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The Lies you have been Told III – Men, it’s your fault.

The miserable situation humanity finds itself in today, is due to the faults of men.

Evil, underhanded, parasitic men, from bloodlines that have acted in what is essentially a vampiric fashion, bleeding the host (nation) into a mindless drone.

And weak men. Unwilling to do what is, and always has been, necessary to stop tyrants, which, in short, is to tear them out of their ivory castles by force and execute them in the public square.

Regardless of which side you are for in the various thousands of conflicts in human history, it is an inescapable reality that the only certain way to stop massive, mass murderous evil, is by the use of massive, equally violent means.

And that old pile of canards that if you kill a bad guy then you yourself become a bad guy, or that he becomes a martyr, or that he will soon be replaced by another, or that somehow you lose, or that the ends don’t justify the means, well… who do you think came up with all those lies?

If another tyrant takes over from the dead one, well, guess what: just fire up the guillotine again. And dead martyrs don’t cause any more trouble unless they are Jesus, and that already happened. And no, if I look into the abyss, I don’t need to let it look back into me beyond any point I determine.

But more than the evil ones, I blame the weak ones. And you should too. Evil, greedy, selfish people and the human failures that want to have power over others, are know to exist and we should expect them to be the scum they are.

But it is only as a result of weak men that anything degenerate, evil, and subterfugeous is permitted to exist.

With regard to the weaponising of women’s biology against them, the lies told were permitted to exist by weak men.

Just like today the lies told about “trans men being real men and trans women are real women” or that minor aged children need to learn about anal sex in school, or any of the myriad other degenerate lies. And no one objects. No one says anything about it.

Well, I don’t know about you, but no one is going to get me to say there are five lights.

Nevertheless, here we are. You have undoubtedly bought into at least some of the lies. I know I had. At age 16 I thought equality was obviously good and right. Because I didn’t know about the difference in female and male brain structures. Nor understood the depth of affect that hormones create in the ability to think logically.

Had I know then, had these “details” been honestly included in the information related to equality, my sense of fair play, of justice, as well as that of millions that were similarly fooled would have been outraged at the suggestion that equality was fair at all.

It is not.

Most men today complain that women get lighter jail sentences for identical crimes. Or that in the theoretical sinking if a ship they get first place along with children in the lifeboats. Not me. I’m fine with it.

The reason is unpopular to say. It may soon be actually illegal to say. But it remains true.

Women have (in general, statistically, historically) a diminished capacity for logic and objective reasoning. Does this mean they are less “valuable” than men? Not at all. Children too have a diminished capacity, and their value can be reasonably argued is MORE than that of adults. Women’s value is no less than that of men, but that is not to say they have the same abilities. And if they do not have the same abilities, then they should not have the same responsibilities as men in certain spheres. Just as men should not have them in spheres that women excel in when compared to men.

If you actually want to be fair, then people should be treated in accordance with their ability to process and deal with reality.

The rules that might apply to 120 IQ Japanese man, are unlikely to produce fairness when applied to an 80 IQ Australian Native Aborigine. In fact, even just cultural differences are enough to cause trouble. A 100 IQ Ghanaian is not going to be treated fairly and according to his culture in 100 IQ Sweden; and vice versa.

So how does this relate to you today?

After all, you were not there to vote on women getting the vote, or any other of the decisions relating to abortion or any other number of things.

We now have an epidemic of incels trying to justify their bitterness by calling themselves MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), which is mostly uncharismatic, not exactly sexy, or rich, computer gamers that would struggle to get a “date” in a brothel, pretending they are not interested in female attention because it poses too many risks to their financial and emotional well-being.

If you don’t play, you can’t lose.

And you are also, absolutely guaranteed to not win.

Let me tell you a real story, about a real guy. I once met a lawyer who was about 4 foot tall, had a club foot and a bent spine. It would take him ten minutes to hobble across his office using a walking stick and a set of movements that made him look possibly possessed. I felt sorry for him, until I met his wife. She was Chinese and spoke accented but good English. They had been married for over a decade. And she was certainly better looking than average. I’d have labelled her about an 8. And aside from his physical deformities. The lawyer was nothing to look at either. He was at best a 2, is a 1 was a radioactive leper quadriplegic.

Later, when it was just the two of us, he told me, unprompted and quite unashamedly, that given the cards he was dealt, he had essentially married a mail order bride after having discussed his proposal and arrangement with her. And ten years in, he was still very happy with it.

And are these the “men” we want? Are these the “men” that any woman needs?

You can call it legalised long term prostitution, or label it however you like, but that guy was running miles ahead if any MGTOW.

The point is that no matter how rough a hand you have been dealt, there is always something you can do.

So. What are YOU supposed to do?

Well, for a start educate yourself on the lies of feminism, equality, and blinkered, Protestant-inspired binary thinking. Then consider the Catholic perspective on women. And if after you did all that you come up with this:

Well… then you should probably consider moving to Canada and taking them up on that euthanasia programme.

The binary thinking scourge that permeates Anglo-Saxon “culture” is a blight on everything, but most of all on relationships.

The average lost numale who tries to take on board the things I have written in the last two posts, and countless ones before that, ends up thinking that you need to be some kind of retarded ogre that treats women like some sex trafficker to be “manly”.

But as we know, the stupid… it runs deep in the human species.

The reality is indeed bleak. But so what?

You giving up? That’s the solution?

No. Men have overcome bleak times throughout the history of humanity, And the ones that did so took risks. Sometimes massive ones. And yet… they won. And even when they did not, like at Thermopylae, Leonidas and his 300 stopped the Persians from invading Greece and saved one of the foundations of the West.

So learn the Catholic model, learn the truth about how men and women really function with each other, instead of the lies you have been taught to believe.

Learn why Mary has been removed from a position of reverence and respect as the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ and then knelt at the foot of the cross, watching her Son, and our Lord being crucified after being tortured for hours. And think why such a woman would be treated with contempt by Protestants, when she was never treated that way for more than 1500 years previously.

Think what a man considering Mary may then conclude about women in general and the woman he loves in particular.

Is there pedastilisation going on? No. A woman that behaves like a drunken sailor or vulgar slattern is not deserving of any respect. And neither is a man that behaves like a cowardly brute or a slithering deceiver.

In short, get married.

Yes you risk divorce-rape. So what? Pick wisely.

Have children. Yes, you risk having that messy divorce with years long of custody battles. So what? Pick wisely.

Try and purchase land away from the city and build yourself a get-away or even a permanent location to live and work from that lets you be as self-sufficient as possible. Yes you risk biting off more than you can chew, or picking the wrong location and/or lose money. So what? Research properly and pick wisely.

Ultimately, it is men that create civilisation or let it collapse. The future is not going to be pleasant for much longer, and then, like it or not, you will have these things to learn and do anyway. Without benefit of adequate time to learn them at least passingly in theory before you attempt them in real life.

So learn all you need to about what actually worked for many centuries between men an women, that created the best societies in the history of mankind, that lasted centuries too. And no, it is not America, with their plastic food and striped toothpaste. It is countries like Italy, and Spain, Portugal, and France (yes it pains me to say it too!) It is Catholic England before Henry the VIII.

It is what had the wives of noble Franks and Normans follow them to Jerusalem on foot or horse and cart when their husbands went to repel the marauding Muslims.

And know that while certainly many women presently disqualify themselves from being worthwhile wives and mothers, so do many supposed men. And further, no human being is without flaws.

Read your Bible. Especially Ephasians, and understand what it tells you about the relationship between a man and his wife, then look to create that kind of marriage.

And when you stumble, get up. When you get crushed down to dust, rise again, better and clearer in wisdom, learnt lessons, and better able to suffer the slings and arrows of life even as you learn to live in joy, internal peace, and harmony, even if the world around you is fast burning itself down to rubble and mutated freaks.

Because, ultimately, civilisation, the future, and how or even if your children, will live, is all determined by men. So do your utmost to be one that can be, and is, and will be, counted amongst the ones who matter.

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