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Using Wise

So, I have been looking for a paypal alternative, and have been using Wise for several months and have to say that it works very well even though it is not as known. It is basically a bank account that allows you to use multiple currencies.

I have no illusions that once it becomes big enough it will probably ask you sign your soul away in blood or whatever, just like all the other bank-y type things, but it’s good to have options if you don’t own your own army, private island chain and nuclear submarines yet.

Here is my invite code:

which you can use to join and then get your own code to send out. They give you a small bonus if and when enough people use the service, as Amazon used to do when they started out. Of course Amazon is now a portal to some lower dimensions of hell, no doubt, but I have no problem using the devil’s tools if they further my aims of spreading Catholicism. On some level we all do it, so, pick your way carefully.

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