Giuseppe Filotto Cross

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Sponsor an Olive Tree in the Valley of the Saints

This is a sticky post that will remain here for some time or until all the first 50 trees are sponsored. CLICK HERE to see how you can sponsor a tree in order to help create a Catholic (sedevacantist) community faster.

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    Tractor Checking

    So tomorrow I’m off with a friend who knows about tractors to view a couple of them. I plan to be mute. Because my ignorance of tractors is wider and deeper than my ignorance of advanced spaceship technology from the aliens of Arctarus 7.

    Despite the ignorance, I am looking forward to it and I really hope one of them turns out to be “the one” and that I get it. If I were what i think of as the “standard aging guy” I would probably see this as a chore. After all, it’s just a practical thing for practical reasons. But in reality… I may come home in a few days with a whole TRACTOR! And then I can figure out how to drive it and use it without killing myself. And the attachments. I mean if I get all the attachments I’m going to have a digger loader, a grader, a… whatever it’s called in English, a kind of portable woodchipper that churns up pretty much everything you drag it over or push it into.

    I mean, can you imagine being 8 years old and using all that stuff? You might as well be in a spaceship! And my friend was indeed driving the tractor on his family farm when he was 8 years old. Me, I was shooting rifles in the African savannah, which is why I don’t know a damned thing about tractors, but you know what matters? That our children are being told they cannot, should not, and are not capable of doing either thing.

    Do you know how old Joan of Arc was? She was 19 when she was murdered by corrupt clerics and politicians of the day, and she had changed the history of France forever. Noblemen have led armies into battle aged 13.

    But if you put your son in the back of an open backed car in Europe, or God forbid in the back seat of a normal car without any seatbelts, you may as well rob banks with a colt .45 in your hand. Not that I or my brother ever had a seatbelt on or where often even in the covered part of the car throughout our childhood, and no one thought anything of it.

    The world is becoming weaker, gayer, stupider and more boring by the day.

    That’s how I know something will break soon. It’s an untenable trajectory. The human spirit cannot endure such soulless existence for long, and certainly not on a global scale.

    And that’s why I hope I’ll have a tractor before it kicks off. Farming in the good times, trench and moat-building in the hard times!

    Wish me luck people!

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      Oh… You mean, they lied?

      I wasn’t looking for this, but just came across it. I doubt it will stay on YT too long. Too much truth in it I think.

      I am sure you are shocked to find out that Germany under Hitler was not actually racist. I know I would have been a few years ago.


        An update on WWIII

        As regulars here will know, WWIII fatigue is a thing and the remedy is to simply do the things I keep mentioning on this blog, as well as the linked to post above.

        Nevertheless it’s always good to know what is about to happen around you, so an occasional review of the situation is worth doing.

        Cocaine Clown and Ukraine are done. It doesn’t matter how much laundering money or cocaine mountains the West sends to Ukraine, Russia has absolutely depleted Ukraine of every armament and even more importantly of fighting men. some 500k escaped the country before the war, and about 100k are reportedly AWOL. So the front line is basically going to be a ghost town soon and the weapons the West is sending are getting trashed by the Russians who are years ahead with electronic warfare tech.

        We are fast approaching a point where Russia taking its time and letting the USA and Europe self-rain their very economies and military hardware will have reached peak efficiency. If NATO is allowed to survive in some fashion, then they will eventually re-arm and come at Russia again. The extremely patient way in which Russia (and China) are prosecuting their war efforts is strategically extremely sound. Their hope must be that with impending, or even actual economic collapse, the parasites running the USA and by extension NATO, will have all their control structures begin to disintegrate. Taking Italy or Greece, or Spain as examples, as the people become further pissed off and more violent immigrants are important, eventually, something will give. Riots, breakdown of civil society and the formation of separatist movements, in short, what the Americans have tried to produce from Egypt to Kazakhstan and are currently trying in Moldavia, Romania and other places, will begin to happen in reverse, but probably without any or much of a push from foreign powers. People are really starting to have enough now. And when that dam breaks, it is very likely that “Yankee go home” will become a slogan again throughout Europe.

        Historically Italy has never had an issue with Russia. But Italy has some 150 Yankee military bases on our territory and our political class are all appendages of Biden’s impending colostomy bag. But daily assaults on women and a few on minor girls too are starting to get the people riled up. As are the continually rising food prices. Unfortunately, there is still a rather latent fear in the people, mostly driven by the women of this country who have nevertheless been a little more resistant to the generic feminism fostered on the Anglos, but in this case, while many Anglo women are starting to realise that feminism has absolutely wrecked women’s lives far more than any possible patriarchy ever did, the eye-ties women are still stuck on something agin to second-wave feminism. The shift to third wave rabid and fourth wave utterly insane feminism/transgender/globohomo -ism is a step too far though and one can begin to see the confusion in their eyes. Some double-down while rejecting the more insane aspects. Others begin to realise that if they want out of the nightmare they need a man with his own set of balls and prepared to fight for his family, and when they look around and see the mostly emasculated fields of metrosexuals they helped create, they begin to despair.

        I was talking to a colleague a few days ago, and he told me how in his work, all the reliable people are over 50. GenX are the only ones that are still capable of producing excellent work on time and in budget, and who will go the extra mile late at night when needed. I find that some of the Anglo boomers are actually very reliable for their age and can be counted on, but I tend to agree that overall the millennials have always been mostly useless, and the zoomers are the hope, but I am not sure on their numbers yet. Some are full blown zealots that make one proud and I certainly have met several of those and they are loyal and helpful as well as reliable, so my hope is with them. The lazy or weaker ones I think mostly just lack a teacher. It brings back the memory of a post I wrote several years ago to a friend, who has since passed away (God rest your soul Ian), who lamented the lack of leaders. I explained then that it was not that GenX wasn’t capable. It was that we are a small cohort of survivors who are still not in power in any meaningful way. Zoomers who are willing to listen to GenXers who still have a fire burning inside, can gain a lot from such interactions. And given the emails I get, perhaps I should put together a short book in the spirit of St. Bernard, a kind of small guidebook to navigating globohomo as a man in the wastelands.

        A survival guide of sorts for our times. I did a humorous version of this with the RPG, but a more serious work might be in order. Let me know what you think of it.

        But I digress. The fact is if Russia does not secure its position, the parasites running the USA (and by extension NATO) will eventually attack again. Europe needs a Pax Russiana. And this cannot happen while Europe is littered with American military bases. So the economy of Europe and the USA needs to collapse first. the chaos that ensues will allow for a very small period during which a certain level of independence can be achieved by various European nations or even forming of new ones. I for one have not yet given up on the idea of having a proper resurgence of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

        Russia invading Europe militarily is not viable, reasonable or tenable, so that will not happen, but the puppet-masters of the USA and NATO know that if they do not drag Russia into a perennial war, they are doomed.

        So what to do? I think they will try their damnedest to have European boots on the ground in Ukraine. But I don’t think the actual soldiers will go for it. And this begins to threaten things like military coups. Not really, because the higher ups in the military are all well-selected for arse-licking and boot kissing, but all it takes is a popular captain or colonel and things can change rapidly. Also, at least in Italy, the chances of one Italian soldier shooting on another Italian soldier are close to nil in the greater scheme of things.

        So, if you are in Europe, prepare for very harsh economic realities, and concomitant rise in crime of all kinds. If you survive this period, which can last several years, your nation state may have changed considerably.

        Any politician that wants to survive will have to make a calculated risk on where and when to “flip” and the first order of business will have to be to stop and indeed reverse immigration of illegals with absolute enforcement and not mere words. Whoever does that will have the popular vote even if they wanted to hang him from a lamppost a week earlier.

        The difficulty of that will be to survive the economic backlash. But the reality is that if a politician did that and asked for it, he would get economic help from Russia, China and Iran, almost immediately I think. The main issue with such a move is timing, and being able to survive the personal media onslaught, which would be relentless and possibly also the kind of “accident” that happens to inconvenient people. That said, I believe there are ways that an astute survivor could go about this. primarily by canvassing quietly among the armed forces as to who is willing to support him, because as we have seen by now, words mean nothing when compared to force.

        So, we are definitely about to enter interesting times even if we don’t have another bio-engineered pandemic, activation of all the injected zombies by 5G capable lamp-posts and possible fake alien invasions.

        Stock up on foodstuff and ammunition boys and girls, it’s going to be a wild ride.

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          Heretics, Heretics Everywhere…

          …and not a brain to think.

          Yes, I have adapted my own adaptation of the famous poem about being lost at sea.

          Water, Water, Water everywhere, And not a drop to drink.

          At about age 15 or 16 I changed it to:

          Idiots, Idiots, Idiots everywhere, And not a brain to think.

          But one evolves in thinking, so, the slightly new version.

          It was brought on by reading Malcom Collins’, rather retarded take on a topic I have pondered at times here and there, and which is somewhat covered (not fully yet, but it will be) in my Nazi Moon book.

          That is, religion in an Interstellar society.

          The simple reality of it is that this idea is not in any way new. Aquinas touched on it as did I think at least one other doctor of the Church, though I forget which one. Dan Simmons, explored it probably in the most depth, though using the works of the arch-heretic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, which paradoxically, brought me closer to Christianity, probably given how far from it I was.

          The question is only apparently interesting though, because if you think about it for a few minutes, or even seconds, it hinges on an unspoken premise of doubt. A mind-worm of heresy and gnosticism that corrodes the truth while acting in darkness. Because ultimately either you know your religion is real and true and therefore the ultimate truth, or you doubt it. Now, for myself, I thoroughly understand that essential doubt, that questioning query, that unanswered “deep” question you think you have. I lived that way for about 43 years, despite the fact that by age 16 I had rejected atheism as untenable, and remained a Zen-Agnostic that simply could not believe in the resurrection with any real faith. While I did not discount it completely, I had absolutely no evidence in my life that anything comes back from the dead in a corporeal form. I was ready to accept continuation of life after death in some fashion, ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, whatever, were all at least possibilities, but rising from the properly dead, Lazarus of Jesus style, was something I gave a vanishingly small chance to be true to.

          So I understand the wish to try and find a system of life based on a philosophy rooted in truth, and thinking Christianity is wanting. And Catholicism also being very much far from what I would expect from the true religion, as it is presented to us with Bergoglio as Pope and his pedophiles and homosexual indulging in cocaine fuelled orgies while pretending to be bishops and priests right in the Vatican. It is only when I looked at Christianity from the start and discovered that Catholicism has nothing to do with the Satanists currently pretending to be Catholics that infest the Vatican, and realised that Vatican II was when the great usurpation had happened. Yet, after my road to Damascus moment, without which it is unlikely I would be a sedevacantist Catholic today, the doubt about Jesus resurrecting simply vanished. And strangely, I found myself reconnecting with a part of myself I was unaware remained. A kind of innocence I had maybe still at age 2 or so, that has been shredded shortly thereafter by living on this planet. But aside my personal sensations, the astonishing thing is that Catholicism , the real one, not the fake poisonous version spouted by the child-raping enthusiasts of the Vatican, not only modelled reality better than any other philosophy I had encountered, but it answered many of the long-unanswered questions I had. The problem of evil, how prayer actually works, the consequences of free will, and many, many, many more. It also is the best model for predicting how people in general will act and even how large trends may go.

          Malcom’s idea of cobbling together an “Abhramic religion” for a potentially interstellar society, is simply the thrashings of a man that has no real conviction, no real faith, and no real reasoning capacity. It is the grasping attempts of someone outside the cathedral pretending he can make his own version of it outside it that is “better”. In short, he is a heretic, or a gnostic. He may even be genuine in his attempts, but he is like a cargo-cultist thinking if he carves a shape that looks like an aeroplane out of a palm tree, that he will be able to fly in it. No, Malcom. you will not fly in it.

          All you need to do is read the first paragraph of his post to know he is not a great thinker.

          Most traditional religions in the world, while relatively more resistant to prosperity-induced fertility collapse, are still facing extinction (just with a slight delay). This buys these religions precious time to build better defenses and acquire more allies for the coming trials. Those that indolently decide to return to a structure and mindset that evolved within (and was optimized for) a pre-internet, pre-AI world, … heck pre industrial world—blinded by arrogance and Golden Age Thinking—deserve their fate. Only through cultural innovation does our species survive.

          Let us count the ways in which his thinking is flawed.

          Firstly, it is absolutely clear that if any religion is true, then that truth is absolute. If you assume a loving God, then that truth is also as complete as humanity can ever understand it. And will continue to be so to the end of time. Therefore, there is simply no need to “upgrade” anything concerning modernity. It is the very core of the infiltrators, heretics and especially gnostics, that you have to “adapt” or “improve” on the absolute truth. Most telling, Bergoglio recently changed the Ave Maria and also the Pater Noster. This Satanic protector of pedophiles, thinks he can improve on the very prayer that Jesus gave us, the Pater Noster.

          It is, of course an obvious tell that either you are an intentional deceiver, or, at best, you simply do not believe any religion is true.

          Secondly, he also does not believe in God, nor His Love, Mercy and (at least for Catholics) the promise of His always being with us and His return.

          If he did, he would not worry about his enemies so much, nor would he be trying to make alliances with random un-believers. Which is not to say that I wouldn’t stand shoulder to shoulder with a Muslim if it meant cutting down the Davos Satanists, but the best a Catholic and a Muslim can hope for is separate nations with high walls and a rigidly strict code of conduct for either side visiting the other. Most often, the historical relation between Muslims and Catholics is that Muslims will try to wipe Catholics out, until the Catholics begin to respond, then the Muslims tend to retreat, until the tide shifts again. And given Islam’s intent, it is unlikely that they will leave Catholic alone even in an ideal setting.

          The point is that if your God loves you, and your religion is true, as St. Bernard would say, what are you even worried about? Martyr of warrior that goes down in battle or that wins glory for God, if you are with God, what threat does death hold for you? Or hardship? It is all just temporary. And while some trials will absolutely test men to breaking point, if you truly believe, you will not lose your faith. the story of Job being the classic example.

          Thirdly, his contempt for his predecessors is self-evident and little does he realise that a true system that is given to us by a Loving God, cannot ever be incomplete, or “not up to date”. Truth doesn’t have a sell-by date, Malcom.

          As for his last sentence, it clearly demonstrates Malcom is a sub-par autist (which his mannerism makes quite clear, if you watch the video) that hasn’t even the capacity to observe the last hundred years or so of history and draw some conclusions concerning “cultural innovation” and the over 100 million lives murdered by it, not to mention however many millions will die as a result of the latest “cultural innovation” of “medicine” and how many children have been satanically mutilated on the “cultural innovation” of transgenderism, and on, and on, and on.

          If you wish to know what an Interstellar religion that would work would look like, you need look no further than proper Catholicism, which today is only found in Sedevacantism, and being true, necessarily rejects all other religions and pretences at “Christianity”, precisely because the truth is only one.

          Poul Anderson, wrote The High Crusade some 50 years ago, and yet it remains a fantastically entertaining and excellent book, which I think better describes a truly Interstellar religion than anything else I have come across, including Dan Simmons’ modernised pseudo-catholic version.

          Anderson’s work is great because it also reminds the reader that until Henry the VIII, England was Catholic, and if the residents of the United Kingdom had any true idea of what was taken from them, there might be another crusade tomorrow.

          In short then, Malcom, if man ever goes to the stars, the religion that will last out there with him is the only true one. And there is only One Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.

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            Isn’t it curious…

            That in a supposedly secular world, I am free to hate nazis, people that make value judgements based on appearance, but not other people that make value judgments based on appearance. I am free to hate white racists but not black racists. I am free to say it’s ok to be black, but not free to say it’s ok to be white. I am somewhat free to hate almost anybody, for any reason, but never Jews for any reason at all. Or even for any facts, like the current genocide of Palestinians.

            But you see, the truth is that you are free to dislike and even actively hate whoever you want. I’m not particularly fond even of Italians, myself. I don’t like humans in general very much at all. The crime is in expressing any opinion on anything. Which is why AI is being ferociously introduced everywhere. AI will make a grey goo of everything and everyone. You will not be allowed to call me a Dago or a Spaniard a Spic or a black guy a Nigger, or a Chinese guy a Chink. No, no, no, that’s terrible! You will be killed for your own good with fake vaccines by supposedly educated and well-meaning doctors, but God (who doesn’t exist according to these “people”) forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce instead of Caytlin, his fake name chosen to pretend he’s a woman. In Germany they now will fine you for “deadnaming” a Tranny.

            It’s enough to make you think that even if the Nazis were really as bad as they have been portrayed in every film and every official history book since the end of World War II, living under Nazism might be preferable to living under TransgendericTranshumanistHomoglobalism as eschewed by our Satanic Pedophile “betters”.

            But the point of all this is that you have been brainwashed into believing far more dangerous nonsense. You have been taught to believe your vote makes a difference. that politicians make a difference. That the levers of power are somehow influenced by votes and popular wishes.

            While early man and pretty much everyone until about 200 years ago, has always known that the levers of power only change hands by one method and one method only. The same one that has resolved all human conflict and problems for good or evil in all instances: Massive amounts of violence.

            Yet you watch the goings on in Ukraine and still believe that the powers that be would not sent millions to their death simply for their own entertainment, never mind for a grasp at power and influence in the world.

            No one is voting the Satanic pedophiles out of power. That will literally never happen, and has never happened throughout human history.

            Digest this fact. Whatever pill you want to call this, it’s the one you really need to take above all.

            Might does not make right in the eyes of God, but we live here under the dominion of Satan. Which for a believer leaves only two choices. Martyr of Warrior. Your soul knows which kind you are.

            And for all you secularists…

            Good luck trusting $cienc-eh and the Cohen-sensus of it.

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