Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’


In a couple of days or so at most, this should be out on Amazon and at my E-Book Store.

It’s the first time I had all of my test readers enjoy the story and tell me they were looking forward to more, so I’m pleased.

    Oh Look…

    …so, yes, we “conspiracy theorists” that told you all and never changed our story concerning the fact that the Vaxx was a depopulationist, trans-humanist agenda GENETIC SERUM, were indeed always right, and the mass-murdering scum-bags that pushed them always knew it from the start.

    Now, while I DO feel sorry for those too ignorant, too busy and innocent, too fooled by the system to ever have looked into the Vaxx before taking it, or those that prayed and hoped for the best because they thought that risking whatever nefarious crap was in the serums was a better gamble than being unable to feed or house their families, who, ultimately could simply be accused of being partially in the above category and partially in the category of people who simply cannot do basic math, I feel absolutely not bad at all for the IDIOTS that hysterically screamed back that “yes they are vaccines too!” And flat out lied and said they had done the research and mRNA genetic serums are perfectly safe.

    No they are not. No they never have been for over 30 years, and you lied. Because you are stupid, and arrogant and incapable of actual reasoned thought.

    Some will say such people were afraid, or just the fact they are incapable of logical thought and truthfulness is a quality simply of their existence, and as a result we should “forgive” them.

    I entirely disagree. Firstly because there is nothing to forgive as far as I (and my immediate family) are concerned. Their arrogant stupidity has never had any effect on my life DIRECTLY. And because contrary to popular belief, I have always been magnanimous with personal slights and offences, I consider their existence no more personally damaging than say poisonous snakes, thorny bushes, fleas, mosquitos and so on. Yes, their arrogance, stupidity and small-minded cretinism can kill you, that is a fact, just like a mosquito can kill you, but I don’t spend my time worrying about it, or worrying about mosquitos. Not even the plague carrying, genetically modified ones Bill Gates has created and since released by the millions. I simply put up mosquito nets and do what I can to adapt. Bill Gates and the other perpetrators are another story. Those guys I pray for.

    I pray God punishes them in the most severe, painful, eternal way of all and I pray he doesn’t wait for them to drop dead later, but rather that he makes it happen ASAP.

    But getting back to the shouty, arrogant, stupid NPCs that railed against people like me, while I see nothing to forgive, I also see nothing that requires me to give a rat’s ass if you die choking on your own vomit while you go into cardiac arrest because of your own immense stupidity.

    I do feel absolute empathy for anyone these complete cretins may have forced the Vaxx on, such as their innocent children, and I hope God in His infinite Mercy takes good care of all those many souls the cretinous NPCs have doomed to an early grave.

    Frankly, people that incapable of thought, that incapable of simply being honest to a degree that is the bare minimum required to not kill yourself thanks to your arrogance, from a personal perspective, are not anyone I will miss in the slightest.

    Which in no way exonerates the mass-murders from what should be the just punishment, of swinging from a rope; at minimum.

    But this post is indeed to you, you stupid, bastards, that thought you were so smart. That thought your idiotic bleating and shouting like the bovine creatures you are was important, that you mattered. That you were smarter than anyone normal who could fucking read. Because that is really all it would have taken to see the obvious. You literally just had to go and look up what mRNA genetic serums did and how long they had been killing test animals for. Yes that stuff is all pretty much memory holed now, but it wasn’t in late 2019 and early 2020.

    The Scott Adams of this world, who now realised they fucked up, are STILL playing it off as, “Oh well, I was wrong but for all the right reasons, and you Anti-Vaxxers were just lucky!” even now, they have not evolved one iota. They are still the same, stupid, arrogant to death, morons. If the planet was rid of them entirely, the mass-murdering bastards that did this to the entire planet, and will continue to accelerate the same issues and create new scamdemics and new restrictions and so on, would not last a week before the death penalty would be reinstated around the world as a perfectly sane and legal thing for certain crimes and they would all be hung for their crimes. So, you just carry on being you. You carry on being “sure” and “right” and “on the right side of history” you feckless cretins. And good riddance once you’re gone.

    As for the rest of us?

    Get married and make lots and lots of babies and raise them well. It may be the last chance we have of repopulating this planet with people who can reason on the basis of objective reality instead of their emotions, so easily directed, dictated and controlled by evil mass-murdering, pedophile satanists, that our ancestors would be so ashamed we have allowed them to control as much as they do that they would have buried us alongside them.

      Some Spiritual Realities

      It occurred to me that there is something quite obvious about the various religions that I had never considered before.

      Catholicism originated from the most absurdly improbable roots and was so diffused throughout the world that we literally date our time on the basis of the birth of Jesus.

      First, consider that Catholicism, or Christianity, since the words are synonymous as ALL Christianity was always and only Catholic before the infiltrations and schisms were created by the enemy, allowed anyone around the world, to participate in a Holy Mass that was identical wherever you were in the world, and regardless of what language you spoke. This was the case since the 1960s when the Satanic impostor Montini, against canon law, dogma and Catholicism itself, changed the Mass in line with the equally Satanic Vatican II events.

      Secondly, consider that it started with 4 women and 11 guys too scared to adit they followed Jesus. And it civilised the world. Despite constant attacks from gnostics, other religions, atheists, $cienc-eh and so on. It’s really quite astonishing since the divine principles of Catholic dogma remain unchanged after 2000 years.

      So let’s look at what other religions had also a decent run, time-wise at least.

      Islam, of course, Hinduism, though it is mostly secularised, 40,000 versions and counting of Protestantism, which can’t really be said to agree on anything other than “Catholicism bad”, Eastern “Orthodoxy” which is starting to split off like Protestantism but much slower and in any case is really quite schizophrenic historically and hasn’t spread itself very far comparatively speaking and the only fruits it can boast of is that presently Russia is the least cucked country on the planet. Novus Ordo fake Catholicism doesn’t really count, because this Satanic institution was only really “born” in 1958, when Angelo Roncalli became the first of the current and ongoing era of fake Popes, but really the infiltrators are mask-wearing Stanists. Satanism itself, in its many, many, many guises and under its legion of names, is, of course older than Christianity, being the first rebellion, or Protestation, against truth. And of course, Pharisaical or Talmudic Judaism which is what people who call themselves Jews today are. There is also Buddhism and Shintoism, and I think that covers the main ones. People LARPing at being “Pagans” really fall in the category of cosplayers at comic book conventions, if not furries and other fetishists, so we can’t seriously consider them, especially given their pitiful numbers and not insignificant mental health issues.

      There have been many other religions that fell to the wayside for many reasons, conquest often being the main one, either physical or intellectual/spiritual. The Pagan religions of the Vikings for example died out because they gradually and spontaneously converted to Catholicism. The Mayan beliefs died out because the Spanish conquered them and the survivors converted too. and so on.

      But the point is that only religions that have a spiritual basis in reality tend to stand the test of time.

      And according to Catholic doctrine and belief, every one of those religions does, to some extent, square with reality, because they essentially are the creation of, or the literal worshipping of demons.

      I will give a necessarily very brief and absolutely incomplete and also reductionist view of each of them below. It will be easy to critique any of these thumbnail summaries for being “simplistic” or incomplete, nevertheless, they will give a good and not unfair general sense of each one. And for good measure, I will give an equally brief and objective view of Catholicism at the end so you can get a feel for the level of both reductionism and oversimplification, but also of fairness and no overt or intentional mischaracterisation of any of them.

      Protestantism – (See also Catholicism below) – The idea that a unified religion with one set of rules agreed to by a hierarchy that referred directly to God and was promised to be infallible until the end of time, should be split into each individual interpreting these divine truths independently and on their own, from one book alone, that had been edited and had parts removed by the founder of this hydra-like religion, who also expressly stated that because “reason was the whore of the devil” it should essentially be abandoned and all his ideas and theories (or the ones of your own head) should be accepted purely on faith. The obviously deaf, dumb and blind kind, one presumes, since reason could not be part of it.

      Islam – the idea that a mass-murdering pedophile could do no wrong, and was the spokesman for a God that does whatever He wants arbitrarily. Reason is once again not required. Merely obedience. Conquest and conversion by force is perfectly acceptable, and should ultimately be done as soon as you are strong enough to impose it on non-muslims. Treating anyone not Islamic as an enemy, lying to them, and pretending to be their friend, but always holding in your heart the concept that they are enemies, being the right way.

      Hinduism – Belief in a wide ranging pantheon of Gods for various specific things each deity takes care of. Some of these deities are said to have been historical personages from the ancient past with extra-solar origins, and others are considered to be proper deities. Regardless of either case, human beings are divided into various classes from untouchables to nobles that are like princes and reincarnation is the only way you can move up or down the hierarchy, and this is achieved by burning or not accumulating Karma in your present life.

      Catholicism (today only found in 1958 Sedevacantists) – The idea that God came down to Earth as a man to take on all the sins of the world past, present and future, and any human beings who accepted this truth and kept his laws and rules would also be saved from separation from God and thus Hell. The baseline behaviour is to treat others as you wish to be treated and to spread these good news all over the world, but no one can become catholic other than by free choice.

      Novus Ordo “Catholicism” – false representation of Catholicism that inverts its dogmatic principles in order to create what is ultimately a false religion, analogous to Protestantism, which informed much of its creation, alongside the push from Jewish interests behind it too and the obvious Freemasonic infiltration the real Church suffered for centuries.

      Eastern Orthodoxy – The idea that keeping Christianity mostly confined to your own country, that there is no overarching authority in it, and that splitting from the origins of Catholicism, then asking their help when Muslims go to war with you, and when the Catholics come to help, you literally backstab them and try and murder them 3 times in a row, you are somehow the victim when the fourth time they sack your capital city. You also ignore basic tenets of the original religion like priests being celibate, which were in place both before, during and after the arrival of Jesus Christ.

      Buddhism – The idea that life is suffering and eternal permanent death (Nirvana, the absence of all desire and therefore consciousness) is the ultimate aim of reincarnation. Mostly harmless in its wider worldly extent, but ultimately nihilistic.

      Shintoism/Zen agnosticism/Taoism – While each is a distinct belief system, they all have Buddhist origins and generally do not refute reincarnation and veneration of the ancestors for guidance. In this respect they are similar to Catholicism (veneration of Saints) although not with regard to reincarnation, which Catholicism refutes as irrelevant and unnecessary at best and possible demonic deception at worst. The emphasis is on trying to achieve serenity, balance and harmony in everyday life in order to achieve it also spiritually.

      Judaism – The idea that Catholicism is the worst possible religion on Earth and needs to be destroyed, and that all non-Jews are but cattle to be enslaved in order to serve Jews. According to their own most revered Rabis, the Jews worship the god of this World, known by Catholics as Satan.

      What can we deduce by this brief thumbnail summary of religions from a Catholic perspective then?

      • Judaism most directly serves Satan
      • Hinduism could be said to serve various demons and/or long-since dead personages that originated from space
      • Protestantism and Novus Ordo False Catholicism are a perversion of every Catholic Principle
      • Eastern “Orthodoxy” is schismatic at best
      • All Buddhist linked religions that do not worship pantheons of false Gods (ie Hinduism) or even any specific “gods” are the least bad of the Pagan religious beliefs, though far from ideal as while many of them promote generosity and friendliness towards strangers, there is no clearly defined rules on it.

      If you also look at the fruits born by each of these religions over time, we see that Protestantism and more recently Novus Orcism (they are Orcs, let’s call them Orcs) are merely tools to secularise Catholicism into a human based false religion The object of “worship” is a false idol. A God with no set rules, no set divine Laws, where everyone is “free” to believe s they will and is saved anyway because they agree Jesus is King. That is literally the same level of “Christianity” that demons have. They too know Jesus is King. the result has also been acceptance of contraception, divorce, and ultimately baby murder because babies get in the way of reckless fornication with people you do NOT want to have children with.

      Eastern “Orthodoxy” is slow-burn Protestantism, and hasn’t produced much of anything but its stagnant state is presently proving rather useful as a bulwark to the disintegration of faith in general in the West.

      Hinduism is a horrible caste system where your station in life is determined solely by your birth, and can’t be escaped, nor is it desirable to escape it since anyway all is karma, so why bother. The resulting inefficiency, squalor and destitution of the people who practice this religion, compounded with purely worldly attempts to gain more wealth by any means necessary, is rather well-known, and surpassed only by Judaism which is, however, very effective at it, since its central principle is to enslave the world to bring it under the yoke of the Jews themselves who will rule all the non-Jews as their property and slaves.

      Buddhist types are for the most part the equivalent of mostly harmless NPCs. Individuals may be positive or not, but overall as a religion they do not cause particularly good or bad societies, and the tendency tends to be towards them being organised, clean, safe and efficient.

      Catholicism is the only religion that has drastically elevated the whole of humanity while keeping the individual at its core as the important thing, while also understanding his or her role in the wider social context.

      There are really only four routes:

      • Direct Satanism
      • Indirect Satanism
      • Indirect Satanism Lite
      • Catholicism

      So take your pick of the oldest religion of all, or one of its offshoots, or Catholicism.

      Good Luck.

        Who Really Runs the World

        If you only read one long blog post in your life, make it this one, (archived).

        Romanoff does the most comprehensive overview of the parasitic and predator behaviour of the world rulers that I have ever seen.

        And I wasn’t even aware that the head of the tentacle, the BIS bank now has headquarters in Switzerland over giant tunnels. I knew about the tunnels, (and the kind of “people” partial to them) and I knew about the BIS, but I had never bothered to connect the two together before today. And I agree, most of the gold is likely to be there.

        It is a truly astonishing work. My hat off to the gentleman.

        The harder question to answer, of course, is, what to do about it?

        I have, in my small way, attempted to answer this already throughout this blog, but I will at some not too distant point, attempt to answer this more directly.

        A point I remain unclear about if if Mr. Romanoff truly thinks Russia and China are relatively free of the creatures he exposes.

        He has an archive I highly recommend HERE.

          Caveman Theory

          I have kept this a bit hush-hush, but my latest book is now out. It’s only available in various E-book formats from my store.

          It’s been a long time in the making considering that I have had people asking me to write this for about 20 years. As you will see from the description of it, this is not the kind of book written by a guy who did everything right first time and was happily married for 30 years.

          I am sure those guys do have a bit of advice to give, just like a soldier that has come completely unscathed through D-Day might, but one needs to also understand that such people are statistically bound to exist and don’t necessarily have anything worthwhile to teach in terms of avoiding the pitfalls. Rest assured that I have made just about every mistake and survived every destructive event that can happen in relationships, so think of me as your battle-scarred captain, that has survived D-Day and a bunch of other conflicts not by luck alone, but also because after each engagement, he did not forget the bitter lessons learnt.

          Truly it is only by the Grace of God and uncommon obstinacy that I now find myself happily married (third time lucky) with a bunch of children at the age of 54.

          I truly hope this book helps to demystify a lot of the specious nonsense that unfortunately abounds on the internet, in books, in the hallowed halls of psychiatrists and in the bottom of too many alcoholic drinks spent in commiseration of some tragic affair of the heart.

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