Giuseppe Filotto Cross

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The War in the Middle East and You

You will have noticed my almost complete silence on this aspect of the ongoing WWIII except to point out that Israel is killing completely innocent civilians en mass and in a completely and clearly genocidal way in Gaza, which is true. They are essentially trying to wipe out an entire people and justifying it by saying, basically that all Palestinians are terrorists and the only good Palestinian is a dead one. If that’s the new rules of engagement, as created and acted on by Israel, then it should not surprise anyone if at some point, a great number of people, using the same rules Israel is using against the Palestinians comes to conclude that the only good Jew is a dead Jew. And then acts on it.

Aside that aspect, the genocidal, inhuman, disgusting, murderous actions of the IDF and Benjamin Netanyahu and those like him, I have not really commented on the goings on there.

Mostly this has been because any commentary on the details of the events there would be missing the much more important and salient point of the entirety of the COVID scam and WWIII overall, which started at the end of October 2019 and in which we are now in the fifth year of.

This has been finally and beautifully summed up in this post at Vox Popoli. Here is the primary extract, but read the whole thing.

All of the economic crises since 1989, and the economic crises to come, are quite literally created in order to weaken the natural resistance to the structural globalization sought by Clown World. This is why we keep hearing about how defeat in Ukraine means not only defeat, but the end of the neoliberal world order.

In short, yes, it is absolutely true and all wars in modern times, certainly from WWI onwards, have all, without exception, been bankers wars.

And when you look at who exactly runs these banks and these wars, who exactly profits from them, the usual suspects, like Rothschilds and Soros and so on are absolutely and completely complicit.

When you see that, the inevitable WWIII fatigue sets in even before WWIII appears. As the meme goes: It’s all just so tiresome. And predictable at the grossest level if not in the details.

As an individual, especially if you’re somewhat misanthropic, like I am, the best strategy until October 2019 was to simply avoid and ignore all the evil that these people running things perpetrated on the planet. This broadly speaking meant:

  • Ignore all political parties and their rhetoric
  • Ignore all economists and their bafflegarble
  • Avoid being in any military or any place that can potentially become a war-zone
  • Look only at realities as they are and ignore all the “theories” of “experts”
  • Ignore journalists and mainstream media
  • Ignore political correctness and any of its hydra-spawning heads like wokeness, liberalism, feminism, socialism, communism, capitalism, and pretty much all the “isms”
  • Focus on your own interests and family and secure what you can as best you can

I pretty much embodied all of the above points except the last one, which I only really did from 2018/19 on. The reason being that the family from which I originated had pretty much scattered to the four winds before I even finished high-school and I did not create a family of my own until 2018/2019, after my first attempt in 2010/2011 failed spectacularly. In essence I had no reason to secure anything in life, and doing so tends to be dreary, routine, “boring” (but necessary) work. I preferred instead to explore and experience life in its many facets. I travelled a lot. I saw many different people and cultures and learnt many different ways that people are both superficially and deeply, and I did it all mostly to just satisfy my own curiosity.

I was never a materialist, even in my brief atheistic stint from age 7 to 16 or thereabouts. Always what mattered most to me was my own internal sense of justice, honour, and perhaps most of all curiosity; especially of things that may be avoided by most, usually due to complexity or danger of the situation or thing being investigated.

It is mostly why I have had what —-by anyone’s standards—- can be said to be an unusual life, if you’re polite; and batshit insane if you’re more accustomed to how most normal people in the West live.

I think there are a couple of types of people in life, those who are constitutionally built that way internally, like me, those who pretend to be because they value the supposed bragging rights or “fame” or “status” such lives apparently inspire in other, and those who avoid such unstable and frankly dangerous lives. While the danger in my case was real and yes, it did include people literally wanting to kill me, a life lived in exploration/curiosity mode is dangerous in far leas obvious way. Aside injury, disease or accidental death, you also have things like not having a pension plan (I was always aware this was a factor and I still think it’s not worth worrying about even at age 54) not necessarily being in a place where medical or emergency attention is even possible, the prospect of being later unable to settle down to create a family, or becoming gradually addicted to being nomadic in work, life, relationships, and so on.

In short, while your life may be personally enriched and deepened by many sights you see and people and circumstances you encounter and involve yourself with, ultimately you may end up leaving nothing behind of much use or worth. Up until 2019, my legacy was limited to the books, The Face on Mars, Systema, and Believe! And while each of these was indeed a book that did inspire and change lives, which I know, because at least some of the people who read them wrote to tell me so, if there was going to be any improvement in the world, it was left for others to do so. The hope being that at least some of those who did read those books, could take those lessons on board and go on to make structural changes in the world that I had little interest to take on personally. And when I say little interest, I mean that I simply could not imagine dedicating my life to try and improve much of anything on a planet that was, by all intents and purposes, populated by a bunch of selfish, destructive, and worst of all, stupid monkeys.

My plan, since age 16 or so had pretty much remained unchanged. Find at least one person worthwhile and make an island of the two of you and forget the world. It was basically the speech that the character played by Sean Penn gives at the end of the film The Thin Red Line. I could have written those same words years before at age 16 when I recall making a clear and committed thought to that kind of life. The world was full of lies, idiots, and an endless ocean of bullshit. The only answer I saw was to get into your own little boat and sail it while remaining detached from it all. Maybe I could find a little island above it, or create it. The idea of children really was not even on the cards, given this boomer-inspired propaganda version of how I saw the world. Absent a real, demonstrable evidence of a loving God that actually cares about us specifically, not much matters. And that evidence must be pretty rock solid, at least to yourself, but in my case that required pretty massive proof.

Why the long paragraphs of apparent self-absorbed biography? Not because you should care about me or my life or my reasons, but because I suspect if you are of my kind, that is, the explorer kind, you may have similar attitudes and approaches to life as I had.

And hopefully you are younger than me today and perhaps you can benefit from my experience, and avoid the things that can otherwise make you waste years of time before you realise what truly matters. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret my life and I spend exactly zero minutes a year pondering “what ifs” in a forlorn manner. My “what ifs” are mostly amused reflections, and at most I have a twinge of nostalgia for some times long gone, and perhaps a self-critique of my relative lack of kindness towards some people or situations, which was usually simply the result of my own pitiless observations of reality as it is, which I then applied to myself before doing so to anyone else.

But the point remains, that some things do matter, and like with my books, I often wish I could as easily transmit those things to others in some efficient way.

My later books, especially Reclaiming the Catholic Church and Caveman Theory, but also the RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse, are primarily aimed at showing you the way of moving towards, and achieving, those things that do matter:

  • The knowledge of God and the truth of Him, which for all my supposed (and real) intelligence, I missed for some 43 years or so.
  • The primary relationship you need to create a family, and,
  • How to survive whatever comes at you to create that family and make it thrive.

So, here, in this blog post, let me try to impart onto you why, unless you are personally involved in the hot front of one of the current hotspots of WWIII, your focus should be on building your own realm and thus shifting your reality from that of a subject/victim/cog-in-the-machine, to that of Lord of your tiny realm, and in any event, absolute and sole decider of your choices and consequences you will face in life.

The simple fact of the matter is that absent your conscious rejection and resistance to the path the satanic billionaire pedophiles and bankers (but I repeat myself) that run things want to put you on, you WILL be put on it.

Resisting and rejecting it only step 1.

Step 2 is you need to create communities of others that like you reject and resist it. It is YOUR job to do so. No one else will do it for you. You are that leader. There is no one else.

Step 3 is organise and act as a community.

That’s it.

I have always done step 1 even as child for the most part. But I never bothered to even try and do step 2 until about a year or year and a half ago. Mostly because from 2019 until 2022 I was busy providing a situation for my family that would be resilient to anything that the world could throw at us, and while that is a constant and never ending task, I have for the most part achieved that. The next step is community building and while it is not a natural skill for me, I am relatively successful at it, especially when you consider my lifelong misanthropy.

Step 3 will eventually come along when a critical mass of people is reached.

If you are busy doing these things, the entirety of the war in Ukraine, the genocide happening in Gaza, the possible eventual war-zone of Israel, the reclaiming of Taiwan by China, the incredible embargo being put in place by the Houthis in Yemen on Red Sea shipping, and even the regular crime happening in many cities in Europe and the so-called West, are pretty much irrelevant to you unless there are drones and bullets whizzing past your head.

Your position should be like the one of a soldier in war time that is not yet at the front. Prepare, drill, ensure your gear is up to the task, co-ordinate and co-operate with your team, and if you’re just a couple of guys, use the analogous military metaphor. Sniper teams are two people. But you can recruit the local goat herder to have his goats block a road or act as a warning when enemy enters the territory. Stock up on food and learn the local landscape. Who’s reliable, who’s not and who’s a potential liability? What skills have you developed? What security have you created? And so on.

If you are of the adventuring class, you’re different from the average NPC, your life is certainly less boring, though also probably less secure in some ways and paradoxically more secure in others. Your specific situation will be unique, but the generic advice I have tried to transmit here and that I reiterate below in bullet-point format remains correct for almost all of you. Here it is again:

  • God is real and exists and prayer and miracles are real. You may think this is nonsense as I did for about 43 years. I was wrong. I can’t prove it to you but I have satisfied myself beyond doubt this is the case. And I am almost certainly more skeptical than you have ever been.
  • The family you are born into is incidental and may be good or bad or a mix. The family you create yourself is your responsibility and your duty to provide for. Luxury is not required. It’s why it’s called luxury. Fundamentals are. And the most fundamental things are not material even though you need at least enough material stuff to eat regularly and so on. Find the right woman for yourself and that understands what matters and create your own family. The world right now is completely aimed at preventing you from doing that. I wrote Caveman Theory specifically to help you see how to go about doing that.
  • A certain level of money or resources is required to put yourself in a position where you can provide for your family as well as lead others in a community you begin yourself. So if you have not got that yet, work at it. And hard. Because a financial crash of global proportions is already under way, whether it continues as the rising tide that it has been since 2020 or whether it breaks like a tsunami no one can really predict accurately, and different places will have different things happen, but your entire savings turning to being worth less than second-hand toilet paper is a very real possibility in the months and years to come. So don’t get despondent, get manic at making that money and converting it to tangible assets. If you’re a young single guy in 2024 that might just be getting a motor home and a shotgun, in preparation for the days of Mad Max apocalypse.scenario. Or it may mean you want to buy an Island in Panama (I nearly did). Whatever it is, work at it in emergency mode. Secure the best assets you can as quick as you can and don’t stop hustling. You’ll have time to rest when the collapse happens or you’re dead. Whichever comes first.

And that’s it. And if you are in a hot zone… well, it’s simple really: GTFO.

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    Yes, it is basically confirmed that liberals are essentially soulless Morlocks.

    Just as we already know that atheist are generally the result of mutagenic overload, meaning they are genetically defective, liberals are hateful ideologues that care more about inanimate objects than their own families.

    And since they are the party of SCIENCE! they can hardly refute the evidence.

    Godless, hateful, mentally ill freaks is how one might best define liberals.


      How Strange…

      The very people who mindlessly push a narrative seem to have no wish to actually deal with the consequences of said narrative.

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        Don’t despair young man

        I tend to catch up on Adam’s blog once in a while since his frequency is not daily or even weekly at times and today I read this post of his, where he got an email from some depressed and saddened young man.

        In all honesty, aside the funny video, which I have seen many times before and enjoyed, I thought Adam’s reply was not exactly helpful.

        I’d like to take the same excerpt of the man’s email Adam posted and respond to it, as I would publicly. Although in all honesty I would probably have responded privately, as I generally do to readers’ emails, time permitting.

        I am very frustrated and depressed about the craziness going on in the world that I am barely holding onto my faith. I am not exactly agnostic but I guess I’ll consider myself ex-Catholic. I can’t reconcile the good news in the Bible juxtaposed against the reality of evil in this world, but not only that evil is here but at this point it is consuming everything and is never going to get better. Neither Heaven or Hell (in their conventional Christian understanding) sound as appealing to me and for a long time I lost motivation and appetite for spirituality.

        I also wished I could have dated since high school, I have been single my entire life except for one time I dated a girl for almost 12 months. I am now feeling more grieved and frustrated about it because everyday the crazy stuff in the world gets worse and worse and I feel like I am running out of time. I know that there will not be any new families or sexual/romantic relationships in Heaven and it is really disappointing me. I guess I’m looking for some kind of sympathetic reply.

        It seems pretty clear to me this man’s depression would be gone if he had a hot woman that loved him dearly by his side. So, telling him that he needs to first conquer the world before he can get that woman is not going to help him get out of that rut.

        I’d like to know why he didn’t date in high-school. Was it due to a religious belief? Shyness? Being ugly and generally and incel? That would help me have a better sense of the guy and hence be more able to make relevant suggestions.

        Here is the thing though: No matter who you are, there is someone out there that suits you and would make life a LOT more worthwhile for you. The hard part if finding her. And then both of you recognising it in each other.

        I imagine that being alone, feeling alone, perhaps not being exactly popular even before the scamdemic with girls, and now maybe being a pureblood and not wanting to contemplate breeding with the vaxxed, it would be quite easy for a young man to get depressed.

        Adam himself wrote in his first book how when he was young he also, like all young men wondered if one day he might ever experience sex. And when we thought about that, even in an African desertic area that may as well have been a moisture farm on Tatooine, the world felt full of possibilities. Now it fees like everyone is living under a soviet style dictatorship. Emphasis on feels. In reality, under full covid restrictions I moved about wherever I wanted, my good friend that lived with us for a year helping out on the farm travelled by plane around Europe and neither of us got the genetic serums. So the first point to realise is that yes the world is mostly run by evil Satanic pedophiles that want you dead and enslaved, but it was always this way. Now you just know about it.

        The most important point to have in life is mental strength. When everyone else is giving up is when you get inspired to push on even more than before. See the ones dropping like flies around you as a bonus. You’re still going! It’s proof those guys are not up to your standard. Admittedly, even before I met any Russians at all, I always had that “if he dies he’s no good for Spetsnaz” attitude and I know not everyone is born with it, but you should try and get that kind of attitude anyway in life.

        As for “doing things” and leaving a mark before you get the girl, sure, that is generally how it works out, but it’s wrong to think that is how you motivate yourself. The motivation is the other way round. You want the girl? So become someone worthy of whatever fantasy girl you have in your head. The one you will eventually end up with will not be exactly as you fantasise, but for some of us, it works out she is even better than what you imagined, and it’s not so rare that things end up working out that way as you might think.

        As for the vaxxed, if you’re a pureblood, it makes things easier to sort the viable ones (purebloods) from the vaxxed. It is a great sifter of people, and now you know the ones that are of your tribe a lot easier.

        As for that feeling that you’re running out of time? It’s not real… yet, but act like it in terms of doing stuff and achieving goals. Work your ass off. Do the things required to win. To make a lot of money fast. To buy property. To climb that ladder of material success, sure, it’s worldly crap, but you’re in a kind of Hell, so play the game and win even at their stupid game, but never be in a rush. Be calm and steady even as you run all day and all night to create whatever it is you envision for your life with the dreamgirl.

        Me, I was always chasing the dreamgirl. And the stuff I was doing I was doing it only because it interested me. I travelled, I took on dangerous work and dangerous hobbies because I wanted to. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, in fact that thought didn’t even register as a thing. I did what I did because I was curious. I kept at martial arts because I wanted to see if I could get really good. I worked in close protection because it suited my temperament and my way of being and thinking. I read all sorts of books because I have always been insatiably curious. And so on it went. I changed countries, careers and women because that is how life worked out for me and because I took roads others mostly would not have but that interested me. And while I attempted to “find” the dreamgirl in every pretty woman I became intimate with, I also kind of knew they weren’t it. And when I did meet her I knew right away. Even without knowing. Yet I knew. And in her own way, so did she.

        Believe me, I have seen this a lot. Stay strong and keep walking, do NOT despair, remain standing when all around you have fallen, and you will eventually find her too. But not if you despair and black-pill yourself. That is not the Way.

        And I hope Adam lets that young man know of this post, as I think it will help him a little more.

        Ignore the evil. Live with the flame of God’s crusaders inside you, until your last breath.

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          I recently had yet the umpteenth comment from one of the MGTOW incels that thank God, are self-selecting for their DNA being removed from the gene pool, who, as usual, whined and bitched like the mewling excuse for a man that they invariably are, that you should “protect yourself” from women, divorce and children.

          I mean, seriously, these guys make the most flamboyant homosexual look like a paragon of manliness. I also find it extremely funny and interesting that when I invariably thank them and encourage them to absolutely stick to their guns and never change their mind; that is, to make sure they NEVER reproduce and thankfully end their weak and irrelevant line of DNA, they tend to get irate and immediately begin both LOLing in text and trying to insult me, my children and wish death upon them. Truly, it demonstrates being a shadow of a doubt that they are simply absolute cowards, involuntary celibate and incapable of attracting a woman at all and are unlikely to ever do so. And like feminists try to convince other, better looking, sexier, more feminine women to become as miserable as they are, the MGTOW movement is essentially the same thing for men.

          Imagine being so weak, so incompetent, so scared of life that you don’t even bother to TRY and find a good woman and make a family. Imagine being such a wuss that you whine and cry about “the gubment” not being on your side. When has it ever been on the side of actual men? Government, as Lysander Spooner pointed out a couple of centuries ago, is simply a coalition of the most violent thugs who take things by force. And they eventually get organised and call themselves government. They are composed of the laziest, most fraudulent, cowardly, vicious parasites humanity has ever created. And while in times long past sometimes these men were the result of courageous warriors taking leadership roles, and it meant from time to time their tyrannical exploits were at least mostly just, today, they are invariably toadies and worm-tongues. And have been for at least a couple of centuries for sure. So, which man, that still has his own set of testicles attached really sits there and whines about “…the government should make it easier for me to…(fill in the blank)”.

          What a bunch of useless oxygen thieves they are.

          Anyway, now that I have mentioned how I feel about these idiots, allow me to point out one of the infinite benefits of having children.

          The littlest one, who has blue eyes like her mom, since my own mother also had blue eyes, has got a serious case of Daddy-itis. So much so that my wife has said if it wasn’t for the fact she breastfeeds, this little one would forget she exists.

          The hugs and cuddles and laughter she exhibits just from simple things is amazing. As soon as she wakes up her first word is “daddy!” and then a rush to hug me and give me some kisses. Her first complete sentences are along the lines of asking her brother and mother “Where is daddy?”

          She has the ability to interrupt practically anything I am doing by simply saying “Daddy…?” meaning she would like me to notice her and take time with her. The other day her eldest sister was playing a game with her, which consisted of her running towards her sister, then getting picked up and thrown in the air a little. She loved it and carried on doing it but required me watching each run. When I got distracted by missing one of the runs, she ran up to me and gently slapping my leg was like: “daddy, daddy… ook!”

          She misses the L from look still.

          Each one of them has their own way, the boy invariably asks me if he can help. I gave him the electric pruners the other day, standing over him and making sure he had both hands on them and instructing him all the way as he cut little branches of a bush I was clearing from near the fish pond. I didn’t let it go on too long because his mother was clearly having palpitations watching him snip branches that were several times the size of his fingers. Even so, I can see why farmer’s kids help around the farm by age five or six. A friend of mine was driving the tractor for his dad at age eight, and it was more difficult because he’s a little guy and he could barely reach the pedals. The point is that the natural way of doing things explains why people that were 13 or 14 years old even led armies a few centuries ago. We have been a few generations of molly-coddled, cotton-ball wrapped, bunch of weaklings for at least seven or eight decades now, but I am seeing how simply growing up in touch with nature helps our children return to a natural way of being that has been almost lost for Western men and women. I too was lucky in that I grew up with almost zero supervision outside the home and in as wild an Africa as you got back then, which is nowhere near what it is today. I often feel I was indeed born in the wrong century, either one from long, long, ago, or at least the 1800s might have been almost ideal for me, or then again, maybe a few centuries from now when exploring other star systems is a thing. Well, I think it might be a thing already, but I am just not privy to that aspect of it. Yet. Then again, it’s probably the case every man feels out of time when in reality they are exactly where they need to be.

          I don’t want any MGTOW incels anywhere near me. I want men that understand what family is and who know what it feels like to have your little daughter have daddy-its, or your son. Or see one of your children have mommy-itis, like our second-youngest daughter has. And feeling genuine love. The love described in the Bible, that wants nothing for itself, but exists solely to give, and see the beauty in every little moment of the day.

          I have never been a huge fan of Hemingway, mostly because I didn’t find his writing particularly great. I could approximate it even as a teenager. And a lot of his “manly stories” were the result of an almost obsessive need to be perceived that way. His life was a serial set of tragedy and drama and the final end of his life was frankly, pathetic. I do not say this to speak ill of the dead, I hope God had mercy on his soul and we all have our demons, but I think it was him that said that for someone to be a man he should plant a tree, write a book and have a child. Well I have done plenty of all of those things, and I have faced some dangerous situations and people, but above all, I think what makes a man is an absolutely unflinching ability to truly know yourself in the very depths.

          And I have never met a man that qualifies under that definition that would not have his heart melt when at a two-foot tall little person runs at him every time she sees him, squealing “Daddy!” in delight, as if you had just returned from a six month trip to the Siberian outback, instead of just getting something from one of the garden sheds for five minutes, and who rams into your legs, hugging you then looks up at you full of joy and enthusiasm and stretches her little arms and hands up at you so you can pick her up and she can squeeze your neck into a hug that would be life-threatening if she was little bigger.

          So, to those nihilists, boomers, black-pillars, incels, bitter losers at life, acidic feminists (there is no other kind, the PH of their vaginas is literally a threat to all life), and their insipid doom and gloom predictions, all I can say is: Carry on just as you are. Never change.

          They are doing us the enormous favour of ensuring that genetic mishap that is them is never propagated further into the species. And that is good. All we want now are the kind of men and women that heard Urban II in the year of our Lord 1095, and listened to him, and acted accordingly with it.

          It is no place for their kind or kin.

          It is our time returning now.

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