Vox and Karl Denninger on Covid and Evil

Yesterday Vox posted a counterpoint to Karl’s post, here He later amended it here.

The first link is enough to get the jist of it.

Karl doesn’t think all the genetic serum forced injections, blackmail, mandates etc etc were intended to kill you by design. And Vox correctly points out they really are, adding that if a man is not aware of the spiritual element it is difficult for him to see the inherent design of intelligent, immortal, evil, and thus have a view of things that more accurately reflects reality.

As those of you who saw the livestream last night know, Adam Piggott came to visit me and this morning, discussing theology, Vox’s post came up, which we both had read and both reflected privately and independently we would blog on it, before the topic came up coincidentally this morning.

I have criticised Karl before, here because as far as I am concerned, the man is incapable of doing statistics properly.

And that would have been my criticism of Karl.

Vox is and always has been a much more forgiving and kinder Evil Dark Lord than your humble Kurgan.

It is obvious to me, that the spiritual element really doesn’t even come into it. You do not need to be a Christian or even religious to be able to do math and logic, to notice patterns of behaviour and baseline them against objective facts.

I have never really argued against the genetic serums and the evil agenda wanting to murder all of us primarily on the basis of religion. It is of course, an absolute fact that the WEF assholes are all either active satanists or puppets of satanists and it is also an incontrovertible fact that those at the vertices are, to the best of my knowledge, active, practicing satanists. It is of course arguable if they are true believers or not, but ultimately it is completely immaterial to being able to discern if their murderous intent is conscious rather than just “incompetence as usual”. One the modern lies you have been trained to believe is that you should not ascribe to evil that which mere incompetence or stupidity can account for. This is reminiscent of the same way in which the Catholic Church was infiltrated. Through an abuse by the enemies of appealing to your nature of charity. It is not the way. Certainly not now. Assume evil first. And don’t assume it was mere incompetence, laziness or stupidity, because in any case, recall that of those three, only the last, if genuine, is potentially, and only potentially, forgivable. Laziness and incompetence are conscious sins.

Only congenital mental retardation could be forgivable, and then whoever let the retard drive the bus is guilty anyway.

Assume evil first. Congenital stupidity is easy enough to spot, and evil often tries to use it as a skin suit.

There is an absolute tanker’s worth of proof that the whole scamdemic was planned, executed and intentional beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Even if you assumed the Fauci emails and DOD emails concerning gain of function were faked, even if you ignored the funding of every aspect of the scamdemic —from the Wuhan lab employees, the patented coronavirus experiments in transmission by the Pirbright institute, and the funding of the WHO— was done by the Bill and Melinda Gates (of Hell) Foundation, even if you ignored the undeniable links between the pedophiles Podestas, the satanic witch Marina Abramovich and Bill Gates and not-suicided Jeffrey Epstein, so on, and on and on, all you need is elementary level maths to know the pandemic was a scam that had been prepared in advance.

As I have stated in my earlier piece on Karl:

It was intentional. And if you do the numbers you can also verify for yourself that the serum was prepared in advance. Think: How many of these genetic serums have been delivered and injected worldwide? according to the official numbers, about a billion or more? Let’s be conservative and say one billion. That’s 1,000,000,000. Let’s say that 5 giant manufacturing firms all over the world were building these serums at 1 per second. so that’s 1,000,000,000 seconds. And then you still have to get them to the cattle and inject them. 1,000,000,000 seconds is equal to 31 YEARS. Split it between 5 manufacturing plants in parallel and it’s still 6 years. And SUPPOSEDLY, they first did all the research to make sure it was all safe and effective, then built these things and then delivered them and got them injected all within 2 years. Yeah…. pull the other one. As my grandfather used to say: Maths is not an opinion. This point alone is a clear indiction the scamdemic was all planned in advance.

And that is a conservative estimate because here is the official numbers (and yes, there is only a half dozen manufacturers of these things globally).

That is really the only data point you need to know this was a scam.

Add all the other data points and even a blind, drunk rat can figure it out. But not Karl. Or most boomers.

You don’t NEED religion or a spiritual understanding of things to correctly observe physical reality. And unless you’re an idiotic boomer who places their idiotic EMOTIONS before observable and quantifiable facts, simply being able to do elementary level mathematics, being able to read at decent high-school level and do a basic amount of research, and have a good (I would say, child-like innocent) ability to do basic logic, is more than enough to prove beyond any doubt that yes, they really ARE trying to kill you, kill your children, sterilise you and make you a slave to their whims and perversions.

And while Karl may have done some maths, and looked at some numbers and maybe these helped convince a few people not to get serumed, frankly, I am utterly underwhelmed by Karl’s supposed “mathematical acumen”.

As far as I am concerned he is an innumerate moron, because he can’t do the big picture, basic, 5 minute overview that ANYONE who presents themselves as some kind of numbers/objective/facts based guy should do as a matter of course.

Vox may respect Karl, probably because Karl has some economic education about money and finance or whatever, and Vox likes to read those mind-numbing works, but I really don’t care, economists are one of the most useless classes of human beings ever to walk the Earth, professional nose-pickers would be more useful.

And as far as I’m concerned Karl is an idiot.

Whether he is religious or not doesn’t even come into it. He’s just really bad at math. And logic. And basic facts. So, yeah, he’s a mouth breathing moron, and nothing of the positive things he may have done or said invalidate this stupidity, nor where they such monumental leaps of thinking that a decently educated teenager couldn’t have made if you’d asked them to spend half an hour on the problem.

And that’s that on Karl.

I am not sure why anyone thinks you need to be religious to be able to see the intentional evil in other human beings. Of course knowing devils are real adds a dimension of truth to reality and makes you much more able to see reality as it truly is, but I certainly never struggled to see and recognise evil in others even before I was a Catholic (sede).

My theory is that this may partially be due to my specific mental set up. I think I have a pretty good ability to see reality as it is, and retain an overall generally very healthy and positive disposition, but I have noticed that the average person would tend to be utterly crushed into permanent depression if they were aware of only say 20% of what I consider an absolute given of how the world works.

And almost none are able to hold my overall view of humanity and yet not just believe, but work towards, a process that may make things a LOT better. If only I had 1,000 men committed to making things become orders of magnitude more fair and just and honourable and good, I could change certainly a big chunk of my nation in a very short time, and possibly, from there, inspire many others.

And that’s even before I add my zeal as a sedevacantist into the mix.

Which leads me to what I hope will be my next post.

It’s bound to upset almost everyone.

    3 Responses to “Vox and Karl Denninger on Covid and Evil”

    1. john jefferson james jaloohahoop says:

      “You don’t NEED religion or a spiritual understanding of things to correctly observe physical reality”

      In a way you need a deep connection to Old Testament style or Roman style vengeance, to approve of that essentially on a visceral religious level, or you will like Denneger try to have conpassion on your enemies and assume that their harm is all only accidental unintended consequences. That’s the problem with everyone. Too muxh “love your enemied” BS whether Chrisyian or secularized, and not enough Old Testament ‘smite your enemies and cut off their offspring too.”

      • G says:

        You are as mistaken as the happy-clappy Churchians. Objective observation of facts allows one to correctly evaluate the evil of men. What it doesn’t answer satisfactorily is the WHY. Catholicism, the real one (only sedevacantism currently is actually Catholic) does answer that quite fully.

        But, just as I do not need to know, nor care, if a child murderer and rapist was himself raped, is mentally ill, is possessed, or whatever, similarly, the WHY has never bothered me much one way or the other.

        You do the crime, you do the time. And since the correct Catholic dogma on capital crimes is the death penalty, that is what should be applied for those types of crimes.

    2. […] have criticised the boomer Karl Denninger before. Here, and […]

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