Archive for the ‘Brain-Mind Functionality’ Category

The Theory of Boxes

A viewer of the interview I did with Tony has prodded me to go on and do a write up on the theory of boxes, with regards to (primarily) romantic relationships, although the model works for pretty much any relationships. But it is most applicable/helpful with respect to romantic relationships.

The interview covered this information, as well as many other topics to do with the brain, the mind, neurology, reality and our ability to perceive it as well as connect with both other humans (including precognition and telepathy) as well as higher divinity (God), and all, as much as possible, rooted in verifiable fact.

But anyway, here is the theory of boxes.


1. Souls are eternal and are represented by circles in the diagrams below. You can also think of them as floating lights of different and unique frequency and colour.

2. Each soul is unique and is all that is left after we die. And each soul is also always the same size and “importance” to all other souls, as seen from the perspective of the eyes of God. Different souls may well be closer or further away from God, as a result of their choices, but they all have the same starting potential to achieve nearness or distance from Him.

3. The boxes represent aspects of our worldly personality that affect and influence our overall persona we present to the world.

4. Unlike souls, boxes are temporary, can and do change, can be deleted or added to, usually mostly incidentally as we progress through life, for most people, but we can absolutely change and influence them to a very great degree.

5. The more boxes we have, the less able is the true core “personality” or essence, of our soul, to shine through, and instead, the amalgamation of our boxes produces, for the most part, the persona we present to the world.

6. Souls are thought to all be initially good (excepting things like demonic possession, or perhaps souls that are naturally evil exists, etc etc, but this hypothesis is to point out the overwhelming majority of cases, not the odd, one off exception, so such points are beyond the scope of this explanation).

7. Boxes, then, essentially are either neutral, or probably a negative, as the pure goodness of a soul cannot generally be improved upon by a worldly, temporary, state of being. That said, however, the boxes can and do indirectly help the soul evolve or devolve. The more boxes one gets rid of, the more he learns the futility of boxes in general and his soul increases in ability to shine through and affect the material world too. Similarly, the more boxes one accumulates around his soul, the more affected by the material world he becomes, with the consequence that his spiritual and emotional life continue to shrink, making his internal life far more miserable than the external trappings of “success” may indicate.

8. interaction with other human beings is a mixture of the interaction of their soul to the other person’s soul and boxes and vice versa, as well as interaction between their boxes with the other person’s boxes and soul, and vice versa, so we can have a relatively complicated interaction even just between two people, since it entails:

  • Soul A to Soul B
  • Soul A to Boxes B
  • Boxes A to Soul B
  • Boxes A to Boxes B

And the strengths and conflicts of these interactions generally all happen at once and at varying intensities depending on circumstance, context, and so on.

9. If the reincarnation hypothesis is considered (optional) a person that dies sheds all his boxes for a time, possibly remains a “naked” soul and makes choices regarding his next life/lessons and then possibly reincarnates into a new body with new boxes that generally may be quite different from the original ones of the previous life, but also may have some resonance to them. The reincarnation hypothesis is not required for this model to be effective, nor is it acceptable to Catholics, it is mentioned merely because this remains a useful model regardless of your personal belief system concerning reincarnation.

Let’s now look at some basic diagrams to explain various types of people, as they may be described by these interactions.

If you think of the boxes as being partially transparent, then it becomes easy to see, how a person with few boxes, is able to let the radiance of his souls shine through more easily and essentially let that be his persona much more, with all the concomitant benefits of allowing the core part of ourselves that is forged in goodness and love, shine through and affect the world around us.

Some people get along well, and can do so indefinitely, by simply having their boxes line up nicely. This will generally work for people who are really quite shallow in nature and don’t expect too much from life, nor want too much from life. Their spiritual and emotional evolution can be considered “stagnant”, and while it may “work” for some people, including being in a lasting marriage of 60 years, it is, in my view, pretty much a waiting for death. Some souls probably choose or are comfortable with this and that’s fine, we are all different, but my particular soul is not built to exist in that type of long term relationship. This kind of relationship is often quite prevalent in the work-place where employee and company owner get along for the sake of the business and mutual advantage.

Sometimes, of course such relationships do break down, when one or both of the people involved have a sudden shift in one or more of their external boxes that connects well with their partner’s. The sudden falling away or change of the external “contact surface” can be traumatic or simply like a fading cloud of vapour, something that dissipates. At this point, the people involved may realise the person they have been with is really quite different from what they had become comfortable with. This can be because the new box surfaces are too different to fit, or the souls are too different to fit with each other, or a combination.

And sometimes, with the boxes falling away the souls do recognise each other and the relationship can change dramatically, from lover to friends, or long-lost lovers to dissolved and paid for karma (reincarnation hypothesis), or, to from pleasant friends with benefits to new-found and deeply intimate lovers. The possibilities, as always are many and determined by too many factors to identify in detail, but here you can see how those things could go in a number of different ways.

This is usually a marriage that ends in tragedy or bliss.

If, as is my thesis, the purposes of souls is to evolve and come closer to God (which remains true, regardless of if you ascribe to reincarnation or not) then, the removal of boxes is generally a “good thing”. Then, this type of relationship can, absolutely be the most ultimately rewarding to be in. But first let me explain a very important point regarding that “good thing” of getting rid of boxes.

I say that, “good thing” in inverted commas, because in my experience, the removal of boxes can be quite a painful and traumatic experience. Especially when that removal is caused by either circumstance or divine intervention after you have ignored certain signs very stubbornly. The closer to your soul the box being removed is, the more painful the process, since from a worldly human perspective, you may well feel as if your world is completely crumbling down and your very identity and who you are is being destroyed or killed. It can feel as if you are going insane, and in fact, it can make you go insane if you are fragile (usually as a result of other boxes you still have).

So, these kind of relationships are theoretically ideal, and can be so in a variety of ways. For example:

  • The soul recognition may be required just to knock off some difficult boxes from each other, and that is the extent of it. I certainly had this experience with a lovely human being, where we both knew pretty much from the start that we would not be along term thing, but that for then and there, we absolutely needed each other to change our own paradigms. And indeed we did. When that experience had been reached, we left as friends, and later drifted to our own lives, which are really on very different paths.
  • The soul recognition is required to keep you together even as you blast each other’s boxes off each other. This can be a process that takes years of strife and torture as you rage against each other’s “violation” of your identity and force you to change in the name of a love that you don’t always feel, but that does exist as an invisible undercurrent between you. It is this type of relationship that can be the most difficult and that I want to give a few more details on.

The “soul marriage” is a difficult one, and for most people, can be quite the rollercoaster ride. In many instances, perhaps most, the modern world is designed (intentionally) to make this sort of marriage crash and burn. We are too comfortable, too pampered, too easily distracted, too easily pleased with alternatives (illusory though they are), too asleep while we plod on, to deal well with difficulty, sacrifice, and effort.

Where we are meant to be humble we are taught to be proud and stick to our guns.

Where we are meant to listen and be flexible, we have been taught to hold the line and “win”.

Where we are to be kind and loving and forgiving, we are taught to be strict, and authoritarian and punishing, in order to be “respected” or to make or sense of “self-worth” not be “invalidated”.

Where we should jump in with faith and love, we are taught to avoid risk (even when the risk is a good one and worth it). And in any case, we are specifically taught to be incapable of analysing risk from a human perspective instead of a “practical” (worldly, and therefore materialistic, and ultimately demonic) perspective.

Where we are to fulfil our natural roles as men and women we are taught men can be women, that men are toxic, that masculinity is evil, violent and wrong, that females should always be believed and that we are all equal but not. Straight white men are demonised, brutal savages are glorified and forgiven, and goading someone online now, in the Uk gets you 15 months in prison while someone sexually assaulting a minor gets 18 months in prison.

The truth about literally every aspect of what is true, right and just, is completely perverted, in our schools, our supposed establishments of law and order, and every facet of life.

But souls don’t deal in TV commercial and fake news and woke narratives. Souls deal in eternal truths and love. And True Love encompasses Justice and Justice encompasses rules and flexible as we should be, some lines are not to be crossed and consequences should and must follow if they are.

We are now normalising the rape of children, when in fact we should be reinstating the death penalty for such activities.

The mass media is constantly pushing a narrative that, to all intents and purposes is utterly demonic.

And here you are, connecting with another soul and the purpose of that being that as that attraction pulls you closer, your mismatching boxes get splintered, and cracked and destroyed, and you experience pain. And suffering. And drama.

But… if you could just be calm and objective, as you feel your heart being ripped from your chest with a blunt piece of rock like the Aztecs used, you would see, that in that very tragedy, lie the seeds of light. The exposition of your true nature.

Accepting it can be sometimes almost impossible, but much of this lies with us. If we can just stop thinking we are SO right, and our way is the best way, and instead abandon our pain to God, and realise He knows best and He does look after those who Love Him, it helps you calm down, and then you can begin to see the benefits.

But it takes two strong souls to walk this path to the point where you have knocked off enough boxes that you then recognise each other’s souls consciously, at which point, your marriage can truly become bliss.

Until the soul to soul attraction is unconscious, you will continue to suffer. When it becomes conscious, then, a whole new world opens up.

The tragedy is that in today’s world, most people simply do not have the staying power to get to the conscious recognition point.

In some case other boxes dim the light and a person feels so overwhelmed they give up even if they have removed several boxes. Perhaps the change is too much too fast and it causes too much pain that distracts from all the positive possibilities.

Perhaps, both so upset and hurt at the other’s box destruction activity they become unable to see or feel the souls (their own or the other person’s) because their remaining boxes cringe in fear at the idea that they are next, and become more opaque.

Worse of all, when one person becomes conscious of it but the other does not and removes themselves from the equation. These lives can go on to recover somewhat, and even be “worthwhile”, but remain a mere shadow of what could have been.

Keep in mind too that while this model is good and works well, most human beings are masterful at self-deception and most will want to see them reflected in the “difficult but heroic” marriage of souls. When in fact, these relationships are generally not the norm or the main. Nor, necessarily, should you wish it to be the one for you.

Whatever lessons we all need to learn, they are all different, and remember that no soul is more or less valuable than another soul. Our boxes make us more or less valuable in the world in multiple ways for the word “valuable”, but not so souls in the eyes of God.

Fooling ourselves in terms of what relationship we are in or at which stage, is very easily done, and in fact, it may be fair to say that everyone is fooled to some degree, at least some of the time.

There does come a point, however, if you have knocked off enough of your own boxes, including choosing to do so, instead of waiting to have the experience thrust upon you by uncaring reality or a loving God (or both), you can get a pretty real sense of where you are and which relationship you are in.

I certainly have had enough relations, some of which also had the -ship attached, that I think, I have become more able to see them as they are.

I certainly have been the one that was fitting perfectly on the surface, only to discover that once that surface changed, the underlying waters were barracuda filled. With some piranhas and blood chum thrown in too.

I also have been in a soul to soul one that, once enough boxes got removed, revealed itself to be based on a deep and lasting friendship, not a romantic life together. And probably many other versions and iterations too.

Mostly they have been soul ones that we both knew were just to get us a bit “cleaner” of various boxes and generally once that was done we parted ways in good terms. A few were oddities that may well remain mysterious.

It usually takes a long time and not a few traumatic life experiences before you can recognise a real soul to soul relationship that is not just based on a passing friendship or the mere removal of boxes, but rather a life-long commitment. And for it to work, the likelihood is that you should probably have few boxes to begin with when you enter into it. Those who do so while still having a lot of boxes, are in for a very rough ride, which can last a long time, and is usually worse at the start of the “troubles” than later down the line.

So, perseverance, humility, patience, and always, connection to God, are your friends, and the way to the light. While fear, distraction, blame, and taking the “ways of the world” or the Hollywood produced narratives as examples of how life should be, are the lies and path to Hell.

I hope my model of the boxes helps you in your quest for true love, peace and contentment.

God Bless every one of you, and may he have mercy on every one of us, miserable weak, fearful, cowardly, irresponsible, selfish little worms that we always are. And may he deliver us from the lies of the world.

    Fixing Eyesight

    I did an experiment with Hypnosis and curing eyesight years ago that yielded some permanent improvement in literally one session. The details of that experiment are here, in the Adventure Science Library section.

    I recently received an email from a gentleman that wishes to remain anonymous, probably due to his having a normal job and not wanting to be associated publicly with me, I would guess. Anyway, below is our exchange, which I found to be informative and I present it here in case it is useful to anyone else. Especially anyone else that might want to replicate the mysterious Mr. Cook’s eyesight fixing apparatus.

    Hey there, I came across your website while trying to find an in-depth personal account of someone healing their eyesight with self-hypnosis, and what you said about Mr. Cook’s laser dot projection really caught my attention.
    I wanted to ask (because I can’t understand) how could an observer somehow “keep” or alter the movement of a laser dot if that dot is obviously being controlled by some other mechanical function. In my head, it’s like watching a car drive up the street, and then suddenly you’ve managed to make it stop moving, even though it’s obviously still being operated by someoneand still movingforward.
    Does my confusion make sense? I want to be able to understand because I want to recreate a rudimentary version of this setup that Mr. Cook had. But the logic of it is still tripping me over.
    If you can help me (and also inundate me with more info on eyesight, hypnosis, and lasers, if you so wish to) I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank You, [Anonymous Eyeman]

    Hi [Anonymous Eyeman], as far as I can recall from memory (on one article I read some 30 years ago or more) the principle is a kind of optical illusion. So, when you exercise your eye muscle in a certain direction the illusion is that the dot will “move” to a certain position.If you take your eyes and through your eyelid squeeze it gently a bit, you will see it deforms your vision (improves it a bit if you are myopic) this, as far as I understand it was a similar thing. I do not know the exact setup of the lasers and how they created the illusion of their “moving” to the correct spot. But the point is not that the observer physically moved the dots by observation, but rather that straining his eye muscle in a certain way would result in the optical effect in his eye that would make the dot appear to change position.As for further information on hypnosis and eyesight it’a all on the blog. look in the Adventure science section and use the search me function on the right hand side of the blog to search for keywords that will turn up anything I wrote on it over the years.I wish you all the best and if you manage to build a functioning apparatus PLEASE let me know. G.

    Thank you for all the details and information.
    Once you told me that the main principle at hand was an optical illusion, I looked through a bunch of well known ones and came across this:
    You had mentioned in your original blog post that Mr. Cook was involved with fighter planes at one point in his life. Well, plane pilots suffer from many different optical illusions, one being the “Autokinesis Effect.”
    This effect specifically happens when someone stares “at a fixed single point of light (ground light or a star) in a totally dark and featureless background.” By focusing on this fixed point of light long enough, the light will appear to move. This causes pilots to mistakenly identify stars as other aircraft in the area.
    The reason this happens (and why it needs to be on a dark featureless background) is because without a reference point of objects to compare the light to, we can’t really tell whether the object is moving or not. And because our eyes have tiny movements that we don’t normally detect while standing still, our eye movement is what causes these fixed lights to move, so long as we focus on it.
    It could be that Mr. Cook came across this eye-healing technique through his background with figher planes and pilots. Maybe he intended to help pilots better overcome this optical illusion and accidentally found that it had healing properties when developed into a controlled experiment. Who knows.
    I just wanted to share all that because it was rather exciting discovering it all.
    And yes, if I manage to build a functioning aparatus I will definitely let you know. [Anonymous Eyeman]

    Hi [Anonymous Eyeman,] that is indeed fascinating and the best new information on this topic I managed to come across in some 30 years! Thank you!If I get time I would like to post your email on the blog. Please let me know if you wish to remain anonymous or if you prefer to have your full name included, or something in between. Many thanks, G.

    I would definitely like to remain anonymous, so in that case give me whatever name you’d like to give me in your blog post.
    Also here is some further reading about the Autokinesis/Autokinetic Effect:
    And here was a brief experiment that was conducted in 2004 with participants:
    Happy to hear that I helped shine some light on this mysterious Mr. Cook and his work. [Anonymous Eyeman]

      Laziness breeds stupidity

      A lesson any parent needs to install in his children is to absolutely fight the scourge and mortal sin of laziness.

      Now, I don’t mean that a child who stays in bed until noon is necessarily lazy, if they are up at eight and have been reading a book for four hours straight.

      Or as long as they are involved in learning or doing something physical or intellectual. They could be researching the life-cycle of earthworms, or trying to memorise all the names of the craters on the Moon for all I care. neither thing is likely to feature very much in their life, but at least they are exercising their brains in some fashion. Similarly, I don’t care if they are building an entire miniature village of mud huts, and destroy their clothes doing it. In fact, that would be pretty awesome. Their mother would disagree, but you know women, they hardly see the potential of this future colossus of civilisation in its proto-stages.

      What is not acceptable is the mental retardation that comes from watching TikTok videos and/or most of the trash one finds on YouTube as well as all the other streaming services. TV, does in fact, rot the brain.

      And while flat out banning any TV is somewhat hard to do as well as impractical in many ways, especially if you want to future-proof them for the trash on it, and prevent them from doing the equivalent of what most Anglo/Teutonic teens do as soon as they hit drinking age: Become lifelong functional alcoholics. Because in many of those cultures, drinking was absolutely banned strictly, and then, when they hit 18 or 21, hey, you can drink all you want.

      Mediterraneans feed their kids little sips of watered-down wine when they ask from a young age. I certainly tasted wine and beer long before I hit age ten, never mind 18. But I have never been a drinker, nor a smoker or other drug user. Mostly because I was future-proofed against it by my upbringing. Junkies were pointed out to us, and we had first class views to what daily consumption of marijuana does to people throughout our childhood, since many of the adult labourers in Botswana smoked it on a regular basis.

      So it is with TV. One needs to educate them, maybe watch some shows with them and point out the degeneracy in even the supposedly “wholesome” and “family friendly” shows. But aside from that, if you are not on top of it, your children, and humans in general, will gravitate to sloth instead of effort.

      Effort, learning, building, doing, achieving is a net good. And an attitude to be fostered and rewarded.

      My little four year old son today wanted to help me while I was busy chainsawing and stacking up the cherry tree that came down with the flood and needs clearing along with several metric tons of other forest, brambles, and sticks, not to mention the mud-slide I need to find a way to format into some kind of channel. It’s not exactly work for a four year old. Nor for a fifty-three year old mind you, but there we were. And in his little boots and hat, and ear protection I put on him, he stayed next to me, sweating, red-cheeked, lifting pieces of logs that were small tree-trunk equivalents for him, and putting them in the wheel barrow for me. Then I showed him how to operate the mini-chainsaw, with both hands, making sure he was safe and I helped him hold it and he cut down several branches into manageable firewood ready bits. I was out there a couple of hours under the sun, I never asked for his help, he volunteered it, and he stuck with it, in grass that is head-height for him at least half the time too. When we finished he said he wanted to eat and he also asked if we could eat outside.

      My wife, who is good at this sort of thing, captured the moment through the kitchen window.

      So we did. I got some salame, an apple, and some bottled water, and we sat down outside and ate together while he asked me a bunch of questions. About what the sharpening of the knife was all about first, then about animals and what kinds of animals there are and what they eat and so on. The mosquitos also decided to join us and started eating us, so we went back inside as soon as we had finished. The point is, as long as I engage the boy, his preferred way of being is to be outside with me learning and doing things. But if you don’t do that, he would soon be swallowed by cartoons on TV or playing some silly game on an iPad. As it is, when he and his little sister play together, it is fascinating watching them and seeing the kind of little worlds they build in their imaginations.

      When they say you can’t re-create the past, it’s true. We need to create a future where such things are valued and the trash on TV is identified as such and understood as such. Not just by us, but by them.

      Do you think I recall any of the TV shows I watched as a kid? I have vague memories of Lupin the III, Captain Harlock and Goldrake, all Japanese mangas that were quite popular in Italy in the 1970s.

      But I recall going hunting with my dad from the age of 2. I recall seeing my first fox and the first time he asked me to pick up a bird he had shot and I said to him “But it has blood.” And, according to him, looked at him not only with obvious disgust, but as if he was an idiot for even asking me to do it. I recall firing a handgun the first time, with his friend from the army standing near us watching as I exploded a small puddle with my dad’s .38 special. I was 2 years old then too. And I recall other hunting times with him and my brother. I recall when my brother and I had to hold measuring staffs for him while he measured levels for an irrigation scheme that would never have worked and he saved his employer a lot of money by figuring it out before the project begun. And my brother and I nearly passed out from dehydration because it took hours and my dad had forgotten to bring any water and it was close to 40 degrees in the shade. Not that there was any shade. Just dried grass and dust.

      And I remember a thousand other memories like that, good and bad, even though many of those events that had been photographed are lost to moves, and floods, and time. But I learnt from them and they shaped me. No damned TV program did that in my childhood. And even later, it is few and far between the films or programs I saw that sparked some meaningful realisation.

      It’s not about the specific activity you do, as it is the false song of demonic laziness, that lures you into a stupefying situation where you don’t need to think, don’t need to act. When all you need to do is become a sort of human couch-larva that sits and absorbs false ideology, and false doctrine, and false “normality”, for lack of the small amount of testosterone, will power, and free will that doing —and thinking, but especially doing— requires.

      That laziness, if allowed to grow leads to more laziness, and with it stupidity. The excuse-making becoming the go-to response whenever something is required of the person, some action, some input.

      It reminds me of a thing I had read on the old twitter account called Shit my Dad Says, which was literally quotes from a millennial’s boomer father. It stuck because it was so familiar. It could have been my own dad saying it, and indeed, now, it could easily be me saying it to one of my older daughters. It went like this (my commentary added):

      Dad: Have you seen my mobile phone?

      Son (clearly uninterested and trying to avoid doing anything): No.

      Dad (getting irritated): Well help me look for it, I have to go.

      Son (Lazily and still not having moved from the couch): Uh… what does it look like?

      Dad: It looks like two horses fucking! What do you think it looks like?!

      This kind of response in my house was very likely at the first “No.” which would have been swiftly followed by something like:

      “Well get off your ass and starting looking for it. Quickly!”

      I know, most millennials and Zyklons will consider this as a tragically abusive childhood, but the reality is that while I might not have enjoyed it at first, even in childhood already, I understood that the reaction of my father to such behaviour was because he expected more from us, he worked his ass off, and the least we could do was move ours quickly and respectfully when he rarely asked us to do something. But the added bonus was that compared to all the other kids we interacted with, many of them looked like functional retards and cripples to us. We could all swim, shoot a gun, climb rocks, and drive a car before we were 15. We thought drug-users were idiots (because they are) and weak (ditto). We got into some amazing trouble and also out of it without our parents really knowing the details (most times anyway, though sometimes it was a tacit agreement that our solving it ourselves meant we didn’t officially get “caught” so, good enough).

      What neither my brother nor I can ever be accused of is being lazy.

      And if a few moral, or even physical, kicks in the ass are required to get us there, so be it.

      And I am certain that our upbringing was not even remotely harsh when compared to that of children a few hundred years ago. Which probably explained why a well educated teenager was expected to know how to read in Latin and Greek too, aside from his mother tongue.

      Consider these things; and consider that sloth often gets put at the back of the queue when the seven deadly sins are mentioned; which makes it all the more insidious.

        The Fighter’s second most important asset


        You can have the best mindset, the best geography, the best weapons, but if you are alone you will eventually be taken out.

        That said, there are some important points that can be counter-intuitive, which one needs to understand so as not to give in to the black-pill despair they are trying so hard to force upon you (which goes to mindset, covered in the previous post).

        Community goes to mindset (for most)

        It is a fact that human beings, even misanthropic ones like myself, are creatures that require others of their kind to feel good and thrive. Ultimately, my misanthropy is a function of my IQ, which tends to “price me out of the market” in most cases. A common faith that is absolutely hot or cold, and not lukewarm churchianity can and does bridge the gap, because loyalty trumps intelligence in human affairs, and honesty (translated as genuine commitment) trumps numbers (of lukewarm “compatriots”). I specify these points about myself only because they hold true for all human societies that are civilisational (see previous post for the difference between civilisational societies and other types which are stagnant or parasitic).

        For most people, community goes to (serves) mindset. That is, if you have a community of loved ones and friends around you, it makes life more bearable and keeps you in a more positive mindset than if you are alone, have no one that loves you and no one for you to love.

        Those who have an intrinsic, fundamental warrior’s mindset, however, can make mindset go to (serve) community. In fact, that is the essence of a warrior. The word Samurai meant servant. Because a warrior’s ultimate aim, in the depths of his soul, is to protect the people he loves and bring honour and justice to the society he lives in. The stolen valour of the idiots that think wearing a uniform as a policeman or soldier automatically makes them “warriors” is just more of the fakery and plastic lies that have been fostered upon the planet by the parasites that run Hollywood and infect the general zeitgeist through lies in mass media, lies in schools, lies in entertainment, in film, in books, in the arts. Wearing a uniform does not a warrior make. Being one is the only way one is one, and paramount in a warrior’s way of being is a very refined sense of justice; which includes virtues like fairness, honour, honesty and courage, but above all, in the centre of the flame in his heart, at a warrior’s core, is sacrifice. His aim is to serve those he loves, to protect them and look after them. Not with words, not for glory or any fame, but because it is his nature. He would do that even if he would be covered in infamy.

        Because of this peculiarity of mind, soul, intent, a warrior’s mindset can create community.

        While normally community bolsters mindset, and this is true for everyone, a sufficiently strong mindset can create a community. It is, of course, a usually harder road, but can produce excellent results.

        It is a path I have explored several times in my life, and also the one I chose presently. When I moved here, purchasing the land and home we are now in, I had no idea what the people around here were like and I did not care. I assumed the general mild personalities that one expects in most of Europe, and generally this is true of most places, but it did not concern me.

        The core of my community is my wife and children, and everything beyond that, I will form myself by being the hub around which my type of community naturally wants to form.

        Communities arise from chance and opportunities in most cases, but like any organic system, they can be engineered. The pedophelic parasites running things are demonstrating that daily, with shaping societies to accept all sorts of vile and absurd rules, taxations, forced toxic serums into the bodies of their children and themselves, limitations on what food and of what type you can eat or grow or have, and on and on and on. They are absolutely engineering society by brute force methods from the outside in, to the point that the Zyklon generation may have as many as one in five that believes the total fiction and counter-to-objective reality that the sex of a human being can be changed or is “fluid” or a “social construct”. In short, you have proof positive before your eyes that a community can be socially engineered to even reject objective facts and undeniable reality.

        Just as you might think the ancients were foolish for believing in Zeus, yet you think it’s normal to accept homosexual “marriage” and adoption of children, seeing no possible evil consequences to the last two. While possibly understanding that worshipping fallen angels masquerading as gods is bad, you might accept that eating genetically modified foods that don’t produce viable natural seeds is required or even a net “good” because you have bought into the next narrative of “climate change” while ignoring chemtrails and HAARP geoengineering.

        I point these things out merely to show you that not only can community be engineered by outside forces, and, that in fact it has been and is being engineered (to your personal detriment) but also to show you that you, yes you specifically and individually have also been subjected to this and still are in at least some areas. It is inevitable. We have all been lied to from birth and the process of seeing reality as it is while shedding the lies is far from easy, especially if your mindset is not that of a fighter (see previous post). Bit aside from all of these points, which are necessary for you to know about and see in order to see the bigger picture, the main point of this section is this:

        A warrior mindset can be the core about which a community develops. In short, while most will try to move to a place they feel ties to, from cultural to familiar to faith-based and so on, a warrior can carve out a piece of land and say:

        Here I stand.

        And others will gather around him and follow him and create a community around him.

        I chose this path because of two main reasons:

        Firstly, I have done it before in several contexts in my life and always achieved it, initially doing so without the intent, only sheer bloody mindedness that I knew my way was true and good and screw anyone else that didn’t see it. Later in life I learnt I could do that and not even need to be so combative about it.

        And secondly, I was (and remain) unaware of a community of people that sees things as I do and that are also hardcore sedevacantists. While I know quite a few Sedes, many of these are overseas now, and their situations and geography does not permit them to be near me now, and my remaining there would not have permitted me the creation of the type of community I sought either. So my choice was easy: pick a place that is geographically sound and that permits certain social realities, then, the community will come.

        And this is indeed now beginning to form at the level where people are actively looking to purchase property within walking distance of mine, precisely so we can become a community of like minded people that help each other and create the type of society we want.

        The point is, while most will feel it’s easier to simply join an existing community, and it is true, the type of communities we will need in the coming years and that our children will need in the future, do not currently exist in any kind of large number, so, we have to create them.

        And that means someone has to start and be the focus of one. In short, take on the role of leader in some form or other, not for the glory, the gold, the concubines or anything other than the sacrifice of service for the safeguarding of the future of our children.

        Which is why I say, if you already have such a community of, say, Appalachian mountain rednecks that think anyone who doesn’t marry their cousin is suspect, well, if they are your people, go for it, I hope you have a fetching cousin is all I can say. Is that the best solution? Not by a long shot, but anything that will actively resist the coming plans they have for you, short of cannibalism and first degree incest, is probably a better bet.

        Personally I think a community that has the same Catholicism that the people who went on the first Crusade, in 1095, like Bohemond, Tancredi, and so on, or who defended Malta in 1565 like the Catholic knights there and their indomitable leader, Jean Parisot le Vallete, is not just the best solution, it is, the one true solution, because THAT Catholicism has been proven historically impossible to defeat; which is to be expected if you understand that our Lord Jesus Christ said he would be with is to the end.

        Of course the Church has been infiltrated and the Vatican is a hive of pedophiles and Satanists, and yes, there has not been a valid Pope since 1958, but the remnant remains, Sedevacantism IS Catholicism, and the only one left and the only one that is as it always was, with proper ordination, proper sacraments and the true mass.

        All those who investigate this issue honestly cannot escape the facts, which is why the short book I wrote a mere few years ago has helped more than 100 people to convert, get baptised and become Sedevacantist Catholics. (NB: the paperback is always more up to date than the kindle version in all my books).

        And why those who wanted the details and the roadmap to how to reclaim the actual Catholic Church from the impostors that now usurp it also went on to read Reclaiming the Catholic Church. And why now they are beginning to make plans to move here nearby. And make trips here first to visit and help me on the farm. And get married in church to Sedevacantist women, and go on to make children, living as proper Catholics, with no divorce and no contraception.

        Sure, the creating of a community is harder than the joining one, bit the beauty of Catholic communities is that within one generation we have multiplied in number several times.

        I have five children and started only late in life, the last three are four years old, two and a half, and the last one is only five months old, and I am 53. There are newly wed couples in their early or mod twenties who are just starting out. Three such couples getting married just this year and yes they all found their way to sedevacantism theough my work, be it the books linked above or the YouTube channel, or Kurgan TV, where others also have contributed to a site that educates you about the reality we actually are in, the way to learn independently, and the real history of humanity, as well as other important skills.

        I am but one man, and no, I am not especially important or to be glorified, God is. And yet look, in time, this place I chose will become a community of Sedevacantists and out children will play and learn with each other and grow in a place that is safe and true and men are men and women are women, truth and beauty and justice are present always and if others try to make it unsafe, we will repel them and make it so.

        My point here in summary is this:

        Mindset is the foundation (see previous post), and community is the first cornerstone, and if you can find a ready made one, great, but be careful because the kind of community you need to be part of to survive and thrive in the future has not existed for several centuries. We have to create them. And while the foundation of them are indeed to remain unchanged (real Catholicism) the current and future requirements are unique to our times. Yes the basis is the same, but the way they play out in the technology, defence, energy generation, communications and so on, we have to design.

        And yes. I do have a plan. And yes, I will build it. And yes, they will come. They are already coming here. It’s no field of dreams. It’s fields of real men and real women, with real families, and, as the song says:

        …beautiful fields lie just before me
        Where God’s redeemed their vigils keep…

        So, find your community, create one, or join us.

          Hollywood Fame and Glory

          I can prove quite conclusively to you, within about an hour or two, less if you are a bit less brainwashed, and if you can do basic math, that the lives of the so-called “rich and famous” are a complete and utter pit of despair.

          All you need to do is browse CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights) and scroll down the blog, reading the entries. If after about an hour or so of doing that and doing a quick mental guesstimate of the number of glitterati there are in the pool from which that litany of despair is taken, you will soon realise that the toll one needs to pay to enter that club is —literally— at minimum, a piece of your soul, and in many, even most cases, the entirety of it.

          What CDAN does, above all, in my opinion, is list very clearly, the resulting human wreckage that a life dedicated to hedonistic materialism produces.

          Most of those people are so far gone, so utterly lost, that a homeless guy who is not a drug-addict has a better shot at making a happy life for himself.

          I knew this at a relatively young age, and then confirmed it when I was offered certain “tickets” to do with being involved in a tv documentary-series at various points and/or a film, both based on my book The Face on Mars. I was 26 at the time and even before these “offers” came in, I had already seen the effect of being an author with books on the shelves of the local bookshops had on “friends” and acquaintances.

          The interviews I did for television and radio were absolutely geared to turn the whole thing into clickbait, and since I’m a pretty quick study and I realised the interviewer was trying to take the approach of letting me run my mouth to then edit things in some tinfoil hat fashion, I very quickly reverted to one word answers and mini-sound bytes. the result was they could not make me sound crazy, so they did what a friend of mine at the time suggested they would do, jokingly.

          I explained to him the interview was a hit piece and they would try hard to make me look insane, and he laughed and said, “yeah they may morph you into an alien on TV! ha, ha, ha.”

          Well, that is exactly what they did, I kid you not. When the interview aired, at one point they fade my face out and gradually faded a gray alien head over it. My friend and I couldn’t believe it and laughed ourself to tears. I was 26 and I didn’t care for these people or their lies.

          An outfit that was supposed to do a 13 part documentary had only to produce an outline of the 13 part documentary, I had already lined up an investor for them and this was all they wanted. They had 2 months to do it. They produced 2 pages of incoherent A4 where they had also screwed up the major premise. I advised the investor to not deal with these clowns.

          Graham Hancock plagiarised large parts of the book as well as its main concept and still got the basic premise wrong. It’s like… steal Ferrari’s plans for a fast engine and still build a crappy Mini Morris one. They aren’t even good thieves. The guy who wrote the original comics on which the film The Matrix is based more than a little, will tell you the same thing.

          Elvis didn’t write his songs, though I like how he sings them, and so do many others. Everything in the entertainment world is basically a lie. And usually also very gay; when it’s not also pedophile infested.

          Graham Hancock certainly made a lot more money than I ever will from my work, with “his” stolen, then half-assed-executed ideas. And sure, that can irk a person somewhat, but you know what, when I confronted him face to face on it in Cape Town, his demeanour was the one of an apologetic, scared, cardboard-cut-out of a “man”. He apologised, blamed his ghost-writers and “complimented” me on my astonishing and brilliant work. He was a middle-aged journalist of supposed world-renowned fame, I was I think 27 at the time, had little or no money and did karate on an almost daily basis and worked as an armed bodyguard/security specialist and sold computers now and then when I could.

          And I wouldn’t have traded his life for mine for any amount of money on the planet. I could then, and I still can now, look in the mirror and know that whatever errors I made in life, they were honest ones, and that despite all my faults, and they are many, I, at least, did not become whatever subspecies of cowardly, underhanded, sneaky, slithering animal people like that become. My brother and others were more enraged than I ever was by such occurrences. Which makes sense. They saw only the surface loss of what generally gets perceived as money, fame, and glory.

          But I got to see the people that supposedly had or created this money, fame and glory. And this is what I saw, time and again:

          The fame was a net negative. People wanted to be with you, whether as friends or sex partners, based on your fame. They had no idea, who you are, nor cared. the scary thing about this was that it wasn’t limited to gold-digging whores. In fact it was something that affected roughly the same percentage of people that decided to take the genetic serum or buy into the lie of the rona. Men wanted to be my friend and women wanted to bear my children, because I had a book on the shelves of the local book shops and did signing events. Or because they heard me interviewed on the radio or saw me on TV in the UK or, the USA, or in one case, saw my book briefly on CNN apparently (I never saw it myself but several people told me they had in a brief mention).

          What becomes absolutely obvious then is that most human beings do not live, love, or care about the person they are with, perhaps marry and even have children with. No. They do not. They care about the idea about them they have in their head of them. Or they later end up hating the idea they have about them in their head. It is absolutely rare that they even glimpse the reality of who or what you are even if you spend decades with them.

          In the modern era, this “disease” is a lot worse than it ever was in the past before television, the internet and mobile brainwashing and attention destroying machines we call “phones”.

          Seeing this firsthand, noticing a girl you might have thought of as attractive and even intelligent if you had met her under different circumstances, and then noting how she is so transparently offering herself as some kind of sacrificial sex toy, purely in order to have the “thrill” of having had a “famous” person inside her, well… I know I am the minority perhaps in this, but I assure you, it is depressing. It destroys a certain aspect of innocence that makes life easier and more beautiful, and is hard to live happily without.

          And that’s just the “fame” part.

          And if you did sleep with such a girl, chances are, that after a while (or maybe only after minutes if you’re no good in bed) she would too feel empty, and disappointed, and lacklustre, because her fantasy of who you are and how her life might become is a fairy tale. As much as the one you might have told yourself if you’d met her as a nobody at a party and saw how pretty and quick-witted she appeared. Only to realise later it was just a facade, she is not smart, or quick-witted, she just learnt a routine of things to do and say at parties.

          That, right there, the shabby feeling of mild despair that grows on you if you do take the ticket, if you do reach for the “glory”? That is the real “glory”.

          The fame makes you a cartoon caricature and the glory turns out to be dust and emptiness. I at least was wise enough to not indulge in either.

          The money sure can be useful, but it invariably comes with those two strings attached, and no amount of money on the planet is worth that. Not to me anyway.

          It is possible, to get at least some of the money and dodge the “fame” and the “glory” and if you are smart, you can even manage a certain level of “fame” in a way that it doesn’t harm you, but it takes uncommon firmness of mind, courage, and not a little luck, or fate, or divine providence, whatever you choose to call it. In short, it is very rare, and probably has a cost anyway, as all roads do.

          All of these despairing things, are made a thousand or a million times worst if you are alone in it all. Even family and close friends can turn, like zombies in a horror movie, becoming infected and turning on you with those soulless, dead eyes. Imagine your own parents or children becoming swallowed by the despair and materialism of “fame” and “glory”, or, much more often, your wife, or husband.

          And where, in a world like the one of today, do you find a wife or husband that is not ready to jump neck-deep into the mire of “fame” and “glory” given a half a chance? Especially for those who grew up with the internet as a done thing?

          There is no easy answer, but I assure you that whatever difficulties I faced or will face in life, I would always choose them over the ones that come with Hollywood level “fame” and “glory”.

          I made my life an exercise in living between the cracks and not getting caught by what Vadim Zeland calls “Pendulums”, and just to be safe, I never tried to “transurf” the waves more than a tiny little bit here or there, (long before I read anything Vadim wrote) because in this game of life, one big wipeout is enough to reduce you to shark-food. And even as it is, I took my wipeouts, and they were hard enough, and perhaps many would not have survived them, but I did; again, by my will, but also a lot of divine providence and grace, which the lost often call luck or fate.

          My problem has always been the same one.

          My DNA, as far back as I can find information on my ancestors, has the curiosity of the explorer in it, and the fearlessness of the fool. It is a dangerous combination, and I do not advise it to anyone. I certainly hope my son is wiser than I was, but already, I see in him, the brutal honesty he has with himself, the fearlessness in the face of danger, at times due to innocence, and other times due to calculated observation. And the calm, considered, approach to things that might be dangerous, which he has not yet investigated.

          How to guide such a boy?

          There is no simple or clear path, because these are the qualities of a man, and ultimately, as men know, we are born alone, and we die alone, and every choice we make, every effort, every despair, every victory and every crushing defeat, is ours, and ours alone, no matter who loves us and may help us, or who hates us and may try to destroy us. All we can rely on is providence, God’s grace and our tiny, but eternal flame of faith inside ourselves, regardless of if we know it exists in there or not. He has it, and perhaps all I can do is try to make him aware of it consciously. Maybe, if I can help him be less mute than I have been to myself, he might be able to more readily rely on that fire in the centre of his heart even when he is alone and tired and scared, and I am no longer around to do what I can.

          Maybe, if I train him even as I play with him, he can learn to roll with the punches of life and pop up nearby and unexpectedly, and turn things to his advantage then too.

          And above all, I hope I can do a good job of showing him the decay and deceit and lies and illusion of “fame” and “glory” and instead choose the real Glory of, and for, God, and Honour, and the ones you Love. And to know fame is a lying whore riddled with disease and fancy clothes, and make-up; and real fame is the trust and loyalty of your friends and your loved ones, and nothing else compares.

          And hopefully, in the Fake New World that is being prepared for him, either we are able to collapse the shit out of it before it gets off the ground, or there will in any case remain a way for him to navigate the “pendulums” and “surf” the “waves” remaining as best as possible, untouched by the filth of the sewage from which they are formed.

          The lives of the “rich and famous” are a preview of the Hell that awaits us all if we don’t wake up and return to what really matters: The virtues of Truth, Honesty, Honour, Fortitude, Courage, and Faith.

          Except it will be worse for you will not even have the villas and the retinue of concubines and the drugs, because you will not even have the money to distract you from the despair.


          Choose your path wisely, friend, and support that which is real, and see through that which is fake, and gay, and Satanic.

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