PUA activity would say “better” means.

  • Make you more able to communicate with everyone in general and women in particular.
  • Make you more likely or able to get any specific woman you are interested in to get intimate with you.
  • Make you generally more socially aware and raise your general status in the common parlance of the world as we generally find it today.
  • As a result of the above, generally increase your likelihood of being able to secure a better job, better prospects in general and so on.

The answer to the above is yes. Yes it does.

Reminder: Note I asked if having sex with lots of women does that. Not paying a bunch of money to a PUA. It’s a very important distinction, so remember it.

2. Can any of the things PUAs say/tell you/teach you/ increase your chances of having sex with some women.

Sure. It’s certainly possible anyway. They also could irretrievably damage your perception of reality in a way that is so fundamental it is akin to setting you up for a life of misery.

The reality is that most PUAs are wannabe tryhards. I have peculiar interests, one of which is cults and cults of personality, (remind me to tell you about my experiences with Dianetics, [scientology], Amma the hugging saint, Tony Robbins, a number of his wannabe clones, the Novus Orco “catholic church” and so on) which I enjoy breaking, making fun of and generally exposing for the fraudulent snake-oil sellers it involves. PUAs are borderline types in this realm, so I turned my baleful eye on them a long time ago. I will pick one PUAk as a relatively typical example. At one point, one of the most prolific producers of PUAs books, courses, and seminars was a guy who called himself Mehow. Which might have been his real name, as I think he was of Polish ancestry (I know, I know! If he’s Polish it’s no wonder he’s retarded right? But hey, chalk this up as another nail in the coffin of “all humans are just one race, human”, ok?).

Here is a glowing review of him apparently, though he seems to have disappeared in the last few years. Sounds great if you’re after that number 1 stuff above, right?

Well, I probably should have screen shotted it all way back when, in 2009 or so, because it was all information that he himself provided, on various of his own platforms, though no one had really taken the time to actually look at what he said and put it together. The facts are that by his own admission, he had spent 10 years partying hard with daddy’s money, to the tune of $500,000, been trained by supposedly the best Pick-Up Artists in the world, and become a PUA guru himself, in order to have sex with… drum roll please… “about 30-40 women” which probably means 25 or so.

Now, as I pointed out back then, if this is the level of “skill” of a top PUA, most women really have nothing to fear from them in terms of losing their virtue to these irresistible ladies men!

Wealthy fathers on the other hand, may want to teach basic economics to their incel sons.

Ok then, but still, if you find a “good” PUA, and do get good at having sex with lots of women, you too admit you get all that good stuff at point 1 above, right? So it’s all good!

Well, actually no. As I wrote a long time ago, I had been with a lot of women before anyone even mentioned PUAs or The Game to me. In fact, it was precisely because my friends, and people at the gym I trained with, saw me leaving with a different pretty woman each week, that they told me about it. A friend literally gave me a copy of the book and said: “You should have a chapter in here. Or maybe a whole book.”

So, my perspective of PUAs was from the top of the mountain, looking down on these peasants in the rice fields scrambling about to get some, and then scrambling about some more to try and sell their “skills” to each other.

As I wrote almost 15 years or so ago:

By the time that I discovered anything about PUAs I had developed quite happily on my own into a man more than capable to satisfy his curiosity of women. This was a fortunate thing because it allowed me a perspective on PUAs and their techniques that was free of being sucked into the promise of alluring women falling at my feet almost as if by magic. To a degree, I already had this power (insofar as it can be had let’s say) so I could look into and study and evaluate the information with eyes already filled of my own experiences. To sum up PUAs briefly is difficult, however I will try. Initially, most of these guys are frustrated geeks that have broken down social interactions between naturally successful ladies’ men and attractive women. They then practice these routines like social robots and begin to have some success at obtaining sex with these plastic techniques. As their confidence grows they refine the techniques and become more adept at luring an ever increasing series of women to their beds. The more daring then continue into experimenting with multiple partners at a time as well as multiple girlfriends at a time. Some openly, others secretly. By and large though, certain truths remain evident. Even if successful at having multiple sex partners most of these individuals are still what I would consider socially inept people. They may have achieved an ability at obtaining sex from women but that per se does not make them good people necessarily. Or likeable. Or happy. Furthermore, the level of hyperbole in this community is rather extreme; especially when you consider that many of the so called Pick-Up Gurus sell products that supposedly will increase a man’s ability to bed stunningly beautiful women.


Keep in mind this was my perspective long before I had any remote hint of Christianity in my world view.

My perception of PUAs has not improved over time either.

The key negative here is not even their wish or attempts at getting laid, but rather, the phrase “social robots”.

While it is understandable that when first attempting some intimidating social interaction one might rely on some repetitive approach, the fact is that a very large number of these would-be Casanovas, end up making “approach routines” and so on their way of relating to the world. Yes, the female world, but really the world at large. They read a Tim Ferris book and then assume all of life is about “hacks”. Then they get into NLP which is a “hack” of proper hypnosis created by a cocaine fiend that either shot and killed his then girlfriend at the time himself, or was responsible for it anyway.

That’s right, Richard Bandler is not quite the great guy you might have imagined.

So the really nefarious aspect of PUAs both those who “teach it”, and those who practice it, os the mechanisation of humanity.

It’s like the series upload. You just order your sex like you do deliveroo and that’s that.

Honestly, it is more dehumanising than actual prostitution. But the real issue, is that the problems this sort of interaction creates are far-reaching and affect pretty much everything in society in a negative way.

And this is where we now get to the crux of the PUAs suck statement.

The entire PUA phenomenon is not really the origin of what we might want to call social degradation, but rather, a reaction to it.

As, indeed, was my own exploring, and wading through different women in quick succession without any precise aim beyond that of “finding the right one” in the most general of terms. Again, quoting myself from early 2010:


The underground world of PUAs was first exposed by Neill Strauss’ book The Game. As someone interested in all aspects of hypnosis I did look into this community as I will look just about anywhere if it will increase my knowledge base and help me to be more effective in my work. Fortunately for me, somewhat contemporaneously to my study of hypnosis I was also undergoing some drastic life changes in all areas of my life. One of these was my intimate relationships. I had divorced and then had two relationships one after the other which were both extremely intense one very beautiful until its unfortunate and somewhat inevitable end, the other extremely stressful and painful yet coloured with flashes of beauty and power so intense they literally changed my views of radical aspects of my philosophies. As a result, after this, I gave myself to a sort of uninhibited search for some deeper meaning in intimate relationships.


I begun a period of my life that was almost scientific in its detachment and approach yet also extremely intimate and self-revealing. I had more intimate encounters in a few months than I had had in the previous 10 years. I also (counter-intuitively to what most men that behave this way do) was extremely direct and honest with the women involved. I never lied to any of them and I always made it clear how I felt (and more importantly didn’t feel) towards them. With only a few exceptions no one was really hurt emotionally and even when this occurred occasionally it was never anything very serious, merely a little bruised ego either for them or for me. Some of these women —all of whom I am grateful to by the way and for whom I did genuinely care though I may not have been in love with any of them— I only saw once. Some I spent a little time with; all were intelligent, capable women in their own right and they were from all walks of life. They ranged in age, cultures, backgrounds, languages they spoke and of course all other details, yet I could not help but notice that for the most part they were all quite beautiful not only to me but to most men. Every one of these women would be considered a great ‘catch’ by the very vast majority of men.


And to be honest it surprised me. I had never considered myself particularly good looking and certainly not a socially skilled person. I am extremely individualistic, never required much social approval and the very concept of peer pressure was as foreign to me throughout my formative years as was evident the absence of girlfriends.


On examining my past I realised for the first time that apparently through luck or chance or some factor I could not identify, though relatively few in number up to that point, I had always been with beautiful looking women. And those I had fallen in love with were without exception well above any kind of norm (in looks, character and mind). I began to actually experiment with this and became more and more selective. Pretty soon I discovered a sense of things that I think few men really achieve in their life. A sense of self-confidence that I didn’t even know I was missing to begin with that can really only come from being validated by women we value. Undoubtedly some people reading this will consider me a misogynist chauvinist pig. I do not consider myself so, and in fact I love women. Nor, unbelievably as it may sound to some, am I a polygamist by nature.


My nature is monogamous. As long as I find the one, and as long as she’s always earning it (and me for her obviously) I seek nothing more than one woman. This period of my life though helped me to realise that. And I am eternally grateful to every woman I have ever had the good fortune to spend any time with. Without women, truly life would have no purpose I think. If it were possible for men to exist without women we would still live in trees and caves.


Which man would do anything more than club some food to death and find a relatively warm place to sleep if it weren’t for women?


Everything that was ever created, invented, built, reached for, designed, fought for…as the French say (but perhaps differently than they mean!): Cherchéz la femme. Behind everything that man ever did…there is somewhere a woman or the thought of her.


My reaction was due to the eventual collapse of a relationship that had lasted 13 years, though I was never married, then the collapse of my first marriage, which lasted only 4 years and then 2 more relationships of even shorter duration. These four relationships were the only ones that had mattered to me on a rather deeper level, with whatever liaisons happened in between them being essentially distractions or errors.

In a society that values people, individuals and life in general, in short, in a properly Catholic society, it is extremely likely that I would have remained with my first serious relationship for life. At least in part, and probably a very large part of it, the reason that 13 year old relationship eventually collapsed was probably due to the subtle but persistent infiltration of unhealthy, worldly infiltrations into what would otherwise have been a lifelong relationship.

The destroyed concept of marriage and family created by my boomer generation parents was common to all of generation X. As was the “natural” idea of abortion rather than having a child at “too young” an age. The utter secularisation of life as a whole, with the total absence of any higher spiritual direction whatever, the only purpose of life seemingly to be exclusively the satanic idea of “being happy”, led to a life that you were being told in every possible way should limit itself to, having as much material possessions as you could, avoid having children altogether because they got in the way of you having “a life”. A life that was supposedly dedicated to essentially the constant pursuit of material distractions and hedonistic pleasures. Frankly, it is only my “noble pagan” ancestral roots that saved me in some ways. Having been raised in a family tradition that still respected concepts like honesty, honour, keeping your word, a sense of natural and simple justice, permitted me to completely sidestep many of the pitfalls that lay there for so many of my generation and perhaps even more so for those that followed.

I never touched any drugs, never even got drunk once in fact. And my being involved in the budo philosophy of Japanese Karate-do from an early age meant I had a peculiar mix of agnostic zen philosophy with aspects of Shintoist if not reverence, at least historical respect for my ancestors, despite not knowing very much about them until relatively later in life.

We were also the first generation that became exposed to pornography to a degree that was unprecedented since Roman orgy times, and went well beyond the dirty magazines and hippie “free-love” of the boomer generation. While they had couched perversion and degeneracy as some deluded fantasy of being free of “jealousy” and “possessiveness”, by the time we were coming of age, it had already devolved into the idea that having as much sex as possible with as many people as possible was the “normal” way of life.

But consider for a moment, what the “rewards” of such an existence would be.

  • The absence of children as the pivotal part of family, because they get in the way of your hedonistic lifestyle.
  • The absence of relationships that endure hardships together because united by any higher purpose beside each part “being happy” and that individualistically within the “relationship”. The very concept that any relationship that had that as foundation could last beyond a few years at most is absurd.
  • Sex as a point-scoring status badge of sorts.
  • Emphasis on the ephemeral aspects of materialism: travel for travel’s sake, with no real deep penetration of cultures or geography beyond the required status symbol passport stamp and digital photo album (later to be displayed publicly online); owning of property and vehicles as further status badges if your success; wealth as proof of your superior intellect and ability, regardless of any other moral considerations.

I mean, think about it, bombarded by this message constantly, your own parent’s generation committed to these very same “ideals” with the narcissistic compulsion only the boomer generation ever managed to have, even if you “achieved” all of the supposed benchmarks of “success” this lifestyle supposedly promised, what would you be left with?

At best a healthy property portfolio with no one to leave it to besides the lawyers and ex-wives, as you descended into unglamorous old age alone and spiritually hollow.

And despite this, as well as being the most aborted generation, many GenXers managed to raise some form of families. Of course the carnage was spectacular. Divorces, abortions, and the pursuit of narcissistic, degenerate, selfishly hedonistic “happiness”, absent of any spiritual or moral rudder, was what surrounded us as we raised ourselves mostly, and these were the “values” we were exposed to constantly. It’s a miracle any of us managed to reproduce and retain a semblance of family at all.

Of course divorce, and abortion, and chasing smoke dragons, and drugs to numb the existential void, caught almost all of us to some degree or other. And for a generation already drastically reduced by being killed before we were born, then mostly stomped down and limited by our own parent’s generation in multiple ways, we did pretty well at surviving and overcoming and even reversing a few of the trends here and there in individual cases and small pockets of guerrilla resistance. Particularly given how thoroughly the truth of the spiritual aspects of life were hidden from us.

The boomers were (and remain) so desperate to remain unaware of their own spiritual and moral abyss, that they ridiculed, destroyed, discarded, disgraced, devalued, hid, and avoided, any meaningful confrontation with the numinous. With the reality of existence that truly forms the foundation of any true purpose. With any aspect of catering to the soul instead of the flesh. The boomers rejected what the silents couldn’t hold on to, we GenXers were not even aware something had existed there, for the most part.

The idea of a True Catholic Mass being meaningful, true, beautiful or even merely useful, was as foreign to us as the idea that some quaint pagan ritual to long-dead Gods might serve any purpose other than historical curiosity of a people that was obviously primitively superstitious and disappeared long ago; probably precisely because they wasted time and energy on such meaningless rituals.

And yet. If you look around now, it is mostly GenXers rallying the flag of Sedevacantism, and already beginning to pass that torch to generation Zyklon, which are our historical continuation, much as the millennials are that of the boomers.

Wait, what?

Allow me to recap. That historical aside was to give you a sense of why and how my generation was steered onto rocks instead of the meaningful life journey of marriage until death, children, family, tradition, real worship of God and respectful obedience to His laws as best as we can, creating truly meaningful lives (and thus happy in the only way that matters) rather than “hollywood happy” ones.

My personal story is a reflection of what a very few of my generation managed to do: I went full circle, and by luck or divine intervention, had the peculiar attribute of a persistence that almost none of my generational peers had any right to have. What was the point of never giving up when you had no real purpose to fight for? My adopted samurai code kept me away from drugs and a certain level of moral corruption, which did not, however, extend to sexual relations with women. In that respect, my descent into libertine ways was to a certain extent inevitable, given my intense nature, insatiable curiosity, and explorer’s heart.

But once again, if that becomes the totality of your life, what are you left with at the end of it?

It was that very conscious thought that led me initially at least partially out of it.

I distinctly recall the precise moment. I was alone at home, in an apartment I loved and that, incidentally, my eventual future wife had found for me. Lying on the orange couch that had come with the place, on a Saturday I think, having binge-watched a couple or three episodes of NCIS, I consciously considered my life. I was 39 years old, had travelled to many places, had essentially given up on trying to make any meaningful long term relationship work, I was limiting myself to having them last until the woman in question either irritated me or I got bored of her, and had rotated through a few cycles of getting a bunch of women under me in quick succession, then getting rid of all of them for a week or two, then starting the cycle again but with a somewhat “improved” version of the women-merry-go-round. Better read, prettier, dirtier in bed, or whatever the attribute, or set of attributes I got interested in that month.

I contemplated my future and thought about the different paths it could go. It was obvious to me by now that I could spend the rest of my life as I had been doing for the last few years and I could go to my grave with a constant change of woman on my arm, and that comparatively speaking —in spite of whatever my age or eventual decrepitude and wrinkles would be— such women would always be younger than me and prettier than most men would get a chance to be with long term, never mind temporarily more or less at will.

The appeal of that sort of future was essentially limited to the frisson of a new woman lifting herself partially off your bed as you gently slide down her knickers for the first time.

The intensity of a new body under you intent to please you or you pleasing her in ways she had not yet experienced. It’s thrilling. Intoxicating. I suppose, perhaps, there is a kinship to a kind of drug maybe. I wouldn’t know, I never did drugs, but the addiction to the ephemeral might be similar. It’s the kind if life where soon, familiarity could begin to breed contempt instead of a deepening love.

Where the normal, terrene, aspects of humanity become irritations and inspire contempt, instead of charity, forgiveness and a contemplation of our own weaknesses and errors; a practice that the boomers we were raised by avoided like vermin fleeing fire.

What can one be left with, living such a life, at say, age 99, looking back while cuddling your shotgun, your cognac and your memories, on your rocking chair?

The melancholy of remembering (assuming your brain didn’t go to shit by then) the fleeting sensation of how this or that woman’s foot felt on your calf as she orgasmed under you?

The erotic smell or taste of another?

The beautiful sunsets over an exclusive beach you shared with the one you had a few months with?

And who other than yourself to even remember these things with? Or even tell them to? And of what use would they be to anyone? Or of what interest, other than possibly morbid fascination with degeneracy?

So I thought about the alternative. Find a woman I could tolerate long term and have children and raise a family with. I was not naïve about the hardships that would entail. Including the putting up with the woman, since I had been through enough of them to know that, like all human beings, they all will irritate you in some ways or others. And the complications of raising a child, how it affects every aspect of your life, work, travel. I was not naïve any of those aspects of it. But thinking about it with cold reason, it was obvious that all those efforts would be worth it.

What I was naïve about however, was actual, full-blown narcissists. In a society that expects and enforces proper courtship, such creatures would be more likely to die alone. But, like the devil, in modern society, actual narcissists of the full blown variety were considered a somewhat mythological creature. At least back in 2008 or so they were. And to me they may as well have been werewolves. Creatures that didn’t actually exist. I was aware of evil people and of extremely selfish, manipulative and unethical ones. I had dealt with them more than most. But I was not prepared to imagine that a quasi-mythical creature, which is really more a shapeshifter at will than just a poor werewolf, who is a mere lunatic after all, could insinuate itself in my life.

The “methods of measurement” I had evolved were not really designed to sift for narcissists. They covered:

  • Looks – I had to be physically attracted to a high degree to get interested for a potential long term situation
  • Sex – plentiful and varied
  • IQ – they had to at least be able to understand some of the things that interested me once explained. At least in general terms. And be able to hold at least some level of conversation concerning philosophy (of life as lived, not the esoteric writings of some German incel like Schopenhauer)
  • Their attraction to me – If they weren’t interested to a certain level, then I lost interest in them pretty quickly too.
  • Some generic quasi-moral rules of ethics that at least mostly aligned with my own.

Well, let me tell you, that list does not, in any way sift for narcissists. In reality, as far as functional marriages are concerned, while a mutual attraction is certainly ideal, it is not even necessary. Neither is the sex or, necessarily, the IQ. But their character and ethics are pretty fundamental.

Today’s superficial ways have seen to it that as long as you have painted over your crappy moral fibre with enough glossy nail polish, sexy underwear, porn-star bedroom etiquette, and CNN or Fox News sound bytes  (to cater to left or right leanings) your abyss of the soul is not even noticed, much less criticised. 

Yes, it is true, that after such an experience, and in part also thanks to my previous encounters with women of all types, eventually, after I went through all that hell, and came out the other side, I found and ended up with what I believe will be my wife until we drop dead. Hopefully a very long time from now. But the difference is that instead of having adult children starting out in life, I now have children that I hope will get married early and make babies pretty much immediately after doing so, in the hope I get to be a grandfather before I drop dead. 

I do not regret any aspect of my life. It’s certainly been a hell of a ride so far and has no indications it will be any less interesting going forward, but it is probably true that in a society that had the values that Catholic society had a few hundred years ago, I probably would have married and had a lifetime with hat first girl I was with for 13 years. We would have had a bunch of children and be comfortable enough now to be able to retire in some semblance of peace.

It does happen to be true that I also believe I am much better able to appreciate the joys of life now than I would have been in that alternate history, and I think I am happier too and with a woman I certainly feel is perfectly matched to me, so overall, I ended up in a better place that will certainly keep me busy (and entertained too, both good and bad) until I eventually do join my ancestors in the afterlife. 

So What’s The SOLUTION then Kimosabe?

Patience grasshopper. First, understand where we are:

  • I have identified the issue is the mechanisation of human interactions.
  • I have shown some of the errors, pitfalls and ultimately nihilistic and generation-ending future this way of life produces.
  • The “benefits” such a lifestyle provides would absolutely not be positives or even required in an ordered, Catholic society.

But before I show you the solutions, you need to understand the real root of the problem. And that is the secularisation of society. That happened because of Protestantism. Protestantism is literally nothing less than the rebellion against God first done by Lucifer the so-called Lightbringer. 

I have covered this before and in various degrees of detail. But the point remains relatively simple. Protestantism brought in the disordering of relations between the sexes. It started with the introduction of contraception, which changed the dynamic of marriage. From the primary purpose being to create, nurture and raise a family, to having sex for fun.

Think about that. 

Serioulsy. Think about it. 

Try to imagine what the world would be like if not only you, but everyone around you, thought of marriage as a situation in which you remain with that person for life, no matter what, and create and raise children together (as long as you are physically able to). How would that life be? 

Well, we had that. For quite a long time. Now that attitude is seen as “backward”, unjust to women, socially irresponsible, and endangering the planet.

Before contraception was accepted by Protestant branches, the very idea of divorce was considered quite scandalous throughout Western Civilisation. After it, divorce naturally became commonplace.

It is perfectly logical of course, when the primary function of having sex become personal enjoyment, instead of family creation, with the bonus of personal enjoyment, then, sex becomes just one of the many things that has to be “perfect” in order to fill in the relevant box-ticking list that one must curate in order to “be happy”.

After contraception and fault-free divorce on demand, the very act of getting pregnant is a misfortune, something that will prevent you from doing what you want when you want, with anyone you want. So you begin to murder babies. And today we have “ex-spurts” trying to make it legal to kill babies up to 2 year olds. Mostly it started with this piece of shit in human form.

Contraception took a while to be “socially acceptable” thanks to the strength that even a declining morality within the greater Catholic Church had instilled in Western man. It took some 400 years from 1521 to get contraception to be more widespread. And it took until 1958 for the Papacy to be taken over right up to the present day, by Satanic freemasons. 

But here we are. Add in ubiquitous pornography and degeneracy of every kind, such as the current “transgender” movement, aimed specifically at children by the usual LGBTQPedo types and is it any wonder we have a generally sociopathic undercurrent to human relations in 2023.

So, here FINALLY are the solutions.

If you have read all that and got to this point, it is probable you’re not a millennial. Maybe a Zyklon with reading skills, which is rare enough but not unheard of. So it is only fair that I point out that this is not Boomer-type “advice” of the “don’t do as I did, but do as I say” variety. Nor is it of the same Boomer type that is more akin to “I did it when it was cool, and I *am* cooler, but don’t YOU do it, you’re not cool enough to pull it off.”

No. This is the kind of advice from someone that has come through the fire and miraculously is not just alive, but has a happy ending. 

In essence what I am telling you is:

“Don’t believe the bullshit of Hollywood son!”

“You have to fuck your way through an army of whores, gold-diggers and idiots to just begin to understand that porn stars don’t make the best mothers!”

It’s not so much “don’t be a criminal, because crime doesn’t pay,” type of Bible-thumping advice. It’s more of a “you get ass-raped in prison,” reality check.

And criminals go to jail. Almost all of them in the long run.

Ok, fine! as my three year old says, while stamping his foot. But then what do I do?

Learn. Educate yourself about proper Catholicism. That was the society that created the best situation for humanity, so learn what they did and how and why. And believe me when I say that what you think you know of Catholicism has, in fact, almost nothing to do with it.

Find out what Sedevacantism is and why it exists. 

Understand what relationships are from that perspective and what they look like.

If you can read Italian (or French) you can certainly get into the extreme detail of it by reading this book.

Understand above all, what is the lie concerning familiarity with many women. I said above that having had lots of sexual interactions can result in an increased ability in having such encounters, obviously, but also that it had other “benefits” of status among your equally brainwashed peers and so on, and by extension in relation to your general life prospects. Sure, but it does that in the context of a fallen world.

My personal sense of self-worth or ability to achieve certain things in life, was never tied to the number of women I had been with. When I stated that:

Pretty soon I discovered a sense of things that I think few men really achieve in their life. A sense of self-confidence that I didn’t even know I was missing to begin with that can really only come from being validated by women we value.

I was referring to my ability with women. I never had doubts about my abilities on other aspects of life, be it work, politics, skills or whatever. The self-confidence with women was merely a confirmation (by these women) that my abilities in general tallied with my own view of them. 

I assure you that my intensity at any job I undertook, confrontation I faced, or difficulty in life, was in no way affected by how many women I had been with other than very tangentially. Because they had been with me (those whose encounters were of a duration that permitted it) and seen other aspects of my life, they had confirmed their noticing of such abilities by, in a sense, giving themselves to me, at times at least, also in a secondary relation to those abilities. 

For example, if you’re a millionaire, some women will get sexual with you because of your money. And in that sense it “confirms” you have money. It was never my case, but I had such “confirmation” based on other aspects of my abilities, often in cases that were not even conscious for the women. It doesn’t matter at all —consciously anyway— to most women, if you are a good martial artist, or painter, or poet (assuming the talent isn’t related to wealth), and yet, talented men will tend to attract more women. It’s a natural selection thing, but undeniably, after enough interactions, a pattern of “merit” of various skills could be derived by the number of women who took notice.

In short, being with lots of women only means you will feel you are able to get with lots of women. And while that skill may give you an ego boost, if you are rational, you will realise that if that ego-boost got you to a better job, say, it was not because you banged a dozen girl in a week. And consequently you will also realise that since you can manipulate your own internal ego-sensations, you can get the ego-boost at will.

I for example, have almost never been rejected after a face-to-face job interview, and it had absolutely nothing to do with my sexual prowess, I assure you.

Learn courtship. And no, it doesn’t matter if the woman doesn’t know anything about it or is not used to it. And no, courtship is not bringing flowers and being totally chaste and so on. Sure, it can encompass those things, for a girl that understands such gestures rather than expects them as a tribute to her superficial beauty. It means taking the time to get to know the character of this woman you are interested in. And being able to recognise Red Flags. Which are not necessarily the ones popular culture tells you they are. A man that stands his ground, morally, intellectually or physically, today is labelled some kind of aggressive bully, intolerant, backward, and so on. Society does not supposedly approve of a straight white male that tells you to fuck right off when you try to push your SJW agenda on him, or worse, his children. But guess what, women worth marrying, even if they might deny it from their upset mouths, or believe that no, no, no, they don’t want a “brute” of that sort, inevitably, deep down, ultimately, want to surrender to such a man.

I honestly would have to think hard to count how many supposed feminists, discovered they really enjoyed discarding the feminist card completely once in the bedroom, and then pretty much never picked it up again. Feminism is the female equivalent of sexual frustration rage that people like Elliot Rodger have. 

The male incel rage is: If I can’t get any of the pretty girls, then no one will! I’ll kill you all!

The female incel rage is: If I can’t get any of the deeply hormonally satisfying sexual relationships I want, then no woman ever shall enjoy sex again with anyone!

Well that’s a lot of time investment but where’s your proof?! (aka provide peer reviewed source).

Ok, my internet autist friend. Read more. See what Catholic cities, lives and lifestyles were in the 1600s, or the 1700, or the 1800. Learn who invented the actual scientific method. Learn who the greatest astronomers and scientists were in most of human history.

And if the past is not evidence enough, know that as of 2023, I know of at least 3 or 4 couples that have got engaged to be married as a direct result of reading at least Believe! and maybe event RTCC, but at any rate, of learning about Catholicism. I know of more that got married. And of at least a couple of people that have potentially avoided suiciding themselves because of learning about these things.

Beyond that, if you are hellbent on drowning your soul and future in pussy, there’s not much I can do, or even want to do, to dissuade you. If god has given us free will, who am I to try to force you away from the path to hell you are choosing?

All I can do is tell you of my walk along that route and why I think it’s a very bad idea in the end. I not only survived, but I got uncommonly lucky, and I say luck because I know who I am talking to here, people that either are, or were, or aspire to be, as I was, some kind of fearless pussy-hunter, and I don’t want to be so presumptuous to ascribe God’s grace to me to the extent that He clearly Has done so. Not because He has not, but because I don’t want you getting the idea that I think I deserve it. 

I know I don’t and didn’t deserve it. But God permitted me to have it anyways, and even better than I thought it could be. Of course, there are hardships too, but man, am I glad for these hardships as opposed to the alternatives that I would have faced in that life of headlong hedonism.

So I hope you have read this all, young man. And I hope you take the advice and use it to avoid all the pitfalls and traps that delayed and snared me, and make the future for you and your children one where the Klaus Schwabs and globohomo pedo-satanists of the world have their DNA eradicated forever.

And if you’re not all that young anymore, then I hope you are in time still. You can be, and yes, sometimes it’s up to God, but buddy, trust me, if you’re in your late 40s or even 50s, you still can get it all. Which is not to say you don’t need to move your ass, you do, because as my Grandmother always said: “Aiutati e il ciel t’aiuta.” 

Help yourself and heaven helps you.

But it’s still all doable.

Yesterday I spoke to a guy I used to know some 20 years ago and that I did some security/bodyguard/close protection/hello-sir-can-interest-you-in-some-fairness-karma-and-justice kind of stuff. We are the same age. He has 7 children (he started earlier than me, the weakling, so I only have 5) the youngest being 7 months old. And trust me when I say that he had very few redeeming human qualities. Having been who I was, I can say that without any malice.

If he can, and I can, so can you.

And in case you’re wondering, no, he’s not Catholic. But he is religious, and believes in his culture and his people’s traditions, and in fact moved back to his ancestral land, as, in a sense, have I. Well, I haven’t taken the Most Serene Republic of Venice back yet, but you know, give it time, I may do it just yet.

And if you are a Boomer, and managed to read this all without spitting at the screen about how your g-g-generation was the best ever, and how we GenXrs should just have lifted ourselves from our bootstraps, like you did, and all that, then do what you can to help your sons, or theirs, or a total stranger if it comes to it. I mean, hey, if you’re short of ideas, you can always donate to my project here at The Kurganate

Or like my own father did, help your son/s daughters own property/land/a business that they can develop and pass on to their children and so in in turn. Remember that most wealthy people are so because of generational wealth being passed down.

My ancestors were adventurers, explorers and handy with swords and guns and some with politics, but they also squandered their fortunes in some cases and made them and passed it on in others, but I plan, as best I can, to pass it all on. And to raise wolves. Good, strong, ethical, Catholic wolves, but wolves nonetheless.

I hope you do too.


    Who says you can’t turn a party girl into a good wife

    It’s quite surreal to see my wife put on some rap song to make our new 2 month old daughter fall asleep, which she does, while she sings along to it.

    She literally knows the words to just about any song that comes on. Then she modifies them for the new circumstances.

    Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb becomes:

    Wet Bum, Wet Bum,

    You gotta wet bum,

    And you-can-count-on-mummy-when-you-need to-clean-it-up

    Wet bum, wet bum,

    You got a wet bum,

    But your mama’s gonna clean it up

    If you know the words to the original and the tune, you’ll see it works.

    N.E.R.D. ‘S Lapdance becomes:

    Oh baby you want me?

    Oh baby you want me?

    Oh baby you want me, well you can get this boobie juice here for free!

    And Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches is almost unchanged:

    Sucking on my titties like you wanted me, wanted me, wanted me all the time.

    Check out my chrissy behind

    And here she is rapping away to Vanilla Ice, which, astonishingly makes the baby fall asleep.

    You can hear her laugh-smiling as our daughter begins to fall asleep

    I mean, she did work as a Promo Girl for a nightclub in Spain and again in London, where the basic idea was to entice people into the club, and/or get them to spend thousands on the same crappy drinks you could buy at literally less than a twentieth the price at an off licence (you’d think men only, but you’d be surprised).

    It was a classy affair, not like she danced on the bar in skimpy clothes the club sold, and that she also customised herself with scissors so the customers wanted not just the same club logo shirts and hot pants they sold, but the ones that looked like hers.

    Tequila shots and fast moving scissors with strobe lights and the club’s theme song playing at deafening level:

    It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot)
    So take off all your clothes (Ayy)
    I am gettin’ so hot (Uh, uh, uh, uh)
    I wanna take my clothes off (Oh)
    It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot)

    You probably wouldn’t immediately assume this is where you’d find the right girl to get baptised as a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with. Then get confirmed, married, and make three children in 5 years with her. It would have been four but she miscarried the first. Finding myself doing a baptism on her belly at home, when she thought something was wrong, and holding her hand and later holding her, in the hospital, when it was clear the baby was gone, thankfully after only about 6 weeks of pregnancy, is not a feeling I’d wish on anyone, but we found out after it happened that it’s quite common, even if people don’t talk about it much.

    From party girl things, to changing nappies, making play-dough, taking them to the park, reading them stories, teaching them the alphabet and how to count, and playing them music and teaching them nursery rhymes, cooking for us all and feeding us and packing all their toys for the beach or worrying about them all having the things they need to run around like the little savages they are outside, even though she’s given up on making them wear shoes. I still harbour hope on that score, but then I do tend to take on impossible projects.

    It’s not for everyone, the path that she and I took. As wild as she was, it’s probably inevitable that she could only be with someone like me, that surpassed her own transgressions and wildness, though, opposite to her, always clear-headed, which in a way might be worse.

    But the fact is, that the first day I met her, I had a surreal experience that cannot be explained to others, but remains true nonetheless.

    She was working as an estate agent by then, still wild every weekend, and it was in fact a Friday when I met her. I’d arranged with an estate agent to see some apartments and taken half a day off work. I had called the guy a few days before to make sure he had a good selection of places. He had assured me he would get keys for all the suitable properties.

    I was earning decent money now and wanted to move to a nicer place and leave behind the small apartment I had lived in with my Italian wife, briefly, before we split up a couple of years earlier, and eventually divorced. I called the guy again just before I left work to make sure he had the keys, since, as a freelancer any time off I took I didn’t get paid. He assured me he had all the keys and he would meet me outside the Wapping tube station. So I went. Got there… no one. I called the guy up to see if maybe he was running late. In a bored voice he told me he wouldn’t be coming today because he didn’t have the keys. I told him where he could put his keys and hung up. Directly across the station was another estate agency. I could see through the window that the only guy in the office was playing solitaire on his desktop. I could actually see his screen.

    I went in and said hello and that I wanted to view some properties.

    “Oh I’m sorry, I’m too busy right now, could you come back later.” It wasn’t a question and his glazed-over eyes returned to the screen.

    “Yeah, I can see. Real busy.”

    I left and decided my afternoon was shot anyway, so I may as well enjoy a walk. The area had a certain organic charm that is not too common in London, and despite it being early November the sun was out. As I walked along the cobbles I saw another estate agency in a pale yellow face brick building with the entrance being a diagonal that cut off the corner of the building. As I approached it I could see through the big glass window most estate agencies have a young woman sitting at her desk. She was stunning even at this distance, but I purposely looked away. I was here to find an apartment. I wanted to move. I didn’t want to be distracted by yet another pretty girl. It’s not like I was short of them anyway. But this one, she would be hard to ignore, so I looked away. Inside were other people. I’d just go the the blond man I could see sitting at another desk, and not even glance at the pretty woman. I’d not taken three steps into the place and realised the guy was as gay as a pink flamingo in a chicken coop. As I approached him he did that whole, look at you up and down thing in an obvious and obvioulsy gay way. I gritted my teeth and said “Hi, I’d like to see some apartments”. That’s how badly I wanted to avoid the girl. I hadn’t even snuck a peek to my right. He gave me the once over again, then waved in the direction of the same young woman, “She’ll look after you.”

    Dammit. I tried. Really tried. Well, ok. Never mind. I can focus on the apartment, no matter how hot she looks.

    “Hi, I wanted to see some apartments.”

    She looks up, her eyes are brilliant blue, transfixing if I was a weaker man. That slightly bored, slightly dismissive, slightly lazy look that Estate Agents worldwide seem to have crosses her pretty face, and she says:

    “What… now?”

    Fuck this! Must have crossed my face in that instant.

    “Yes, now.”

    Without batting an eyelid her demeanour changes, she springs up, she has on a white blouse and faded jeans with black high heel shoes.

    “Oh, okay, I think we have a place here, close by, let me get the keys and I’ll show you.”

    She walks us across the road and leads the way up a flight of stairs. I can’t remember if it was already inside the apartment or on the way to some internal door to it. She opens doors, shows me rooms. Says what they are. I don’t speak. When we are done she leads the way back down the stairs. I am not trying to see it. I just do, she has a frilly white edge on her knickers. They are so close to the edge of the jeans waist I see it.

    We step back outside in the sunlight and she asks, “So, what do you think?”

    “I have no idea, I don’t even know how many rooms it has.”

    She turns to look at me, but calm.

    “You’re quite distracting.”

    She doesn’t flinch. “Oh. Thanks.”

    She keeps quiet a bit, as we walk back towards her office, then she says, “I think there is another place you’d like, but I am not sure if I can get the keys.”

    I stay quiet again.

    “We can try.” She poses it as a question with her eyes, so I nod.

    She makes a call, she can’t get the keys, because they are from another agency that they sometimes work with, but she drives us on to the place anyway, then speaks to the security guys at the concierge desk. The poor bastards don’t stand a chance. She smiles, shakes her head, comes up with some story about how she had the keys but someone else at the office hasn’t returned yet and could she borrow the spare set to show her client the property. They happily hand the keys over, managing not to drool when they both smile like small children just being shown a huge candy.

    She shows me this apartment that has a view over the Thames. It’s good. I like it. I say ok. but I want to get away from her now. She is distracting and I want to put my mind on other things. I don’t want to be doing that dance again with yet another pretty woman, plus she’s English, she looks beautiful, it’s true, but that’s probably it. I mean she’s smart, fast on her feet, but no, I want to stop doing this pussy-hunter thing, at least for today. I just want to move apartment and get a kind of clean slate. So I move away from her, heading for the door, I want to get out of here and away. She doesn’t follow. She stays looking out the big window at the river below us. Forcing me to turn and wait for her by the door.

    “Seeing this,” she says, without turning to look at me, “doesn’t it make want to leave?”

    I am taken slightly aback by her unusual and unprompted question.


    Now she turns and looks at me. “Leave everything.”

    And in that moment, when she turned to look at me, in one fraction of a second I got a flash-forward. I had flash-forwards a few times before, at least twice it saved my life. The image of a snake coming at me from behind, to bite me, and another time of someone at a concert running up behind me with a knife in-hand to stab me with. Both things would have happened if I had not acted on this image, premonition, flash-forward, call it what you want. But this was different.

    I saw her in the now, but also in the far future, the same, the same distance between us, but old now, and with a hat on I think, and yet, her. Always her. The brilliant blue eyes, and smiling at me, which she wasn’t doing right now, not that way at least. A smile complicit of many years together, a love between us that encompassed all the insane, strange, beautiful, ugly, scary, things of our life and the ones we had lived through together, and between us, four lights, each a child, I could not say if male or female or what they would look like, just a kind of floating light, like disembodied souls to come. Her face, both beautiful as the here and now and also as the old and wrinkly. Like my own would be in that time, but still her. Always her, and beautiful even then, in old age.

    It all happened in a tiny sliver of time, but it had within it, as if compressed into a laser bolt of information, years, decades, a lifetime. It was like a sledgehammer to my entire nervous system.

    Years of karate in a hard dojo, other martial arts, and living and working with a gun for over a decade, meant my face didn’t show anything, but inside, it was as if I had taken a punch. One of those that makes you see blinking lights.

    “Do you want me to show you the gardens?”

    I nodded. Didn’t trust myself to speak for a second or two.

    What the hell was that? Who is she?

    We go outside and we look at the gardens laid out like a simple but tasteful patchwork of paths and trimmed hedges and reddish-brown face brick. And I get another flash. This one a memory. From about ten years earlier. I dreamt of this place. It makes no sense, but occasionally I have had dreams of something that eventually happens in the future. Sometimes I also have very vivid dreams with a really complicated plot that end, and then years later I have another dream that picks up where that one left off, like a kind of part II to a film. And being here, in this place, now I remembered the dream. This place, which I had never been to before, ever, for certain, was exactly as the dream I had. And I remembered that in the dream there was a statue of some old man, or Troll type thing, that said Old Father Thames on it. It was in the corner of the garden, you couldn’t see it from here. I asked her if she would just wait for me for a second, as I had to go and check something.

    She said ok and I ran off. I went to that corner, and there it was.

    Father Thames Statue

    I knew enough about myself, because I had had premonitory dreams before, and flash-forwards —though usually only in life and death situations— that I knew I wasn’t crazy. Well, probably not anyway. I walked back. Calm now. Not even curious, just surprised. And she was waiting for me. Brown jacket zipped up now as the sun was going down and it was getting colder. A white scarf framed her smiling face with her impossibly blue eyes. And then I knew.

    Oh. Ok. She’s the one.

    And she was. Though it would be more than ten years later before we got together properly.

    We had a very brief, half-drunk, half-night stand, a few months later, then invariably her, or me would end up with some person or other. She’d come close then pull away again and I told her repeatedly to either get in and find out or leave me be. But over the years she would always eventually get in touch again. Then I had a daughter, and I forgot about her. That marriage ended in spectacularly dramatic and ugly fashion. Then she had a daughter.

    In 2016 I moved from London and was working in Venice and Kazakhstan, and flying all over the place, and we started to text each other on Telegram. Just philosophy and life stuff. I was on my own mostly, with an off and on again quasi-relationship with a woman that was probably possessed, and her own relationship was basically collapsing.

    In 2017 I moved back to London and she helped me pick out furniture for the new apartment I was renting. She was on her own again.

    We went to dinner. We kissed.

    Then she disappeared for three days, as she usually did. I didn’t call or text her, I kind of knew how she was and I was tired of the ten year old dance.

    She called after midnight one night.

    “I tried to not think about you.” She said.

    “How’s that going?” I asked. I was sitting at my dining room glass table, it was round and not very big, on the 16th floor, the view of the Thames and the lights below me. I had a tired hint of a smile on me. I wasn’t tired because of the late hour.

    “Not good.” She paused a while. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

    “So? What you going to do about it?”

    “I don’t know…”

    “How long have you been doing this? You come close, then you pull away, then I tell you to get lost, then some weeks, or months, or years pass, then you get in touch and we do it all again. Aren’t you tired of it? I am.”

    “Well? So what am I supposed to do? Just move in tomorrow?”


    She laughed.

    “What you got to loose? Do it. Let’s find out once and for all if this thing is something or nothing. At least we’ll know.”

    “Ok then.”

    “You’re moving in tomorrow?”


    We both laughed. I told her I’d get a roast for lunch.

    I expected her to just come for lunch, maybe spend some time. Talk. Maybe more. Maybe not. It was fine. I liked time with her, I was never bored talking with her. And she was easy to look at.

    I got the roast, started it late because I knew she was always late. But today she wasn’t. She called me from downstairs, asked if I could help her bring some stuff up. I said sure and went down.

    She had brought her daughter, her travel cot and a bag of clothes and toiletries.

    I laughed.

    We both assumed she would leave after a couple of days of hanging out together.

    She never did.

    Like I said, it’s not for everyone. Our story sort of reminds me of the film Payback, with Mel Gibson. In the last scene, he’s missing a couple of toes, killed all the bad guys, got his money and as she’s driving them away, he says:

    “We were going for breakfast. In Canada. We made a deal. If she’d stop hooking, I’d stop shooting people. Maybe we were aiming high.”

    And yet, here we are, and it works for us.

      Wives for Zoomers and Millenial Purebloods


      Believe it or not, if you want to position yourself in the best way to get an actual wife, knowing some history helps more than a little, so I strongly suggest you don’t skip the links in this section. At least investigate a few of them.

      If you’re a Millennial, you might want to read this post first to get a general idea of where we are. Zoomers could do worse than reading it too, though to a certain extent it applies less to them.

      In case you are not yet clear that you have been lied to at every level, you may want to also see this Video as an introduction to the topic. On Kurgan TV I have a whole series, that I will be taking up soon again just on the lies of history that you have been told.

      And if you are one of the few in these generations that can read, then I strongly suggest you read The Face on Mars as a single volume it has probably the most densely packed information about the real history of mankind, which is absolutely more fascinating than any fiction you may have thought of or seen on screen. And it covers a lot more topics than just the artefacts on Mars.

      Base Assumptions

      1. Purebloods and Mutants

      I will continue here assuming you are a male pureblood, non-vaxxed and want to create a worthwhile future with a similarly unvaxxed, pureblood woman. This may not be true of all of you, and insofar as this is not the case, the advice will still generally be good and useful but may need some adaptation for your specific condition. For example, if you are vaxxed, I advise against getting with a pureblood. This is not just some kind of “elitism” on my part. There are two sides to every situation. If you are a pureblood, then you are, in Gamma World terms, a Pure Strain Human (First, Second and Third editions. Do not venture beyond this unless you want to try playing an RPG in woke-diversity-filled-radioactive ponds of slime) and the Vaxxed are the first generation of Mutants. This is not a joke, it has now been proven beyond any doubt that the vaxxs alters your DNA (something that those of us who actually looked into mRNA always knew). This is a permanent thing. The children born to Vaxxed parents are 2nd generation mutants as their DNA is different from the one of purebloods.

      If you assume that I am advising the vaxxed to not breed with the purebloods merely because I am a hater and wish ill on the mutants, you are wrong. I advise this for two main reasons:

      First: If the Vaxx is a sterilising, death jab, then purebloods are the only ones that will be able to continue the human race, in the main (but see below). And we should give them the best chance to do so untainted by the genetic modifications that come with reproducing (and apparently even just being intimate with) vaxxed mutants.

      Second: Life tends to find a way. If you have not read the original Jurassic Park book, then I recommend it. it’s a great read and it covers in some detail how life really works in the wild. What this means is that at least some of the vaxxed will have bodies, mutations, or ways their DNA adapts to and perhaps integrates with the mutagenic serum they injected. Those mutants that survive, should try to breed with and be with other mutants. If the WEF globohomos managed to really pollute the whole Earth with their mutagenic substances in the food supply, the water and even the air we breathe, it may be that purebloods will become extinct and the only “humans” that survive are in effect the mutants. As such, they should begin to try to form the various DNA lines that will survive and have adapted to a totally toxified planet.

      In short, by letting the mutants stick with the mutants, and the purebloods with the purebloods, I am saying we have two separate and distinct lines of possible continuation of humanity, regardless of the intent of the WEF globohomos. I hope that clarifies this point.

      2. Preparing by Playing

      If you want to play Gamma World, the links above take you through to where you can buy them. But if you want to get a game that more accurately describes the current situation, and is in fact very funny, to play with your friends I will recommend my own RPG, Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse and it’s companion Module 0.

      While you may think these Role Playing Games (RPGs) are just a waste of time, I assure you they are not. Modelling the world in a way that becomes a game is literally how humans learn skills. Playing through a fun evening of Zombie Apocalypse RPG you will develop some level of social awareness and team work, but you will also be learning to solve problems. Problems that can be very closely modelled to real life, as it happens. And playing out various potentially informative scenarios in your game will develop a certain attitude of mind that becomes accustomed to find a way instead of giving up. Why do you think the world militaries game-play different scenarios? It’s not for fun. It’s because it provides useful information for the real theatre of war to a degree. So if you can model reality and have fun, why not?

      3. The Goal is to Make Children

      While the modern world as we find it today in year 3 of World War III is a scary, uncertain place, the fact remains that the world and the future, belongs ONLY to those who show up for it. I have written a 4 part series of posts on how to ensure you actually WIN the generational fight against the WEF Homoglobos. You can find the various parts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

      OK, About that wife then!

      Alright, now that I have overwhelmed you with too much information, too many posts to read, too many books to buy (more reading! Gasp!) And generally made you realise life is a big job and you being a Millennial you have probably already called 911 with an anxiety attack, exhaustion, and offended feeling, let us begin the process of how you actually find and keep a woman that is going to make a decent wife.

      Well, in part I have already answered this in this video and this one.

      Those two videos, taken together with the information above, should already be putting you in a decent place.


      If you really want to have a strong edge when compared to your peers however, you really do need to read. I am sorry but reading really is a must. For a number of reasons:

      It focuses your mind and teaches you persistence. Attention spans have gone form hours and days to seconds thanks to mobile phones, distractions and drugs. A man incapable of focussing like a laser for hours and hours at time effortlessly has really zero sex appeal for any woman worth marrying.

      It exercises your imagination. And while I am no fan of Einstein, he did say a couple of true things, I mean, he probably plagiarised them, like most of his work, but still: Imagination is more important than intelligence.

      It teaches you things at a neurological level. Because stories is how human beings passed knowledge from generation to generation for literally hundreds of thousands of years, our DNA and brains are built to gain cognitive functions from stories. Reading is a way to learn.

      As to what to read, if you really want to gain some of that hard man mystique that women love, there really is no substitute for it other than learning physical things, like Martial arts, how to woodwork, play an instrument, do a sport to competition level, and so on. However, you would benefit from reading by gaining the correct mindset to help you make those activities easier for you to begin and then to continue with until you are very proficient in them. Oh, and whenever possible buy actual physical books. Not only will they survive an EMP strike, but it also means you are more likely to read them than just another file on your phone. Here is a list of books that are absolutely inspirational for a man:

      God’s Battalions – Read this before The Crusades so you have a broader context, because you are going to want that when you read The Crusades.

      The Crusades, Of Iron Men and Saints – if you can afford it get the leather-bound version. I have read thousands of books and this is in my top 3.

      The Great Siege of Malta 1565

      That’s just three to start you off.

      “Oh but I don’t care about the Crusades… I’m not even Catholic…”

      It doesn’t matter. Trust me. Read those books. And begin to grasp what being a man means.


      In no particular order:

      • Take up a sport. Martial arts is best if you want the fastest route
      • Take up a physical skill. Anything from woodworking to Rock Climbing, to playing guitar, whatever, learn stuff you can do with your hands.
      • Either take up an activity where women are plentiful or frequent such places. Yoga gyms are better than nightclubs. So are book clubs, though it’s unlikely you will find many 20 year olds. Church of course is a good place, especially if it is a real one, though many women there will be spoken for, the larger families may well have unmarried daughters.
      • Talk to women. Ask them out on dates. Learn to speak and interact with them. You can’t get married if you don’t learn how to do these things first. This does not mean speak only to the women you are attracted to. Talk to all women. In fact, be able to talk to all people. The more you are able to interact with other humans, in general, the better. It’s a skill, like anything else. Learn it. And no, there is no way around it, so stop bitching, just get to it.

      Future Aims

      You know what they say, if you aim high, you might not hit your target, but if you aim nowhere, you certainly won’t hit anything.

      Now, trying to have a very specific list of things you must achieve is not good either, focus on the broad picture. Find a wife, have children, buy your own home, that sort of thing. And of course, if you have ambitions, put them on there too, but sometime life takes a turn. I would have liked a 70 foot trimaran with an all female crew at one point, but it didn’t pan out that way, and I also never really tried very hard for it, because in the scheme of things, it wasn’t all that important, and I don’t miss not having achieved it. Having a wife and children I came late to as far as adding them to the list, but I sure made it here eventually. In between I never had many set goals except maybe to explore and learn and find out strange things, and I have done a lot of that. The down side is that I was 50 before I bought a house.

      So, if you start off knowing you want a wife and children, begin now and prepare, work, save (but read that four part post on how to win, because saving today is probably not the best move long term) so as to position yourself to have that home, and that self-sufficiency, and the skills to go with it. There is no reason you can’t carry on learning and doing even after you are married, and so you should, but get a headstart.

      Control Your Delusion Bubble

      You know how women want a millionaire that is 6’2″ and has 8″ of pleasure to give them daily?

      Yeah, it’s not ideal, but ladies, here, try this out to get a reality check.

      And guys, here is your version.

      Above all, whatever you do, whatever you are, don’t be a gamma.

      You now have enough information to seriously no need to ask any questions for a few years. Now get out there and find your wife to be and make plenty of babies.

        High IQ and Relationship Problems

        While I assume this post will have generally good interest, the reality is that in practical terms it applies to less than 1% of the population, and that’s best case scenario, because I will be talking about high IQ problems, meaning for IQs of 130 plus.

        There are several reasons I wanted to this for some time, and this is really only a general introduction scratching the surface and presenting it in a broad spectrum way to set the general parameters. There are many details of this topic which are quite fascinating. I will only be covering the larger issues one with a high IQ generally encounters.

        Some baseline points

        For full disclosure, I need to point out that my own IQ score was measure twice when I was 26. I scored 157 on the first test, which was an official one but I had taken rather lightly, more out of curiosity than any wish to score particularly high. I do not recall the name of the institution, but neither test was with MENSA. I genuinely thought there must have been some mistake or the organisation might not have been serious. I therefore signed up with a different one that was recognised, again, it was not MENSA, but again, I do not recall the names, this was almost 30 years ago and although my results were relevant to me at the time, as a spur of the moment thing that took a couple of days, I never appreciated the importance of IQ in many contexts of life, so it was never something I ever gave much notice to until much later in life other than noting the results. On the second official test I really wanted to do well and unlike the first one, I applied myself. I scored 152. I put this down to the fact that generally in life I have noticed that when I just try my hand at something I initially do better than when I try to do well. Later, with practice, I will eventually outdo my initial performance, but this pattern has repeated itself many times in my life with all sorts of skills, from physical to intellectual and there is good science to back up the idea that with a more relaxed frame of mind, one achieves better performance. As a result, averaging the results I get a rounded figure of 155 IQ. I have not tested again since and I don’t really care to. I expect my IQ may have dropped a bit since due to the various stresses I have bene under for years and advancing age, etc. but in any case I will use that number as a guideline because it does represent my experience in life and since I am in any case in a tiny subset of humanity, my experiences, while anecdotal and obviously covering many other factors and variables, remains, I believe, relevant to the issues of relationships with people with high IQ.

        IQ does matter

        IQ has been linked to all sorts of things, like better income, longer life span and so on, across cultures and counting for income, race, culture etc. IQ studies have been going on for a long time and the factor known as g is indeed relevant in many spheres of life. Socially, the best IQ is from about 110 to 130. Beyond that, people become less able to interact with others and their existence can be lonely and difficult in many respects. Try to imagine how you would feel surrounded by what to you are essentially functional retards. The normal routines almost everyone is happy with a mind-numbingly dull to you and the entire system is built to gear for the average people by far. Barring some specific unique interest or skill one develops in what is effectively an intellectual solitary confinement, your opportunities for social happiness can be greatly limited. Which doesn’t mean every miserable, lonely, socially maladapted person is a genius. Most are absolutely not. And in any case, if you are smart enough, you should usually be able to find a way to survive without slashing your veins.

        The IQ gap

        It has been demonstrated quite conclusively that when there is an IQ gap of 30 points of more, the lower IQ individuals cannot follow the reasoning of the higher IQ individual. In the case of a sub 70 IQ person and a normal 100 IQ human average, the lower IQ person does not really question the 100 IQ person’s ability. they simply accept it as a kind of “magic” that the other person is capable of and there is usually not huge difficulties in having general relationships that can include work and other general social gatherings. Though I do not mean to be offensive, there is a sort of analogy between a 70 IQ and 100 IQ person, where, both being honest people, they can have a perfectly reasonable relationship. At least as far as concerns work, as long as nothing beyond the 70 IQ person’s ability is required. I certainly had that experience in my life several times when I lived in Africa. While an intimate relationship of this nature would prove intellectually non-stimulating and probably tiresome to the 100 IQ person, there are, I think, more instances of this being possible, especially if the lower IQ person is the female and the 100 IQ person is the male.

        When you begin to have a 130 IQ and try to have a relationship with a 100 IQ person, it will be a lot more difficult. Especially if the 130 IQ person, as I was, bought into the idea that, ok, sure I am smarter (because it’s obvious) but if I explain something to you, you too can get it. This tragic error assumes IQ is basically a function of education or knowledge. It’s a common mistake because the global narrative leans that way hard and has done for decades. Well, it turns out IQ is not a knowledge issue (data). It’s an ability issue (processing power). There are some calculations and so on that a lower IQ person simply cannot do when compared to a higher IQ person. The frustration for the high IQ person is only matched by the desperation of the lower IQ person in their not being able to bridge that gap.

        In short, for intimate relationships to have the best chance to work, it is clear that two things must be true. It is best if the man is the higher IQ of the two (since this in any case how nature distributes intelligence), and the gap between them must be less than 30 points, as having an IQ gap at the higher ends of IQ can be quite traumatic for both sides. Especially when neither is aware of the existence of this issue.

        Male/Female Distribution of IQ is not equal

        In general, women tend to have a lower minimum/maximum distribution of IQ than males, as the diagram below shows.

        To put it bluntly, women are more numerous in the lower IQ range than males. As the image above shows, by the dime you hit only one standard deviation (15 IQ points) above the human average of 100 you’re at about 2 men per one woman. By the time you are looking at 3 standard deviations (so up to about IQ 145) the ratio approaches 9 men to 1 woman.

        At this address, you will find a frequency of IQ table, but it is not divided into males and females.

        I reproduce here only the section from IQ 155 to 140.

        I have taken this specific link because it is the least “flattering” for my IQ level of 155. Normally, the 155 IQ is deemed to exist in about 1 in 10,000 people. At this level the ratio of men to women is actually above 10 to 1, but in order to try and average out things to make it as realistically fair as possible, and countering the 1 in 10,000 by using one in 8,000 or so I would say that to say there are 10 men for every woman at the 155 IQ level is probably correct. Keep in mind that 157 IQ is about one in 13,000, so at this level, a single point can make a big difference, which is normal for edge of the bell curve distributions, as the sample size is tiny.

        This means that a 155 IQ man that wants to find a 155 IQ woman to be in a relationship with, on average, can only find one such person in 100,000 women of the relevant age.

        Some Data Points we can Conclude

        • It’s hard to find a smart woman. I once figured out on the back of a napkin, literally, while at work, in London, what the chances of finding the ideal woman were. I only used two criteria: Looks, which was important to me at a physical level. I never had what I called the “mystic click” with a woman if I was not physically attracted to her to a certain high degree. And the women that achieved that physically were usually quite rare and generally accepted as being beautiful by the very vast majority of the male population. Having taken the time to walk through central London every day during my lunch break for several years, and noting for myself the frequency of woman that I assumed was physically attractive to fit the category, and be very broadly speaking in the right age range, which I placed at about 20-25 years range total, from a few years older to quite a few younger, I concluded that out of 100 women, it would fit about 10 at the most optimistic and probably more like 1 or 2. I also figured that since there was only about 1 in 100,000 women at my IQ level and that the right age range was probably no more than 1 million, in a city of 10 million, that meant there was probably only one woman that fit that criteria. If I dropped the IQ requirement to one in 10,000 then there might be 10. But that, of course, said nothing of their personalities. Only looks and IQ. It’s a good thing I am an optimist. And I figured the prospect of working my way through all the pretty women was an arduous task, but one I would devote myself to. Someone had to do it!
        • It’s hard to find a pretty woman. If you’re looking to be with an 8.5 or better, you’re going to struggle unless you have some attributes yourself that put you in the general target range. This is not IQ related, but it reduces your number of prospective life partners considerably, if, like me, you’re unfortunate enough to get that mystic click only with women that on average we can consider a 9 for most men (some will see her as a 10 and others only as an 8 or so, and in any case, after a 9 the “ten” is very subjective and not really relevant, at least for me).
        • Minimise the IQ gap to 25 points or less. If your IQ is 155 or so, the minimum IQ you should try to get with is about 130. That way the IQ gap is not there yet, as it’s “only” 25 points. Now, as it happens 25 points is quite a lot, BUT it at least allows the woman to be able to follow your reasoning process IF you are able to explain it patiently and moderating it for her emotional responses and patience/time in that moment. Which, I assure you, is an acquired skill. One you need to acquire by sweating blood if your patience score is in the negatives, like mine generally is. Returning to my example above, at the 130 IQ range, there is generally about 3 men to every woman and about one in 40-50 people have it, so we could say one in about 150 woman will have it. Using the one million women in London example, there are about 6,666 women of 130 IQ (a devilish number to be sure). And I can crank my looks thing, right up to 1 in a 100 and hey, there are a whole 66 or 67 of them I can find. Great. Of course, they will invariably be married, have a boyfriend or three and possibly already be mothers, though that last is probably less likely since smart women have difficulty finding smart men too. While pretty ones have their pick of men, smart and pretty ones, tend to become extremely skittish. First because they are used to all the lies, deceptions and so on that men will use to bed them, and secondly because very often they can see through those deceptions. Therefore the level of “shit testing”, to use a PUA term, they try on you will be stratospheric in nature.

        Ok then. Let’s now look at the imponderable relationships!

        All of the above was to give you a general background in some terms and familiarise yourself with gross numbers. Which if you have been paying attention, explains why despite its popularity, this post really applies to a very tiny subset of the population. If you want to do some stats:

        At 155 IQ male and 130 IQ female, the percentages are 0.012% and 2.28% respectively. Multiply them by each other to give a general incidence of them ending up with each other and you get a probability of 0.027%

        This is a bit wrong because generally smart people will tend to congregate with other smart people, as pretty people tend to congregate with either other pretty people, or at least wealthy ones, but then there are many other variables to account for, so as an overall method it’s probably fine.

        So this post, in a general best case scenario applies to less than one third of one percent of the planet.

        Throw in some other things like maybe only being with a pureblood and limit the couples to those of child-bearing age and this can easily become something that applies to less than 1 in 10,000 couples.

        Now let’s look at the problems that can and do arise in such a situation.

        1. Both will have found their own ways to navigate the planet of the apes and very often, those ways will be unique to them.

        Great right? Not so much, since both are absolutely convinced, through bitter life experience, that their way is best. And they are right. Their way really is usually best as far as their individual lives are concerned. Their experience is not wrong. But it is also not really that relevant when faced with another person of their intelligence. Here, the trend will be the higher IQ male making the lower IQ female feel set upon, disrespected, and “oppressed”. She has navigated countless idiots doing things her way and now here is another moron trying to tell her you can indeed get showered, dressed, put on make up and still look hotting 25 minutes, yes even if you have long hair and he is bald. Idiot. What does he know. And time is relative and not really important anyway (because everyone forgives a hot woman that is 30 minutes late, but no one forgives a man for doing it). The issue here is made far worse if neither knows about the IQ gap and such issues. Even when they do know, the woman is (rightly) not emotionally ok with being treated as some kind of second-class citizen on the basis of IQ. And she is absolutely correct in this respect. Those people who think IQ is the “all that” of humanity are in fact, functional idiots. I don’t even rate IQ as in the top three things a human being has to have to be classed as excellent. I’d place, honesty, a sense of honour (related but not identical to honesty), kindness and an ability to love deeply as all far more important than IQ. The trick here is for both to do something very difficult.

        The woman has to accept that IQ is a thing, that her husband is indeed smarter and usually knows best. AND at the same time, she should not feel she has to prove herself in this regard, not feel “stupid” she should not hesitate to ask for clarifications, but, important point, to do so, not in a confrontational way, but rather in a “please explain that to me” way. It’s hard. The female ego screams against this.

        The male has to accept that his wife may not immediately see his way of doing things as “better” and he should take the time to explain it without being:




        Missing steps in the explanation but not putting the ones not required to be put in because they are obvious to her too

        It’s a pretty tall order and the only way most men manage it is if they remember that from time to time, and not as rare as he might think, his wife’s way of doing things will not only have specific advantages, but might even be better overall. So take care with this aspect.

        2. The unstated assumptions are killers.

        Although this is true in most relationships, in high IQ relationships these will be hidden landmines. The natural assumptions high IQ people make are opaque to most other humans, because their brains work on a different level. But that is not to say that two intelligent people will have come to identical conclusions. In my meeting and talking with people that are of my same IQ or thereabouts, including smarter than me, I have found that a considerable amount of time is required, especially if they have different cultural backgrounds, to establish their ow jargon/language even if both speak the same language perfectly well. The assumptions, unconscious rules, and axioms one 150 IQ person will have made in his life are not ever identical to the ones another 150 IQ person has made. Yet both operate on them unconsciously in their day to day lives. When someone that is of that level of intelligence makes a statement you assume is completely wrong or retarded, pause. Because chances are you are not understanding their perspective and the language they use is made up of the same words you use but their meanings are different. An example might suffice. When I visited Vox Day at his home once, we briefly talked about Jordan Peterson, and he said that Peterson was an intelligent man. I paused. I thought Peterson was an idiot, because ultimately his life ideologies and aims are insane. But it was Vox who had taken the time to examine exactly and specifically why this was so. I couldn’t care to do that. It was obvious to me he was nuts and therefore could safely be ignored. I asked what he meant and he explained that in order to construct such an elaborate (though insane) model of reality one had to be intelligent. He was, of course, correct, and probably using the word “intelligent” more correctly than I do. To me intelligence is synonymous of effective, which, of course, is not how most people use it. But to me, saying someone is effective does not describe in any way whether they are also intelligent or not. As I do not value Intelligence without effectiveness, to me, real intelligence is that which is also effective, not only smart. But not having explained this, would lead me and Vox to have very different labels for various people around the world.

        Now imagine having this kind of language/assumption with your wife or husband, that is, someone that you are intimate with, and therefore usually do not have the presence of mind to pause and consider how they mean a specific common word or phrase, because after all, you have been sweatily naked with them and more; you’re hardly going to pause and think “how do they mean ‘intelligent'” because you’ve assumed, due to the intimacy, that they are a kind of extension of yourself.

        So she says her friend is really smart and you think she’s a moron and you say so and lo and behold, before you know it, you’re arguing about how disrespectful you are of everyone she knows and you are telling her this wouldn’t be an issue if she didn’t have morons for friends. Or vice versa, you tell her about your buddy who just made a million bucks investing in blue widgets because he’s really smart and figured out blue widgets would be a thing, and she says he’s a creep, which you think is irrelevant to the point you’re making and besides, why is he a creep? Because maybe you didn’t notice he was leering at her whenever your back was turned, but she noticed it a mile off because she is used to getting such attentions from men.

        3. Not knowing about the IQ gap and IQ in general is going to make everything exponentially harder

        As a very high IQ person your experiences in life are akin to living on planet of the apes. Except the apes look like humans. After a time, you see the same patterns of mental retardation (to you) that passes as perfectly normal (to them). After enough time and interactions, you will naturally reduce the patterns to very large ones. And in the event that a disagreement occurs with another high IQ person, you are liable to place them in the ape category out of habit, instead of noticing that the issue, in this case, is of a totally different nature and category even if it might superficially appear to be one you are used to seeing in the ape population.

        4. A high IQ woman will be disappointed by men in her life a lot and is liable to have had a number of failed relationships behind her, especially is she is pretty.

        This will tend to make her jaded in the worst cases, bitter, resentful and even spiteful. Especially if she is unaware of the IQ issue. She will tend to see men and dishonest simpletons, because, in a word, to her, they are. And in general they are. She has met men that are manly and look good, but can’t keep up with her intellectually. She will likely have had a few failed relationships with such types and assume these “alphas” are all so much ado about nothing, except maybe bedroom acrobatics. She will then have tried to go for the smart ones, but often these beta types are smart but useless with women and faced with a smart and beautiful one will tend to lose their spine and try to accommodate her every wish, thus quickly losing any sexual chemistry and natural male-female dynamic of attraction. Fairly soon, she will think herself doomed to having to choose between, one of two types: the good looking, but dumb and really headstrong, one, which means he has some male attributes she finds naturally attractive, but he will make decisions that she can see a mile off are bad and will not correct himself because he’s a headstrong type, which is attractive, in someone who is more successful than she can predict. Not so much in one who isn’t. Or, alternatively, a smart weaker man that will always be the model of good behaviour towards her, probably provide well for her, but eventually, sexually comes to have less appeal than her vibrator. Whether it be her rabbit or Pedro the pool boy. Which is why, often, apparently wealthy and beautiful women, married to physically unimposing men, can and do cheat on them.

        All this means that even when she meets that man with no name, Clint Eastwood type, gunfighter, with a genius, steel-trap mind, and a horse-cock, she is going to be skeptical, she will second-guess herself, doubt herself and because she can’t see what and how you think, she will naturally assume you’re lying, or dishonest, or not all you’re cracked up to be (in her own mind) and any tiny error (which all humans make) or incongruence (real or imagined, through correct processing or erroneous one) she spots, will become for her a likely source of “proof” that you’re really an underhanded, greasy liar, merely intent on trapping her with an unwanted pregnancy. Or whatever. Which is fair enough if you are some kind of narcissistic psychopath, but is a real drag if you’re actually on the level.

        5. He’s going to be exhausted of female drama and next a woman like he changes socks.

        Assuming the man is not a nerd type high IQ, that is, he is high IQ AND he uses it to integrate himself sexually into the ape society regardless, he will have been through a pretty high number of women, because, absent the monkey features, and if he is impatient and smart, he probably can get together with most women that interest him and has. And in most cases he will find their shit-tests idiotic and unnecessary, their conversations borderline soporific, their interests pedestrian, and their inability to even follow his conversations when he discusses (in excruciatingly slow ways for him) even those things that interest him the drop that makes the glass overflow. So he can easily dismiss a woman that might have had the requisite attributes simply because he might not immediately take the time to work through whatever drama she might cause him (they all cause some) and it falls into a specialised version of the “unstated assumptions”. On the other hand, a woman that catches herself and honestly disassembles her own drama with logic and reason is certainly going to catch his attention. Unfortunately for him, some pretty women, are adept at doing this too as an art form of theatre, while hiding their real narcissistic core. Which is why even geniuses that have been around the block can and do end up married to vicious harridans intent on picking his carcass clean.

        In Conclusion

        So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I know that a post of this nature is a bit like complaining about how difficult your life as a billionaire is, but the pain is real!

        My general advice, especially to smart men, is to not focus as much on the looks if you care to have a truly intellectually rewarding lifetime partnership with your wife. And to smart women, the same, really, and look, you can train a man to please you sexually, it’s a turn-off to do, I get it, but if you grit your teeth through it for as long as it takes to train his brain to do the things you want, and then a bit more to teach him to take the initiative too, after that, you can “forget” you did that and just let him be the sexual lead in bed again.

        To both, patience is a virtue, and not just, as I always said, an excuse for the witless.

        And if you’re as undeservedly lucky or blessed with divine grace as I have been, to end up married to a woman that fits both your criteria of beauty as well as brains, well, I sincerely hope this post helps you both navigate the storms, because the world certainly needs a lot more smart, beautiful, non-genetically modified humans to take it back from the demonic forces that have come to the fore lately. So get busy making babies and make sure you stay together through everything and anything, until, hopefully at a very advanced age, death do you part.

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