Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

What all women should already know

And especially the younger ones, really should understand this from a young age. He puts it in a very nice and digestible way that MIGHT get some women to actually listen to the whole 10 minutes.

This one on the other hand, the conclusion regarding women apologising and why they should, is solid gold advice. And some women probably need it tattooed on their forehead so they see it every time they look in a mirror.

I do not know this guy and only came across the first video as a result of a comment on gab from TrevorGoodchild which was synthesised more along the way I tend to present this stuff when I do:

The point is that as a general rule, since a very early age, I learnt that presenting information in a synthesised, or boiled down form was (and is) an excellent filter for gauging the general intelligence of the person receiving it. And because stupid people absolutely surround me at all times in pretty much every setting, and as they are unbearably tiresome, boring and often also irritating, their getting “offended” and then leaving me mostly alone after a few encounters is a feature, not a bug.

I read somewhere, long ago, that warrior souls never lose their fire, but as they get older wiser they may tend to burn at a lower temperature. My personal experience is that there is no drop off in intensity overall, really, perhaps in fact an increase, but… the frequency of the smouldering and flare-ups changes. I ignore or only smoulder a little at the smaller stuff, but some of the things that matter to me, I am more ready to go to absolute war for than before. And not as a simple flare-up, but as a relentless, steel-melting, sustained, furnace level.

I mention this because, in the various discussions I have had and written about here concerning community, it is obvious that my natural/instinctive misanthropy is not the best way to build a solid group of people. As I mentioned before, I am not general material. I’m more special ops small team commander material. But given I don’t seem to have any generals around me, a certain level of “normal” human interactions is useful to try and if not master (I simply am not built in such a way I will ever want to do so) at least learn the basics of.

Intimate relationships have invariably been the thing I cared the most about and given my aspieness and IQ, also the things that have caused me both the best highs and the lowest lows.

Aside the fact that women will generally not take any good advice from pretty much anyone anyway, and if they do it will be from a random stranger before it’s their husband, brother, father or other man that actually cares about them, but will generally jump at the chance to take some “advice” from their female friend (or other women in general) that will tell them to get a nice haircut to be “hotter”, the fact remains that given how the female brain works (for the aspies out there… I use the term loosely!) regardless of how good the information you present to them might be, women are pretty much incapable of simply processing the dialectic facts.

Prove to them with scientific evidence done on humans for 100 years that has all been verified that eating X amount of dark chocolate a week is good for you in simple, cold, hard facts, shooting down all their objections from cosmopolitan magazine, Cadbury adverts, their idiot doctor, their gay friend Charlie, and all her fat friends with blue hair, and she will ignore it.

Let her best friend tell her in hushed and conspiratorial tones that she just tried this new “chocolate” that is made from “sterilised” dogshit, and she will wolf-down a bar of it just to prove she’s “with it”.

At the lower end of the female scale of intelligence, it is literally not too different from communicating with your pet dog. It matters little what you say, as long as it’s in soothing, calming tones, or happy excited ones.

Oh, yes, yes, I know, the feminists are climbing the walls on that one: “How dare he! Comparing women to dogs!” Well, no, I am not. For one, dogs are far more loyal than women (men too to be fair). And said feminists, throughout my life, have invariably completely lost their shit whenever I actually spoke to them precisely the way I would to a man. While very rarely has a man lost his shit with me for being brutally direct.

All this long introduction, simply to say that it probably pays to find a nicer, easier way to get your point across without needing to water it down, nor feel you’re being deceitful, since, after all, presenting the information in a way that it is received more easily, is simply a skill, like any other.

And as a bonus, since that ship has pretty much sailed for me at about age 16, and given that I don’t give a rat’s ass about being labelled whatever the gynocracy is going to label me, you could probably do worse than directing women you care about to these two videos, and feel free to tell them to “Look at what videos this chauvinist pig has on his blog! Ha, ha, so funny!” Well, ok, maybe don’t do that unless you’re a metrosexual male feminist, but you get what I mean. It will be quite interesting to see what they say (if anything) after viewing the total 15 minutes or so both videos come to.

    What Next?

    There are three paths I can go down with respect to the next book I write.

    NAZI MOON (linked) is now available at least in the US and CANADA and should be available soon in other countries too.

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    I have been asked to do the relationship book by friends and men in general for years; at least 20 of them. I resisted the impulse* for at least a couple of decades, primarily because, as one of my alter egos/nicknames —given to me by friends in Italy over 20 years ago— said in one of the graphic novels he appears in: “Any man that says he has understood all there is to know about women, is either a liar or insane.” And it’s close enough to the truth in some ways. Nevertheless, I feel that after two divorces, a lot of women in between, and finally a proper Catholic marriage, not to mention 4 children I fathered, I have probably made —and persevered!— and (one hopes), learnt enough that it is probably acceptable to pass on a few pointers to younger men; at least on those issues I feel I have now got enough experience to retroactively note when I did the right thing (regardless of outcome), and when I did the wrong thing (again, regardless of outcome). I mention this, because as I say, there have been a lot of people asking me for this for a long time.

    With regard to my non-fiction, each book I have written so far, is really mostly a compilation of my theories and conclusions formed with many years of experience.

    The Face on Mars was the result of a lifelong interest in Astronomy from very early childhood. I understood what a light-year was at age four, thanks to an uncle who was, and remains, a total geek to this day. He also sent me a telescope in my early teens, with which I observed the mountains of the moon, and how the moon itself moved. I also saw Haley’s comet with it, from our home in Africa at the time. And to this day the concepts I put forth in that book were then, and for the most part continue to remain today, unique. Some have badly plagiarised aspects of it (hello Graham Hancock) but the overall main issue had not been understood by anyone I am aware of before I saw it. And most remain totally ignorant of it, despite the predictions and theories I made back in 1995, playing out as correct in the intervening time. The update in 2014 also added a new dimension to the reality of my ideas, which is partly expanded on a lot more in my fiction work.

    Systema was similarly, a book I wrote after I had personally spend decades in the martial arts world. And I wanted to demystify a LOT of the nonsense that goes with many martial art “concepts” and their related egos, and which —in particular— seemed to have a vortex of “mystic ninjas” concerning the Russian system. Which is an impression many martial artists might have if they have not experience of it firsthand. By merely watching YouTube videos or hearing “fantastic” stories of almost magical ability, they are most likely going to assume it is some woo-woo nonsensical “martial art”. That thought is disabused within minutes of confronting any of the top exponents of it. Unfortunately, as always, along with the really good practitioners, there were also a lot of “mystic ninjas” and some of the practitioners did nothing to demystify the situation, so I did it. I have been doing martial arts since I was a very small child, thanks to my dad, so I had pretty extensive knowledge of it before I put hand-to-keyboard after almost four decades of it.

    Reclaiming the Catholic Church was in some ways the “odd man out” because I had a road to Damascus Event in 2013 and the book came out in 2020, that is, only 7 years later. However, I had been reading different books on all the main religions, mysticism, “spiritual” and even New Age stuff, again, since my teens, and literally infiltrating various cults as a hobby, in order to see if anyone had anything that was demonstrably true, real, or worthwhile. I had settled on a basic Zen-Agnosticism, with a clear understanding there must be an intelligence behind creation (the math, astronomy, biology and physics, as well as logic, pretty much confirms it many, many, many times over) but no sense of a God as such that was specifically interested in us mere mortals, much less me specifically. That changed in a radical, unexpected and utterly surprising way, that while “subjective” in the sense that I cannot prove it to anyone else, was absolutely objective and very much so for me. The other part that helped was that because the Catholic Church has ALL of its rules and dogmas written down, it was fairly easy to follow the thread of its history and see the astonishing truth it is founded on. As it was, to see that the current inhabitants of the Vatican are, without putting too fine a point on it, flat out Satanists.

    BELIEVE! Instead, published a year before RTCC, was a much smaller work, putting out my new, or updated, basic outline philosophy. For those who have read both books, you will notice that BELIEVE! is not even a fifth of the size of RTCC, at just under 100 pages, and is a lot more open with respect to overall views and concepts. RTCC was the follow up that basically said, “OK, so that’s sort of where I am with respect to religion as a whole (BELIEVE!) now let’s take a look at this one path that I state is the best one I can see so far, and in this book, (RTCC), I went full autist, covering every aspect of Sedevacantism (i.e. the actual, current, only Catholicism left) and demonstrating it in a manner that no one has so far even attempted to refute, much less succeeded. The result is that RTCC is the foundation on which BELIVE! is really sitting on, which is probably why even if a much smaller and less detailed book, BELIEVE! has resulted in now over 100 people converting to Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka simply: Catholicism).

    The reason I point all this out, is because in these last two non-fiction books, it becomes obvious that even my overall looser and more generic ideas, as expressed in BELIEVE!, for example, clearly have had a lot of genuinely positive effects on people who read them. And we know it was this that sparked the results, because BELIEVE! came first, and yet, even without all the details (presented in RTCC), it had a serious impact on people’s lives.

    I see a LOT of confusion, struggles and heartache among young men today concerning intimate relationships and finding the right woman.

    I literally get questions, emails, or messages on the topic to a frequency that is starting to become hard to keep up with. And as anyone that reads my blog knows, I have a rather low opinions of PUAs, and would very much hate to be mistaken for one. That said, I know for a demonstrable fact that my advice benefits these younger men, because they are getting married, having babies, and resolving issues they had for many years of their lives. I have literally had everything from friends, neighbours and even strangers, asking for advice, on an ad hoc basis, to hypnosis sessions with people that were under clinical care as supposedly paranoid schizophrenics under medication that went on to stop the medication (yes with doctor approval and full knowledge of my sessions with them) and go on to have a productive life with a functioning relationship, when prior they were 29 year old virgins. And I have been doing this for at least 15 years, with positive results.

    So, perhaps, there is some utility in putting together some of the baseline concepts concerning male-female interactions and so on.

    The other options (SF saga continuation) or YA SF books are, respectively, more a divertimento for myself and, a less fun, but I think helpful addition to the current dearth of adventure stories for boys mostly. I am not aware of anything like the Hardy Boys and so on coming along anytime recently, which is why Castalia House is doing well printing old classics. I would not enjoy writing such books as much as my own adult Science Fiction, but it would not be too difficult to do and they should be able to be produced fairly quickly. Although, I am not likely to be acclaimed as a children’s author anytime soon, or even long after I am dust, so the effort might not be worth it.

    Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so please feel free to leave comments after you vote, thanks. 

    * Vox, on this post, referring to someone else, Taleb, in this case, said something that holds true for most of us. Personally I have always genuinely tried to resist the temptation, and often people have been quite “deflated” when trying to make me their “guru”, when, after being asked something I know little or nothing about or at least I don’t feel qualified to take a stand on, I simply say “I have no idea”. Some were quite insistent nevertheless and I always consciously dissuaded that, as I explained in some detail in my book Systema: The Russian Martial System.

      And Now For The Positives…

      So my last post sort of gave a tiny insight into how the world really works and if you grasped that fully, you might have become suicidally depressed. Well, don’t blow your brains out just yet. Look at things this way:

      Everyone likes an underdog film, right? You, the lonely, misshapen, loser at life, with no money, hope or charisma, finding the Shangri-La of happiness!

      So, don’t be a wuss. If you DO happen to be a downtrodden unfortunate, think of it this way, you got the intro/first half of the film down pat. Now it’s time to do that heroic montage or perhaps slow middle part grind of the film, where you build yourself up into a quasi-functioning member of society (but still harbour a lot of your insecurities). And in this film, if you do it via reading my books and my blog, you can think of it as a single scene where you pick up some corny book title from some even cornier guru, read it and it ridiculously changes your life, or, is your film is a grittier and grainier one, where you read and take in some of the stuff I say and really apply it and regardless of whether we meet in person or not, you find a way to apply these lessons in a way that measurably improves your life. We might never meet, you might never even drop me an email or anything. I may never know you existed, or we might become very good friends, but the important part is that YOU get better. that you become more successful at life and find a good partner to marry and make and raise happy and numerous children.

      And if you just twitched, thinking that getting married is a fool’s game and having lots of children is a recipe for disaster, well, my chicken-hearted and soft-brained youngster, take heart. I used to think the same stupid shit in my 20s and even my thirties. These are not your thoughts. These are the thoughts that have been beamed into your head from birth by an evil entity that controls a lot of things on this planet. It doesn’t matter if you believe in the evil entity and his minions or not. They believe in you. And in fact, your not believing in them makes their job easier.

      The problems of life

      Are simple. Pretty much everyone, wants:

      • To be loved and have someone they love near them.
      • To have enough (money) to do what they want.

      That’s basically Love and Freedom. Not hard to understand.

      But the barriers to entry on both of those are massive. And most of them begin in your head, where they have been placed by pretty much decades (if not centuries) of lies.

      First Barrier to Entry – Your Beliefs

      It really does not matter what reality is like. If you believe you can’t then you certainly can’t. And life can be hard, so even if you believe you can, often you will still fail. That said, if you obsessively work at and believe you can, you generally achieve most things to at least a certain degree.

      So let’s do Love first. What might be some wrong/erroneous/unhelpful beliefs you may have:

      • Women are all whores/men are all idiots
      • Women will divorce rape you/men only want quickie sex
      • No one believes in traditional family life anymore
      • I can’t afford to be in a relationship (money)
      • I can’t afford to have children (money)
      • I don’t have a support group to have children (money/people)
      • I don’t trust men/women
      • People lie too much to trust them
      • People are too stupid
      • They don’t have my interests
      • No one is loyal anymore
      • The internet gives us too much choice
      • Hookup culture has destroyed relationships
      • 10% of the top men get 90% of the top women
      • I’m too ugly/stupid/poor/short
      • You bought into a PUA Redpill (really a blackpill)
      • You bought into feminist theory of anything
      • You bought into communist theory of anything
      • You bought into equality theory of anything
      • You bought into any Hollywood idea of “relationships”
      • There is no one out there for me
      • Everyone is now Vaxxed and I am a pureblood
      • I don’t own X and I need X before I can settle down
      • I don’t earn X and I need to earn X before I do Y

      That’s just a list off the top of my head I literally did as fast as I can type. I am sure the people reading could add pages to it, but it covers the large issues for the most part and is fairly comprehensive and applicable to all. Right, so what can we notice right away?


      Having money solves a LOT of these issues (all in red above). And guess what the other part is, the freedom part, that’s pretty much (not entirely but largely) a function of money too. If you can read this, you are in a position where you can earn some money, regardless of who and where you are. It will be harder for some of you and less so for others, but honestly, if you can read this, you can make money.

      Right, so it looks like if we can scratch money off the list, of things we need to have, we would solve pretty much all the Freedom part (to some degree anyway) and several of the Love part of the problem, so, making it, having it, is important.

      And here enters another thing. If you obsess about making money and making money itself becomes the goal, you can and probably will, lose sight of the other goals. That’s just how human beings are wired. You get more of what you focus on, to the exclusion of everything else. So if MAKING the money is the important thing, and you do it long enough, and well enough, and you become better at it, and you can do it more, and get more, pretty soon, you are addicted to making money and you necessarily may lose out on other things. That said, having a certain level of money is important. It is not ESSENTIAL, in the true sense, and it might not be true in an existential sense either, but from a practical perspective, it allows you to achieve certain things. the trick is to know you are using money and not money using you.

      There are many paths to money. Personally mine have always been extremely haphazard, because the making of money never really interested me much. My curiosity was in exploring places, people, ideas, and figuring those things out. Money was just a necessary tool, but not one I ever had any particular affinity for. As a result I have had period in my life where the totality of food I had to eat was a bag flour, some salt (luxury item) and the tap water in my studio apartment. And I was in my mid-twenties, so not exactly just out of school. I also had periods where I’d fly to see a woman I was involved in, pretty much every weekend from UK to Italy, and this set up happened more than once in my life. I often paid for friends on holidays or dinners and never kept any kind of count, but I am sure it is a staggering amount if it were all added up. I also have had periods where friends or family borrowed or gave me money. So I might not be the best person to advise you on how to MAKE a lot of money, but I can tell you without hesitation that there are many, many, many, ways to make money. Not all are available to you at all times of course, and the older you get and more responsibilities you have, the harder it might be to hop and change from one way to another. I never built a so-called career, not cared to keep rolodexes of colleagues and contacts to network and socially climb any corporate ladder. I literally got by on my intelligence and ability to pick anything up really very quickly. it’s fine for a young man to live that way for a while, but it’s not ideal or even good for older or for family men to do so.

      What I can tell you with some authority is that, concerning money:

      • Where there is a will there is a way, you can make some
      • Consistency and persistence pay off
      • In the long run, honesty pays off too (arguable by some, see below)
      • It is easier to make more money if you compromise your integrity and principles, but personally, I think that’s a complete fool’s trade. And I really don’t care if it’s for billions. I have turned down a LOT of money on repeated occasions because I like to have a clean-shaven face and that requires me looking in a mirror. I can’t really quantify the value of that to you, but I assure you that for me, it is pivotal. You might be different from me. Most people are. As always, as the oracles at Delphi used to say: Man, Know Thyself.

      That’s about all the advice I feel comfortable giving you about money, plus one more point:

      Money is pretty much all inherently fake. People in Eastern Europe and South America and other places too, throughout history, woke up one day and their Fiat money was suddenly worthless. So… keep that at the back of your mind too. To a degree it’s true of material possessions too, the government can appropriate your land or property but generally things have to get fairly more drastic (See Red Indians, Zimbabwean Farmers, Soviet Union, etc. etc ad infinitum).


      The items in bold on the above Love list are all ideas. Very bad ideas. Of course, one could say that any belief is an ideology, but there are subtle but important differences between reality being observed, understood (to whatever extent we can do so) and then catalogued into a convenient but not completely inflexible shorthand. For example, the speed of light is thought to be absolutely fixed. In reality, experimentation tends to suggest it may vary perceptibly depending on various factors, some of which are unknown, but for most models, pretending the speed of light is fixed, works well enough. This is vastly different from it is so. Good enough is not It is so. Ideology is: It is so (wrong). Reality Perception is Good Enough.

      Some examples of ideology are the whole idiotic “gender-fluidity” nonsense. The observed natural order of things is that dimorphic species have males and females, and they mate to produce offspring. Anything else is a deviation from nature and what actually works and perpetrates the species. Now, you may have a fetish for inserting unripe bananas where they do not belong, or golf balls by the bucket for that matter, and you say “But if I harm no one…” And therein lies the trick. For you to TRULY harm no one, your unripe banana and golf-ball insertion deviancy should be very much closeted and discussed with precisely no one. The minute you try to pretend your deviant, aberrant, unnatural behaviour is “normal” you begin to damage banana production economics, upsetting golfers, and incentivising proctologists to pretend certain plastic surgery reconstructions are “routine”.

      Other examples of ideology are as listed:

      Feminism – It’s made no one happy and destroyed untold millions if not billions of lives, fostering a complete fake narrative of what women “should” want or “need” instead of what they are biologically designed to be like. And of course, the same applies to the damage done to men and especially young boys. Literally every statistic on human happiness and suicide bears this out.

      Equality – It’s completely false. Not even twins are equal, and certainly not men and women, or different ethnicities, religions, cultures and so on. Of course, if you are a Venetian, you are smarter, better looking and already know this, since we know very well the rest of the world is composed of other humans. And humans are just the worst. But at least we are better than all of you. I am sure you think otherwise, but you’re just wrong about that. See? I just proved the point. Stop and review your thoughts. Seriously. Review.

      Communism – Another Jewish lie (Karl Marx was a Jew, and yes, I put this at his and their collective feet, like usury. Why? Because facts. What? what? Antise-what? Yeah, shut up. Go look up who came up with feminism mostly. And immigration on a huge scale “for thee but not me”. I got more. Just ask.) Communism is basically the idea that everyone is the same and everyone should get the same. Except the guys in charge. Oh and also, we need to kill millions of people to make it work. Every single time. Because all the other times wasn’t really done right. But this time, with this pile of skulls, we will perfect it. Seriously, read a fucking book. Communism is a gigantic lie and always has been.

      PUAs – blogged about these cretins at length for years. Use the Search me link on the right.

      There is no one out there for me – Pretty much ALL of the above ideologies are not rooted in reality but rather your Achille’s heel of deep down believing you’re unlovable. And so the whole world needs to stop spinning on its axis, become a flat disc, to suit the flat-earther morons, and life must all bend to your specific will, with all your flaws, so you can feel validated. Except you won’t, because shrivelled, crippled, addicted to all drugs and booze as your miserable soul is, it still KNOWS that you are as you are, and no amount of fake outside validation will fill the gaping maw of despair that is in your heart. Only truth and reality and facing it will do that.

      It was always thus

      See the green items? Yeah…. pretty much the same throughout world history. To whatever degree these items are “true” they have always been so. The proportions may vary a little, but believe me, only a little. Most humans are really fucking terrible. Didn’t I already tell you that? What are you, some Algerian or something? Obviously not Venetian eh?!? Jeez. Pay attention will you?

      OK what’s left?

      So the items in normal text have some truth right? Ok, for the most part, all this means is that your task of finding a suitable mate are made even easier. Because they are so much easier to identify.

      A woman that believe in most of the ideologies listed in bold, and acts out most of the things written in green and also flags the normal text items, is probably a waste of time. On the other hand, there exist, men and women who:

      • Believe in traditional family life
      • Agree having a support group to raise a family is great, but not absolutely essential
      • Agree that the internet and hookup culture have given everyone unrealistic expectations, which are based on completely false concepts. A few of them might even understand that most humans are a bunch of ugly idiots, and you too and them too. And that the best they can do is find an idiot just as ugly and stupid as they are and build a life on it.
      • Both the Vaxxed and non-vaxxed tend to admit it freely. Males it easier to select your group: Mutants or Pure Strain Humans. Then roll our Gamma World stats.

      The selection process has become more discerning. That’s all. If you are reading this you now have the top of the top 0.1% information to make a good go of scoring the perfect partner. You realise he or she will not be a millionaire, supermodel, nymphomaniac, who enjoys sharing you with his/her disease-free stripper friends.

      So you select someone of similar 1-10 scale looks to you that shares at least some of the more important values you believe in and if those values are not based in reality, you know your relationship will most likely catch fire, go into a tailspin and leave a messy crater below.

      Work on yourself to shave off the mono part of your mono-brow. Learn to talk to EVERYONE. Learn to approach ANYONE, without being a creepy, stalkerish type. Go out in the real world and join activities that you enjoy where likely partners might be found.

      And keep at it.

      One thing I am certain of, is that if you do these things, and also work on removing whatever negative beliefs and traits you have (NOT WITH SURGERY, YOU MORON! NOT UNLESS YOU’RE THE ELEPHANT MAN!) there absolutely IS a person out there that can love you and truly actually love you. Yes, even if you are a crippled hunchback. And yes I do know actual crippled hunchbacks (more than one, yes) who made something of their lives and are happily married. Are their partners supermodels? No. But you know what, after a while that really doesn’t matter. I obviously hope nothing of the sort ever happens and my wife would be devastated if it did, but if she had some horrible accident and was disfigured, my attraction to her would not really make a twitch on the needle. There was a time I was absolutely attracted to her looks, I still am, and she still has them, but the shift has moved for me already, and it is not a function of age so much, but of intimacy. I have always noted that if I was serious about a woman, although her looks originally attracted me, afterwards, they made little difference. It is also true that the important ones in my life have been very few compared to the “just for fun” ones.

      The ability to connect deeply on the things that really matter in life, far supersedes the temporary allure of the merely physical (albeit they can last a few decades with good care). The more time I spend with her, the closer I feel and if the feeling is mutual and she too feels closer then, our level of true understanding and intimacy grows exponentially too, and honestly, nothing “looks” better than that sensation.

      So keep these things in mind.

      As I can, I will next post about how the entire world lies to you and how to spot it.

        An Important Point of Neurology

        Came across this and I wanted to point out a rather profound point it shows about human neurology and identity.

        It sounds silly and funny at first, but precisely because it is so obviously absurd, it best highlights exactly how the human brain functions for most humans. As well as why it is so very difficult for people to let go of completely wrong ideas about themselves above all, but also of life in general, beliefs they associate with their own persona and so on.

        The seemingly absurd idea that trying some cheese causes such emotional and psychological angst to this guy makes it clear that he’s obviously mistaken about the importance of cheese in general and almost certainly of cheese specifically as it refers to him. Eat the cheese, don’t eat the cheese, he’ll be fine. Barring some exotic allergy that will kill him the minute he tries cheese that is. HA! See? Made you doubt it too now.

        Ha, ha, silly guy, right? Cheese. So funny.

        Now do Protestantism. It’s at least as retarded, but look at all you Protties reading this now suddenly getting a thin line where your mouth used to be and furrowed brows of disapproval.

        The reason this guy is so hung up on cheese is most likely because all the old traditional things people used to fight and die over have been corrupted to a degree whereby, the average boomer now considers the most trivial and idiotic things as being fundamental aspects of his personality. Like not eating cheese. The alternative is considering almost NOTHING as being fundamental to your personality, which is why there is a heavy uptick in teenagers pretending to be the opposite sex, or taking part in orgies, or believing the Earth is flat, and the Moon is made of cheese.

        Not only are the traditions corrupted and in many cases destroyed, but the very tools of basic logic and basic reasoning have been intentionally kept from these people. They literally do NOT have the mental ability to reason their way into a reasonable position. They are, in effect, magical thinkers. Cargo cultists to Nth degree.

        Leaving aside for a moment the religious or other ideologies, and focussing purely on the neurological element, the reality is that all humans have an idea, a representation of themselves in their own head. Depending on what that idea is composed of, how those beliefs came about and how attached one is to them, changing can be nigh on impossible.

        I was lucky that at an early age I put it into my head that anything any one human being on Earth could do, was possible, so if I applied myself, it was likely I too could do it eventually. I also had persistence and never giving up drilled into me and reinforced by myself and my own choices throughout my life, and still do. Even so, certain patterns and behaviours that I felt were a fundamental part of who I was were very difficult for me to break out too. Part of why I learnt to do deep hypnosis was precisely so I could delve into my own psyche at the deepest level I could. And before I hypnotised anyone else, I put myself into trances that lasted up to a couple or more hours regularly. In this manner I did at first shift, then crack, then removed beliefs about who I was that were not ideal for me. I wrote briefly about this in Reclaiming the Catholic Church, but the point is that we are NOT our beliefs about who we are. We have an infinitely larger potential and amplitude of behaviour and personality colouring.

        Martial arts can change this but it usually takes years. So does any endeavour indulged in almost fanatically for a couple of decades, but aside from controlled LSD trips under clinical settings, the fastest way I know to do this is with Hypnosis. After you have changed a few really core (but erroneous) beliefs about your of identity, and if you have the requisite faculties to do so, you can learn to change other patterns. I have done it several times throughout my life, and the longest and hardest pattern to break was the one I described in RTCC as erroneous loyalty.

        The problem, of course, is not loyalty, which is a virtue, but loyalty to the erroneous concept, idea or person. If you have “being loyal” as one of your core beliefs about yourself, it becomes very difficult to see the errors, evil, or even outright lies and negative values that you don’t share, with your guru, your religion, your family, friends or whatever. It took a long time for me to realise that being objective and letting go of people or thoughts that were ultimately negative was the correct action to take, and was NOT a negative reflection of me or of my being “disloyal”. Since then I have had ample occasion to not only confirm that changing that aspect of myself was the intelligent, correct and good thing to do, but also to confirm that I am indeed, loyal unto death when it is for the right reason. In short, it was a drastic improvement not just for me, but in general, in terms of how I related to the world.

        If you take any of the important things, like your belief in your religion, your beliefs about loyalty, love, kindness, and what part or aspect of these you consider to be core parts of who you are, it will feel absolutely horrifically difficult and wrong to change any of them. And yet, many of these patterns are probably not serving you best.

        No one sane born in a neutral, objective, honest household would become a Muslim or a Jew, since both religion permit sex with underage children and don’t consider sex with toddlers to be a crime.

        Similarly, no one capable of doing basic logic can possibly assume that Protestantism is any kind of thing other than a total perversion of Christianity. And with a little more digging, no one sane could possibly mistake the Novus Ordo Impostors for actual Catholic Clergy.

        No more than anyone would mistake 6’2″ me for an African pigmy.

        But you have no skin in the personality of seeing me as my 6’2″ self, so you see me as what I am, not as a 4′ pigmy.

        You might dislike me, you might be insulted by the undeniable facts about your fake “Christianity” I point out to you, and you will in at least some cases, choose to die rather than admit your error. Not because you are especially brave, but because changing such a core aspect of who you think you are, feels to you, like a fate, even worse than death. Death of the ego feels, to the human brain, very much like impending and undignified death at that. So, truly worse than just mere death. And as a result your brain will fight back with everything it has. Which is quite a lot since the Sub and Unconscious together form at least 90% of your brain by my reckoning.

        The thing is, if you consider the level of lies you have noted in the last 4 years, then begin to realise that your ENTIRE LIFE you have been exposed to lies just as pervasive, just as big, just as pernicious, as the ones you have noted more recently, what do you think the odds are that all your core beliefs about yourself that you hold dear are true, and objective, and good and correct? Yup. Pretty much zero.

        Problem is, if you can’t do at least rudimentary logic, you’re never going to learn how to get out of the erroneous thoughts you think are you.

        Usually people who DO change change only as a result of long and determined effort over a long time, or if and when a big Significant Emotional Event (SEE) happens to them. The Alcoholic kills a kid in his car and never touches alcohol again. The drug addict sees himself in the mirror and something triggers deep in his limbic brain and he stops being an addict. The tough cop that just “get the job done” quits his job, takes time out, realises how all the crap he has seen has hurt him, and takes up landscaping as his next job because it helps him feel good.

        A few people do it consciously by themselves by learning hypnosis and also just working obsessively on themselves, but these are a TINY minority.

        And remember, you are NOT your personality. You are NOT what or who you think about yourself. Those things, in a great many cases, are almost just like persistent clothing in a video game. You can change the colour and shape of your clothes, just like you can change the type of personality you want to have.

          Surviving WW3 Long Term

          On the basis of the recent poll I got this request:

          Something Else – How to Survive Long Term in a WWIII Scenario for a married man with young children (Shelter, Food & Water, Surviving extreme Heat/Cold, Defense, How to keep your wife and children in good spirits, Not drawing attention to yourself, etc.)

          It’s a pretty comprehensive question and an entire book could be written about each of the topics, so my reply will necessarily be brief and somewhat generic, but hopefully still specific enough to make a difference.

          Good Spirits

          Also known as Morale, may be the most important factor of all. It certainly tends to be in most conflicts throughout human history.

          You should be aware of this, especially for your wife and children more than other factors. Consider: If you move to rural buttfuck-of-nowhere intersection and Hillbilly country, you might feel wholly relaxed that no one will waste a nuke or military to come steal your 3 goats and 15 chickens. However, your wife might miss things like actual shops where you buy food instead of have to skin and gut whatever you shot for dinner. She might even like to get a coffee at a cafe once in a while, frivolous degenerate that she is (joke! That’s a JOKE!). The rugged life of an off grid pepper that has his own bomb-shelter may be the stuff of manly dreams and boyhood joy, but generally is not seen in the same light by the gentler sex. So discuss these things and make sure everyone is clear on the difficulty and/or changes of lifestyle. Are there women out there that would love this life-style, sure. But they are a minority. And almost everyone likes hot water and indoor plumbing, and not freezing in winter. So, read my 4 part series on taking on clown world and winning (use the search me button on the right). If you do, you will see that ideally you need to pick your place on the base of the geography you want to have ideally. Although, for most people that is already set, it is not too late to make the jump now (it is likely to be more expensive if you want to do it quickly, as always). The factors affecting morale are endless, and even more so for women, so it is difficult to give sound advice to all. One lady I spoke to was having trouble being an hour or so away from her family in what is still a pretty civilised area of a very urban country. She had not been living further from her parents than a few minutes and the change was a shock. The rural area she was in was not remote by any means but felt like it to her and feeling isolated with small children made her days feel like an interminable Groundhog Day. So you need to consider these things and take them into account.

          Unlike men, most women will not be happy with an ideally fortified home in an ideal rural area, with a secure bomb shelter under the house, gun ports and plenty of weapons and stock-piles of ammo, food and clean water. Unless you have a wife like the one of the main guns-ho guy in the Tremor Films, what would seem to be ideal to a man is rarely ideal to a woman. She wants mani-pedi and spa locations nearby, a good hairdressers, nice friends to gossip and laugh with about the goings on in the town and their respective husbands and girlfriend’s love affairs and so on. Trivial nonsense that doesn’t matter in a hot war zone? You bet.

          On the up-side, it’s mostly because women like these things that we don’t live in a permanent hot war zone, for the most part. Because we men tend to want to please them. And do they appreciate our efforts to give them a poisonous Starbucks on every corner in lieu of bashing irritating neighbours over the head with a nicely shaped stick? Not even a Thank you, kind Sir, I tell you. It’s just the way they are. No point getting upset about it.

          So, the HOW you ensure good morale with your wife, is a giant minefield that no one on the internet can possibly navigate fully for you. I can only tell you to not ignore it, prepare for it, prepare her for it and consider that the things that are so significant to you that they may never even have entered your head all your life, might be extremely important for her. After all… she doesn’t even thing about Rome daily!

          Women are primarily solipsistic, so if they experience some discomfort, the Universe is out of whack and God should stop and make it right (through you mostly) and if He (you) don’t, then, you must be the problem. By and large. Your 14 hour days stacking wood for winter, pondering how to build a biological septic tank and your own solar panels, really are not as interesting to her as you would expect of any normal person.

          You need to have a very deep connection based on honesty with your wife in order to navigate this well. And keep in mind off-grid farming is brutally hard. And even harder with small children to look after. So, building your community, having one that is active and fun and good is very helpful. Having little friends for your children is also very helpful.

          That all said, I sincerely hope that your wife is good natured enough to be the kind of person that can read this entry and laugh, in unadmitted generic agreement with my caricatures. And more importantly, that she is smart and logical and objective enough, to realise that if and when the SHTF, she better be ready to take up a shovel and dig the dirt with you, and at minimum reload the rifles while you hold off the zombies, and preferably shoot some of them herself. How you find/foster/cultivate/generate that delicate balance of manicured nails, pretty, sexy dresses and chocahinos with friends with the realities of having your entrenched fall-back positions for the zombie apocalypse is a puzzle you need to figure out on your own. But figuring it out is VERY important, so don’t ignore it.

          Children can generally be kept in good spirits by simply spending time playing with them and teaching them things in good order. Which of course takes up a lot of time, but our children (the little ones) are learning from us all the time and actually enjoy being helpful. The two older ones may need ye old dad’s foot in the backside to motivate them, because they were raised outside of functional family structures, unfortunately, but they are definitely improving and will get there soon enough, and when they do the sense of achievement for them and us both is also an awesome feeling to have. So make the entire concept of having good morale a game you enjoy instead of a chore you dread.

          Not Drawing Attention to Yourself

          Better than that is being thought of well by your neighbours and community. Help the people near you and be friendly and genuinely a good guy. Of course, if and when the SHTF they will also all come looking to you for help, so you need to balance that. For me that is relatively easy. I am a misanthrope by nature and don’t like people much as a rule, but I am polite and friendly to everyone, until they give me reason not to be, then there is no mistaking who I am and what kind of level of “force” I can bring to bear if required. Generally, if people realise you’re a nice guy but have no hesitation in turning heads of bad guys into pink clouds at the drop of a hat, you get the right balance of helpful (and good) friends, and respectful strangers. The down side is that if and when they DO get organised to come for you, they will actually be a force that is organised and to be reckoned with. But that is my way, because it comes naturally to me. You need to find your own natural way and work your strengths and better your weaknesses. I am not particularly worried about organised roaming gangs of zombies, because if and when it comes to that, there probably isn’t a worse guy to go after in a radius that probably reaches the nearest army base. Even so, I have made good friends where I live and will help my neighbours if I can or when needed and they do the same in return.

          Shelter, Heat and Cold

          Obviously, your primary home needs to be suitable for wherever you have chosen (or are forced) to live. I tried to pick a place that is not too extreme one way or the other, but in reality, it gets snow in winter (which will probably only increase over time) and is a bit too hot in summer with a lot of attendant bugs in all seasons (flies and mosquitoes in summer and stink bugs in winter). If the weather changes drastically here, a greenhouse will become a requirement (and I plan to have one anyway at some point) and livestock might require better shelter, but your primary shelter and provisions for heating in cold climate is obviously a priority that needs to be faced and that you need to be ready to address in a grid down situation. If not, I suggest you move! It is a lot easier to survive hot places than cold ones. I have plenty of wood to last me literally years and I installed a large wood stove that can heat the whole house and also be used for cooking (not as quickly as the gas stove, but in an emergency, the house remains liable and we can still cook food even without electricity or gas).

          The next big item if electrical independence. the easiest way to have some of this is to have a generator and some fuel set aside. It is however a temporary and not a long-term solution. You eventually want to get at least enough solar panels to run your fridge and a couple of lights and at least one or two power tools at a time.

          My gasifier project was meant to do this by providing wood to fuel a gasifier that could power a generator, meaning I would not have to rely on petrol. That project, however, has so far been a failure. Which is not to say it is impossible, only that the effort required to make it work in the first place is a lot more than I thought, and more importantly, the effort required to keep it functional if you get it working might be even an order of magnitude higher. That said, I still want to provide value to the people that supported the project, so I am looking at alternatives ways to at least give them something that might be of use or interest for them.


          Overall, the main issues are to create a home that is self-sufficient in terms of the basics: Water, heating, food, electricity, and sewage processing.

          If you have achieved that, 90% of your problems are taken care of. After that it’s just being able to maintain and even improve on things as you go and preparing with better shelter, better community engagement, better weapons, better food stockpiling and even alternatives to using cash and especially digital money. The economy WILL collapse at some point, it’s not an if, but a when, and when it does desperation will drive people to accept whatever draconian slavery will be imposed on them. The whole point is for you to be able to survive completely apart from that, and in turn be able to inspire and help others near you do the same.

          If you saw the recent (2020) series based on the Brave New World of Aldus Huxley (and with he same name) you want to be one of those “troglodytes” living outside of the “utopic” city. And you certainly don’t want to end up caught by them and influenced and ultimately caged by them in any way. Ultimately, you want to be able to roam free and either KEEP them all locked up in their cities, or have their cities crumble to dust with the architects of them buried under them.

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