The Lies You Have Been Told II – on women

Before we get into the details of male responsibility or lack thereof concerning the current situation with regards to relations between the sexes, let us first consider what playing out the proper roles of husband and wife looks like.

This is where you will find that the Catholic perspective is correct and the Anglo-Saxon one in almost total error.

The Protestant world, having essentially surgically removed Mary, Jesus’s Mother from the entire Christian tradition, has, in essence, removed the female aspect of Christianity from its ideology. Whatever the more than 40,000 denominations of absurd Protestant cults claim individually and separately, one thing they all agree on fully is that Mary, the literal mother of Jesus, is no one of any importance.

At an extremely simple level of basic human curiosity, do you not find that strange?

I mean, God made Himself flesh, in the form of His only begotten Son, and sacrificed Him for the possibility of salvation existing for all humanity, that is a strange enough story. And he did it by being born to a virgin already promised to a man who never had sexual relations with her. And you are not curious at all about this? You are not curious at all about this woman and why she was chosen? And how she behaved in light of seeing her son crucified on the cross and then rising from the dead and as ending to Heaven? Zero? She’s just some fantastic incubator for the saviour with no lessons for us to learn?

Such a reality would be absurd to be considered as true in light of the story of who Jesus was and what He came to do and then did.

And yet, there it is. Every Protestant thinks Mary is essentially an NPC of little note.

But this is not coincidence. Nor is it anything that was ever part of Christianity.

Once you find out that the King’s James version of the Bible is also known as the Freemason Bible, because it was commissioned by said King James, the same one, who founded the Freemason temples we have to this day, which are extremely powerful Satanic coves of actual Satanists (most of the lower ranks unaware of it, supposedly, but certainly well known to all who care to know by now).

And when you find out that the King’s James version of the Bible has over 33,000 errors of “translation” including in the ten commandments, the most egregious being that “thou shalt not kill”, when in fact, the correct translation is “thou shalt not murder”.

Because God knows some people, as the saying goes, need killing. Killing sometimes is necessary. Murder however is wrong.

Most of the other translation “errors” are designed to reduce the figure of Mary and women in general in the Bible, as well as reduce the majesty and truth of Jesus. The last is not surprising since the baseline texts used for the Protestant translation of the Bible were “curated” by literal Pharisees that hated and continue to hate Jesus with the hatred their “God” (the Prince of this world) reserves for our Lord.

And it all comes to a perfectly logical conclusion when you realise that King James, was a flaming homosexual, obvious to all and declared in multiple writings to his male lovers (one in particular), which have even been collected in book format. All of a sudden, the diminishing, or even removal of women’s role and Mary’s in particular, from the Bible, is no longer some mysterious aberration, but rather, an obvious and clear intentional choice made by the enemies of God.

As a result, the Protestant approach to women is in many ways fundamentally flawed, oscillating between two extremes of the pendulum, either from strict and puritanical to a degree that invariably leads to mental illness and subsequent sexual perversion, or, to the modern current liberal to the extreme, accepting all sorts of sexual disordering as “love”, instead of what it is, sexual deviance, degeneracy, and mental illness to a demonic level.

The Protestant mindset, having had the meaningful examples and lessons from the Bible regarding women and Mary especially, removed in the multiple ways mentioned above, come to mostly erroneous conclusions about the role of women in the world.

And that’s without even mentioning the ripping out of seven books from the Bible, by the probably Jewish, and thus fake Monk with lust in his heart for nuns, a penchant to advising raping your maidservants, and calling reason “the whore of the devil”. I’m talking, of course, of your boy, Martin. Who ended up hanging himself from his bedpost, possibly in a bout of autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong. But hey, you don’t get the leaders you want, you get the leaders you deserve. Take note, Protestants.

The point here being that given wrong starting points, without correction, you can only come to wrong conclusions. And this, with respect to women in the world, the Protestants have achieved in spades.

There hasn’t been a comprehensive study on this with enough data to be conclusive, however, the data we do have seems to indicate that nominally Catholic couples divorce at less than half the rate of Protestants. Given that most “Catholic” couples of today are of the Novus Ordo variety, and hence really only another kind of protestant offshoot, even if this is true, we can attribute it mostly to the still somewhat persevering momentum of original, actual Catholicism in the culture, and not actual Catholicism as such, since that is only still present in Sedevacantist.

But that’s a “big picture” view and not especially useful in understanding the approach towards women that leads to the best results for people on an individual basis.

Once you accept that Protestantism is really only the secularisation of Christianity, that is, the making human and human-centred of that which is Divine and belonging to and of God, then the errors become clearer to spot.

The anglo-saxon/teutonic Protestant imperative results in the mechanisation of human beings. This is obvious and prevalent in all aspects, and may be easier to spot in say the much vaunted Protestant work-ethic. Because apparently, eating a badly manufactured and mass-produced crappy sandwich at your desk while working your 10 hour day plus commute, is supposedly “better” (for whom?) than the 3 or 4 hour siesta that Catholic countries still take for lunch to account for human needs instead of financial ones.

In the relations between the sexes this mechanisation of the woman usually and most commonly takes on either the pedestalisation of the woman, or, conversely, the dehumanising reduction of her to either a sort of helper for the male or sexual receptacle for his lust, with little redeeming function beyond that.

This attitude is reflected in a myriad little ways as well as large ones. The trend, always is mechanising, with the related reduction of humanity. The “helpmeet” is reduced to someone that is, in essence, reduced in value due to their related inefficiency with respect to the human workforce from a purely materialist perspective. Alternatively, those human qualities of femininity that are not or cannot be suppressed, decimated, or destroyed in this manner are instead perverted into either an over-sexualised, lustful parody, or some form of supposedly higher spiritual state, unattainable by mere male mortals.

The Catholic approach, instead, is far more complete in human terms, which ultimately are the important ones. A woman is seen as a complex mixture of mother, daughter, grandmother, nurturer, lover, mistress, whore, wife, and giver of life.

Each of which aspects can be more or less prevalent, and, more importantly, each of which can change at different times and places within the same woman.

A man faced with a set of binary switches relating to women, is going to make drastic errors of relation when the reality is a complex blend of emotion affected, biologically founded behaviours influenced by the satanic zeitgeist of the age, in contrast to the natural order of life.

While the tendency of the Protestant, or materialist-influenced male, is going to be mechanistically oriented towards a more “return on investment” approach to marriage and relationships; and generally, treating human beings as line items in a financial statement or a machine in a system, don’t produce the best results. As system after system has demonstrated over time, be it the collapsing American military, the dehumanised police state, the corporate greed-o-crapcy of the banking and corporate world, or the sad increase in divorce rates from the 1920s to the present, particularly in the anglo-saxon and “humanist” atheist societies of the ex soviet union.

The Catholic, or spiritual reality influenced male, has an entirely more philosophical approach to relationships and women in general. It is not a coincidence that even in the negative aspect, of adulterous fornicators, the Catholic, latin-origin males, are renowned throughout the world as being generally more successful in the art of seduction. That facility with grasping the essence of the female, can and does present its own challenges when faced with the sin of lust, since a facility in seducing women, certainly lends itself to being abused. While in the protestant world, such “needs” are more likely to be fulfilled by yet another mechanising system, like official prostitution, or more fetishised versions of the mere expression of animalistic lust.

The woman, in Catholic thinking, is neither unnecessarily pedastalised or idealised, nor discounted as some sort of baby-making appendage to male plans of ordering the world. She is considered as an essential and natural part of the family. I will present a few more specific examples as a way of illustrating these principles in general terms; and so as to pre-empt the inevitable autist complaining that in his specific Protestant family this or that aspect never was an issue, let me point out, for the 7th thousandth time, that principles are applicable to the vast majority of cases and your specific counter-example is in no way relevant to the larger concept. Similarly when I refer to the Catholic world, I am specifically referring to actual Catholics, so Sedevacantists and the ignorant but well-meaning vestiges of it left in many Novus Ordo “Catholic” families, not the official, satanist led Bergoglian cult of paedophelia and death. Here then are a few examples:

• Serving men at the dinner table – in the protestant world this is either expected/imposed or viewed as oppressive. In the Catholic world, a woman feels proud to do so out of love for her husband, who, correspondingly, does not expect her to deal with many of the worldly aspects of life, including, in most cases, the need to have a job, or worse a “career” that substitutes from the joy of taking care of her family.

• Contraception – in the mechanised world, children are a detraction from lustful fornication, career advancement, luxury holiday and entertainment “opportunities”. In the Catholic world they are the golden result of marriage, the purpose of life, and the continuation of your family line and the human species.

• Being a housewife – seen as the undeniable oppression of women by the evil patriarchy in the materialist world, it is instead seen as a life goal in Catholic reality.

• Sex – while in some Protestant households the women and men do understand this dynamic, which is probably the single most likely reason for whatever successful marriages last in the materialist world, in most cases it’s either a rather brutal sex on demand as a right regardless of emotions, or, far more common, a sex life where the mood swings of the woman determine the frequency, and more often the lack of frequency of sexual interaction, as the resentments of a mechanised life build up over the years. The Catholic approach to sex is extremely Biblical, in that each spouse, through marriage, gives possession and entitlement to their own body to the other, and not as a result of some contractual obligation, but a conscious, irrevocable promise grounded in love. Imagine the difference in day-to-day frustrations, disappointments, arguments, or other negative aspects of life, when they all take place in the context that you body may be used to make love, and is given in love, at pretty much any given moment. How upset can you stay in those conditions? And if and when there is a big argument, you’re unlikely to let it fester too long, and in most cases not at all. In short, the resentment that builds up and seems to be analogous to how windows computers gradually become slower and more clogged with whatever spyware they always had in them, is largely absent and addressed more or less immediately with the driven intent to evaporate it.

• Social Relation/Respect of the sexes in public – Protestants get the idea that Catholics either pedastalise women because they treat them differently than second class men, giving them “undue” respect and excusing a certain flair for the dramatic, or, conversely, that they abuse them, because they see them as fascinating sexual and sensual beings in an unashamed and unhidden fashion. The Protestant approach is to either ignore women (so as to not offend), treat them as fragile crystal flowers to be unwrapped only at specified times and designated processes of their choosing, or as “equals” that you can get drunk and have rough sex with. Once again, the blend of realities concerning the female psyche are more varied, surprising, and rewarding, once accounted for organically and situationally, than when they are tried to be quantified and weighted in an excel spreadsheet of pros and cons.

The excising of Mary, as the mother of our Lord and saviour, from not just the Bible, but the relationship of women as a whole from their proper place in Christianity was an intentional precursor to the much touted “benefit” of equality and the entire movement set off by the suffragettes and the mentally ill “third wave” (or whatever wave they are now on) feminists led by such “luminaries” as Andrea Dworkin. The results of that slow-motion derailment of an Indian train, can be seen all around us. Abortion on demand up to and including birth, the human wreckage of broken families all around us, and the occasional survivors of such divorces and remarriages, blended families (such as my own) and that’s long before we introduce the wanton physical, emotional and mental abuse of adopted children by freaks like Charlize Theron and her kind.

In short, a woman who accepts with humility and grace her position as feminine as well as sensual and intimate wife, dutiful mother, and family home organiser and carer, is indeed a treasure to be absolutely protected, cared for, appreciated and loved in all the multi-faceted ways women may need from moment to moment as well as season to season.

The Catholic reality is that there is no fast and hard rule of a binary nature as to the daily grind of life, but traditional roles of home-maker and home-provider are the best approach in how to plan and begin a relationship.

Keeping in mind the many challenges faced by women today are essentially a weaponisation of their own biological imperatives against them, is a useful thing to remember, since the same reversing of that weaponisation, while adding in a small amount of logic, and rational thought, can ensure that future generations of women are an improvement on the current models and catch up to the modern male that has managed to integrate subtler sensations in his behaviour without loosing any level of testicular fortitude that would have been required a few hundred years ago to repel invading armies of enemy combatants.

    4 Responses to “The Lies You Have Been Told II – on women”

    1. Hayseed says:

      I struggle with lust, particularly in the warmer months, and rely on the intercession of the saints in Heaven to achieve even a modicum of chastity of mind.

      Charlton Heston, though an inveterate prot, was still a fine actor, and in this scene from 1961’s El Cid, he excellently portrays a pious Catholic knight in mortal combat with a fellow devout knight over control of the city of Calahorra. Despite being of primarily Anglo-Saxon ancestry, Heston manages to embody a true Latino in his bearing, his voice and the glance of his eyes. Sophia Loren’s eyes remain proud and cold throughout the whole scene until they look into Heston’s. Then they become awestruck and briefly submissive and she must quickly look away. Though this scene was filmed 61 years ago, it still manages to feel visceral, breathtaking. I believe that Northmen do better in Latin environments.


      St. James the Greater, pray for Spain

      God bless you and your family!

      • G says:

        Everyone struggles with lust. According to Dante, if memory serves, more souls are in hell because of it than all other sins.

    2. Maria Garcia says:

      I had my Protestant boyfriend read your article and he replied that its Protestants who view Mary as the perfect exemplar of a sensual and intimate wife because they teach she had intamacy with Joseph after Jesus was born. I was flaberghasted. He also said incels exist because of the Catholic teaching on monasticism and even Protestant incels are because these men are reading St. Jerome who taught “marriage propagates this world but virginity propagates the heavens.” Please, how can I refute my boyfriend on this?

      • G says:

        Most obviously, by changing boyfriend, then finding one worth marrying.
        As for the dreary work of trying to educate a Protestant it’s a thankless and almost impossible task. These are not people who can change their mind based on facts, but rather, only on emotions. Brainwashed from birth and raised on lies so obvious that five minutes if googling or Bible reading would expose as nonsensical, they cling to their idiocy as if their very lives depended on it.
        Nevertheless, here are the facts:

        1. Mary remained a virgin. Literally everyone, including Martin Luther knew this. It is nonsensical to pretend she wasn’t for a number of reasons, among which:
        A) the retard you are involved with probably is a KJV “Bible” enthusiast. The KJV contains 33,000 translation “errors” designed to reduce Mary to a common random female, and Jesus to some smart boi ™. That’s because it was commissioned by a flaming faggot AFTER it had been edited by pharisees for 700 years.
        B) Everyone at the time knew that ANYTHING that was set aside for God is not going to be touched by any mortal on pain of death. Again, this was absolutely known and anyone who actually reads the Bible would know this. Touching the Ark of the covenant, disrespecting the tabernacle, etc etc. only a completely illiterate moron with zero grasp of Christian history would assume anything different.
        C) The correct use of the word “brother” (of Jesus) does not actually refer to a bloodline relationship, but a friend one. Like the title Band of Brothers from the hit series. But again, you’d have to be aware of the Bible not being written in American English just like Jesus spoke!

        2. His “knowledge” of monasticism is, again, absurdly stupid, as is his ideas on incels.
        The whole POINT of the word incel is that it is a contraction of the two words: INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE.
        A monk or priest literally CHOOSES celibacy.
        So they quite clearly are not incels.
        Incels exists because they are socially awkward people with little or no grasp of how to communicate effectively with women (or anyone, really). But the fact your boyfriend makes such a completely idiotic statement should be a red flag. He is literally so stupid he bases his “theory” on precisely the exact opposite meaning of the word incel.

        As I said, it would be simpler to change boyfriend than make a brain grow in this one.

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